Bug 14793: New cataloguing plugin unimarc_field_225a_bis
[koha.git] / misc / cronjobs / overdue_notices.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Copyright 2008 Liblime
4 # Copyright 2010 BibLibre
6 # This file is part of Koha.
8 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
21 use Modern::Perl;
23 BEGIN {
25 # find Koha's Perl modules
26 # test carefully before changing this
27 use FindBin;
28 eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/../kohalib.pl" };
31 use Getopt::Long;
32 use Pod::Usage;
33 use Text::CSV_XS;
34 use DateTime;
35 use DateTime::Duration;
37 use C4::Context;
38 use C4::Letters;
39 use C4::Overdues qw(GetFine GetOverdueMessageTransportTypes parse_overdues_letter);
40 use C4::Log;
41 use Koha::Patron::Debarments qw(AddUniqueDebarment);
42 use Koha::DateUtils;
43 use Koha::Calendar;
44 use Koha::Libraries;
45 use Koha::Acquisition::Currencies;
47 =head1 NAME
49 overdue_notices.pl - prepare messages to be sent to patrons for overdue items
51 =head1 SYNOPSIS
53 overdue_notices.pl
54 [ -n ][ -library <branchcode> ][ -library <branchcode> ... ]
55 [ -max <number of days> ][ -csv [<filename>] ][ -itemscontent <field list> ]
56 [ -email <email_type> ... ]
58 Options:
59 -help brief help message
60 -man full documentation
61 -v verbose
62 -n No email will be sent
63 -max <days> maximum days overdue to deal with
64 -library <branchname> only deal with overdues from this library (repeatable : several libraries can be given)
65 -csv <filename> populate CSV file
66 -html <directory> Output html to a file in the given directory
67 -text <directory> Output plain text to a file in the given directory
68 -itemscontent <list of fields> item information in templates
69 -borcat <categorycode> category code that must be included
70 -borcatout <categorycode> category code that must be excluded
71 -t only include triggered overdues
72 -list-all list all overdues
73 -date <yyyy-mm-dd> emulate overdues run for this date
74 -email <email_type> type of email that will be used. Can be 'email', 'emailpro' or 'B_email'. Repeatable.
76 =head1 OPTIONS
78 =over 8
80 =item B<-help>
82 Print a brief help message and exits.
84 =item B<-man>
86 Prints the manual page and exits.
88 =item B<-v>
90 Verbose. Without this flag set, only fatal errors are reported.
92 =item B<-n>
94 Do not send any email. Overdue notices that would have been sent to
95 the patrons or to the admin are printed to standard out. CSV data (if
96 the -csv flag is set) is written to standard out or to any csv
97 filename given.
99 =item B<-max>
101 Items older than max days are assumed to be handled somewhere else,
102 probably the F<longoverdues.pl> script. They are therefore ignored by
103 this program. No notices are sent for them, and they are not added to
104 any CSV files. Defaults to 90 to match F<longoverdues.pl>.
106 =item B<-library>
108 select overdues for one specific library. Use the value in the
109 branches.branchcode table. This option can be repeated in order
110 to select overdues for a group of libraries.
112 =item B<-csv>
114 Produces CSV data. if -n (no mail) flag is set, then this CSV data is
115 sent to standard out or to a filename if provided. Otherwise, only
116 overdues that could not be emailed are sent in CSV format to the admin.
118 =item B<-html>
120 Produces html data. If patron does not have an email address or
121 -n (no mail) flag is set, an HTML file is generated in the specified
122 directory. This can be downloaded or further processed by library staff.
123 The file will be called notices-YYYY-MM-DD.html and placed in the directory
124 specified.
126 =item B<-text>
128 Produces plain text data. If patron does not have an email address or
129 -n (no mail) flag is set, a text file is generated in the specified
130 directory. This can be downloaded or further processed by library staff.
131 The file will be called notices-YYYY-MM-DD.txt and placed in the directory
132 specified.
134 =item B<-itemscontent>
136 comma separated list of fields that get substituted into templates in
137 places of the E<lt>E<lt>items.contentE<gt>E<gt> placeholder. This
138 defaults to due date,title,barcode,author
140 Other possible values come from fields in the biblios, items and
141 issues tables.
143 =item B<-borcat>
145 Repeatable field, that permits to select only some patron categories.
147 =item B<-borcatout>
149 Repeatable field, that permits to exclude some patron categories.
151 =item B<-t> | B<--triggered>
153 This option causes a notice to be generated if and only if
154 an item is overdue by the number of days defined in a notice trigger.
