Bug 14874: (followup) Fix typo introduced in sysprefs.sql
[koha.git] / misc / bin / connexion_import_daemon.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 # Copyright 2012 CatalystIT
5 # This file is part of Koha.
7 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
12 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
20 use strict;
21 use warnings;
23 use Getopt::Long;
25 my ($help, $config, $daemon);
27 GetOptions(
28 'config|c=s' => \$config,
29 'daemon|d' => \$daemon,
30 'help|?' => \$help,
33 if($help || !$config){
34 print <<EOF
35 $0 --config=my.conf
36 Parameters :
37 --daemon | -d - go to background; prints pid to stdout
38 --config | -c - config file
39 --help | -? - this message
41 Config file format:
42 Lines of the form:
43 name: value
45 # comments are supported
46 No quotes
48 Parameter Names:
49 host - ip address or hostname to bind to, defaults all available
50 port - port to bind to, mandatory
51 log - log file path, stderr if omitted
52 debug - dumps requests to the log file, passwords inclusive
53 koha - koha intranet base url, eg http://librarian.koha
54 user - koha user, authentication
55 password - koha user password, authentication
56 match - marc_matchers.code: ISBN or ISSN
57 overlay_action - import_batches.overlay_action: replace, create_new or ignore
58 nomatch_action - import_batches.nomatch_action: create_new or ignore
59 item_action - import_batches.item_action: always_add,
60 add_only_for_matches, add_only_for_new or ignore
61 import_mode - stage or direct
62 framework - to be used if import_mode is direct
64 All process related parameters (all but ip and port) have default values as
65 per Koha import process.
66 EOF
68 exit;
71 my $server = ImportProxyServer->new($config);
73 if ($daemon) {
74 print $server->background;
75 } else {
76 $server->run;
79 exit;
82 package ImportProxyServer;
84 use Carp;
85 use IO::Socket::INET;
86 # use IO::Socket::IP;
87 use IO::Select;
88 use POSIX;
89 use HTTP::Status qw(:constants);
90 use strict;
91 use warnings;
93 use LWP::UserAgent;
94 use XML::Simple;
95 use MARC::Record;
96 use MARC::File::XML;
98 use constant CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT => 5;
99 use constant CLIENT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE => 100000;
100 use constant AUTH_URI => "/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl";
101 use constant IMPORT_SVC_URI => "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/import_bib";
103 sub new {
104 my $class = shift;
105 my $config_file = shift or croak "No config file";
107 my $self = {time_to_die => 0, config_file => $config_file };
108 bless $self, $class;
110 $self->parse_config;
111 return $self;
114 sub parse_config {
115 my $self = shift;
117 my $config_file = $self->{config_file};
119 open (my $conf_fh, '<', $config_file) or die "Cannot open config file $config: $!";
121 my %param;
122 my $line = 0;
123 while (<$conf_fh>) {
124 $line++;
125 chomp;
126 s/\s*#.*//o; # remove comments
127 s/^\s+//o; # trim leading spaces
128 s/\s+$//o; # trim trailing spaces
129 next unless $_;
131 my ($p, $v) = m/(\S+?):\s*(.*)/o;
132 die "Invalid config line $line: $_" unless defined $v;
133 $param{$p} = $v;
136 $self->{koha} = delete( $param{koha} )
137 or die "No koha base url in config file";
138 $self->{user} = delete( $param{user} )
139 or die "No koha user in config file";
140 $self->{password} = delete( $param{password} )
141 or die "No koha user password in config file";
143 $self->{host} = delete( $param{host} );
144 $self->{port} = delete( $param{port} )
145 or die "Port not specified";
147 $self->{debug} = delete( $param{debug} );
149 my $log_fh;
150 close $self->{log_fh} if $self->{log_fh};
151 if (my $logfile = delete $param{log}) {
152 open ($log_fh, '>>', $logfile) or die "Cannot open $logfile for write: $!";
153 } else {
154 $log_fh = \*STDERR;
156 $self->{log_fh} = $log_fh;
158 $self->{params} = \%param;
161 sub log {
162 my $self = shift;
163 my $log_fh = $self->{log_fh}
164 or warn "No log fh",
165 return;
166 my $t = localtime;
167 print $log_fh map "$t: $_\n", @_;
170 sub background {
171 my $self = shift;
173 my $pid = fork;
174 return ($pid) if $pid; # parent
176 die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
178 POSIX::setsid() or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
180 $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{HUP} = sub { $self->{time_to_die} = 1 };
181 # trap or ignore $SIG{PIPE}
182 $SIG{USR1} = sub { $self->parse_config };
184 $self->run;
187 sub run {
188 my $self = shift;
190 my $server_port = $self->{port};
191 my $server_host = $self->{host};
193 my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
194 LocalHost => $server_host,
195 LocalPort => $server_port,
196 Type => SOCK_STREAM,
197 Proto => "tcp",
198 Listen => 12,
199 Blocking => 1,
200 ReuseAddr => 1,
201 ) or die "Couldn't be a tcp server on port $server_port: $! $@";
203 $self->log("Started tcp listener on $server_host:$server_port");
205 $self->{ua} = _ua();
207 while ("FOREVER") {
208 my $client = $server->accept()
209 or die "Cannot accept: $!";
210 my $oldfh = select($client);
211 $self->handle_request($client);
212 select($oldfh);
213 last if $self->{time_to_die};
216 close($server);
219 sub _ua {
220 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
221 $ua->timeout(10);
222 $ua->cookie_jar({});
223 return $ua;
226 sub read_request {
227 my ( $self, $io ) = @_;
229 my ($in, @in_arr, $timeout, $bad_marc);
230 my $select = IO::Select->new($io) ;
231 while ( "FOREVER" ) {
232 if ( $select->can_read(CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT) ){
233 $io->recv($in, CLIENT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
234 last unless $in;
236 # XXX ignore after NULL
237 if ( $in =~ m/^(.*)\000/so ) { # null received, EOT
238 push @in_arr, $1;
239 last;
241 push @in_arr, $in;
243 else {
244 last;
248 $in = join '', @in_arr;
250 $in =~ m/(.)$/;
251 my $lastchar = $1;
252 my ($xml, $user, $password, $local_user);
253 my $data = $in; # copy for diagmostic purposes
254 while () {
255 my $first = substr( $data, 0, 1 );
256 if (!defined $first) {
257 last;
259 $first eq 'U' && do {
260 ($user, $data) = _trim_identifier($data);
261 next;
263 $first eq 'A' && do {
264 ($local_user, $data) = _trim_identifier($data);
265 next;
267 $first eq 'P' && do {
268 ($password, $data) = _trim_identifier($data);
269 next;
271 $first eq ' ' && do {
272 $data = substr( $data, 1 ); # trim
273 next;
275 $data =~ m/^[0-9]/ && do {
276 # What we have here might be a MARC record...
