[project @ 221]
[language-befunge-debugger.git] / lib / Language / Befunge / Debugger / Breakpoints.pm
2 # This file is part of Language::Befunge::Debugger.
3 # Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the same terms as Perl itself.
9 package Language::Befunge::Debugger::Breakpoints;
11 use strict;
12 use warnings;
14 use List::MoreUtils qw[ firstidx ];
15 use Readonly;
16 use Tk; # should come before POE
17 use Tk::Dialog;
18 use Tk::FBox;
19 use Tk::TableMatrix;
20 use Tk::ToolBar;
21 use POE;
24 #--
25 # constructor
28 # my $id = Language::Befunge::Debugger::Breakpoints->spawn( %opts );
30 # create a new debugger gui for a befunge script. refer to the embedded
31 # pod for an explanation of the supported options.
33 sub spawn {
34 my ($class, %opts) = @_;
36 my $session = POE::Session->create(
37 inline_states => {
38 _start => \&_on_start,
39 _stop => sub { print "ouch!\n" },
40 # public events
41 breakpoint_add => \&_do_breakpoint_add,
42 visibility_toggle => \&_do_visibility_toggle,
43 # private events
44 # gui events
45 _b_breakpoint_remove => \&_on_b_breakpoint_remove,
47 args => \%opts,
49 return $session->ID;
53 #--
54 # public events
57 # breakpoint_add( $brkpt );
59 # Add $brkpt to the list of breakpoints.
61 sub _do_breakpoint_add {
62 my ($h, $brkpt) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];
64 my @elems = $h->{list}->get(0, 'end');
65 push @elems, $brkpt;
67 $h->{list}->delete(0, 'end');
68 $h->{list}->insert(0, sort @elems);
69 $h->{list}->selectionSet( firstidx { $_ eq $brkpt } $h->{list}->get(0, 'end') );
70 $h->{but_remove}->configure(-state => 'normal' );
75 # visibility_toggle();
77 # Request window to be hidden / shown depending on its previous state.
79 sub _do_visibility_toggle {
80 my ($h) = $_[HEAP];
82 my $method = $h->{mw}->state eq 'normal' ? 'withdraw' : 'deiconify';
83 $h->{mw}->$method;
87 #--
88 # private events
91 # _on_start( \%opts );
93 # session initialization. %opts is received from spawn();
95 sub _on_start {
96 my ($k, $h, $from, $s, $opts) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SENDER, SESSION, ARG0];
98 #-- create gui
100 my $top = $opts->{parent}->Toplevel(-title => 'Breakpoints');
101 $h->{mw} = $top;
102 $h->{list} = $top->Listbox->pack;
103 $h->{but_remove} = $top->Button(
104 -text => 'Remove',
105 -state => 'disabled',
106 -width => 6,
107 -command => $s->postback('_b_breakpoint_remove')
108 )->pack(-side=>'left',-fill=>'x',-expand=>1);
109 $top->Button(
110 -text => 'Close',
111 -width => 6,
112 -command => $s->postback('visibility_toggle')
113 )->pack(-side=>'left',-fill=>'x',-expand=>1);
115 # trap some events
116 $top->protocol( WM_DELETE_WINDOW => $s->postback('visibility_toggle') );
117 $top->bind( '<F8>', $s->postback('visibility_toggle') );
120 $top->update; # force redraw
121 $top->resizable(0,0);
122 my ($maxw,$maxh) = $top->geometry =~ /^(\d+)x(\d+)/;
123 $top->maxsize($maxw,$maxh); # bug in resizable: minsize in effet but not maxsize
126 # -- other inits
127 $h->{parent_session} = $from->ID;
128 # initial breakpoint?
129 $k->yield('breakpoint_add', $opts->{breakpoint}) if exists $opts->{breakpoint};
134 # gui events
137 # _b_breakpoint_remove();
139 # called when the user wants to remove a breakpoint.
141 sub _on_b_breakpoint_remove {
142 my ($k, $h) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
143 my ($idx) = $h->{list}->curselection;
144 return unless defined $idx;
145 my $brkpt = $h->{list}->get($idx);
146 $h->{list}->delete($idx);
147 $k->post( $h->{parent_session}, 'breakpoint_remove', $brkpt );
149 $h->{but_remove}->configure(-state=>'disabled') if $h->{list}->index('end') == 0;
155 __END__
158 =head1 NAME
160 Language::Befunge::Debugger::Breakpoints - a window listing breakpoints
164 =head1 SYNOPSYS
166 my $id = Language::Befunge::Debugger::Breakpoints->spawn(%opts);
167 $kernel->post( $id, 'visibility_toggle' );
171 =head1 DESCRIPTION
173 LBD::Breakpoints implements a POE session, creating a Tk window listing
174 the breakpoints set in a debugger session. The window can be hidden at
175 will.
179 =head1 CLASS METHODS
181 =head2 my $id = Language::Befunge::Debugger::Breakpoints->spawn( %opts );
183 Create a window listing breakpoints, and return the associated POE
184 session ID. One can pass the following options:
186 =over 4
188 =item parent => $mw
190 A Tk window that will be the parent of the toplevel window created. This
191 parameter is mandatory.
194 =item breakpoint => $brkpt
196 An optional breakpoint to be added during session creation.
199 =back
202 =head1 PUBLIC EVENTS
204 The newly created POE session accepts the following events:
207 =over 4
209 =item breakpoint_add( $brkpt )
211 Add a breakpoint in the list of breakpoints.
214 =item visibility_toggle()
216 Request the window to be hidden or restaured, depending on its previous
217 state. Note that closing the window is actually interpreted as hiding
218 the window.
221 =back
225 =head1 SEE ALSO
227 L<Language::Befunge::Debugger>.
231 =head1 AUTHOR
233 Jerome Quelin, C<< <jquelin at cpan.org> >>
239 Copyright (c) 2007 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.
241 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
242 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
245 =cut