Forward selection of comments to NODE parent, not display parent.
[l3full.git] / l3gui / library.l3
1 #* Welcome to the L3 worksheet interface.  For help, copyright, or
2 # license information, see the help menu.  
4 if ("outline",  "L3 version 0.3.1"):
5     #* These examples introduce features of l3.  To try one:
6     # - left-click on it; an orange outline should highlight it
7     # - center-click on the right canvas to copy the example to it
8     # - in the copy, left-click once on the triangle to get started
9     # - follow the instructions in the example.
10     if ("outline",  "Introductory examples."):
12         # The simplest example, illustrating need-based evaluation in l3.
13         # Expand to start (left-click the triangle).
14         if ("prog", "hello world 1"):
15             # 1. Right-click on the headline, and choose "run code".
16             # 
17             # 2. Watch your terminal window; it should show 
18             #       hello world
19             #       (None, 8)
20             #    (or some other number)
21             # 
22             # 3. Choose "run code" again; the output should be just
23             #       (None, 8)
24             #    without a second "hello world"
25             print "hello world"
27         # The simplest example, illustrating persistence in l3.
28         # Expand to start (left-click the triangle).
29         if ("prog", "hello world 2"):
30             # 1. Right-click on the headline, and choose "run code".
31             # 2. Right-click on the "hello world" string below, and
32             #    choose "dump values".  This should show
33             #         32774 does not repeat; value:  hello world
34             #    or similar.
35             print "hello world"
37             # 1. Save the worksheet via `file -> save session to`, use
38             #    `st.1` as file name.
39             # 2. Open the worksheet in a new session via
40             #    l3gui -s st.1
41             # 
42             # 3. In the new session, right-click on the "hello world"
43             #    string, and choose "dump values".  This should show
44             #         32774 does not repeat; value:  hello world
45             #    again.
46             1
50     #* Simple, single-purpose L3 scripts can be found below.  These
51     # can be run by as-is, or modified and combined to form larger
52     # scripts.
54     if ("outline",  "Short examples"):
56         #** [requires matplotlib] Collect finance data using yahoo's service.
57         if ("outline", "Collect finance data"):
58             inline """if 1:
59             from import quotes_historical_yahoo
60             import datetime
61             """
62             # <span background="#ffdddd">Retrieve data for stock symbol.</span>
63             quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo(
64                 'INTC',
65        1995, 1, 1 ),
66        2004, 4, 12 ),
67                 asobject = True)
68             if not quotes:
69                 error("Unable to get data")
70             else:
71                 # <span background="#ffdddd">The data attributes of quotes.</span>
74                 quotes.close
75                 quotes.high
76                 quotes.low
77                 quotes.volume
81         # 
82         #** [requires matplotlib] Date plot.
83         if ("outline", "Date plot"):
84             # <span background="#ffdddd">Plot details.</span>
86             inline """if 1:
87             import datetime
89             def plot_date(fname, dates, values):
90                 from pylab import figure, show
91                 import datetime
92                 from matplotlib.dates import YearLocator, MonthLocator, DateFormatter
94                 fig = figure(figsize=(7,4), dpi=100)
95                 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
96                 ax.plot_date(dates, values, '-')
98                 # Plot details -- ticks.
99                 years    = YearLocator()   # every year
100                 months   = MonthLocator()  # every month
101                 yearsFmt = DateFormatter('%Y')
103                 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(years)
104                 ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(yearsFmt)
105                 ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(months)
106                 ax.autoscale_view()
108                 for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
109                     label.set_fontsize('8')
111                 # Plot details -- coords. message box.
112                 def price(x):
113                     return '$%1.2f' % x
114                 ax.fmt_xdata = DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
115                 ax.fmt_ydata = price
116                 ax.grid(True)
118                 fig.savefig(fname)
119                 return fname
120             """
121             # <span background="#ffdddd">Plot data.</span>
122             filename = plot_date(
123                 # <span background="#ffdddd">File name.</span>
124                 '_plot-%d.png' % new_id(),
125                 # <span background="#ffdddd">List of dates.</span>
126                 [,1,1).toordinal(),
127        ,1,1).toordinal()],
128                 # <span background="#ffdddd">List of values.</span>
129                 [1, 2])
130         # 
131         #** [requires numpy] Moving average
132         if ("outline", "Moving average."):
133             inline ("from l3lang.external.numpy_utils import movavg")
134             mov_avg = movavg(
135                       # <span background="#ffdddd">Data.</span>
136                       numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4.0]),
137                       # <span background="#ffdddd">Averaging interval.</span>
138                       2)
139         #** [requires matplotlib] Graphing X-Y data.
