Fixing API of ModBiblioMarc
[koha.git] / C4 /
1 package C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
2 # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
4 # This file is part of Koha.
6 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
7 # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8 # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
9 # version.
11 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
12 # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
13 # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
16 # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
17 # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 use strict;
20 use C4::Context;
21 use C4::Koha;
22 use MARC::Record;
23 use C4::Biblio;
24 use C4::Search;
25 use C4::AuthoritiesMarc::MARC21;
26 use C4::AuthoritiesMarc::UNIMARC;
27 use C4::Charset;
29 use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
31 BEGIN {
32 # set the version for version checking
33 $VERSION = 3.01;
35 require Exporter;
36 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
37 @EXPORT = qw(
38 &GetTagsLabels
39 &GetAuthType
40 &GetAuthTypeCode
41 &GetAuthMARCFromKohaField
42 &AUTHhtml2marc
44 &AddAuthority
45 &ModAuthority
46 &DelAuthority
47 &GetAuthority
48 &GetAuthorityXML
50 &CountUsage
51 &CountUsageChildren
52 &SearchAuthorities
54 &BuildSummary
55 &BuildUnimarcHierarchies
56 &BuildUnimarcHierarchy
58 &merge
59 &FindDuplicateAuthority
61 &GuessAuthTypeCode
62 &GuessAuthId
66 =head2 GetAuthMARCFromKohaField
68 =over 4
70 ( $tag, $subfield ) = &GetAuthMARCFromKohaField ($kohafield,$authtypecode);
71 returns tag and subfield linked to kohafield
73 Comment :
74 Suppose Kohafield is only linked to ONE subfield
76 =back
78 =cut
80 sub GetAuthMARCFromKohaField {
81 #AUTHfind_marc_from_kohafield
82 my ( $kohafield,$authtypecode ) = @_;
83 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
84 return 0, 0 unless $kohafield;
85 $authtypecode="" unless $authtypecode;
86 my $marcfromkohafield;
87 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select tagfield,tagsubfield from auth_subfield_structure where kohafield= ? and authtypecode=? ");
88 $sth->execute($kohafield,$authtypecode);
89 my ($tagfield,$tagsubfield) = $sth->fetchrow;
91 return ($tagfield,$tagsubfield);
94 =head2 SearchAuthorities
96 =over 4
98 (\@finalresult, $nbresults)= &SearchAuthorities($tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$authtypecode,$sortby)
99 returns ref to array result and count of results returned
101 =back
103 =cut
105 sub SearchAuthorities {
106 my ($tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$authtypecode,$sortby) = @_;
107 # warn "CALL : $tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$authtypecode,$sortby";
108 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
109 if (C4::Context->preference('NoZebra')) {
112 # build the query
114 my $query;
115 my @auths=split / /,$authtypecode ;
116 foreach my $auth (@auths){
117 $query .="AND auth_type= $auth ";
119 $query =~ s/^AND //;
120 my $dosearch;
121 for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$value} ; $i++)
123 if (@$value[$i]){
124 if (@$tags[$i] =~/mainentry|mainmainentry/) {
125 $query .= qq( AND @$tags[$i] );
126 } else {
127 $query .=" AND ";
129 if (@$operator[$i] eq 'is') {
130 $query.=(@$tags[$i]?"=":""). '"'.@$value[$i].'"';
131 }elsif (@$operator[$i] eq "="){
132 $query.=(@$tags[$i]?"=":""). '"'.@$value[$i].'"';
133 }elsif (@$operator[$i] eq "start"){
134 $query.=(@$tags[$i]?"=":"").'"'.@$value[$i].'%"';
135 } else {
136 $query.=(@$tags[$i]?"=":"").'"'.@$value[$i].'%"';
138 $dosearch=1;
139 }#if value
142 # do the query (if we had some search term
144 if ($dosearch) {
145 # warn "QUERY : $query";
146 my $result = C4::Search::NZanalyse($query,'authorityserver');
147 # warn "result : $result";
148 my %result;
149 foreach (split /;/,$result) {
150 my ($authid,$title) = split /,/,$_;
151 # hint : the result is sorted by title.biblionumber because we can have X biblios with the same title
152 # and we don't want to get only 1 result for each of them !!!
153 # hint & speed improvement : we can order without reading the record
154 # so order, and read records only for the requested page !
155 $result{$title.$authid}=$authid;
157 # sort the hash and return the same structure as GetRecords (Zebra querying)
158 my @listresult = ();
159 my $numbers=0;
160 if ($sortby eq 'HeadingDsc') { # sort by mainmainentry desc
161 foreach my $key (sort {$b cmp $a} (keys %result)) {
162 push @listresult, $result{$key};
163 # warn "push..."$#finalresult;
164 $numbers++;
166 } else { # sort by mainmainentry ASC
167 foreach my $key (sort (keys %result)) {
168 push @listresult, $result{$key};
169 # warn "push..."$#finalresult;
170 $numbers++;
173 # limit the $results_per_page to result size if it's more
174 $length = $numbers-$offset if $numbers < ($offset+$length);
175 # for the requested page, replace authid by the complete record
176 # speed improvement : avoid reading too much things
177 my @finalresult;
178 for (my $counter=$offset;$counter<=$offset+$length-1;$counter++) {
179 # $finalresult[$counter] = GetAuthority($finalresult[$counter])->as_usmarc;
180 my $separator=C4::Context->preference('authoritysep');
181 my $authrecord =GetAuthority($listresult[$counter]);
182 my $authid=$listresult[$counter];
183 my $summary=BuildSummary($authrecord,$authid,$authtypecode);
184 my $query_auth_tag = "SELECT auth_tag_to_report FROM auth_types WHERE authtypecode=?";
185 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query_auth_tag);
186 $sth->execute($authtypecode);
187 my $auth_tag_to_report = $sth->fetchrow;
188 my %newline;
189 $newline{used}=CountUsage($authid);
190 $newline{summary} = $summary;
191 $newline{authid} = $authid;
192 $newline{even} = $counter % 2;
193 push @finalresult, \%newline;
195 return (\@finalresult, $numbers);
196 } else {
197 return;
199 } else {
200 my $query;
201 my $attr;
202 # the marclist may contain "mainentry". In this case, search the tag_to_report, that depends on
203 # the authtypecode. Then, search on $a of this tag_to_report
204 # also store main entry MARC tag, to extract it at end of search
205 my $mainentrytag;
206 ##first set the authtype search and may be multiple authorities
207 my $n=0;
208 my @authtypecode;
209 my @auths=split / /,$authtypecode ;
210 foreach my $auth (@auths){
211 $query .=" \@attr 1=authtype \@attr 5=100 ".$auth; ##No truncation on authtype
212 push @authtypecode ,$auth;
213 $n++;
215 if ($n>1){
216 while ($n>1){$query= "\@or ".$query;$n--;}
219 my $dosearch;
220 my $and=" \@and " ;
221 my $q2;
222 for(my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$value} ; $i++)
224 if (@$value[$i]){
225 ##If mainentry search $a tag
226 if (@$tags[$i] eq "mainmainentry") {
228 # FIXME: 'Heading-Main' index not yet defined in zebra
229 # $attr =" \@attr 1=Heading-Main ";
230 $attr =" \@attr 1=Heading ";
232 }elsif (@$tags[$i] eq "mainentry") {
233 $attr =" \@attr 1=Heading ";
234 }else{
235 $attr =" \@attr 1=Any ";
237 if (@$operator[$i] eq 'is') {
238 $attr.=" \@attr 4=1 \@attr 5=100 ";##Phrase, No truncation,all of subfield field must match
239 }elsif (@$operator[$i] eq "="){
240 $attr.=" \@attr 4=107 "; #Number Exact match
241 }elsif (@$operator[$i] eq "start"){
242 $attr.=" \@attr 3=2 \@attr 4=1 \@attr 5=1 ";#Firstinfield Phrase, Right truncated
243 } else {
244 $attr .=" \@attr 5=1 \@attr 4=6 ";## Word list, right truncated, anywhere
246 $attr =$attr."\"".@$value[$i]."\"";
247 $q2 .=$attr;
248 $dosearch=1;
249 }#if value
251 ##Add how many queries generated
252 if ($query=~/\S+/){
253 $query= $and.$query.$q2
254 } else {
255 $query=$q2;
257 ## Adding order
258 #$query=' @or @attr 7=2 @attr 1=Heading 0 @or @attr 7=1 @attr 1=Heading 1'.$query if ($sortby eq "HeadingDsc");
259 my $orderstring= ($sortby eq "HeadingAsc"?
