Increment version for 19.11.07 release
[koha.git] / C4 /
1 package C4::Koha;
3 # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
4 # Parts Copyright 2010 Nelsonville Public Library
5 # Parts copyright 2010 BibLibre
7 # This file is part of Koha.
9 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
12 # (at your option) any later version.
14 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 # GNU General Public License for more details.
19 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 # along with Koha; if not, see <>.
23 use strict;
24 #use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505
26 use C4::Context;
27 use Koha::Caches;
28 use Koha::DateUtils qw(dt_from_string);
29 use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
30 use Koha::Libraries;
31 use Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures;
32 use DateTime::Format::MySQL;
33 use Business::ISBN;
34 use Business::ISSN;
35 use autouse 'Data::cselectall_arrayref' => qw(Dumper);
36 use DBI qw(:sql_types);
37 use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG);
39 BEGIN {
40 require Exporter;
41 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
42 @EXPORT = qw(
43 &GetPrinters &GetPrinter
44 &GetItemTypesCategorized
45 &getallthemes
46 &getFacets
47 &getnbpages
48 &getitemtypeimagedir
49 &getitemtypeimagesrc
50 &getitemtypeimagelocation
51 &GetAuthorisedValues
52 &GetNormalizedUPC
53 &GetNormalizedISBN
54 &GetNormalizedEAN
55 &GetNormalizedOCLCNumber
56 &xml_escape
58 &GetVariationsOfISBN
59 &GetVariationsOfISBNs
60 &NormalizeISBN
61 &GetVariationsOfISSN
62 &GetVariationsOfISSNs
63 &NormalizeISSN
67 $DEBUG = 0;
68 @EXPORT_OK = qw( GetDailyQuote );
71 =head1 NAME
73 C4::Koha - Perl Module containing convenience functions for Koha scripts
75 =head1 SYNOPSIS
77 use C4::Koha;
81 provides many functions for Koha scripts.
83 =head1 FUNCTIONS
85 =cut
87 =head2 GetItemTypesCategorized
89 $categories = GetItemTypesCategorized();
91 Returns a hashref containing search categories.
92 A search category will be put in the hash if at least one of its itemtypes is visible in OPAC.
93 The categories must be part of Authorized Values (ITEMTYPECAT)
95 =cut
97 sub GetItemTypesCategorized {
98 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
99 # Order is important, so that partially hidden (some items are not visible in OPAC) search
100 # categories will be visible. hideinopac=0 must be last.
101 my $query = q|
102 SELECT itemtype, description, imageurl, hideinopac, 0 as 'iscat' FROM itemtypes WHERE ISNULL(searchcategory) or length(searchcategory) = 0
104 SELECT DISTINCT searchcategory AS `itemtype`,
105 COALESCE(authorised_values.lib_opac,authorised_values.lib) AS description,
106 authorised_values.imageurl AS imageurl,
107 hideinopac, 1 as 'iscat'
108 FROM itemtypes
109 LEFT JOIN authorised_values ON searchcategory = authorised_value
110 WHERE searchcategory > '' and hideinopac=1
112 SELECT DISTINCT searchcategory AS `itemtype`,
113 COALESCE(authorised_values.lib_opac,authorised_values.lib) AS description,
114 authorised_values.imageurl AS imageurl,
115 hideinopac, 1 as 'iscat'
116 FROM itemtypes
117 LEFT JOIN authorised_values ON searchcategory = authorised_value
118 WHERE searchcategory > '' and hideinopac=0
120 return ($dbh->selectall_hashref($query,'itemtype'));
123 =head2 getitemtypeimagedir
125 my $directory = getitemtypeimagedir( 'opac' );
127 pass in 'opac' or 'intranet'. Defaults to 'opac'.
129 returns the full path to the appropriate directory containing images.
