Restructure Request tests to avoid Request::factory calls in providers
[kohana-core.git] / composer.json
2     "_readme":     "NOTE: see readme for COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION instructions if you have dependency issues",
3         "name":        "kohana/core",
4         "description": "Core system classes for the Kohana application framework",
5         "homepage":    "",
6         "license":     "BSD-3-Clause",
7         "keywords":    ["kohana", "framework"],
8         "authors": [
9                 {
10                         "name":     "Kohana Team",
11                         "email":    "",
12                         "homepage": "",
13                         "role":     "developer"
14                 }
15         ],
16         "support": {
17                 "issues":   "",
18                 "forum":    "",
19                 "irc":      "irc://",
20                 "source":   ""
21         },
22         "require": {
23                 "php":        ">=5.3.3"
24         },
25         "require-dev": {
26                 "kohana/unittest":     "3.3.*@dev",
27                 "kohana/koharness":    "*@dev"
28         },
29         "suggest": {
30                 "ext-http":   "*",
31                 "ext-curl":   "*",
32                 "ext-mcrypt": "*"
33         },
34         "extra": {
35                 "installer-paths": {
36                         "vendor/{$vendor}/{$name}": ["type:kohana-module"]
37                 },
38                 "branch-alias": {
39                         "dev-3.3/develop":  "3.3.x-dev",
40                         "dev-3.4/develop":  "3.4.x-dev"
41                 }
42         }