260 '@attr 7=1 @attr 1=Heading 0'
262 $sortby eq "HeadingDsc"?
263 '@attr 7=2 @attr 1=Heading 0'
266 $query=($query?"\@or $orderstring $query":"\@or \@attr 1=_ALLRECORDS \@attr 2=103 '' $orderstring ");
268 $offset=0 unless $offset;
269 my $counter = $offset;
270 $length=10 unless $length;
271 my @oAuth;
272 my $i;
273 $oAuth[0]=C4::Context->Zconn("authorityserver" , 1);
274 my $Anewq= new ZOOM::Query::PQF($query,$oAuth[0]);
275 my $oAResult;
276 $oAResult= $oAuth[0]->search($Anewq) ;
277 while (($i = ZOOM::event(\@oAuth)) != 0) {
278 my $ev = $oAuth[$i-1]->last_event();
279 last if $ev == ZOOM::Event::ZEND;
281 my($error, $errmsg, $addinfo, $diagset) = $oAuth[0]->error_x();
282 if ($error) {
283 warn "oAuth error: $errmsg ($error) $addinfo $diagset\n";
284 goto NOLUCK;
287 my $nbresults;
288 $nbresults=$oAResult->size();
289 my $nremains=$nbresults;
290 my @result = ();
291 my @finalresult = ();
293 if ($nbresults>0){
295 ##Find authid and linkid fields
296 ##we may be searching multiple authoritytypes.
297 ## FIXME this assumes that all authid and linkid fields are the same for all authority types
298 # my ($authidfield,$authidsubfield)=GetAuthMARCFromKohaField($dbh,"auth_header.authid",$authtypecode[0]);
299 # my ($linkidfield,$linkidsubfield)=GetAuthMARCFromKohaField($dbh,"auth_header.linkid",$authtypecode[0]);
300 while (($counter < $nbresults) && ($counter < ($offset + $length))) {
302 ##Here we have to extract MARC record and $authid from ZEBRA AUTHORITIES
303 my $rec=$oAResult->record($counter);
304 my $marcdata=$rec->raw();
305 my $authrecord;
306 my $separator=C4::Context->preference('authoritysep');
307 $authrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marcdata);
308 my $authid=$authrecord->field('001')->data();
309 my $summary=BuildSummary($authrecord,$authid,$authtypecode);
310 my $query_auth_tag = "SELECT auth_tag_to_report FROM auth_types WHERE authtypecode=?";
311 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query_auth_tag);
312 $sth->execute($authtypecode);
313 my $auth_tag_to_report = $sth->fetchrow;
314 my $reported_tag;
315 my $mainentry = $authrecord->field($auth_tag_to_report);
316 if ($mainentry) {
317 foreach ($mainentry->subfields()) {
318 $reported_tag .='$'.$_->[0].$_->[1];
321 my %newline;
322 $newline{summary} = $summary;
323 $newline{authid} = $authid;
324 $newline{even} = $counter % 2;
325 $newline{reported_tag} = $reported_tag;
326 $counter++;
327 push @finalresult, \%newline;
328 }## while counter
330 for (my $z=0; $z<@finalresult; $z++){
331 my $count=CountUsage($finalresult[$z]{authid});
332 $finalresult[$z]{used}=$count;
333 }# all $z's
335 }## if nbresult
337 # $oAResult->destroy();
338 # $oAuth[0]->destroy();
340 return (\@finalresult, $nbresults);
344 =head2 CountUsage
346 =over 4
348 $count= &CountUsage($authid)
349 counts Usage of Authid in bibliorecords.
351 =back
353 =cut
355 sub CountUsage {
356 my ($authid) = @_;
357 if (C4::Context->preference('NoZebra')) {
358 # Read the index Koha-Auth-Number for this authid and count the lines
359 my $result = C4::Search::NZanalyse("an=$authid");
360 my @tab = split /;/,$result;
361 return scalar @tab;
362 } else {
363 ### ZOOM search here
364 my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver",1);
365 my $query;
366 $query= "an=".$authid;
367 my $oResult = $oConnection->search(new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN( $query, $oConnection ));
368 my $result;
369 while ((my $i = ZOOM::event([ $oConnection ])) != 0) {
370 my $ev = $oConnection->last_event();
371 if ($ev == ZOOM::Event::ZEND) {
372 $result = $oResult->size();
375 return ($result);
379 =head2 CountUsageChildren
381 =over 4
383 $count= &CountUsageChildren($authid)
384 counts Usage of narrower terms of Authid in bibliorecords.