131 =cut
133 sub getitemtypeimagedir {
134 my $src = shift || 'opac';
135 if ($src eq 'intranet') {
136 return C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/' .C4::Context->preference('template') . '/img/itemtypeimg';
137 } else {
138 return C4::Context->config('opachtdocs') . '/' . C4::Context->preference('opacthemes') . '/itemtypeimg';
142 sub getitemtypeimagesrc {
143 my $src = shift || 'opac';
144 if ($src eq 'intranet') {
145 return '/intranet-tmpl' . '/' . C4::Context->preference('template') . '/img/itemtypeimg';
146 } else {
147 return '/opac-tmpl' . '/' . C4::Context->preference('opacthemes') . '/itemtypeimg';
151 sub getitemtypeimagelocation {
152 my ( $src, $image ) = @_;
154 return '' if ( !$image );
155 require URI::Split;
157 my $scheme = ( URI::Split::uri_split( $image ) )[0];
159 return $image if ( $scheme );
161 return getitemtypeimagesrc( $src ) . '/' . $image;
164 =head3 _getImagesFromDirectory
166 Find all of the image files in a directory in the filesystem
168 parameters: a directory name
170 returns: a list of images in that directory.
172 Notes: this does not traverse into subdirectories. See
173 _getSubdirectoryNames for help with that.
174 Images are assumed to be files with .gif or .png file extensions.
175 The image names returned do not have the directory name on them.
177 =cut
179 sub _getImagesFromDirectory {
180 my $directoryname = shift;
181 return unless defined $directoryname;
182 return unless -d $directoryname;
184 if ( opendir ( my $dh, $directoryname ) ) {
185 my @images = grep { /\.(gif|png)$/i } readdir( $dh );
186 closedir $dh;
187 @images = sort(@images);
188 return @images;
189 } else {
190 warn "unable to opendir $directoryname: $!";
191 return;
195 =head3 _getSubdirectoryNames
197 Find all of the directories in a directory in the filesystem
199 parameters: a directory name
201 returns: a list of subdirectories in that directory.
203 Notes: this does not traverse into subdirectories. Only the first
204 level of subdirectories are returned.
205 The directory names returned don't have the parent directory name on them.
207 =cut
209 sub _getSubdirectoryNames {
210 my $directoryname = shift;
211 return unless defined $directoryname;
212 return unless -d $directoryname;
214 if ( opendir ( my $dh, $directoryname ) ) {
215 my @directories = grep { -d File::Spec->catfile( $directoryname, $_ ) && ! ( /^\./ ) } readdir( $dh );
216 closedir $dh;
217 return @directories;
218 } else {
219 warn "unable to opendir $directoryname: $!";
220 return;
224 =head3 getImageSets
226 returns: a listref of hashrefs. Each hash represents another collection of images.
228 { imagesetname => 'npl', # the name of the image set (npl is the original one)
229 images => listref of image hashrefs
232 each image is represented by a hashref like this:
234 { KohaImage => 'npl/image.gif',
235 StaffImageUrl => '/intranet-tmpl/prog/img/itemtypeimg/npl/image.gif',
236 OpacImageURL => '/opac-tmpl/prog/itemtypeimg/npl/image.gif'
237 checked => 0 or 1: was this the image passed to this method?
