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1 <html><head><title>Older news</title></head>
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4 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-06</td><td>Finished documenting policing filters,
5 added short piece on Generic Random Early Detection queueing.
7 This is a major release and as such some things are changing. We are no
8 longer the '2.4 HOWTO', the canonical name now is 'Linux Advanced Routing
9 &amp; Shaping HOWTO', the canonical URL is <a
10 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc>http://ds9a.nl/lartc</a>. Bumped the version
11 number to 0.9.0. Now is the time to help us spot mistakes, I'm going to push
12 the HOWTO to the LDP somewhere next week, I want it to be perfect then. Oh,
13 and we re-licensed under the Open Publication License, which increases
14 your freedom as a user.
15 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-03</td><td>All other queueing disciplines are now
16 documented as well. Furthermore, '<a
17 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc/HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing-12.html>hashed filtered
18 queueing</a>' (last section) is also
19 explained. Some chapters were shuffled, this chapter is mostly new:
21 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc/HOWTO/cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing-14.html>14.
22 Advanced & less common queueing disciplines</a>. Chapter 9 was improved a
23 lot too. Only policing filters are next!
24 </td>
25 <tr><td valign=top>2001-12-01</td><td>CBQ is now nearly completely
26 documented. And how shaping works in general as well. Big reorganization.
27 Read all about it <a
28 href=http://ds9a.nl/lartc/HOWTO//cvs/2.4routing/output/2.4routing-9.html>here</a>!
29 </td>
30 <tr><td valign=top>2001-11-28</td><td>Lecture was given to a pretty full
31 room, read more about it <a
32 href=http://ds9a.nl/cbq-presentation>here</a>.</td>
33 <tr><td valign=top>2001-11-22</td><td>Mailinglist has been back for a while
34 and is in full swing again. Server broken again, due to crappy 1U case
35 design we are seeing CPU temperatures of 80C. In contact with vendor. Bert
36 Hubert will be giving a lecture about CBQ during this year's <a
37 href=http://www.linux-kongress.de>Linux Kongress</a>
38 , you need to <b>be there</b>. There will be a tremendous Netfilter/iptables presence!
39 </td>
40 <tr><td valign=top>2001-09-11</td><td><a
41 href=http://outpost.powerdns.com>New server</a>! If you can read this, it
42 works. Expect the mailinglist to return shortly.
43 </td>
44 <tr><td valign=top>2001-09-09</td><td><a href=/404.html>Server still
45 broken</a>,
46 supplier has so far managed to ship a broken system twice. New hardware has
47 just arrived, so we hope to be back soon.. Apologies for having the
48 mailinglist down for so long...
49 </td>
50 <tr><td valign=top>2001-07-17</td><td><a href=/404.html>Our server broke
51 down, badly</a>. Mailinglist defunct. Very unhappy</td>
52 <tr><td valign=top>2001-07-15</td><td>New <a href=autoloadbalance.php>tentative
53 document</a> about 'auto loadbalancing'. Might become a chapter, or a separate project one
54 day</td>
55 <tr><td valign=top>2001-07-13</td><td>Bert, Jasper and Remco will attend <a
56 href=http://www.hal2001.org>HAL2001</a>, a hackers conference. We're all in
57 the FHQ committee who are arranging for the 1gbit/s internet uplink on the
58 campground, we look forward to seeing you there!</td>
60 <tr><td valign=top>2001-03-11</td><td>Information on Path MTU Discovery
61 problems, and more obscure settings documented</td>
62 <tr><td valign=top>2001-02-09</td><td>Some new additions, but the major news
63 is that our PDFs finally look good! Get our Makefile and see how it is
64 done. To celebrate, we bumped the version number to 0.3.0.</td>
65 <tr><td valign=top>2000-10-07</td><td>Shaping with Linux certainly seems to
66 take off, the authors of this HOWTO are flooded with questions. So we
67 decided to start a <a href="#mailinglist">mailinglist</a>.</td>
68 <tr><td valign=top>2000-08-11</td><td>¿ª: ¹Ú¹ü¼® &lt;darchon@wyzsoft.com&gt;
69 has started a Korean translation of the HOWTO! You can find it in the
70 download section</td>
71 <tr><td valign=top>2000-07-07</td><td>There is now, and has been for some
72 time, a <a
73 href=http://www.linux-france.org/prj/inetdoc/i/net/guides/2.4routingfr/>
74 French translation of the HOWTO</a>! I found an announcement somewhere in the
75 dark unexplored reaches of my mailbox, which had been there for 2 months.
76 I'm terribly sorry about this.</td>
77 <tr><td valign=top>2000-05-26</td><td>Abandoned the 2.4 Networking HOWTO and merged
78 useful content back into the Advanced HOWTO. I feel bad about this, but the
79 2.4 Networking HOWTO was not taking off. If anybody feels like it, please
80 take over. The good news is that the Shaping HOWTO is still progressing and
81 appears to be very popular.</td>
82 <tr><td valign=top>2000-04-10</td><td>Paul B Schroeder joins as author of the Linux 2.4
83 Networking HOWTO</td>
84 <tr><td>2000-04-04</td><td>We have been mentioned on several other websites.
85 Today we received pageview 50.000. Also added joblist.</td>
86 <tr><td>2000-04-01</td><td>Remco van Mook contributes GRE tunnel chapter
87 &amp; joins as author</td>
88 <tr><td>2000-04-01</td><td>Submitted the Advanced HOWTO to the <a
89 href="http://www.linuxdoc.org">Linux Documentation Project</a> and added a
90 license to the HOWTO.</td>
91 <tr><td>2000-03-30</td><td>Linux 2.4 Networking HOWTO split off. This means
92 that the 'iproute2' chapter in the Advanced HOWTO has moved to the new HOWTO</td>
93 <tr><td>2000-03-28</td><td>Martijn van Oosterhout &lt;kleptog@cupid.suninternet.com&gt;
94 joins as author</td>
95 <tr><td>2000-03-28</td><td>Fixed anonymous CVS access</td>
96 <tr><td>2000-03-27</td><td>We are mentioned on <a
97 href="http://lwn.net/daily">Linux Weekly News</a> and on <a
98 href="http://freshmeat.net">Freshmeat</a>. Oh, and yet again lots of new
99 material :-)</td>
100 <tr><td>2000-03-26</td><td>Lots of new material - if we keep growing at
101 this rate, the HOWTO will soon be bigger than the Linux kernel!</td>
102 <tr><td>2000-03-26</td><td>Added ton of formats with automated building</td>
103 <tr><td>2000-03-25</td><td>CVS access available</td>
104 <tr><td>2000-03-25</td><td>Shaping cookbook added, chapter describing qdiscs</td>
105 <tr><td>2000-03-24</td><td><a href="http://linuxpower.cx/~greg/">Gregory Maxwell</a> &lt;<a href="mailto:greg@linuxpower.cx">greg@linuxpower.cx</a>&gt; joins
106 HOWTO team</td>
107 <tr><td>2000-03-24</td><td>Updated HOWTO with references to
108 BGP/OSPF documentation</td>
109 <tr><td>2000-03-23</td><td>Initial version online</td>
110 </table></body></html>