386 =back
388 =cut
390 sub CountUsageChildren {
391 my ($authid) = @_;
394 =head2 GetAuthTypeCode
396 =over 4
398 $authtypecode= &GetAuthTypeCode($authid)
399 returns authtypecode of an authid
401 =back
403 =cut
405 sub GetAuthTypeCode {
406 #AUTHfind_authtypecode
407 my ($authid) = @_;
408 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
409 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select authtypecode from auth_header where authid=?");
410 $sth->execute($authid);
411 my $authtypecode = $sth->fetchrow;
412 return $authtypecode;
415 =head2 GuessAuthTypeCode
417 =over 4
419 my $authtypecode = GuessAuthTypeCode($record);
421 =back
423 Get the record and tries to guess the adequate authtypecode from its content.
425 =cut
427 sub GuessAuthTypeCode {
428 my ($record) = @_;
429 return unless defined $record;
430 my $heading_fields = {
431 "MARC21"=>{
432 '100'=>{authtypecode=>'PERSO_NAME'},
433 '110'=>{authtypecode=>'CORPO_NAME'},
434 '111'=>{authtypecode=>'MEETI_NAME'},
435 '130'=>{authtypecode=>'UNIF_TITLE'},
436 '148'=>{authtypecode=>'CHRON_TERM'},
437 '150'=>{authtypecode=>'TOPIC_TERM'},
438 '151'=>{authtypecode=>'GEOGR_NAME'},
439 '155'=>{authtypecode=>'GENRE/FORM'},
440 '180'=>{authtypecode=>'GEN_SUBDIV'},
441 '181'=>{authtypecode=>'GEO_SUBDIV'},
442 '182'=>{authtypecode=>'CHRON_SUBD'},
443 '185'=>{authtypecode=>'FORM_SUBD'},
445 #200 Personal name 700, 701, 702 4-- with embedded 700, 701, 702 600
446 # 604 with embedded 700, 701, 702
447 #210 Corporate or meeting name 710, 711, 712 4-- with embedded 710, 711, 712 601 604 with embedded 710, 711, 712
448 #215 Territorial or geographic name 710, 711, 712 4-- with embedded 710, 711, 712 601, 607 604 with embedded 710, 711, 712
449 #216 Trademark 716 [Reserved for future use]
450 #220 Family name 720, 721, 722 4-- with embedded 720, 721, 722 602 604 with embedded 720, 721, 722
451 #230 Title 500 4-- with embedded 500 605
452 #240 Name and title (embedded 200, 210, 215, or 220 and 230) 4-- with embedded 7-- and 500 7-- 604 with embedded 7-- and 500 500
453 #245 Name and collective title (embedded 200, 210, 215, or 220 and 235) 4-- with embedded 7-- and 501 604 with embedded 7-- and 501 7-- 501
454 #250 Topical subject 606
455 #260 Place access 620
456 #280 Form, genre or physical characteristics 608
459 # Could also be represented with :
460 #leader position 9
461 #a = personal name entry
462 #b = corporate name entry
463 #c = territorial or geographical name
464 #d = trademark
465 #e = family name
466 #f = uniform title
467 #g = collective uniform title
468 #h = name/title
469 #i = name/collective uniform title
470 #j = topical subject
471 #k = place access
472 #l = form, genre or physical characteristics
473 "UNIMARC"=>{
474 '200'=>{authtypecode=>'NP'},
475 '210'=>{authtypecode=>'CO'},
476 '215'=>{authtypecode=>'SNG'},
477 '216'=>{authtypecode=>'TM'},
478 '220'=>{authtypecode=>'FAM'},
479 '230'=>{authtypecode=>'TU'},
480 '235'=>{authtypecode=>'CO_UNI_TI'},
481 '240'=>{authtypecode=>'SAUTTIT'},
482 '245'=>{authtypecode=>'NAME_COL'},
483 '250'=>{authtypecode=>'SNC'},
484 '260'=>{authtypecode=>'PA'},
485 '280'=>{authtypecode=>'GENRE/FORM'},
488 foreach my $field (keys %{$heading_fields->{uc(C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'))} }) {
489 return $heading_fields->{uc(C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'))}->{$field}->{'authtypecode'} if (defined $record->field($field));
491 return;
494 =head2 GuessAuthId
496 =over 4
498 my $authtid = GuessAuthId($record);
500 =back
502 Get the record and tries to guess the adequate authtypecode from its content.
504 =cut
506 sub GuessAuthId {
507 my ($record) = @_;
508 return unless ($record && $record->field('001'));
509 # my $authtypecode=GuessAuthTypeCode($record);
510 # my ($tag,$subfield)=GetAuthMARCFromKohaField("auth_header.authid",$authtypecode);
511 # if ($tag > 010) {return $record->subfield($tag,$subfield)}
512 # else {return $record->field($tag)->data}
513 return $record->field('001')->data;
516 =head2 GetTagsLabels
518 =over 4
520 $tagslabel= &GetTagsLabels($forlibrarian,$authtypecode)
521 returns a ref to hashref of authorities tag and subfield structure.
523 tagslabel usage :
524 $tagslabel->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{'attribute'}
525 where attribute takes values in :
528 mandatory
529 repeatable
530 authorised_value
531 authtypecode
532 value_builder
533 kohafield
534 seealso
535 hidden
536 isurl
537 link
539 =back
541 =cut
543 sub GetTagsLabels {
544 my ($forlibrarian,$authtypecode)= @_;
545 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
546 $authtypecode="" unless $authtypecode;
547 my $sth;
548 my $libfield = ($forlibrarian eq 1)? 'liblibrarian' : 'libopac';
551 # check that authority exists
552 $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM auth_tag_structure WHERE authtypecode=?");
553 $sth->execute($authtypecode);
554 my ($total) = $sth->fetchrow;
555 $authtypecode="" unless ($total >0);
556 $sth= $dbh->prepare(
557 "SELECT auth_tag_structure.tagfield,auth_tag_structure.liblibrarian,auth_tag_structure.libopac,auth_tag_structure.mandatory,auth_tag_structure.repeatable
558 FROM auth_tag_structure
559 WHERE authtypecode=?
560 ORDER BY tagfield"
563 $sth->execute($authtypecode);
564 my ( $liblibrarian, $libopac, $tag, $res, $tab, $mandatory, $repeatable );
566 while ( ( $tag, $liblibrarian, $libopac, $mandatory, $repeatable ) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
567 $res->{$tag}->{lib} = ($forlibrarian or !$libopac)?$liblibrarian:$libopac;
568 $res->{$tag}->{tab} = " "; # XXX
569 $res->{$tag}->{mandatory} = $mandatory;
570 $res->{$tag}->{repeatable} = $repeatable;
572 $sth= $dbh->prepare(
573 "SELECT tagfield,tagsubfield,liblibrarian,libopac,tab, mandatory, repeatable,authorised_value,frameworkcode as authtypecode,value_builder,kohafield,seealso,hidden,isurl