238 Note: I'd like to remove this somehow.
241 =cut
243 sub getImageSets {
244 my %params = @_;
245 my $checked = $params{'checked'} || '';
247 my $paths = { staff => { filesystem => getitemtypeimagedir('intranet'),
248 url => getitemtypeimagesrc('intranet'),
250 opac => { filesystem => getitemtypeimagedir('opac'),
251 url => getitemtypeimagesrc('opac'),
255 my @imagesets = (); # list of hasrefs of image set data to pass to template
256 my @subdirectories = _getSubdirectoryNames( $paths->{'staff'}{'filesystem'} );
257 foreach my $imagesubdir ( @subdirectories ) {
258 warn $imagesubdir if $DEBUG;
259 my @imagelist = (); # hashrefs of image info
260 my @imagenames = _getImagesFromDirectory( File::Spec->catfile( $paths->{'staff'}{'filesystem'}, $imagesubdir ) );
261 my $imagesetactive = 0;
262 foreach my $thisimage ( @imagenames ) {
263 push( @imagelist,
264 { KohaImage => "$imagesubdir/$thisimage",
265 StaffImageUrl => join( '/', $paths->{'staff'}{'url'}, $imagesubdir, $thisimage ),
266 OpacImageUrl => join( '/', $paths->{'opac'}{'url'}, $imagesubdir, $thisimage ),
267 checked => "$imagesubdir/$thisimage" eq $checked ? 1 : 0,
270 $imagesetactive = 1 if "$imagesubdir/$thisimage" eq $checked;
272 push @imagesets, { imagesetname => $imagesubdir,
273 imagesetactive => $imagesetactive,
274 images => \@imagelist };
277 return \@imagesets;
280 =head2 GetPrinters
282 $printers = &GetPrinters();
283 @queues = keys %$printers;
285 Returns information about existing printer queues.
287 C<$printers> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are the print queues
288 defined in the printers table of the Koha database. The values are
289 references-to-hash, whose keys are the fields in the printers table.
291 =cut
293 sub GetPrinters {
294 my %printers;
295 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
296 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from printers");
297 $sth->execute;
298 while ( my $printer = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
299 $printers{ $printer->{'printqueue'} } = $printer;
301 return ( \%printers );
304 =head2 GetPrinter
306 $printer = GetPrinter( $query, $printers );
308 =cut
310 sub GetPrinter {
311 my ( $query, $printers ) = @_; # get printer for this query from printers
312 my $printer = $query->param('printer');
313 my %cookie = $query->cookie('userenv');
314 ($printer) || ( $printer = $cookie{'printer'} ) || ( $printer = '' );
315 ( $printers->{$printer} ) || ( $printer = ( keys %$printers )[0] );
316 return $printer;
319 =head2 getnbpages
321 Returns the number of pages to display in a pagination bar, given the number
322 of items and the number of items per page.
324 =cut
326 sub getnbpages {
327 my ( $nb_items, $nb_items_per_page ) = @_;
329 return int( ( $nb_items - 1 ) / $nb_items_per_page ) + 1;
332 =head2 getallthemes
334 (@themes) = &getallthemes('opac');
335 (@themes) = &getallthemes('intranet');
337 Returns an array of all available themes.
339 =cut
341 sub getallthemes {
342 my $type = shift;
343 my $htdocs;
344 my @themes;
345 if ( $type eq 'intranet' ) {
346 $htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
348 else {
349 $htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
351 opendir D, "$htdocs";
352 my @dirlist = readdir D;
353 foreach my $directory (@dirlist) {
354 next if $directory eq 'lib';
355 -d "$htdocs/$directory/en" and push @themes, $directory;
357 return @themes;
360 sub getFacets {
361 my $facets;
362 if ( C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC" ) {
363 $facets = [
365 idx => 'su-to',
366 label => 'Topics',
367 tags => [ qw/ 600ab 601ab 602a 604at 605a 606ax 610a / ],
368 sep => ' - ',
371 idx => 'su-geo',
372 label => 'Places',
373 tags => [ qw/ 607a / ],
374 sep => ' - ',
377 idx => 'au',
378 label => 'Authors',
379 tags => [ qw/ 700ab 701ab 702ab / ],
380 sep => C4::Context->preference("UNIMARCAuthorsFacetsSeparator"),
383 idx => 'se',
384 label => 'Series',
385 tags => [ qw/ 225a / ],
386 sep => ', ',
389 idx => 'location',
390 label => 'Location',
391 tags => [ qw/ 995e / ],
394 idx => 'ccode',
395 label => 'CollectionCodes',
396 tags => [ qw / 099t 955h / ],
400 unless ( Koha::Libraries->search->count == 1 )
402 my $DisplayLibraryFacets = C4::Context->preference('DisplayLibraryFacets');
403 if ( $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'both'