156 By default, a notice is sent each time the script runs, which is suitable for
157 less frequent run cron script, but requires syncing notice triggers with
158 the cron schedule to ensure proper behavior.
159 Add the --triggered option for daily cron, at the risk of no notice
160 being generated if the cron fails to run on time.
162 =item B<-list-all>
164 Default items.content lists only those items that fall in the
165 range of the currently processing notice.
166 Choose list-all to include all overdue items in the list (limited by B<-max> setting).
168 =item B<-date>
170 use it in order to send overdues on a specific date and not Now. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
172 =item B<-email>
174 Allows to specify which type of email will be used. Can be email, emailpro or B_email. Repeatable.
176 =back
178 =head1 DESCRIPTION
180 This script is designed to alert patrons and administrators of overdue
181 items.
183 =head2 Configuration
185 This script pays attention to the overdue notice configuration
186 performed in the "Overdue notice/status triggers" section of the
187 "Tools" area of the staff interface to Koha. There, you can choose
188 which letter templates are sent out after a configurable number of
189 days to patrons of each library. More information about the use of this
190 section of Koha is available in the Koha manual.
192 The templates used to craft the emails are defined in the "Tools:
193 Notices" section of the staff interface to Koha.
195 =head2 Outgoing emails
197 Typically, messages are prepared for each patron with overdue
198 items. Messages for whom there is no email address on file are
199 collected and sent as attachments in a single email to each library
200 administrator, or if that is not set, then to the email address in the
201 C<KohaAdminEmailAddress> system preference.
203 These emails are staged in the outgoing message queue, as are messages
204 produced by other features of Koha. This message queue must be
205 processed regularly by the
206 F<misc/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl> program.
208 In the event that the C<-n> flag is passed to this program, no emails
209 are sent. Instead, messages are sent on standard output from this
210 program. They may be redirected to a file if desired.
212 =head2 Templates
214 Templates can contain variables enclosed in double angle brackets like
215 E<lt>E<lt>thisE<gt>E<gt>. Those variables will be replaced with values
216 specific to the overdue items or relevant patron. Available variables
217 are:
219 =over
221 =item E<lt>E<lt>bibE<gt>E<gt>
223 the name of the library
225 =item E<lt>E<lt>items.contentE<gt>E<gt>
227 one line for each item, each line containing a tab separated list of
228 title, author, barcode, issuedate
230 =item E<lt>E<lt>borrowers.*E<gt>E<gt>
232 any field from the borrowers table
234 =item E<lt>E<lt>branches.*E<gt>E<gt>
236 any field from the branches table
238 =back
240 =head2 CSV output
242 The C<-csv> command line option lets you specify a file to which
243 overdues data should be output in CSV format.
245 With the C<-n> flag set, data about all overdues is written to the
246 file. Without that flag, only information about overdues that were
247 unable to be sent directly to the patrons will be written. In other
248 words, this CSV file replaces the data that is typically sent to the
249 administrator email address.
253 C<overdue_notices.pl> - In this most basic usage, with no command line
254 arguments, all libraries are processed individually, and notices are
255 prepared for all patrons with overdue items for whom we have email
256 addresses. Messages for those patrons for whom we have no email
257 address are sent in a single attachment to the library administrator's
258 email address, or to the address in the KohaAdminEmailAddress system
259 preference.
261 C<overdue_notices.pl -n -csv /tmp/overdues.csv> - sends no email and
262 populates F</tmp/overdues.csv> with information about all overdue
263 items.
265 C<overdue_notices.pl -library MAIN max 14> - prepare notices of
266 overdues in the last 2 weeks for the MAIN library.
268 =head1 SEE ALSO
270 The F<misc/cronjobs/advance_notices.pl> program allows you to send
271 messages to patrons in advance of their items becoming due, or to
272 alert them of items that have just become due.
274 =cut
276 # These variables are set by command line options.
277 # They are initially set to default values.