574 FROM auth_subfield_structure
575 WHERE authtypecode=?
576 ORDER BY tagfield,tagsubfield"
578 $sth->execute($authtypecode);
580 my $subfield;
581 my $authorised_value;
582 my $value_builder;
583 my $kohafield;
584 my $seealso;
585 my $hidden;
586 my $isurl;
587 my $link;
589 while (
590 ( $tag, $subfield, $liblibrarian, , $libopac, $tab,
591 $mandatory, $repeatable, $authorised_value, $authtypecode,
592 $value_builder, $kohafield, $seealso, $hidden,
593 $isurl, $link )
594 = $sth->fetchrow
597 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{lib} = ($forlibrarian or !$libopac)?$liblibrarian:$libopac;
598 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{tab} = $tab;
599 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{mandatory} = $mandatory;
600 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{repeatable} = $repeatable;
601 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{authorised_value} = $authorised_value;
602 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{authtypecode} = $authtypecode;
603 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{value_builder} = $value_builder;
604 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{kohafield} = $kohafield;
605 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{seealso} = $seealso;
606 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{hidden} = $hidden;
607 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{isurl} = $isurl;
608 $res->{$tag}->{$subfield}->{link} = $link;
610 return $res;
613 =head2 AddAuthority
615 =over 4
617 $authid= &AddAuthority($record, $authid,$authtypecode)
618 returns authid of the newly created authority
620 Either Create Or Modify existing authority.
622 =back
624 =cut
626 sub AddAuthority {
627 # pass the MARC::Record to this function, and it will create the records in the authority table
628 my ($record,$authid,$authtypecode) = @_;
629 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
630 my $leader=' nz a22 o 4500';#Leader for incomplete MARC21 record
632 # if authid empty => true add, find a new authid number
633 my $format;
634 if (uc(C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')) eq 'UNIMARC') {
635 $format= 'UNIMARCAUTH';
637 else {
638 $format= 'MARC21';
641 if ($format eq "MARC21") {
642 if (!$record->leader) {
643 $record->leader($leader);
645 if (!$record->field('003')) {
646 $record->insert_fields_ordered(
647 MARC::Field->new('003',C4::Context->preference('MARCOrgCode'))
650 my $time=POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",localtime);
651 if (!$record->field('005')) {
652 $record->insert_fields_ordered(
653 MARC::Field->new('005',$time.".0")
656 my $date=POSIX::strftime("%y%m%d",localtime);
657 if (!$record->field('008')) {
658 $record->insert_fields_ordered(
659 MARC::Field->new('008',$date."|||a|||||| | ||| d")
662 if (!$record->field('040')) {
663 $record->insert_fields_ordered(
664 MARC::Field->new('040','','',
665 'a' => C4::Context->preference('MARCOrgCode'),
666 'c' => C4::Context->preference('MARCOrgCode')
672 if (($format eq "UNIMARCAUTH") && (!$record->subfield('100','a'))){
673 $record->leader(" nx j22 ");
674 my $date=POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d",localtime);
675 if ($record->field('100')){
676 $record->field('100')->update('a'=>$date."afrey50 ba0");
677 } else {
678 $record->append_fields(
679 MARC::Field->new('100',' ',' '
680 ,'a'=>$date."afrey50 ba0")
684 my ($auth_type_tag, $auth_type_subfield) = get_auth_type_location($authtypecode);
685 if (!$authid and $format eq "MARC21") {
686 # only need to do this fix when modifying an existing authority
687 C4::AuthoritiesMarc::MARC21::fix_marc21_auth_type_location($record, $auth_type_tag, $auth_type_subfield);
689 if (my $field=$record->field($auth_type_tag)){
690 $field->update($auth_type_subfield=>$authtypecode);
692 else {
693 $record->add_fields($auth_type_tag,'','', $auth_type_subfield=>$authtypecode);
696 my $auth_exists=0;
697 my $oldRecord;
698 if (!$authid) {
699 my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(authid) from auth_header");
700 $sth->execute;
701 ($authid)=$sth->fetchrow;
702 $authid=$authid+1;
703 ##Insert the recordID in MARC record
704 unless ($record->field('001') && $record->field('001')->data() eq $authid){
705 $record->delete_field($record->field('001'));
706 $record->insert_fields_ordered(MARC::Field->new('001',$authid));
708 } else {
709 $auth_exists=$dbh->do(qq(select authid from auth_header where authid=?),undef,$authid);
710 # warn "auth_exists = $auth_exists";
712 if ($auth_exists>0){
713 $oldRecord=GetAuthority($authid);
714 $record->add_fields('001',$authid) unless ($record->field('001'));
715 # warn "\n\n\n enregistrement".$record->as_formatted;
716 my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update auth_header set authtypecode=?,marc=?,marcxml=? where authid=?");
717 $sth->execute($authtypecode,$record->as_usmarc,$record->as_xml_record($format),$authid) or die $sth->errstr;
718 $sth->finish;
720 else {
721 my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into auth_header (authid,datecreated,authtypecode,marc,marcxml) values (?,now(),?,?,?)");
722 $sth->execute($authid,$authtypecode,$record->as_usmarc,$record->as_xml_record($format));
723 $sth->finish;
725 ModZebra($authid,'specialUpdate',"authorityserver",$oldRecord,$record);
726 return ($authid);
730 =head2 DelAuthority
732 =over 4
734 $authid= &DelAuthority($authid)
735 Deletes $authid
737 =back
739 =cut
742 sub DelAuthority {
743 my ($authid) = @_;
744 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
746 ModZebra($authid,"recordDelete","authorityserver",GetAuthority($authid),undef);
747 $dbh->do("delete from auth_header where authid=$authid") ;
751 sub ModAuthority {
752 my ($authid,$record,$authtypecode,$merge)=@_;
753 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
754 #Now rewrite the $record to table with an add
755 my $oldrecord=GetAuthority($authid);
756 $authid=AddAuthority($record,$authid,$authtypecode);
758 ### If a library thinks that updating all biblios is a long process and wishes to leave that to a cron job to use merge_authotities.p
759 ### they should have a system preference "dontmerge=1" otherwise by default biblios will be updated
760 ### the $merge flag is now depreceated and will be removed at code cleaning
761 if (C4::Context->preference('MergeAuthoritiesOnUpdate') ){
762 &merge($authid,$oldrecord,$authid,$record);
763 } else {
764 # save the file in tmp/modified_authorities
765 my $cgidir = C4::Context->intranetdir ."/cgi-bin";
766 unless (opendir(DIR,"$cgidir")) {
767 $cgidir = C4::Context->intranetdir."/";
768 closedir(DIR);
771 my $filename = $cgidir."/tmp/modified_authorities/$authid.authid";
772 open AUTH, "> $filename";
773 print AUTH $authid;
774 close AUTH;
776 return $authid;
779 =head2 GetAuthorityXML
781 =over 4
783 $marcxml= &GetAuthorityXML( $authid)
784 returns xml form of record $authid
786 =back
788 =cut
790 sub GetAuthorityXML {
791 # Returns MARC::XML of the authority passed in parameter.
