Bug 17909: Add tests for merging with another authtype
[koha.git] / t / db_dependent / Authorities / Merge.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Tests for C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge
5 use Modern::Perl;
7 use Test::More tests => 4;
9 use MARC::Record;
10 use Test::MockModule;
11 use Test::MockObject;
13 use t::lib::TestBuilder;
15 use C4::Biblio;
16 use Koha::Database;
18 BEGIN {
19 use_ok('C4::AuthoritiesMarc');
22 my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
23 $schema->storage->txn_begin;
24 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
25 my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
27 # Some advanced mocking :)
28 my ( @zebrarecords, $index );
29 my $auth_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::AuthoritiesMarc' );
30 my $context_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Context' );
31 my $search_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Search' );
32 my $zoom_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'ZOOM::Query::CCL2RPN', no_auto => 1 );
33 my $conn_obj = Test::MockObject->new;
34 my $zoom_obj = Test::MockObject->new;
35 my $zoom_record_obj = Test::MockObject->new;
36 set_mocks();
38 subtest 'Test merge A1 to A2 (withing same authtype)' => sub {
39 # Tests originate from bug 11700
40 plan tests => 5;
42 # Create authority type TEST_PERSO
43 $dbh->do("INSERT INTO auth_types(authtypecode, authtypetext, auth_tag_to_report, summary) VALUES('TEST_PERSO', 'Personal Name', '109', 'Personal Names');");
44 $dbh->do("INSERT INTO auth_tag_structure (authtypecode, tagfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, authorised_value) VALUES('TEST_PERSO', '109', 'HEADING--PERSONAL NAME', 'HEADING--PERSONAL NAME', 0, 0, NULL)");
45 $dbh->do("INSERT INTO auth_subfield_structure (authtypecode, tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, tab, authorised_value, value_builder, seealso, isurl, hidden, linkid, kohafield, frameworkcode) VALUES ('TEST_PERSO', '109', 'a', 'Personal name', 'Personal name', 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, '', 0, 0, '', '', '')");
47 my $auth1 = new MARC::Record;
48 $auth1->append_fields(new MARC::Field('109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'George Orwell'));
49 my $authid1 = AddAuthority($auth1, undef, 'TEST_PERSO');
50 my $auth2 = new MARC::Record;
51 $auth2->append_fields(new MARC::Field('109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'G. Orwell'));
52 my $authid2 = AddAuthority($auth2, undef, 'TEST_PERSO');
54 $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO marc_subfield_structure(tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso, link, defaultvalue) VALUES('609', 'a', 'Personal name', 'Personal name', 0, 0, '', 6, '', 'TEST_PERSO', '', NULL, 0, '', '', '', NULL)");
55 $dbh->do("UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET authtypecode = 'TEST_PERSO' WHERE tagfield='609' AND tagsubfield='a' AND frameworkcode='';");
56 my $tagfields = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select distinct tagfield from marc_subfield_structure where authtypecode='TEST_PERSO'");
57 my $biblio1 = new MARC::Record;
58 $biblio1->append_fields(
59 new MARC::Field('609', '0', '0', '9' => $authid1, 'a' => 'George Orwell')
61 my ( $biblionumber1 ) = AddBiblio($biblio1, '');
62 my $biblio2 = new MARC::Record;
63 $biblio2->append_fields(
64 new MARC::Field('609', '0', '0', '9' => $authid2, 'a' => 'G. Orwell')
66 my ( $biblionumber2 ) = AddBiblio($biblio2, '');
68 @zebrarecords = ( $biblio1, $biblio2 );
69 $index = 0;
70 my $rv = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge( $authid2, $auth2, $authid1, $auth1 );
71 is( $rv, 1, 'We expect one biblio record (out of two) to be updated' );