277 my $marc_record;
278 eval { $marc_record = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($data); };
279 if ($@) {
280 $bad_marc = 1;
282 else {
283 $xml = $marc_record->as_xml();
285 last;
287 last; # unexpected input
290 my @details;
291 push @details, "Timeout" if $timeout;
292 push @details, "Bad MARC" if $bad_marc;
293 push @details, "User: $user" if $user;
294 push @details, "Password: " . ( $self->{debug} ? $password : ("x" x length($password)) ) if $password;
295 push @details, "Local user: $local_user" if $local_user;
296 push @details, "XML: $xml" if $xml;
297 push @details, "Remaining data: $data" if ($data && !$xml);
298 unless ($xml) {
299 $self->log("Invalid request", $in, @details);
300 return;
303 $self->log("Request", @details);
304 $self->log($in) if $self->{debug};
305 return ($xml, $user, $password);
308 sub _trim_identifier {
309 #my ($a, $len) = unpack "cc", substr( $_[0], 0, 2 );
310 my $len=ord(substr ($_[0], 1, 1)) - 64;
311 if ($len <0) { #length is numeric, and thus comes from the web client, not the desktop client.
312 $_[0] =~ m/.(\d+)/;
313 $len = $1;
314 return ( substr( $_[0], length($len)+1 , $len ), substr( $_[0], length($len) + 1 + $len ) );
316 return ( substr( $_[0], 2 , $len ), substr( $_[0], 2 + $len ) );
319 sub handle_request {
320 my ( $self, $io ) = @_;
322 my ($data, $user, $password) = $self->read_request($io)
323 or return $self->error_response("Bad request");
325 my $ua;
326 if ($self->{user}) {
327 $user = $self->{user};
328 $password = $self->{password};
329 $ua = $self->{ua};
331 else {
332 $ua = _ua(); # fresh one, needs to authenticate
335 my $base_url = $self->{koha};
336 my $resp = $ua->post( $base_url.IMPORT_SVC_URI,
337 {'nomatch_action' => $self->{params}->{nomatch_action},
338 'overlay_action' => $self->{params}->{overlay_action},
339 'match' => $self->{params}->{match},
340 'import_mode' => $self->{params}->{import_mode},
341 'framework' => $self->{params}->{framework},
342 'item_action' => $self->{params}->{item_action},
343 'xml' => $data});
345 my $status = $resp->code;
346 if ($status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED || $status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN) {
347 my $user = $self->{user};
348 my $password = $self->{password};
349 $resp = $ua->post( $base_url.AUTH_URI, { userid => $user, password => $password } );
350 $resp = $ua->post( $base_url.IMPORT_SVC_URI,
351 {'nomatch_action' => $self->{params}->{nomatch_action},
352 'overlay_action' => $self->{params}->{overlay_action},
353 'match' => $self->{params}->{match},
354 'import_mode' => $self->{params}->{import_mode},
355 'framework' => $self->{params}->{framework},
356 'item_action' => $self->{params}->{item_action},
357 'xml' => $data})
358 if $resp->is_success;
360 unless ($resp->is_success) {
361 $self->log("Unsuccessful request", $resp->request->as_string, $resp->as_string);
362 return $self->error_response("Unsuccessful request");
365 my ($koha_status, $bib, $overlay, $batch_id, $error, $url);
366 if ( my $r = eval { XMLin($resp->content) } ) {
367 $koha_status = $r->{status};
368 $batch_id = $r->{import_batch_id};
369 $error = $r->{error};
370 $bib = $r->{biblionumber};
371 $overlay = $r->{match_status};
372 $url = $r->{url};
374 else {
375 $koha_status = "error";
376 $self->log("Response format error:\n$resp->content");
377 return $self->error_response("Invalid response");
380 if ($koha_status eq "ok") {
381 my $response_string = sprintf( "Success. Batch number %s - biblio record number %s",
382 $batch_id,$bib);
383 $response_string .= $overlay eq 'no_match' ? ' added to Koha.' : ' overlaid by import.';
384 $response_string .= "\n\n$url";
386 return $self->response( $response_string );
389 return $self->error_response( sprintf( "%s. Please contact administrator.", $error ) );
392 sub error_response {
393 my $self = shift;
394 $self->response(@_);
397 sub response {
398 my $self = shift;
399 $self->log("Response: $_[0]");
400 printf $_[0] . "\0";
404 } # package