(MT #1654) Adding jquery.tablesorter and jquery.tablesorter.pager support for authori...
[koha.git] / misc / cronjobs / backup.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Script to create daily backups of the Koha database.
3 # Based on a script by John Pennington
4 KOHA_DATE=`date '+%y%m%d'`
5 KOHA_DUMP=/tmp/koha-$KOHA_DATE.dump
6 KOHA_BACKUP=/tmp/koha-$KOHA_DATE.dump.gz
8 mysqldump --single-transaction -u koha -ppassword koha > $KOHA_DUMP &&
9 gzip -f $KOHA_DUMP &&
10 # Creates the dump file and compresses it;
11 # -u is the Koha user, -p is the password for that user.
12 # The -f switch on gzip forces it to overwrite the file if one exists.
14 mv $KOHA_BACKUP /home/kohaadmin &&
15 chown kohaadmin.users /home/kohaadmin/koha-$KOHA_DATE.dump.gz &&
16 chmod 600 /home/kohaadmin/koha-$KOHA_DATE.dump.gz &&
17 # Makes the compressed dump file property of the kohaadmin user.
18 # Make sure that you replace kohaadmin with a real user.
20 echo "$KOHA_BACKUP was successfully created." | mail kohaadmin -s $KOHA_BACKUP ||
21 echo "$KOHA_BACKUP was NOT successfully created." | mail kohaadmin -s $KOHA_BACKUP
22 # Notifies kohaadmin of (un)successful backup creation
23 # EOF