278 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
279 my $help = 0;
280 my $man = 0;
281 my $verbose = 0;
282 my $nomail = 0;
283 my $MAX = 90;
284 my @branchcodes; # Branch(es) passed as parameter
285 my @emails_to_use; # Emails to use for messaging
286 my @emails; # Emails given in command-line parameters
287 my $csvfilename;
288 my $htmlfilename;
289 my $text_filename;
290 my $triggered = 0;
291 my $listall = 0;
292 my $itemscontent = join( ',', qw( date_due title barcode author itemnumber ) );
293 my @myborcat;
294 my @myborcatout;
295 my ( $date_input, $today );
297 GetOptions(
298 'help|?' => \$help,
299 'man' => \$man,
300 'v' => \$verbose,
301 'n' => \$nomail,
302 'max=s' => \$MAX,
303 'library=s' => \@branchcodes,
304 'csv:s' => \$csvfilename, # this optional argument gets '' if not supplied.
305 'html:s' => \$htmlfilename, # this optional argument gets '' if not supplied.
306 'text:s' => \$text_filename, # this optional argument gets '' if not supplied.
307 'itemscontent=s' => \$itemscontent,
308 'list-all' => \$listall,
309 't|triggered' => \$triggered,
310 'date=s' => \$date_input,
311 'borcat=s' => \@myborcat,
312 'borcatout=s' => \@myborcatout,
313 'email=s' => \@emails,
314 ) or pod2usage(2);
315 pod2usage(1) if $help;
316 pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man;
318 cronlogaction();
320 if ( defined $csvfilename && $csvfilename =~ /^-/ ) {
321 warn qq(using "$csvfilename" as filename, that seems odd);
324 my @overduebranches = C4::Overdues::GetBranchcodesWithOverdueRules(); # Branches with overdue rules
325 my @branches; # Branches passed as parameter with overdue rules
326 my $branchcount = scalar(@overduebranches);
328 my $overduebranch_word = scalar @overduebranches > 1 ? 'branches' : 'branch';
329 my $branchcodes_word = scalar @branchcodes > 1 ? 'branches' : 'branch';
331 my $PrintNoticesMaxLines = C4::Context->preference('PrintNoticesMaxLines');
333 if ($branchcount) {
334 $verbose and warn "Found $branchcount $overduebranch_word with first message enabled: " . join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @overduebranches ), "\n";
335 } else {
336 die 'No branches with active overduerules';
339 if (@branchcodes) {
340 $verbose and warn "$branchcodes_word @branchcodes passed on parameter\n";
342 # Getting libraries which have overdue rules
343 my %seen = map { $_ => 1 } @branchcodes;
344 @branches = grep { $seen{$_} } @overduebranches;
347 if (@branches) {
349 my $branch_word = scalar @branches > 1 ? 'branches' : 'branch';
350 $verbose and warn "$branch_word @branches have overdue rules\n";
352 } else {
354 $verbose and warn "No active overduerules for $branchcodes_word '@branchcodes'\n";
355 ( scalar grep { '' eq $_ } @branches )
356 or die "No active overduerules for DEFAULT either!";
357 $verbose and warn "Falling back on default rules for @branchcodes\n";
358 @branches = ('');
361 my $date_to_run;
362 my $date;
363 if ( $date_input ){
364 eval {
365 $date_to_run = dt_from_string( $date_input, 'iso' );
367 die "$date_input is not a valid date, aborting! Use a date in format YYYY-MM-DD."
368 if $@ or not $date_to_run;
370 # It's certainly useless to escape $date_input
371 # dt_from_string should not return something if $date_input is not correctly set.
372 $date = $dbh->quote( $date_input );
374 else {
375 $date="NOW()";
376 $date_to_run = dt_from_string();
379 # these are the fields that will be substituted into <<item.content>>
380 my @item_content_fields = split( /,/, $itemscontent );
382 binmode( STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)' );
385 our $csv; # the Text::CSV_XS object
386 our $csv_fh; # the filehandle to the CSV file.