73 $biblio1 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber1);
74 is($biblio1->subfield('609', '9'), $authid1, 'Check biblio1 609$9' );
75 is($biblio1->subfield('609', 'a'), 'George Orwell',
76 'Check biblio1 609$a' );
77 $biblio2 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber2);
78 is($biblio2->subfield('609', '9'), $authid1, 'Check biblio2 609$9' );
79 is($biblio2->subfield('609', 'a'), 'George Orwell',
80 'Check biblio2 609$a' );
83 subtest 'Test merge A1 to modified A1' => sub {
84 # Tests originate from bug 11700
85 plan tests => 4;
87 $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO marc_subfield_structure(tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso, link, defaultvalue) VALUES('109', 'a', 'Personal name', 'Personal name', 0, 0, '', 6, '', 'TEST_PERSO', '', NULL, 0, '', '', '', NULL)");
88 $dbh->do("UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET authtypecode = 'TEST_PERSO' WHERE tagfield='109' AND tagsubfield='a' AND frameworkcode='';");
90 my $auth1old = MARC::Record->new;
91 $auth1old->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'Bruce Wayne' ));
92 my $auth1new = $auth1old->clone;
93 $auth1new->field('109')->update( a => 'Batman' );
94 my $authid1 = AddAuthority( $auth1new, undef, 'TEST_PERSO' );
96 my $MARC1 = MARC::Record->new();
97 $MARC1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '245', '', '', 'a' => 'From the depths' ));
98 $MARC1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', 'a' => 'Bruce Wayne', 'b' => '2014', '9' => $authid1 ));
99 my $MARC2 = MARC::Record->new();
100 $MARC2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '245', '', '', 'a' => 'All the way to heaven' ));
101 $MARC2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', 'a' => 'Batman', '9' => $authid1 ));
102 my ( $biblionumber1 ) = AddBiblio( $MARC1, '');
103 my ( $biblionumber2 ) = AddBiblio( $MARC2, '');
105 @zebrarecords = ( $MARC1, $MARC2 );
106 $index = 0;
108 my $rv = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge( $authid1, $auth1old, $authid1, $auth1new );
109 is( $rv, 2, 'Both records are updated now' );
111 my $biblio1 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber1);
112 my $biblio2 = GetMarcBiblio($biblionumber1);
114 my $auth_field = $auth1new->field(109)->subfield('a');
115 is( $auth_field, $biblio1->field(109)->subfield('a'), 'Record1 values updated correctly' );
116 is( $auth_field, $biblio2->field(109)->subfield('a'), 'Record2 values updated correctly' );
118 # TODO Following test will change when we improve merge
119 # Will depend on a preference
120 is( $biblio1->field(109)->subfield('b'), $MARC1->field(109)->subfield('b'), 'Record not overwritten while merging');
123 subtest 'Test merge A1 to B1 (changing authtype)' => sub {
124 # Tests were aimed for bug 9988, moved to 17909 in adjusted form
125 # Would not encourage this type of merge, but we should test what we offer
126 # The merge routine still needs the fixes on bug 17913
127 plan tests => 8;
129 # create another authtype
130 my $authtype2 = $builder->build({
131 source => 'AuthType',
132 value => {
133 auth_tag_to_report => '112',
136 # create two fields linked to this auth type
137 $schema->resultset('MarcSubfieldStructure')->search({ tagfield => [ '112', '712' ] })->delete;
138 $builder->build({
139 source => 'MarcSubfieldStructure',
140 value => {
141 tagfield => '112',
142 tagsubfield => 'a',
143 authtypecode => $authtype2->{authtypecode},
144 frameworkcode => '',
147 $builder->build({
148 source => 'MarcSubfieldStructure',
149 value => {
150 tagfield => '712',
151 tagsubfield => 'a',
152 authtypecode => $authtype2->{authtypecode},
153 frameworkcode => '',
157 # create auth1 (from the earlier type)
158 my $auth1 = MARC::Record->new;