404 || $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'holding' )
406 push(
407 @$facets,
409 idx => 'holdingbranch',
410 label => 'HoldingLibrary',
411 tags => [qw / 995c /],
416 if ( $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'both'
417 || $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'home' )
419 push(
420 @$facets,
422 idx => 'homebranch',
423 label => 'HomeLibrary',
424 tags => [qw / 995b /],
430 else {
431 $facets = [
433 idx => 'su-to',
434 label => 'Topics',
435 tags => [ qw/ 650a / ],
436 sep => '--',
439 # idx => 'su-na',
440 # label => 'People and Organizations',
441 # tags => [ qw/ 600a 610a 611a / ],
442 # sep => 'a',
443 # },
445 idx => 'su-geo',
446 label => 'Places',
447 tags => [ qw/ 651a / ],
448 sep => '--',
451 idx => 'su-ut',
452 label => 'Titles',
453 tags => [ qw/ 630a / ],
454 sep => '--',
457 idx => 'au',
458 label => 'Authors',
459 tags => [ qw/ 100a 110a 700a / ],
460 sep => ', ',
463 idx => 'se',
464 label => 'Series',
465 tags => [ qw/ 440a 490a / ],
466 sep => ', ',
469 idx => 'itype',
470 label => 'ItemTypes',
471 tags => [ qw/ 952y 942c / ],
472 sep => ', ',
475 idx => 'location',
476 label => 'Location',
477 tags => [ qw / 952c / ],
480 idx => 'ccode',
481 label => 'CollectionCodes',
482 tags => [ qw / 9528 / ],
486 unless ( Koha::Libraries->search->count == 1 )
488 my $DisplayLibraryFacets = C4::Context->preference('DisplayLibraryFacets');
489 if ( $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'both'
490 || $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'holding' )
492 push(
493 @$facets,
495 idx => 'holdingbranch',
496 label => 'HoldingLibrary',
497 tags => [qw / 952b /],
502 if ( $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'both'
503 || $DisplayLibraryFacets eq 'home' )
505 push(
506 @$facets,
508 idx => 'homebranch',
509 label => 'HomeLibrary',
510 tags => [qw / 952a /],
516 return $facets;
519 =head2 GetAuthorisedValues
521 $authvalues = GetAuthorisedValues([$category]);
523 This function returns all authorised values from the'authorised_value' table in a reference to array of hashrefs.
525 C<$category> returns authorised values for just one category (optional).
527 C<$opac> If set to a true value, displays OPAC descriptions rather than normal ones when they exist.
529 =cut
531 sub GetAuthorisedValues {
532 my ( $category, $opac ) = @_;
534 # Is this cached already?
535 $opac = $opac ? 1 : 0; # normalise to be safe
536 my $branch_limit =
537 C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{"branch"} : "";
538 my $cache_key =
539 "AuthorisedValues-$category-$opac-$branch_limit";
540 my $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance();
541 my $result = $cache->get_from_cache($cache_key);
542 return $result if $result;
544 my @results;
545 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
546 my $query = qq{
548 FROM authorised_values av
550 $query .= qq{
551 LEFT JOIN authorised_values_branches ON ( id = av_id )
552 } if $branch_limit;
553 my @where_strings;
554 my @where_args;
555 if($category) {
556 push @where_strings, "category = ?";
557 push @where_args, $category;
559 if($branch_limit) {
560 push @where_strings, "( branchcode = ? OR branchcode IS NULL )";
561 push @where_args, $branch_limit;
563 if(@where_strings > 0) {
564 $query .= " WHERE " . join(" AND ", @where_strings);
566 $query .= ' ORDER BY category, ' . (
567 $opac ? 'COALESCE(lib_opac, lib)'
568 : 'lib, lib_opac'
571 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
573 $sth->execute( @where_args );
574 while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
575 if ($opac && $data->{lib_opac}) {
576 $data->{lib} = $data->{lib_opac};
578 push @results, $data;
580 $sth->finish;
582 $cache->set_in_cache( $cache_key, \@results, { expiry => 5 } );
583 return \@results;
586 =head2 xml_escape
588 my $escaped_string = C4::Koha::xml_escape($string);
590 Convert &, <, >, ', and " in a string to XML entities
592 =cut
594 sub xml_escape {
595 my $str = shift;
596 return '' unless defined $str;
597 $str =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
598 $str =~ s/</&lt;/g;
599 $str =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
600 $str =~ s/'/&apos;/g;
601 $str =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
602 return $str;
605 =head2 display_marc_indicators
607 my $display_form = C4::Koha::display_marc_indicators($field);