387 if ( defined $csvfilename ) {
388 my $sep_char = C4::Context->preference('delimiter') || ';';
389 $sep_char = "\t" if ($sep_char eq 'tabulation');
390 $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( { binary => 1 , sep_char => $sep_char } );
391 if ( $csvfilename eq '' ) {
392 $csv_fh = *STDOUT;
393 } else {
394 open $csv_fh, ">", $csvfilename or die "unable to open $csvfilename: $!";
396 if ( $csv->combine(qw(name surname address1 address2 zipcode city country email phone cardnumber itemcount itemsinfo branchname letternumber)) ) {
397 print $csv_fh $csv->string, "\n";
398 } else {
399 $verbose and warn 'combine failed on argument: ' . $csv->error_input;
403 @branches = @overduebranches unless @branches;
404 our $fh;
405 if ( defined $htmlfilename ) {
406 if ( $htmlfilename eq '' ) {
407 $fh = *STDOUT;
408 } else {
409 my $today = DateTime->now(time_zone => C4::Context->tz );
410 open $fh, ">:encoding(UTF-8)",File::Spec->catdir ($htmlfilename,"notices-".$today->ymd().".html");
413 print $fh "<html>\n";
414 print $fh "<head>\n";
415 print $fh "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
416 print $fh "<style type='text/css'>\n";
417 print $fh "pre {page-break-after: always;}\n";
418 print $fh "pre {white-space: pre-wrap;}\n";
419 print $fh "pre {white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;}\n";
420 print $fh "pre {white-space: -o-pre-wrap;}\n";
421 print $fh "pre {word-wrap: break-work;}\n";
422 print $fh "</style>\n";
423 print $fh "</head>\n";
424 print $fh "<body>\n";
426 elsif ( defined $text_filename ) {
427 if ( $text_filename eq '' ) {
428 $fh = *STDOUT;
429 } else {
430 my $today = DateTime->now(time_zone => C4::Context->tz );
431 open $fh, ">",File::Spec->catdir ($text_filename,"notices-".$today->ymd().".txt");
435 foreach my $branchcode (@branches) {
436 if ( C4::Context->preference('OverdueNoticeCalendar') ) {
437 my $calendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode );
438 if ( $calendar->is_holiday($date_to_run) ) {
439 next;
443 my $library = Koha::Libraries->find($branchcode);
444 my $admin_email_address = $library->branchemail
445 || C4::Context->preference('KohaAdminEmailAddress');
446 my @output_chunks; # may be sent to mail or stdout or csv file.
448 $verbose and warn sprintf "branchcode : '%s' using %s\n", $branchcode, $admin_email_address;
450 my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( <<"END_SQL" );
451 SELECT biblio.*, items.*, issues.*, biblioitems.itemtype, branchname
452 FROM issues,items,biblio, biblioitems, branches b
453 WHERE items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber
454 AND biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber
455 AND b.branchcode = items.homebranch
456 AND biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber
457 AND issues.borrowernumber = ?
458 AND TO_DAYS($date)-TO_DAYS(issues.date_due) >= 0
461 my $query = "SELECT * FROM overduerules WHERE delay1 IS NOT NULL AND branchcode = ? ";
462 $query .= " AND categorycode IN (".join( ',' , ('?') x @myborcat ).") " if (@myborcat);
463 $query .= " AND categorycode NOT IN (".join( ',' , ('?') x @myborcatout ).") " if (@myborcatout);
465 my $rqoverduerules = $dbh->prepare($query);
466 $rqoverduerules->execute($branchcode, @myborcat, @myborcatout);
468 # We get default rules is there is no rule for this branch
469 if($rqoverduerules->rows == 0){
470 $query = "SELECT * FROM overduerules WHERE delay1 IS NOT NULL AND branchcode = '' ";
471 $query .= " AND categorycode IN (".join( ',' , ('?') x @myborcat ).") " if (@myborcat);
472 $query .= " AND categorycode NOT IN (".join( ',' , ('?') x @myborcatout ).") " if (@myborcatout);
474 $rqoverduerules = $dbh->prepare($query);
475 $rqoverduerules->execute(@myborcat, @myborcatout);
478 # my $outfile = 'overdues_' . ( $mybranch || $branchcode || 'default' );
479 while ( my $overdue_rules = $rqoverduerules->fetchrow_hashref ) {
480 PERIOD: foreach my $i ( 1 .. 3 ) {
482 $verbose and warn "branch '$branchcode', categorycode = $overdue_rules->{categorycode} pass $i\n";
484 my $mindays = $overdue_rules->{"delay$i"}; # the notice will be sent after mindays days (grace period)
485 my $maxdays = (
486 $overdue_rules->{ "delay" . ( $i + 1 ) }
487 ? $overdue_rules->{ "delay" . ( $i + 1 ) } - 1
488 : ($MAX)
489 ); # issues being more than maxdays late are managed somewhere else. (borrower probably suspended)
491 next unless defined $mindays;
493 if ( !$overdue_rules->{"letter$i"} ) {
494 $verbose and warn "No letter$i code for branch '$branchcode'";
495 next PERIOD;
498 # $letter->{'content'} is the text of the mail that is sent.