140         if ("outline",  "XY Plot"):
141             # <span background="#ffcccc">Plot details.</span>
142             inline '''if 1:
143             def plot_(fname, x, y):
144                 import matplotlib as M
145                 import pylab as P
146                 M.use('Agg')
148                 fig = P.figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=75)
149                 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
150                 ax.plot(x, y, '-', lw=2)
152                 ax.set_xlabel('time (s)')
153                 ax.set_ylabel('voltage (mV)')
154                 ax.set_title('About as simple as it gets, folks')
155                 ax.grid(True)
157                 fig.savefig(fname)
158                 return fname
159             '''
160             inline 'from math import pi; import pylab as P'
161             # <span background="#ffdddd">Plot data.</span>
162             x = P.arange(0.0, 1.0+0.01, 0.01)
163             y = P.cos(2 * pi * x)
164             # <span background="#ffdddd">Plot file.</span>
165             filename = plot_('_plot-%d.png' % new_id(), x, y)
167         if ("outline",  "XY Polygon Plot"):
168             # <span background="#ffcccc">Plot details.</span>
169             inline '''if 1:
170             def plot_(fname, x, y):
171                 import matplotlib as M
172                 import pylab as P
173                 M.use('Agg')
175                 fig = P.figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=75)
176                 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
177                 ax.plot(x, y, '-', lw=2)
179                 ax.set_xlabel('')
180                 ax.set_ylabel('')
181                 ax.set_title('Polygon plot')
182                 ax.grid(True)
184                 fig.savefig(fname)
185                 return fname
186             '''
187             inline 'from pylab import *'
188             for N in range(3, 12):
189                 nn = arange(0, N + 1)
190                 xx = sin(2* nn* pi/N)
191                 yy = cos(2* nn* pi/N)
192                 plot_(new_name('poly', '.png'), xx, yy)
195     #* Longer examples illustrating full workflows done via L3.
196     if ("outline",  "Full examples"):
198         #* [requires sparx] An image processing example from the sparx toolkit.
199         if ("prog", "Image processing"):
200             # From a volume, images are projected in known directions with
201             # known angles; an alignment algorithm is called to find the
202             # number of directions, and reverse the angular spread.
203             if ("outline",  "SPARX volume projection and image alignment"):
204                 #* Form the test data, projections from volume.
205                 if ("outline", "Project volume."):
206                     if ("outline", "Preparation."):
207                         inline('''if 1:
208                                from EMAN2  import *
209                                from sparx  import *
210                                from random import randint
211                                import l3lang.external.sparx_mixins
212                                import os
213                                ''')
214                         ev = os.path.expandvars
216                     if ("outline", "Load volume."):
217                         vol = getImage(ev("$SPXROOT/sparx/test/model001.tcp"))
219                     if ("outline", "Compute projection angles"):
220                         group_angles = even_angles(20.0,
221                                                    70.0, 90.1,
222                                                    0.0, 110.0, "P")
223                         sx = 0
224                         sy = 0
225                         alpha = 0.0
227                     # In order to have a 'correct' K in k_means lateron, the initial
228                     # projections (phi, theta, psi) must have multiple psi per (phi,
229                     # theta) pair.
230                     if ("outline", "Use multiple rotation angles (psi)."):
231                         num_groups = len(group_angles)
232                         angles = []
233                         for (phi, theta, psi) in group_angles:
234                             for proj_rot in range(0,180,10):
235                                 angles.append([phi, theta, float(proj_rot)])
238                     if ("outline", "Projection setup."):
239                         (volft, kb) = prep_vol(vol) 
241                     if ("outline", "Projection output target."):
242                         stack = "proj.hdf"
244                     if ("outline", "Project angles..."):
245                         for ii in range(0, len(angles)):
246                             print  ii, angles[ii][0], angles[ii][1], angles[ii][2], -sx, -sy
247                             if ("outline", "Generate projection."):
248                                 proj = prgs(volft, kb,
249                                             [angles[ii][0], angles[ii][1], angles[ii][2],
250                                              -sx, -sy])
251                             # For 2D alignment, must set at least 
252                             # 'alpha', 'sx', 'sy', and 'mirror'.
