Bug 16502: Add additional test to Plugins.t
[koha.git] / t / db_dependent / Plugins.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use Test::More tests => 22;
7 use File::Basename;
8 use FindBin qw($Bin);
9 use Archive::Extract;
10 use Module::Load::Conditional qw(can_load);
12 use C4::Context;
14 BEGIN {
15 push( @INC, dirname(__FILE__) . '/..' );
17 use_ok('Koha::Plugins');
18 use_ok('Koha::Plugins::Handler');
19 use_ok('Koha::Plugins::Base');
20 use_ok('Koha::Plugin::Test');
23 ok( can_load( modules => { "Koha::Plugin::Test" => undef } ), 'Test can_load' );
25 my $plugin = Koha::Plugin::Test->new({ enable_plugins => 1});
27 isa_ok( $plugin, "Koha::Plugin::Test", 'Test plugin class' );
28 isa_ok( $plugin, "Koha::Plugins::Base", 'Test plugin parent class' );
30 ok( $plugin->can('report'), 'Test plugin can report' );
31 ok( $plugin->can('tool'), 'Test plugin can tool' );
32 ok( $plugin->can('to_marc'), 'Test plugin can to_marc' );
33 ok( $plugin->can('configure'), 'Test plugin can configure' );
34 ok( $plugin->can('install'), 'Test plugin can install' );
35 ok( $plugin->can('uninstall'), 'Test plugin can install' );
37 ok( Koha::Plugins::Handler->run({ class => "Koha::Plugin::Test", method => 'report', enable_plugins => 1 }) eq "Koha::Plugin::Test::report", 'Test run plugin report method' );
39 my $metadata = $plugin->get_metadata();
40 ok( $metadata->{'name'} eq 'Test Plugin', 'Test $plugin->get_metadata()' );
42 ok( $plugin->get_qualified_table_name('mytable') eq 'koha_plugin_test_mytable', 'Test $plugin->get_qualified_table_name()' );
43 ok( $plugin->get_plugin_http_path() eq '/plugin/Koha/Plugin/Test', 'Test $plugin->get_plugin_http_path()' );
45 my @plugins = Koha::Plugins->new({ enable_plugins => 1 })->GetPlugins( 'report' );
46 ok( $plugins[0]->get_metadata()->{'name'} eq 'Test Plugin', "Koha::Plugins::GetPlugins functions correctly" );
48 SKIP: {
49 my $plugins_dir = C4::Context->config("pluginsdir");
50 skip "plugindir not set", 4 unless defined $plugins_dir;
51 skip "plugindir not writable", 4 unless -w $plugins_dir;
52 # no need to skip further tests if KitchenSink would already exist
54 my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => "$Bin/KitchenSinkPlugin.kpz", type => 'zip' );
55 unless ( $ae->extract( to => $plugins_dir ) ) {
56 warn "ERROR: " . $ae->error;
58 use_ok('Koha::Plugin::Com::ByWaterSolutions::KitchenSink');
59 $plugin = Koha::Plugin::Com::ByWaterSolutions::KitchenSink->new({ enable_plugins => 1});
60 my $table = $plugin->get_qualified_table_name( 'mytable' );
62 ok( -f $plugins_dir . "/Koha/Plugin/Com/ByWaterSolutions/KitchenSink.pm", "KitchenSink plugin installed successfully" );
63 Koha::Plugins::Handler->delete({ class => "Koha::Plugin::Com::ByWaterSolutions::KitchenSink", enable_plugins => 1 });
64 my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->table_info( undef, undef, $table, 'TABLE' );
65 my $info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
66 is( @$info, 0, "Table $table does no longer exist" );
67 ok( !( -f $plugins_dir . "/Koha/Plugin/Com/ByWaterSolutions/KitchenSink.pm" ), "Koha::Plugins::Handler::delete works correctly." );