499 # this text contains fields that are replaced by their value. Those fields must be written between brackets
500 # The following fields are available :
501 # itemcount is interpreted here as the number of items in the overdue range defined by the current notice or all overdues < max if(-list-all).
502 # <date> <itemcount> <firstname> <lastname> <address1> <address2> <address3> <city> <postcode> <country>
504 my $borrower_sql = <<"END_SQL";
505 SELECT issues.borrowernumber, firstname, surname, address, address2, city, zipcode, country, email, emailpro, B_email, smsalertnumber, phone, cardnumber, date_due
506 FROM issues,borrowers,categories
507 WHERE issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber
508 AND borrowers.categorycode=categories.categorycode
509 AND TO_DAYS($date)-TO_DAYS(issues.date_due) >= 0
511 my @borrower_parameters;
512 if ($branchcode) {
513 $borrower_sql .= ' AND issues.branchcode=? ';
514 push @borrower_parameters, $branchcode;
516 if ( $overdue_rules->{categorycode} ) {
517 $borrower_sql .= ' AND borrowers.categorycode=? ';
518 push @borrower_parameters, $overdue_rules->{categorycode};
520 $borrower_sql .= ' AND categories.overduenoticerequired=1 ORDER BY issues.borrowernumber';
522 # $sth gets borrower info iff at least one overdue item has triggered the overdue action.
523 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($borrower_sql);
524 $sth->execute(@borrower_parameters);
526 $verbose and warn $borrower_sql . "\n $branchcode | " . $overdue_rules->{'categorycode'} . "\n ($mindays, $maxdays, ". $date_to_run->datetime() .")\nreturns " . $sth->rows . " rows";
527 my $borrowernumber;
528 while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
530 # check the borrower has at least one item that matches
531 my $days_between;
532 if ( C4::Context->preference('OverdueNoticeCalendar') )
534 my $calendar =
535 Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode );
536 $days_between =
537 $calendar->days_between( dt_from_string($data->{date_due}),
538 $date_to_run );
540 else {
541 $days_between =
542 $date_to_run->delta_days( dt_from_string($data->{date_due}) );
544 $days_between = $days_between->in_units('days');
545 if ($triggered) {
546 if ( $mindays != $days_between ) {
547 next;
550 else {
551 unless ( $days_between >= $mindays
552 && $days_between <= $maxdays )
554 next;
557 if (defined $borrowernumber && $borrowernumber eq $data->{'borrowernumber'}){
558 # we have already dealt with this borrower
559 $verbose and warn "already dealt with this borrower $borrowernumber";
560 next;
562 $borrowernumber = $data->{'borrowernumber'};
563 my $borr =
564 $data->{'firstname'} . ', '
565 . $data->{'surname'} . ' ('
566 . $borrowernumber . ')';
567 $verbose
568 and warn "borrower $borr has items triggering level $i.";
570 @emails_to_use = ();
571 my $notice_email =
572 C4::Members::GetNoticeEmailAddress($borrowernumber);
573 unless ($nomail) {
574 if (@emails) {
575 foreach (@emails) {
576 push @emails_to_use, $data->{$_} if ( $data->{$_} );
579 else {
580 push @emails_to_use, $notice_email if ($notice_email);
584 my $letter = C4::Letters::getletter( 'circulation', $overdue_rules->{"letter$i"}, $branchcode );
586 unless ($letter) {
587 $verbose and warn qq|Message '$overdue_rules->{"letter$i"}' content not found|;
589 # might as well skip while PERIOD, no other borrowers are going to work.
590 # FIXME : Does this mean a letter must be defined in order to trigger a debar ?