253                             if ("outline", "Set projection parameters"):
254                                 if ("outline", "three angles and two shifts"):
255                                     proj.set(phi = angles[ii][0],
256                                              theta = angles[ii][1],
257                                              psi = angles[ii][2],
258                                              alpha = alpha,
259                                              sx = sx,
260                                              sy = sy,
261                                              mirror = 0.)  
262                                 if ("outline", "CTF parameters"):
263                                     proj.set(defocus = 0.0,
264                                              amp_contrast = 0.1,
265                                              voltage = 200,
266                                              Cs = 2.0,
267                                              pixel = 2.2)
268                                 if ("outline", "flags describing the status of the image"):
269                                     proj.set(active = 1,
270                                              ctf_applied = 0)
271                             if ("outline", "Save"):
272                                 proj.write_image(stack, ii)
275                 #* First, define a function in case we want to try multiple alignments.
276                 if ("outline", "Function to align image series"):
277                     def ali2d_c(stack, outdir, maskfile = None, ir = 1, ou = -1, rs = 1, xr = 0, yr = 0, ts = 1, center = 1, maxit = 10, CTF = False, snr = 1.):
278                         if ("outline", "Prepare input data"):
279                             inline '''if 1:
280                             from utilities    import model_circle, combine_params2, dropImage, getImage, get_arb_params, center_2D
281                             from statistics   import aves, ave_oe_series, fsc, add_oe_series
282                             from alignment    import Numrinit, ringwe, Applyws, ali2d_s
283                             from filter       import filt_from_fsc_bwt, filt_table, filt_ctf
284                             from filter       import filt_params, filt_btwl
285                             from fundamentals import fshift
286                             from morphology   import ctf_2
287                             from math import exp
288                             import os
290                             from utilities import print_begin_msg, print_end_msg, print_msg
291                             import  types
292                             from filter import filt_ctf
293                             '''
295                             print_begin_msg("ali2d_c")
296                             first_ring=int(ir); last_ring=int(ou); rstep=int(rs); xrng=int(xr); yrng=int(yr); step=int(ts); max_iter=int(maxit);
298                             print_msg("Input stack                 : %s\n"%(stack))
299                             print_msg("Output directory            : %s\n"%(outdir))
300                             print_msg("Inner radius                : %i\n"%(first_ring))
302                             nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack)
303                             ima = EMData()
304                             ima.read_image(stack, 0)
305                             nx = ima.get_xsize()
306                             # default value for the last ring
307                             if (last_ring == -1):
308                                 last_ring = nx//2-2
310                             print_msg("Outer radius                : %i\n"%(last_ring))
311                             print_msg("Ring step                   : %i\n"%(rstep))
312                             print_msg("X search range              : %i\n"%(xrng))
313                             print_msg("Y search range              : %i\n"%(yrng))
314                             print_msg("Translational step          : %i\n"%(step))
315                             print_msg("Center type                 : %i\n"%(center))
316                             print_msg("Maximum iteration           : %i\n"%(max_iter))
317                             print_msg("data with CTF               : %s\n"%(CTF))
318                             print_msg("Signal-to-Noise Ratio       : %f\n\n"%(snr))
320                             if os.path.exists(outdir):
321                                 os.system('rm -rf '+outdir)
322                             os.mkdir(outdir)
324                             if maskfile:
325                                 if(type(maskfile) is types.StringType):
326                                     print_msg("Maskfile                    : %s\n"%(maskfile))
327                                     mask=getImage(maskfile)
328                                 else:
329                                     print_msg("Maskfile                    : user provided in-core mask")
330                                     mask = maskfile
331                             else :
332                                 print_msg("Maskfile                    : default, a circle with radius %i\n"%(last_ring))