609 C<$field> is a MARC::Field object
611 Generate a display form of the indicators of a variable
612 MARC field, replacing any blanks with '#'.
614 =cut
616 sub display_marc_indicators {
617 my $field = shift;
618 my $indicators = '';
619 if ($field && $field->tag() >= 10) {
620 $indicators = $field->indicator(1) . $field->indicator(2);
621 $indicators =~ s/ /#/g;
623 return $indicators;
626 sub GetNormalizedUPC {
627 my ($marcrecord,$marcflavour) = @_;
629 return unless $marcrecord;
630 if ($marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC') {
631 my @fields = $marcrecord->field('072');
632 foreach my $field (@fields) {
633 my $upc = _normalize_match_point($field->subfield('a'));
634 if ($upc) {
635 return $upc;
640 else { # assume marc21 if not unimarc
641 my @fields = $marcrecord->field('024');
642 foreach my $field (@fields) {
643 my $indicator = $field->indicator(1);
644 my $upc = _normalize_match_point($field->subfield('a'));
645 if ($upc && $indicator == 1 ) {
646 return $upc;
652 # Normalizes and returns the first valid ISBN found in the record
653 # ISBN13 are converted into ISBN10. This is required to get some book cover images.
654 sub GetNormalizedISBN {
655 my ($isbn,$marcrecord,$marcflavour) = @_;
656 if ($isbn) {
657 # Koha attempts to store multiple ISBNs in biblioitems.isbn, separated by " | "
658 # anything after " | " should be removed, along with the delimiter
659 ($isbn) = split(/\|/, $isbn );
660 return _isbn_cleanup($isbn);
663 return unless $marcrecord;
665 if ($marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC') {
666 my @fields = $marcrecord->field('010');
667 foreach my $field (@fields) {
668 my $isbn = $field->subfield('a');
669 if ($isbn) {
670 return _isbn_cleanup($isbn);
674 else { # assume marc21 if not unimarc
675 my @fields = $marcrecord->field('020');
676 foreach my $field (@fields) {
677 $isbn = $field->subfield('a');
678 if ($isbn) {
679 return _isbn_cleanup($isbn);
685 sub GetNormalizedEAN {
686 my ($marcrecord,$marcflavour) = @_;
688 return unless $marcrecord;
690 if ($marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC') {
691 my @fields = $marcrecord->field('073');
692 foreach my $field (@fields) {
693 my $ean = _normalize_match_point($field->subfield('a'));
694 if ( $ean ) {
695 return $ean;
699 else { # assume marc21 if not unimarc
700 my @fields = $marcrecord->field('024');
701 foreach my $field (@fields) {
702 my $indicator = $field->indicator(1);
703 my $ean = _normalize_match_point($field->subfield('a'));
704 if ( $ean && $indicator == 3 ) {
705 return $ean;
711 sub GetNormalizedOCLCNumber {
712 my ($marcrecord,$marcflavour) = @_;
713 return unless $marcrecord;
715 if ($marcflavour ne 'UNIMARC' ) {
716 my @fields = $marcrecord->field('035');
717 foreach my $field (@fields) {
718 my $oclc = $field->subfield('a');
719 if ($oclc =~ /OCoLC/) {
720 $oclc =~ s/\(OCoLC\)//;
721 return $oclc;
724 } else {
725 # TODO for UNIMARC
727 return
730 =head2 GetDailyQuote($opts)
732 Takes a hashref of options
734 Currently supported options are:
736 'id' An exact quote id
737 'random' Select a random quote
738 noop When no option is passed in, this sub will return the quote timestamped for the current day
740 The function returns an anonymous hash following this format:
743 'source' => 'source-of-quote',
744 'timestamp' => 'timestamp-value',
745 'text' => 'text-of-quote',
746 'id' => 'quote-id'
749 =cut
751 # This is definitely a candidate for some sort of caching once we finally settle caching/persistence issues...