591 next PERIOD;
594 if ( $overdue_rules->{"debarred$i"} ) {
596 #action taken is debarring
597 AddUniqueDebarment(
599 borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
600 type => 'OVERDUES',
601 comment => "OVERDUES_PROCESS " . output_pref( dt_from_string() ),
604 $verbose and warn "debarring $borr\n";
606 my @params = ($borrowernumber);
607 $verbose and warn "STH2 PARAMS: borrowernumber = $borrowernumber";
609 $sth2->execute(@params);
610 my $itemcount = 0;
611 my $titles = "";
612 my @items = ();
614 my $j = 0;
615 my $exceededPrintNoticesMaxLines = 0;
616 while ( my $item_info = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
617 if ( C4::Context->preference('OverdueNoticeCalendar') ) {
618 my $calendar =
619 Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode );
620 $days_between =
621 $calendar->days_between(
622 dt_from_string( $item_info->{date_due} ), $date_to_run );
624 else {
625 $days_between =
626 $date_to_run->delta_days(
627 dt_from_string( $item_info->{date_due} ) );
629 $days_between = $days_between->in_units('days');
630 if ($listall){
631 unless ($days_between >= 1 and $days_between <= $MAX){
632 next;
635 else {
636 if ($triggered) {
637 if ( $mindays != $days_between ) {
638 next;
641 else {
642 unless ( $days_between >= $mindays
643 && $days_between <= $maxdays )
645 next;
650 if ( ( scalar(@emails_to_use) == 0 || $nomail ) && $PrintNoticesMaxLines && $j >= $PrintNoticesMaxLines ) {
651 $exceededPrintNoticesMaxLines = 1;
652 last;
654 $j++;
655 my @item_info = map { $_ =~ /^date|date$/ ?
656 eval { output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string( $item_info->{$_} ), dateonly => 1 } ); }
658 $item_info->{$_} || '' } @item_content_fields;
659 $titles .= join("\t", @item_info) . "\n";
660 $itemcount++;
661 push @items, $item_info;
663 $sth2->finish;
665 my @message_transport_types = @{ GetOverdueMessageTransportTypes( $branchcode, $overdue_rules->{categorycode}, $i) };
666 @message_transport_types = @{ GetOverdueMessageTransportTypes( q{}, $overdue_rules->{categorycode}, $i) }
667 unless @message_transport_types;
670 my $print_sent = 0; # A print notice is not yet sent for this patron
671 for my $mtt ( @message_transport_types ) {
672 my $effective_mtt = $mtt;
673 if ( ($mtt eq 'email' and not scalar @emails_to_use) or ($mtt eq 'sms' and not $data->{smsalertnumber}) ) {
674 # email or sms is requested but not exist, do a print.
675 $effective_mtt = 'print';
678 my $letter_exists = C4::Letters::getletter( 'circulation', $overdue_rules->{"letter$i"}, $branchcode, $effective_mtt ) ? 1 : 0;
679 my $letter = parse_overdues_letter(
680 { letter_code => $overdue_rules->{"letter$i"},
681 borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
682 branchcode => $branchcode,
683 items => \@items,
684 substitute => { # this appears to be a hack to overcome incomplete features in this code.
685 bib => $library->branchname, # maybe 'bib' is a typo for 'lib<rary>'?
686 'items.content' => $titles,
687 'count' => $itemcount,
689 # If there is no template defined for the requested letter
690 # Fallback on email
691 message_transport_type => $letter_exists ? $effective_mtt : 'email',
694 unless ($letter) {
695 $verbose and warn qq|Message '$overdue_rules->{"letter$i"}' content not found|;
696 # this transport doesn't have a configured notice, so try another
697 next;
700 if ( $exceededPrintNoticesMaxLines ) {
701 $letter->{'content'} .= "List too long for form; please check your account online for a complete list of your overdue items.";
704 my @misses = grep { /./ } map { /^([^>]*)[>]+/; ( $1 || '' ); } split /\</, $letter->{'content'};
705 if (@misses) {
706 $verbose and warn "The following terms were not matched and replaced: \n\t" . join "\n\t", @misses;
709 if ($nomail) {
710 push @output_chunks,
711 prepare_letter_for_printing(
712 { letter => $letter,
713 borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
714 firstname => $data->{'firstname'},
715 lastname => $data->{'surname'},
716 address1 => $data->{'address'},
717 address2 => $data->{'address2'},
718 city => $data->{'city'},
719 phone => $data->{'phone'},
720 cardnumber => $data->{'cardnumber'},
721 branchname => $library->branchname,
722 letternumber => $i,
723 postcode => $data->{'zipcode'},
724 country => $data->{'country'},
725 email => $notice_email,
726 itemcount => $itemcount,
727 titles => $titles,
728 outputformat => defined $csvfilename ? 'csv' : defined $htmlfilename ? 'html' : defined $text_filename ? 'text' : '',
731 } else {
732 if ( ($mtt eq 'email' and not scalar @emails_to_use) or ($mtt eq 'sms' and not $data->{smsalertnumber}) ) {
733 push @output_chunks,
734 prepare_letter_for_printing(
735 { letter => $letter,
736 borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
737 firstname => $data->{'firstname'},
738 lastname => $data->{'surname'},
739 address1 => $data->{'address'},
740 address2 => $data->{'address2'},
741 city => $data->{'city'},
742 postcode => $data->{'zipcode'},
743 country => $data->{'country'},
744 email => $notice_email,
745 itemcount => $itemcount,
746 titles => $titles,
747 outputformat => defined $csvfilename ? 'csv' : defined $htmlfilename ? 'html' : defined $text_filename ? 'text' : '',
751 unless ( $effective_mtt eq 'print' and $print_sent == 1 ) {
752 # Just sent a print if not already done.