333                                 mask = model_circle(last_ring, nx, nx)
334                             cnx = int(nx/2)+1
335                             cny = cnx
336                             mode = "F"
337                             data = []
338                             if(CTF):
339                                 parnames = ["Pixel_size", "defocus", "voltage", "Cs", "amp_contrast", "B_factor",  "ctf_applied"]
340                                 #                        0                1              2     3              4                5                6
341                                 ctf_params = get_arb_params(ima, parnames)
342                                 data_had_ctf = ctf_params[6]
343                                 ctm = ctf_2(nx, ctf_params[0], ctf_params[1], ctf_params[2], ctf_params[3], ctf_params[4], ctf_params[5])
344                                 lctf = len(ctm)
345                                 ctf2 = []
346                                 ctf2.append([0.0]*lctf)
347                                 ctf2.append([0.0]*lctf)
348                                 ctfb2 = [0.0]*lctf
349                             for im in range(nima):
350                                 if(im > 0):
351                                     ima = EMData()
352                                     ima.read_image(stack, im)
353                                 if(CTF):
354                                     ctf_params = get_arb_params(ima, parnames)
355                                     ctm = ctf_2(nx, ctf_params[0], ctf_params[1], ctf_params[2], ctf_params[3], ctf_params[4], ctf_params[5])
356                                     k = im%2
357                                     for i in range(lctf):
358                                         # ctf2[k][i] += ctm[i]
359                                         ctf2[k][i] = ctf2[k][i] + ctm[i]
360                                     if(ctf_params[6] == 0):
361                                         #      filt_ctf(image,       dz,          cs,          voltage,      pixel_size,     amp_contrast=0.1,    b_factor=0.0):
362                                         ima = filt_ctf(ima, ctf_params[1], ctf_params[3], ctf_params[2], ctf_params[0], ctf_params[4], ctf_params[5])
363                                         ima.set_attr('ctf_applied', 1)
364                                 data.append(ima)
365                             if(CTF):
366                                 for i in range(lctf):
367                                     ctfb2[i] = 1.0/(ctf2[0][i] + ctf2[1][i] + 1.0/snr)
368                                     for k in range(2):
369                                         ctf2[k][i] = 1.0/(ctf2[k][i] + 1.0/snr)
370                         if ('outline', 'algorithm start'):
371                             # precalculate rings
372                             numr = Numrinit(first_ring, last_ring, rstep, mode) 
373                             wr = ringwe(numr, mode)
374                             (av1, av2) = add_oe_series(data)
375                             Util.add_img(av1, av2)
376                             if(CTF):
377                                 tavg = filt_table(av1, ctfb2)
378                             else:
379                                 tavg = av1/nima
380                             a0 = tavg.cmp("dot", tavg, dict(negative = 0, mask = mask))
381                             msg = "Initial criterion = %-20.7e\n"%(a0)
382                             print_msg(msg)
384                             cs = [0.0]*2
386                         if ('outline', 'iterate'):
387                             for Iter in range(max_iter):
388                                 ali2d_s(data, numr, wr, cs, tavg, cnx, cny, xrng, yrng, step, mode, range(nima))
389                                 (av1, av2) = add_oe_series(data)
390                                 if(CTF):
391                                     tavg = filt_table(Util.addn_img(av1, av2), ctfb2)
392                                     av1  = filt_table(av1, ctf2[0])
393                                     av2  = filt_table(av2, ctf2[1])
394                                 else:
395                                     tavg = (av1*(int(nima/2)+(nima%2)) + av2*int(nima/2))/nima
397                                 # Apply filter (FRC) to the reference image
398                                 dropImage(tavg, os.path.join(outdir, "aqc_%03d.hdf"%(Iter+1)))
399                                 frsc = fsc(av1, av2, 1.0, os.path.join(outdir, "drc%03d"%(Iter+1)))
400                                 #  apply filtration (FRC) to reference image:
401                                 #fil_table = filt_from_fsc_bwt(frsc, low)
402                                 #tavg = filt_table(tavg, fil_table)
403                                 (lowfq, highfq) = filt_params(frsc, low = 0.1)
404                                 tavg  = filt_btwl(tavg, lowfq, highfq)
405                                 (tavg, csx, csy) = center_2D(tavg, center)
406                                 # print  lowfq, highfq, csx, csy
407                                 # a0 should increase; stop algorithm when it decreases.    
