making sure that tests match the recent changes in lib
[language-befunge.git] / Build.PL
1 #!perl
3 # This file is part of Language::Befunge.
4 # Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the same terms as Perl itself.
11 use strict;
12 use warnings;
14 use Module::Build;
15 my $builder = Module::Build->new
16   ( module_name          => 'Language::Befunge',
17     license              => 'perl',
18     dist_author          => 'Jerome Quelin <>',
19     dist_version_from    => 'lib/Language/',
20     build_requires       => {
21         'perl'                => '5.006',
22         'aliased'             => '0.22',
23         'Storable'            => 0,
24         'Test::More'          => 0,
25     },
26     requires                  => {
27         'perl'                => '5.006',
28         'aliased'             => '0.22',
29         'Storable'            => 0,
30     },
31     recommends           => {
32         'Language::Befunge::Vector::XS' => '0.2.2',
33         'Test::Exception'               => 0,
34         'Test::Pod'                     => 0,
35         'Test::Pod::Coverage'           => 0,
36     },
37     script_files         => [ 'bin/jqbf98' ],
38     add_to_cleanup       =>
39       [ 'Language-Befunge-*', map { ( '*/' x $_ ) . '*~' } 0..4 ],
40     recursive_test_files => 1,
41   );
42 $builder->create_build_script;