753 C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter(
754 { letter => $letter,
755 borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
756 message_transport_type => $effective_mtt,
757 from_address => $admin_email_address,
758 to_address => join(',', @emails_to_use),
761 # A print notice should be sent only once per overdue level.
762 # Without this check, a print could be sent twice or more if the library checks sms and email and print and the patron has no email or sms number.
763 $print_sent = 1 if $effective_mtt eq 'print';
768 $sth->finish;
772 if (@output_chunks) {
773 if ( defined $csvfilename ) {
774 print $csv_fh @output_chunks;
776 elsif ( defined $htmlfilename ) {
777 print $fh @output_chunks;
779 elsif ( defined $text_filename ) {
780 print $fh @output_chunks;
782 elsif ($nomail){
783 local $, = "\f"; # pagebreak
784 print @output_chunks;
786 # Generate the content of the csv with headers
787 my $content;
788 if ( defined $csvfilename ) {
789 my $delimiter = C4::Context->preference('delimiter') || ';';
790 $content = join($delimiter, qw(title name surname address1 address2 zipcode city country email itemcount itemsinfo due_date issue_date)) . "\n";
792 else {
793 $content = "";
795 $content .= join( "\n", @output_chunks );
797 my $attachment = {
798 filename => defined $csvfilename ? 'attachment.csv' : 'attachment.txt',
799 type => 'text/plain',
800 content => $content,
803 my $letter = {
804 title => 'Overdue Notices',
805 content => 'These messages were not sent directly to the patrons.',
807 C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter(
808 { letter => $letter,
809 borrowernumber => undef,
810 message_transport_type => 'email',
811 attachments => [$attachment],
812 to_address => $admin_email_address,
818 if ($csvfilename) {
819 # note that we're not testing on $csv_fh to prevent closing
820 # STDOUT.
821 close $csv_fh;
824 if ( defined $htmlfilename ) {
825 print $fh "</body>\n";
826 print $fh "</html>\n";
827 close $fh;
828 } elsif ( defined $text_filename ) {
829 close $fh;
834 These methods are internal to the operation of overdue_notices.pl.
836 =head2 prepare_letter_for_printing
838 returns a string of text appropriate for printing in the event that an
839 overdue notice will not be sent to the patron's email
840 address. Depending on the desired output format, this may be a CSV
841 string, or a human-readable representation of the notice.
843 required parameters:
844 letter
845 borrowernumber
847 optional parameters:
848 outputformat
850 =cut
852 sub prepare_letter_for_printing {
853 my $params = shift;
855 return unless ref $params eq 'HASH';
857 foreach my $required_parameter (qw( letter borrowernumber )) {
858 return unless defined $params->{$required_parameter};
861 my $return;
862 chomp $params->{titles};
863 if ( exists $params->{'outputformat'} && $params->{'outputformat'} eq 'csv' ) {
864 if ($csv->combine(
865 $params->{'firstname'}, $params->{'lastname'}, $params->{'address1'}, $params->{'address2'}, $params->{'postcode'},
866 $params->{'city'}, $params->{'country'}, $params->{'email'}, $params->{'phone'}, $params->{'cardnumber'},
867 $params->{'itemcount'}, $params->{'titles'}, $params->{'branchname'}, $params->{'letternumber'}
870 return $csv->string, "\n";
871 } else {
872 $verbose and warn 'combine failed on argument: ' . $csv->error_input;
874 } elsif ( exists $params->{'outputformat'} && $params->{'outputformat'} eq 'html' ) {
875 $return = "<pre>\n";
876 $return .= "$params->{'letter'}->{'content'}\n";
877 $return .= "\n</pre>\n";
878 } else {
879 $return .= "$params->{'letter'}->{'content'}\n";
881 # $return .= Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $params->{'borrowernumber'}, $params->{'letter'} ], [qw( borrowernumber letter )] );
883 return $return;