752 # at least for default option
754 sub GetDailyQuote {
755 my %opts = @_;
756 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
757 my $query = '';
758 my $sth = undef;
759 my $quote = undef;
760 if ($opts{'id'}) {
761 $query = 'SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE id = ?';
762 $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
763 $sth->execute($opts{'id'});
764 $quote = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
766 elsif ($opts{'random'}) {
767 # Fall through... we also return a random quote as a catch-all if all else fails
769 else {
770 $query = 'SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE timestamp LIKE CONCAT(CURRENT_DATE,\'%\') ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0,1';
771 $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
772 $sth->execute();
773 $quote = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
775 unless ($quote) { # if there are not matches, choose a random quote
776 # get a list of all available quote ids
777 $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare('SELECT count(*) FROM quotes;');
778 $sth->execute;
779 my $range = ($sth->fetchrow_array)[0];
780 # chose a random id within that range if there is more than one quote
781 my $offset = int(rand($range));
782 # grab it
783 $query = 'SELECT * FROM quotes ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 OFFSET ?';
784 $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
785 # see for why
786 # we're being verbose and using bind_param
787 $sth->bind_param(1, $offset, SQL_INTEGER);
788 $sth->execute();
789 $quote = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
790 # update the timestamp for that quote
791 $query = 'UPDATE quotes SET timestamp = ? WHERE id = ?';
792 $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query);
793 $sth->execute(
794 DateTime::Format::MySQL->format_datetime( dt_from_string() ),
795 $quote->{'id'}
798 return $quote;
801 sub _normalize_match_point {
802 my $match_point = shift;
803 (my $normalized_match_point) = $match_point =~ /([\d-]*[X]*)/;
804 $normalized_match_point =~ s/-//g;
806 return $normalized_match_point;
809 sub _isbn_cleanup {
810 my ($isbn) = @_;
811 return NormalizeISBN(
813 isbn => $isbn,
814 format => 'ISBN-10',
815 strip_hyphens => 1,
817 ) if $isbn;
820 =head2 NormalizeISBN
822 my $isbns = NormalizeISBN({
823 isbn => $isbn,
824 strip_hyphens => [0,1],
825 format => ['ISBN-10', 'ISBN-13']
828 Returns an isbn validated by Business::ISBN.
829 Optionally strips hyphens and/or forces the isbn
830 to be of the specified format.
832 If the string cannot be validated as an isbn,
833 it returns nothing unless return_invalid param is passed.
835 #FIXME This routine (and others?) should be moved to Koha::Util::Normalize
837 =cut
839 sub NormalizeISBN {
840 my ($params) = @_;
842 my $string = $params->{isbn};
843 my $strip_hyphens = $params->{strip_hyphens};
844 my $format = $params->{format};
845 my $return_invalid = $params->{return_invalid};
847 return unless $string;
849 my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new($string);
851 if ( $isbn && $isbn->is_valid() ) {
853 if ( $format eq 'ISBN-10' ) {
854 $isbn = $isbn->as_isbn10();
856 elsif ( $format eq 'ISBN-13' ) {
857 $isbn = $isbn->as_isbn13();
859 return unless $isbn;
861 if ($strip_hyphens) {
862 $string = $isbn->as_string( [] );
863 } else {
864 $string = $isbn->as_string();
867 return $string;
868 } elsif ( $return_invalid ) {
869 return $string;
874 =head2 GetVariationsOfISBN
876 my @isbns = GetVariationsOfISBN( $isbn );
878 Returns a list of variations of the given isbn in
879 both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 formats, with and without
880 hyphens.