408                                 a1 = tavg.cmp("dot", tavg, dict(negative = 0, mask = mask))
409                                 msg = "ITERATION #%3d        criterion = %20.7e\n"%(Iter+1,a1)
410                                 print_msg(msg)
411                                 # write the current average
412                                 dropImage(tavg, os.path.join(outdir, "aqf_%03d.hdf"%(Iter+1)))
413                                 if(a1 < a0):
414                                     break
415                                 else:
416                                     a0 = a1
418                         if ('outline', 'write out headers'):
419                             if(CTF):
420                                 if (data_had_ctf == 0):
421                                     for im in range(nima):
422                                         data[im].set_attr('ctf_applied', 0)
423                             for im in range(nima):
424                                 # Using True writes only headers.
425                                 data[im].write_image(stack, im, EMUtil.ImageType.IMAGE_HDF, True)
426                         print_end_msg("ali2d_c")
428                 #* Just do one alignment for now.
429                 if ("outline", "Perform an alignment"):
430                     ali2d_c(stack, "_ali2d-%d" % new_id())
432                 #* Alignment parameters are not applied to images; apply
433                 # parameters first via transform2d.
434                 if ('outline', 'Get rotated / shifted image series.'):
435                     shifted_stack = "proj-trans.hdf"
436                     transform2d(stack, shifted_stack)
438                 #* Classify images via k-means, using different guesses for K.
439                 if ('outline', 'Classify images.'):
440                     for K in [2, 4, num_groups, num_groups + 2, num_groups + 4]:
441                         (coleman, harabasz, ave, var, chart) = k_means_info(
442                             shifted_stack, "_K-%d-%d" % (K, new_id()),
443                             trials = 10, K = K, maxit = 10)
445     #* The building blocks for program assembly.
446     if ("outline",  "Language constructs"): 
448         # Programs are the only executable construct.
449         if ("prog", "Program template"):
450             "content_here"
452         # Outlines provide a way to visually structure the code.  They
453         # do not affect code execution in any way.
454         if ("outline",  "outline template"):
455             0
457         # The loop to use when examining a sequence one item at a
458         # time. 
459         if ("outline", "for loop"):
460             for n in range(0,11):
461                 print n
463         # Repeat code while a condition holds.
464         if ("outline", "while loop"):
465             a = 1
466             while a < 5:
467                 print a
468                 a = a + 1
469                 if a + 4 > 10:
470                     break
472         # The most flexible looping construct.  It avoids updating
473         # a name's value providing much cleaner data flow than the
474         # `while` loop, and nested loops can be restarted and exited.
475         if ("outline", "Generic tail-call loop"):
476             def loop(a):
477                 if a < 3:
478                     print a
479                     loop(a + 1)
480             loop(1)
483         #* Basic L3 constructs
484         # 
485         if ("outline", "More..."):
486             if ("outline", "set -- Bind a value to a name"):
487                 (a = 2)
489             if ("outline", "inline -- Raw python code, evaluated every time."):
490                 inline "import numpy as N"
492             if ("outline", "subdir -- A nested namespace linked to a new directory."):
493                 subdir:
494                     content_here
496             if ("prog", "program -- The only executable construct."):
497                 content_here
499             if ("outline", "def / lambda -- function definitions."):
500                 def add_num(x,y, accum = 0.0):
501                     return x + y + accum
502                 # lambda -- An unnamed inline function
503                 lambda x,y:
504                     x - y 
505                 # Alternate syntax.
506                 { |x,y| x - y }
508             if ("outline", "call -- Call a function with arguments."):
509                 call_function(a, b)
511             if ("outline", "list/tuple -- Ordered lists of items."):
512                 []
513                 # Long form.
514                 [
515                     ]
516                 (1,2)
517                 # Long form.
518                 (1,
519                  2)
521             if ("outline", "map -- Unordered mapping from keys to values."):
522                 {a = 1, b = 2}
523                 # Long form.
524                 {a = 1,
525                  b = 2}
527             if ("outline", "if -- Conditional execution of code."):
528                 if condition:
529                     yes
530                 else:
531                     no
533             if ("outline", "print -- Print a value one time."):
534                 print "hello world"
536             if ("outline", "string -- string literal and text starter."):
537                 "hello"