792 my ( $authid ) = @_;
793 if (uc(C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')) eq 'UNIMARC') {
794 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
795 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select marcxml from auth_header where authid=? " );
796 $sth->execute($authid);
797 my ($marcxml)=$sth->fetchrow;
798 return $marcxml;
800 else {
801 # for MARC21, call GetAuthority instead of
802 # getting the XML directly since we may
803 # need to fix up the location of the authority
804 # code -- note that this is reasonably safe
805 # because GetAuthorityXML is used only by the
806 # indexing processes like
807 my $record = GetAuthority($authid);
808 return $record->as_xml_record('MARC21');
812 =head2 GetAuthority
814 =over 4
816 $record= &GetAuthority( $authid)
817 Returns MARC::Record of the authority passed in parameter.
819 =back
821 =cut
823 sub GetAuthority {
824 my ($authid)=@_;
825 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
826 my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select authtypecode, marcxml from auth_header where authid=?");
827 $sth->execute($authid);
828 my ($authtypecode, $marcxml) = $sth->fetchrow;
829 my $record=eval {MARC::Record->new_from_xml(StripNonXmlChars($marcxml),'UTF-8',
830 (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC"?"UNIMARCAUTH":C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")))};
831 return undef if ($@);
832 $record->encoding('UTF-8');
833 if (C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "MARC21") {
834 my ($auth_type_tag, $auth_type_subfield) = get_auth_type_location($authtypecode);
835 C4::AuthoritiesMarc::MARC21::fix_marc21_auth_type_location($record, $auth_type_tag, $auth_type_subfield);
837 return ($record);
840 =head2 GetAuthType
842 =over 4
844 $result = &GetAuthType($authtypecode)
846 =back
848 If the authority type specified by C<$authtypecode> exists,
849 returns a hashref of the type's fields. If the type
850 does not exist, returns undef.
852 =cut
854 sub GetAuthType {
855 my ($authtypecode) = @_;
856 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
857 my $sth;
858 if (defined $authtypecode){ # NOTE - in MARC21 framework, '' is a valid authority
859 # type (FIXME but why?)
860 $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from auth_types where authtypecode=?");
861 $sth->execute($authtypecode);
862 if (my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
863 return $res;
866 return;
870 sub AUTHhtml2marc {
871 my ($rtags,$rsubfields,$rvalues,%indicators) = @_;
872 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
873 my $prevtag = -1;
874 my $record = MARC::Record->new();
875 #---- TODO : the leader is missing
877 # my %subfieldlist=();
878 my $prevvalue; # if tag <10
879 my $field; # if tag >=10
880 for (my $i=0; $i< @$rtags; $i++) {
881 # rebuild MARC::Record
882 if (@$rtags[$i] ne $prevtag) {
883 if ($prevtag < 10) {
884 if ($prevvalue) {
885 $record->add_fields((sprintf "%03s",$prevtag),$prevvalue);
887 } else {
888 if ($field) {
889 $record->add_fields($field);
892 $indicators{@$rtags[$i]}.=' ';
893 if (@$rtags[$i] <10) {
894 $prevvalue= @$rvalues[$i];
895 undef $field;
896 } else {
897 undef $prevvalue;
898 $field = MARC::Field->new( (sprintf "%03s",@$rtags[$i]), substr($indicators{@$rtags[$i]},0,1),substr($indicators{@$rtags[$i]},1,1), @$rsubfields[$i] => @$rvalues[$i]);
900 $prevtag = @$rtags[$i];
901 } else {
902 if (@$rtags[$i] <10) {
903 $prevvalue=@$rvalues[$i];
904 } else {
905 if (length(@$rvalues[$i])>0) {
906 $field->add_subfields(@$rsubfields[$i] => @$rvalues[$i]);
909 $prevtag= @$rtags[$i];
912 # the last has not been included inside the loop... do it now !
913 $record->add_fields($field) if $field;
914 return $record;
917 =head2 FindDuplicateAuthority
919 =over 4
921 $record= &FindDuplicateAuthority( $record, $authtypecode)
922 return $authid,Summary if duplicate is found.
924 Comments : an improvement would be to return All the records that match.
926 =back
928 =cut
930 sub FindDuplicateAuthority {
932 my ($record,$authtypecode)=@_;
933 # warn "IN for ".$record->as_formatted;
934 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
935 # warn "".$record->as_formatted;
936 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select auth_tag_to_report from auth_types where authtypecode=?");
937 $sth->execute($authtypecode);
938 my ($auth_tag_to_report) = $sth->fetchrow;
939 $sth->finish;
940 # warn "record :".$record->as_formatted." auth_tag_to_report :$auth_tag_to_report";
941 # build a request for SearchAuthorities
942 my $query='at='.$authtypecode.' ';
943 my $filtervalues=qr([\001-\040\!\'\"\`\#\$\%\&\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?\@\(\)\{\[\]\}_\|\~]);
944 if ($record->field($auth_tag_to_report)) {
945 foreach ($record->field($auth_tag_to_report)->subfields()) {
946 $_->[1]=~s/$filtervalues/ /g; $query.= " and he,wrdl=\"".$_->[1]."\"" if ($_->[0]=~/[A-z]/);
949 my ($error, $results, $total_hits)=SimpleSearch( $query, 0, 1, [ "authorityserver" ] );
950 # there is at least 1 result => return the 1st one
951 if (@$results>0) {
952 my $marcrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($results->[0]);
953 return $marcrecord->field('001')->data,BuildSummary($marcrecord,$marcrecord->field('001')->data,$authtypecode);
955 # no result, returns nothing
956 return;
959 =head2 BuildSummary
961 =over 4
963 $text= &BuildSummary( $record, $authid, $authtypecode)
964 return HTML encoded Summary
966 Comment : authtypecode can be infered from both record and authid.
967 Moreover, authid can also be inferred from $record.
968 Would it be interesting to delete those things.
970 =back
972 =cut
974 sub BuildSummary{
975 ## give this a Marc record to return summary
976 my ($record,$authid,$authtypecode)=@_;
977 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
978 my $summary;
979 # handle $authtypecode is NULL or eq ""
980 if ($authtypecode) {
981 my $authref = GetAuthType($authtypecode);
982 $summary = $authref->{summary};
984 # FIXME: should use
985 my %language;
986 $language{'fre'}="Français";
987 $language{'eng'}="Anglais";
988 $language{'ger'}="Allemand";
989 $language{'ita'}="Italien";
990 $language{'spa'}="Espagnol";
991 my %thesaurus;
992 $thesaurus{'1'}="Peuples";
993 $thesaurus{'2'}="Anthroponymes";
994 $thesaurus{'3'}="Oeuvres";
995 $thesaurus{'4'}="Chronologie";
996 $thesaurus{'5'}="Lieux";
997 $thesaurus{'6'}="Sujets";
998 #thesaurus a remplir
999 my @fields = $record->fields();
1000 my $reported_tag;
1001 # if the library has a summary defined, use it. Otherwise, build a standard one
1002 # FIXME - it appears that the summary field in the authority frameworks
1003 # can work as a display template. However, this doesn't
1004 # suit the MARC21 version, so for now the "templating"
1005 # feature will be enabled only for UNIMARC for backwards
1006 # compatibility.