159 $auth1->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '109', '0', '0', 'a' => 'George Orwell', b => 'bb' ));
160 my $authid1 = AddAuthority($auth1, undef, 'TEST_PERSO');
161 # create auth2 (new type)
162 my $auth2 = MARC::Record->new;
163 $auth2->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '112', '0', '0', 'a' => 'Batman', c => 'cc' ));
164 my $authid2 = AddAuthority($auth1, undef, $authtype2->{authtypecode} );
166 # create a biblio with one 109 and two 609s to be touched
167 # seems exceptional see bug 13760 comment10
168 my $marc = MARC::Record->new;
169 $marc->append_fields(
170 MARC::Field->new( '003', 'some_003' ),
171 MARC::Field->new( '109', '', '', a => 'G. Orwell', b => 'bb', d => 'd', 9 => $authid1 ),
172 MARC::Field->new( '245', '', '', a => 'My title' ),
173 MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', a => 'Orwell', 9 => "$authid1" ),
174 MARC::Field->new( '609', '', '', a => 'Orwell', x => 'xx', 9 => "$authid1" ),
175 MARC::Field->new( '611', '', '', a => 'Added for testing order' ),
176 MARC::Field->new( '612', '', '', a => 'unrelated', 9 => 'other' ),
178 my ( $biblionumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( $marc, '' );
179 my $oldbiblio = C4::Biblio::GetMarcBiblio( $biblionumber );
181 @zebrarecords = ( $marc );
182 $index = 0;
183 my $retval = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::merge( $authid1, $auth1, $authid2, $auth2 );
184 is( $retval, 1, 'We touched only one biblio' );
186 # Get new marc record for compares
187 my $newbiblio = C4::Biblio::GetMarcBiblio( $biblionumber );
188 compare_field_count( $oldbiblio, $newbiblio, 1 );
189 # TODO The following test will still fail; refined after 17913
190 compare_field_order( $oldbiblio, $newbiblio, 0 );
192 # Check some fields
193 is( $newbiblio->field('003')->data,
194 $oldbiblio->field('003')->data,
195 'Check contents of a control field not expected to be touched' );
196 is( $newbiblio->subfield( '245', 'a' ),
197 $oldbiblio->subfield( '245', 'a' ),
198 'Check contents of a data field not expected to be touched' );
199 is( $newbiblio->subfield( '112', 'a' ),
200 $auth2->subfield( '112', 'a' ), 'Check modified 112a' );
201 is( $newbiblio->subfield( '112', 'c' ),
202 $auth2->subfield( '112', 'c' ), 'Check new 112c' );
204 #TODO Check the new 612s (after fix on 17913, they are 112s now)
205 is( $newbiblio->subfield( '612', 'a' ),
206 $oldbiblio->subfield( '612', 'a' ), 'Check untouched 612a' );
209 sub set_mocks {
210 # Mock ZOOM objects: They do nothing actually
211 # Get new_record_from_zebra to return the records
213 $context_mod->mock( 'Zconn', sub { $conn_obj; } );
214 $search_mod->mock( 'new_record_from_zebra', sub {
215 return if $index >= @zebrarecords;
216 return $zebrarecords[ $index++ ];
218 $zoom_mod->mock( 'new', sub {} );
220 $conn_obj->mock( 'search', sub { $zoom_obj; } );
221 $zoom_obj->mock( 'destroy', sub {} );
222 $zoom_obj->mock( 'record', sub { $zoom_record_obj; } );
223 $zoom_obj->mock( 'search', sub {} );
224 $zoom_obj->mock( 'size', sub { @zebrarecords } );
225 $zoom_record_obj->mock( 'raw', sub {} );
228 sub compare_field_count {
229 my ( $oldmarc, $newmarc, $pass ) = @_;
230 my $t;
231 if( $pass ) {
232 is( scalar $newmarc->fields, $t = $oldmarc->fields, "Number of fields still equal to $t" );
233 } else {
234 isnt( scalar $newmarc->fields, $t = $oldmarc->fields, "Number of fields not equal to $t" );
238 sub compare_field_order {
239 my ( $oldmarc, $newmarc, $pass ) = @_;
240 if( $pass ) {
241 is( ( join q/,/, map { $_->tag; } $newmarc->fields ),
242 ( join q/,/, map { $_->tag; } $oldmarc->fields ),
243 'Order of fields unchanged' );
244 } else {
245 isnt( ( join q/,/, map { $_->tag; } $newmarc->fields ),
246 ( join q/,/, map { $_->tag; } $oldmarc->fields ),
247 'Order of fields changed' );
251 $schema->storage->txn_rollback;