882 In a scalar context, the isbns are returned as a
883 string delimited by ' | '.
885 =cut
887 sub GetVariationsOfISBN {
888 my ($isbn) = @_;
890 return unless $isbn;
892 my @isbns;
894 push( @isbns, NormalizeISBN({ isbn => $isbn, return_invalid => 1 }) );
895 push( @isbns, NormalizeISBN({ isbn => $isbn, format => 'ISBN-10' }) );
896 push( @isbns, NormalizeISBN({ isbn => $isbn, format => 'ISBN-13' }) );
897 push( @isbns, NormalizeISBN({ isbn => $isbn, format => 'ISBN-10', strip_hyphens => 1 }) );
898 push( @isbns, NormalizeISBN({ isbn => $isbn, format => 'ISBN-13', strip_hyphens => 1 }) );
900 # Strip out any "empty" strings from the array
901 @isbns = grep { defined($_) && $_ =~ /\S/ } @isbns;
903 return wantarray ? @isbns : join( " | ", @isbns );
906 =head2 GetVariationsOfISBNs
908 my @isbns = GetVariationsOfISBNs( @isbns );
910 Returns a list of variations of the given isbns in
911 both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 formats, with and without
912 hyphens.
914 In a scalar context, the isbns are returned as a
915 string delimited by ' | '.
917 =cut
919 sub GetVariationsOfISBNs {
920 my (@isbns) = @_;
922 @isbns = map { GetVariationsOfISBN( $_ ) } @isbns;
924 return wantarray ? @isbns : join( " | ", @isbns );
927 =head2 NormalizedISSN
929 my $issns = NormalizedISSN({
930 issn => $issn,
931 strip_hyphen => [0,1]
934 Returns an issn validated by Business::ISSN.
935 Optionally strips hyphen.
937 If the string cannot be validated as an issn,
938 it returns nothing.
940 =cut
942 sub NormalizeISSN {
943 my ($params) = @_;
945 my $string = $params->{issn};
946 my $strip_hyphen = $params->{strip_hyphen};
948 my $issn = Business::ISSN->new($string);
950 if ( $issn && $issn->is_valid ){
952 if ($strip_hyphen) {
953 $string = $issn->_issn;
955 else {
956 $string = $issn->as_string;
958 return $string;
963 =head2 GetVariationsOfISSN
965 my @issns = GetVariationsOfISSN( $issn );
967 Returns a list of variations of the given issn in
968 with and without a hyphen.
970 In a scalar context, the issns are returned as a
971 string delimited by ' | '.
973 =cut
975 sub GetVariationsOfISSN {
976 my ( $issn ) = @_;
978 return unless $issn;
980 my @issns;
981 my $str = NormalizeISSN({ issn => $issn });
982 if( $str ) {
983 push @issns, $str;
984 push @issns, NormalizeISSN({ issn => $issn, strip_hyphen => 1 });
985 } else {
986 push @issns, $issn;
989 # Strip out any "empty" strings from the array
990 @issns = grep { defined($_) && $_ =~ /\S/ } @issns;
992 return wantarray ? @issns : join( " | ", @issns );
995 =head2 GetVariationsOfISSNs
997 my @issns = GetVariationsOfISSNs( @issns );
999 Returns a list of variations of the given issns in
1000 with and without a hyphen.
1002 In a scalar context, the issns are returned as a
1003 string delimited by ' | '.
1005 =cut
1007 sub GetVariationsOfISSNs {
1008 my (@issns) = @_;
1010 @issns = map { GetVariationsOfISSN( $_ ) } @issns;
1012 return wantarray ? @issns : join( " | ", @issns );
1017 __END__
1019 =head1 AUTHOR
1021 Koha Team
1023 =cut