[project @ 127]
[language-befunge-debugger.git] / lib / Language / Befunge / Debugger.pm
2 # This file is part of Language::Befunge.
3 # Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the same terms as Perl itself.
9 package Language::Befunge::Debugger;
11 use strict;
12 use warnings;
14 use Language::Befunge;
15 use Language::Befunge::Vector;
16 use Tk; # should come before POE
17 use Tk::Dialog;
18 use Tk::TableMatrix;
19 use POE;
22 our $VERSION = '0.0.1';
24 #--
25 # constructor
27 sub spawn {
28 POE::Session->create(
29 inline_states => {
30 _start => \&_on_start,
31 # gui
32 _b_next => \&_on_b_next,
33 _b_quit => \&_on_b_quit,
34 _tm_click => \&_on_tm_click,
36 args => \@ARGV,
40 #--
41 # private events
43 sub _on_start {
44 my ($k, $h, $s, $file) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION, ARG0 ];
46 #-- load befunge file
47 # FIXME: barf unless file exists
48 my $bef = $h->{bef} = Language::Befunge->new( $file );
49 $bef->set_ips( [ Language::Befunge::IP->new($bef->get_dimensions) ] );
50 $bef->set_retval(0);
53 #-- create gui
55 my $fh1 = $poe_main_window->Frame->pack(-fill=>'both', -expand=>1);
56 my $tm = $fh1->Scrolled( 'TableMatrix',
57 -scrollbars => 'osoe',
58 -cols => 80,
59 -rows => 25,
60 -colwidth => 3,
61 -state => 'disabled',
62 -command => sub { _get_cell_value($h->{bef}->get_torus,@_[1,2]) },
63 -browsecmd => $s->postback('_tm_click'),
64 )->pack(-side=>'left', -fill=>'both', -expand=>1);
65 $h->{w}{tm} = $tm;
67 # buttons
68 my $fv = $fh1-> Frame->pack(-fill=>'x');
69 my $fh11 = $fv->Frame->pack;
70 my $b_quit = $fh11->Button(
71 -text => 'Quit',
72 -command => $s->postback('_b_quit'),
73 )->pack(-side=>'left');
74 my $b_restart = $fh11->Button(
75 -text => 'Restart',
76 -command => $s->postback('_b_restart'),
77 )->pack(-side=>'left');
78 my $fh12 = $fv->Frame->pack;
79 my $b_pause = $fh12->Button(
80 -text => '||',
81 -command => $s->postback('_b_pause'),
82 )->pack(-side=>'left');
83 my $b_next = $fh12->Button(
84 -text => '>',
85 -command => $s->postback('_b_next'),
86 )->pack(-side=>'left');
87 my $b_continue = $fh12->Button(
88 -text => '>>',
89 -command => $s->postback('_b_continue'),
90 )->pack(-side=>'left');
92 # current position
93 my $vec = Language::Befunge::Vector->new_zeroes(2);
94 my $val = $h->{bef}->get_torus->get_value($vec);
95 my $chr = chr $val;
96 my $l_curpos = $h->{w}{l_curpos} = $poe_main_window->Label(
97 -text => "Position: (0,0) $chr (ord=$val)",
98 -justify => 'left',
99 -anchor => 'w'
100 )->pack(-fill=>'x', -expand=>1);
102 # stack
103 my $l_stack = $h->{w}{l_stack} = $poe_main_window->Label(
104 -text => 'Stack = []',
105 -justify => 'left',
106 -anchor => 'w'
107 )->pack(-fill=>'x', -expand=>1);
109 #FIXME: lists of ips
111 #-- various initializations
112 $tm->tagCell( 'current', '0,0' );
113 $tm->tagConfigure( 'current', -bg => 'red' );
114 # FIXME: color decay
118 # gui events
120 sub _on_b_next {
121 my ($h) = $_[HEAP];
123 my $bef = $h->{bef};
124 my $tm = $h->{w}{tm};
126 if ( scalar @{ $bef->get_ips } == 0 ) {
127 # no more ip - end of program
128 return;
131 # update gui
132 # FIXME: tag delete
134 # advance next ip
135 my $ip = shift @{ $bef->get_ips };
136 $bef->set_curip($ip);
137 $bef->process_ip;
139 # update gui
140 my $vec = $ip->get_position;
141 my $val = $bef->get_torus->get_value($vec);
142 my $chr = chr $val;
143 my ($curx, $cury) = $vec->get_all_components;
144 $tm->see("$cury,$curx");
145 $tm->tagCell( 'current', "$cury,$curx" );
146 # FIXME: more than 1 ip = different colors
147 my $stack = $ip->get_toss;
148 $h->{w}{l_stack} ->configure( -text => "Stack = [@$stack]" );
149 $h->{w}{l_curpos}->configure( -text => "Position: ($curx,$cury) $chr (ord=$val)" );
152 # end of tick: no more ips to process
153 if ( scalar @{ $bef->get_ips } == 0 ) {
154 $bef->set_ips( $bef->get_newips );
155 $bef->set_newips( [] );
161 sub _on_b_quit {
162 $poe_main_window->destroy;
163 #exit;
166 sub _on_tm_click {
167 my ($h, $arg) = @_[HEAP, ARG1];
168 my ($old, $new) = @$arg;
169 my ($x,$y) = split /,/, $new;
170 my $vec = Language::Befunge::Vector->new(2, $y, $x);
171 my $val = $h->{bef}->get_torus->get_value($vec);
172 my $chr = chr $val;
173 $poe_main_window->Dialog( -text => "($x,$y) = $val = '$chr'" )->Show;
178 # private subs
180 sub _get_cell_value {
181 my ($torus, $row, $col) = @_;
182 my $v = Language::Befunge::Vector->new(2, $col, $row);
183 return chr( $torus->get_value($v) );
189 __END__
192 =head1 NAME
194 Language::Befunge::Debugger - a graphical debugger for Language::Befunge
198 =head1 SYNOPSYS
200 $ jqbefdb
204 =head1 DESCRIPTION
206 CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv is a distribution class to create mandriva packages
207 from CPAN modules, and all its dependencies. This allows you to have
208 the most recent copies of CPAN modules installed, using your package
209 manager of choice, but without having to wait for central repositories
210 to be updated.
212 You can either install them using the API provided in this package, or
213 manually via rpm.
215 Some of the bleading edge CPAN modules have already been turned into
216 mandriva packages for you, and you can make use of them by adding the
217 cooker repositories (main & contrib).
219 Note that these packages are built automatically from CPAN and are
220 assumed to have the same license as perl and come without support.
221 Please always refer to the original CPAN package if you have questions.
225 =head1 CLASS METHODS
227 =head2 Language::Befunge::Debugger->spawn;
229 Create a
233 =head1 BUGS
235 Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<< <
236 language-befunge-debugger at rt.cpan.org> >>, or through the web
237 interface at
238 L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Language-Befunge-Debugger>.
239 I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
240 progress on your bug as I make changes.
244 =head1 SEE ALSO
246 L<Language::Befunge>, L<POE>, L<Tk>.
249 Development is discussed on E<lt>language-befunge@mongueurs.netE<gt> -
250 feel free to join us.
253 You can also look for information on this module at:
255 =over 4
257 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
259 L<http://annocpan.org/dist/Language-Befunge-Debugger>
261 =item * CPAN Ratings
263 L<http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/Language-Befunge-Debugger>
265 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
267 L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Language-Befunge-Debugger>
269 =back
273 =head1 AUTHOR
275 Jerome Quelin, C<< <jquelin at cpan.org> >>
281 Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.
283 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
284 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
287 =cut