1007 if ($summary and C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') {
1008 my @fields = $record->fields();
1009 # $reported_tag = '$9'.$result[$counter];
1010 foreach my $field (@fields) {
1011 my $tag = $field->tag();
1012 my $tagvalue = $field->as_string();
1013 $summary =~ s/\[(.?.?.?.?)$tag\*(.*?)]/$1$tagvalue$2\[$1$tag$2]/g;
1014 if ($tag<10) {
1015 if ($tag eq '001') {
1016 $reported_tag.='$3'.$field->data();
1018 } else {
1019 my @subf = $field->subfields;
1020 for my $i (0..$#subf) {
1021 my $subfieldcode = $subf[$i][0];
1022 my $subfieldvalue = $subf[$i][1];
1023 my $tagsubf = $tag.$subfieldcode;
1024 $summary =~ s/\[(.?.?.?.?)$tagsubf(.*?)]/$1$subfieldvalue$2\[$1$tagsubf$2]/g;
1028 $summary =~ s/\[(.*?)]//g;
1029 $summary =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
1030 } else {
1031 my $heading;
1032 my $authid;
1033 my $altheading;
1034 my $seealso;
1035 my $broaderterms;
1036 my $narrowerterms;
1037 my $see;
1038 my $seeheading;
1039 my $notes;
1040 my @fields = $record->fields();
1041 if (C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq 'UNIMARC') {
1042 # construct UNIMARC summary, that is quite different from MARC21 one
1043 # accepted form
1044 foreach my $field ($record->field('2..')) {
1045 $heading.= $field->subfield('a');
1046 $authid=$field->subfield('3');
1048 # rejected form(s)
1049 foreach my $field ($record->field('3..')) {
1050 $notes.= '<span class="note">'.$field->subfield('a')."</span>\n";
1052 foreach my $field ($record->field('4..')) {
1053 if ($field->subfield('2')) {
1054 my $thesaurus = "thes. : ".$thesaurus{"$field->subfield('2')"}." : ";
1055 $see.= '<span class="UF">'.$thesaurus.$field->subfield('a')."</span> -- \n";
1058 # see :
1059 foreach my $field ($record->field('5..')) {
1061 if (($field->subfield('5')) && ($field->subfield('a')) && ($field->subfield('5') eq 'g')) {
1062 $broaderterms.= '<span class="BT"> <a href="'.$field->subfield('3').'">'.$field->subfield('a')."</a></span> -- \n";
1063 } elsif (($field->subfield('5')) && ($field->subfield('a')) && ($field->subfield('5') eq 'h')){
1064 $narrowerterms.= '<span class="NT"><a href="'.$field->subfield('3').'">'.$field->subfield('a')."</a></span> -- \n";
1065 } elsif ($field->subfield('a')) {
1066 $seealso.= '<span class="RT"><a href="'.$field->subfield('3').'">'.$field->subfield('a')."</a></span> -- \n";
1069 # // form
1070 foreach my $field ($record->field('7..')) {
1071 my $lang = substr($field->subfield('8'),3,3);
1072 $seeheading.= '<span class="langue"> En '.$language{$lang}.' : </span><span class="OT"> '.$field->subfield('a')."</span><br />\n";
1074 $broaderterms =~s/-- \n$//;
1075 $narrowerterms =~s/-- \n$//;
1076 $seealso =~s/-- \n$//;
1077 $see =~s/-- \n$//;
1078 $summary = "<b><a href=\"$authid\">".$heading."</a></b><br />".($notes?"$notes <br />":"");
1079 $summary.= '<p><div class="label">TG : '.$broaderterms.'</div></p>' if ($broaderterms);
1080 $summary.= '<p><div class="label">TS : '.$narrowerterms.'</div></p>' if ($narrowerterms);
1081 $summary.= '<p><div class="label">TA : '.$seealso.'</div></p>' if ($seealso);
1082 $summary.= '<p><div class="label">EP : '.$see.'</div></p>' if ($see);
1083 $summary.= '<p><div class="label">'.$seeheading.'</div></p>' if ($seeheading);
1084 } else {
1085 # construct MARC21 summary
1086 # FIXME - looping over 1XX is questionable
1087 # since MARC21 authority should have only one 1XX
1088 foreach my $field ($record->field('1..')) {
1089 next if "152" eq $field->tag(); # FIXME - 152 is not a good tag to use
1090 # in MARC21 -- purely local tags really ought to be
1091 # 9XX
1092 if ($record->field('100')) {
1093 $heading.= $field->as_string('abcdefghjklmnopqrstvxyz68');
1094 } elsif ($record->field('110')) {
1095 $heading.= $field->as_string('abcdefghklmnoprstvxyz68');
1096 } elsif ($record->field('111')) {
1097 $heading.= $field->as_string('acdefghklnpqstvxyz68');
1098 } elsif ($record->field('130')) {
1099 $heading.= $field->as_string('adfghklmnoprstvxyz68');
1100 } elsif ($record->field('148')) {
1101 $heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68');
1102 } elsif ($record->field('150')) {
1103 # $heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68');
1104 $heading.= $field->as_formatted();
1105 my $tag=$field->tag();
1106 $heading=~s /^$tag//g;
1107 $heading =~s /\_/\$/g;
1108 } elsif ($record->field('151')) {
1109 $heading.= $field->as_string('avxyz68');
1110 } elsif ($record->field('155')) {
1111 $heading.= $field->as_string('abvxyz68');
1112 } elsif ($record->field('180')) {
1113 $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
1114 } elsif ($record->field('181')) {
1115 $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
1116 } elsif ($record->field('182')) {
1117 $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
1118 } elsif ($record->field('185')) {
1119 $heading.= $field->as_string('vxyz68');
1120 } else {
1121 $heading.= $field->as_string();
1123 } #See From
1124 foreach my $field ($record->field('4..')) {
1125 $seeheading.= "<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>used for/see from:</i> ".$field->as_string();
1126 } #See Also
1127 foreach my $field ($record->field('5..')) {
1128 $altheading.= "<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>see also:</i> ".$field->as_string();
1130 $summary .= ": " if $summary;
1131 $summary.=$heading.$seeheading.$altheading;
1134 return $summary;
1137 =head2 BuildUnimarcHierarchies
1139 =over 4
1141 $text= &BuildUnimarcHierarchies( $authid, $force)
1142 return text containing trees for hierarchies
1143 for them to be stored in auth_header
1145 Example of text:
1146 122,1314,2452;1324,2342,3,2452
1148 =back
1150 =cut
1152 sub BuildUnimarcHierarchies{
1153 my $authid = shift @_;
1154 # warn "authid : $authid";
1155 my $force = shift @_;
1156 my @globalresult;
1157 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
1158 my $hierarchies;
1159 my $data = GetHeaderAuthority($authid);
1160 if ($data->{'authtrees'} and not $force){
1161 return $data->{'authtrees'};
1162 } elsif ($data->{'authtrees'}){
1163 $hierarchies=$data->{'authtrees'};
1164 } else {
1165 my $record = GetAuthority($authid);
1166 my $found;
1167 foreach my $field ($record->field('550')){
1168 if ($field->subfield('5') && $field->subfield('5') eq 'g'){
1169 my $parentrecord = GetAuthority($field->subfield('3'));
1170 my $localresult=$hierarchies;
1171 my $trees;
1172 $trees = BuildUnimarcHierarchies($field->subfield('3'));
1173 my @trees;
1174 if ($trees=~/;/){
1175 @trees = split(/;/,$trees);
1176 } else {
1177 push @trees, $trees;
1179 foreach (@trees){
1180 $_.= ",$authid";
1182 @globalresult = (@globalresult,@trees);
1183 $found=1;
1185 $hierarchies=join(";",@globalresult);
1187 #Unless there is no ancestor, I am alone.
1188 $hierarchies="$authid" unless ($hierarchies);
1190 AddAuthorityTrees($authid,$hierarchies);
1191 return $hierarchies;
1194 =head2 BuildUnimarcHierarchy
1196 =over 4
1198 $ref= &BuildUnimarcHierarchy( $record, $class,$authid)
1199 return a hashref in order to display hierarchy for record and final Authid $authid
1201 "loopparents"
1202 "loopchildren"
1203 "class"
1204 "loopauthid"
1205 "current_value"
1206 "value"
1208 "ifparents"
1209 "ifchildren"
1210 Those two latest ones should disappear soon.
1212 =back
1214 =cut
1216 sub BuildUnimarcHierarchy{
1217 my $record = shift @_;
1218 my $class = shift @_;
1219 my $authid_constructed = shift @_;
1220 my $authid=$record->subfield('2..','3');
1221 my %cell;
1222 my $parents=""; my $children="";
1223 my (@loopparents,@loopchildren);
1224 foreach my $field ($record->field('550')){
1225 if ($field->subfield('5') && $field->subfield('a')){
1226 if ($field->subfield('5') eq 'h'){
1227 push @loopchildren, { "childauthid"=>$field->subfield('3'),"childvalue"=>$field->subfield('a')};
1228 }elsif ($field->subfield('5') eq 'g'){
1229 push @loopparents, { "parentauthid"=>$field->subfield('3'),"parentvalue"=>$field->subfield('a')};
1231 # brothers could get in there with an else
1234 $cell{"ifparents"}=1 if (scalar(@loopparents)>0);
1235 $cell{"ifchildren"}=1 if (scalar(@loopchildren)>0);
1236 $cell{"loopparents"}=\@loopparents if (scalar(@loopparents)>0);
1237 $cell{"loopchildren"}=\@loopchildren if (scalar(@loopchildren)>0);
1238 $cell{"class"}=$class;
1239 $cell{"loopauthid"}=$authid;
1240 $cell{"current_value"} =1 if $authid eq $authid_constructed;
1241 $cell{"value"}=$record->subfield('2..',"a");
1242 return \%cell;
1245 =head2 GetHeaderAuthority
1247 =over 4
1249 $ref= &GetHeaderAuthority( $authid)
1250 return a hashref in order auth_header table data
1252 =back
1254 =cut
1256 sub GetHeaderAuthority{
1257 my $authid = shift @_;
1258 my $sql= "SELECT * from auth_header WHERE authid = ?";
1259 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
1260 my $rq= $dbh->prepare($sql);
1261 $rq->execute($authid);
1262 my $data= $rq->fetchrow_hashref;
1263 return $data;
1266 =head2 AddAuthorityTrees
1268 =over 4
1270 $ref= &AddAuthorityTrees( $authid, $trees)
1271 return success or failure
1273 =back
1275 =cut
1277 sub AddAuthorityTrees{
1278 my $authid = shift @_;
1279 my $trees = shift @_;
1280 my $sql= "UPDATE IGNORE auth_header set authtrees=? WHERE authid = ?";
1281 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
1282 my $rq= $dbh->prepare($sql);
1283 return $rq->execute($trees,$authid);
1286 =head2 merge
1288 =over 4
1290 $ref= &merge(mergefrom,$MARCfrom,$mergeto,$MARCto)
1293 Could add some feature : Migrating from a typecode to an other for instance.
1294 Then we should add some new parameter : bibliotargettag, authtargettag
1296 =back
1298 =cut
1300 sub merge {
1301 my ($mergefrom,$MARCfrom,$mergeto,$MARCto) = @_;
1302 my ($counteditedbiblio,$countunmodifiedbiblio,$counterrors)=(0,0,0);
1303 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
1304 my $authtypecodefrom = GetAuthTypeCode($mergefrom);
1305 my $authtypecodeto = GetAuthTypeCode($mergeto);
1306 # warn "mergefrom : $authtypecodefrom $mergefrom mergeto : $authtypecodeto $mergeto ";
1307 # return if authority does not exist
1308 return "error MARCFROM not a marcrecord ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($MARCfrom) if scalar($MARCfrom->fields()) == 0;
1309 return "error MARCTO not a marcrecord".Data::Dumper::Dumper($MARCto) if scalar($MARCto->fields()) == 0;
1310 # search the tag to report
1311 my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select auth_tag_to_report from auth_types where authtypecode=?");
1312 $sth->execute($authtypecodefrom);
1313 my ($auth_tag_to_report_from) = $sth->fetchrow;
1314 $sth->execute($authtypecodeto);
1315 my ($auth_tag_to_report_to) = $sth->fetchrow;
1317 my @record_to;
1318 @record_to = $MARCto->field($auth_tag_to_report_to)->subfields() if $MARCto->field($auth_tag_to_report_to);
1319 my @record_from;
1320 @record_from = $MARCfrom->field($auth_tag_to_report_from)->subfields() if $MARCfrom->field($auth_tag_to_report_from);
1322 my @reccache;
1323 # search all biblio tags using this authority.
1324 #Getting marcbiblios impacted by the change.
1325 if (C4::Context->preference('NoZebra')) {
1326 #nozebra way
1327 my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
1328 my $rq=$dbh->prepare(qq(SELECT biblionumbers from nozebra where indexname="an" and server="biblioserver" and value="$mergefrom" ));
1329 $rq->execute;
1330 while (my $biblionumbers=$rq->fetchrow){
1331 my @biblionumbers=split /;/,$biblionumbers;
1332 foreach (@biblionumbers) {
1333 if ($_=~/(\d+),.*/) {
1334 my $marc=GetMarcBiblio($1);
1335 push @reccache,$marc;
1339 } else {
1340 #zebra connection
1341 my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("biblioserver",0);
1342 $oConnection->option("preferredRecordSyntax"=>"XML");
1343 my $query;
1344 $query= "an=".$mergefrom;
1345 my $oResult = $oConnection->search(new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN( $query, $oConnection ));
1346 my $count = 0;
1347 if ($oResult) {
1348 $count=$oResult->size();
1350 my $z=0;
1351 while ( $z<$count ) {
1352 my $rec;
1353 $rec=$oResult->record($z);
1354 my $marcdata = $rec->raw();
1355 push @reccache, $marcdata;
1356 $z++;
1358 $oConnection->destroy();
1360 #warn scalar(@reccache)." biblios to update";
1361 # Get All candidate Tags for the change
1362 # (This will reduce the search scope in marc records).
1363 $sth = $dbh->prepare("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode=?");
1364 $sth->execute($authtypecodefrom);
1365 my @tags_using_authtype;
1366 while (my ($tagfield) = $sth->fetchrow) {
1367 push @tags_using_authtype,$tagfield ;
1369 my $tag_to=0;
1370 if ($authtypecodeto ne $authtypecodefrom){
1371 # If many tags, take the first
1372 $sth->execute($authtypecodeto);
1373 $tag_to=$sth->fetchrow;
1374 #warn $tag_to;
1376 # BulkEdit marc records
1377 # May be used as a template for a bulkedit field
1378 foreach my $marcrecord(@reccache){
1379 my $update;
1380 $marcrecord= MARC::Record->new_from_xml($marcrecord,"utf8",C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")) unless(C4::Context->preference('NoZebra'));
1381 foreach my $tagfield (@tags_using_authtype){
1382 # warn "tagfield : $tagfield ";
1383 foreach my $field ($marcrecord->field($tagfield)){
1384 my $auth_number=$field->subfield("9");
1385 my $tag=$field->tag();
1386 if ($auth_number==$mergefrom) {
1387 my $field_to=MARC::Field->new(($tag_to?$tag_to:$tag),$field->indicator(1),$field->indicator(2),"9"=>$mergeto);
1388 foreach my $subfield (@record_to) {
1389 $field_to->add_subfields($subfield->[0] =>$subfield->[1]);
1391 $marcrecord->delete_field($field);
1392 $marcrecord->insert_grouped_field($field_to);
1393 $update=1;
1395 }#for each tag
1396 }#foreach tagfield
1397 my ($bibliotag,$bibliosubf) = GetMarcFromKohaField("biblio.biblionumber","") ;
1398 my $biblionumber;
1399 if ($bibliotag<10){
1400 $biblionumber=$marcrecord->field($bibliotag)->data;
1402 else {
1403 $biblionumber=$marcrecord->subfield($bibliotag,$bibliosubf);
1405 unless ($biblionumber){
1406 warn "pas de numéro de notice bibliographique dans : ".$marcrecord->as_formatted;
1407 next;
1409 if ($update==1){
1410 &ModBiblio($marcrecord,$biblionumber,GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber)) ;
1411 $counteditedbiblio++;
1412 warn $counteditedbiblio if (($counteditedbiblio % 10) and $ENV{DEBUG});
1414 }#foreach $marc
1415 return $counteditedbiblio;
1416 # now, find every other authority linked with this authority
1417 # now, find every other authority linked with this authority
1418 # my $oConnection=C4::Context->Zconn("authorityserver");
1419 # my $query;
1420 # # att 9210 Auth-Internal-authtype
1421 # # att 9220 Auth-Internal-LN
1422 # # to add for authorities
1423 # $query= "= ".$mergefrom;
1424 # my $oResult = $oConnection->search(new ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN( $query, $oConnection ));
1425 # my $count=$oResult->size() if ($oResult);
1426 # my @reccache;
1427 # my $z=0;
1428 # while ( $z<$count ) {
1429 # my $rec;
1430 # $rec=$oResult->record($z);
1431 # my $marcdata = $rec->raw();
1432 # push @reccache, $marcdata;
1433 # $z++;
1435 # $oResult->destroy();
1436 # foreach my $marc(@reccache){
1437 # my $update;
1438 # my $marcrecord;
1439 # $marcrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marc);
1440 # foreach my $tagfield (@tags_using_authtype){
1441 # $tagfield=substr($tagfield,0,3);
1442 # my @tags = $marcrecord->field($tagfield);
1443 # foreach my $tag (@tags){
1444 # my $tagsubs=$tag->subfield("9");
1445 # #warn "$tagfield:$tagsubs:$mergefrom";
1446 # if ($tagsubs== $mergefrom) {
1447 # $tag->update("9" =>$mergeto);
1448 # foreach my $subfield (@record_to) {
1449 # # warn "$subfield,$subfield->[0],$subfield->[1]";
1450 # $tag->update($subfield->[0] =>$subfield->[1]);
1451 # }#for $subfield
1453 # $marcrecord->delete_field($tag);
1454 # $marcrecord->add_fields($tag);
1455 # $update=1;
1456 # }#for each tag
1457 # }#foreach tagfield
1458 # my $authoritynumber = TransformMarcToKoha($dbh,$marcrecord,"") ;
1459 # if ($update==1){
1460 # &ModAuthority($marcrecord,$authoritynumber,GetAuthTypeCode($authoritynumber)) ;
1463 # }#foreach $marc
1464 }#sub
1466 =head2 get_auth_type_location
1468 =over 4
1470 my ($tag, $subfield) = get_auth_type_location($auth_type_code);
1472 =back
1474 Get the tag and subfield used to store the heading type
1475 for indexing purposes. The C<$auth_type> parameter is
1476 optional; if it is not supplied, assume ''.
1478 This routine searches the MARC authority framework
1479 for the tag and subfield whose kohafield is
1480 C<auth_header.authtypecode>; if no such field is
1481 defined in the framework, default to the hardcoded value
1482 specific to the MARC format.
1484 =cut
1486 sub get_auth_type_location {
1487 my $auth_type_code = @_ ? shift : '';
1489 my ($tag, $subfield) = GetAuthMARCFromKohaField('auth_header.authtypecode', $auth_type_code);
1490 if (defined $tag and defined $subfield and $tag != 0 and $subfield != 0) {
1491 return ($tag, $subfield);
1492 } else {
1493 if (C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') eq "MARC21") {
1494 return C4::AuthoritiesMarc::MARC21::default_auth_type_location();
1495 } else {
1496 return C4::AuthoritiesMarc::UNIMARC::default_auth_type_location();
1501 END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
1504 __END__
1506 =head1 AUTHOR
1508 Koha Developement team <>
1510 Paul POULAIN
1512 =cut