Bug 8433 Remove unused 'use English'
[koha.git] / C4 / SIP / Sip.pm
2 # Sip.pm: General Sip utility functions
5 package Sip;
7 use strict;
8 use warnings;
9 use Exporter;
10 use Readonly;
12 use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
13 use POSIX qw(strftime);
14 use Socket qw(:crlf);
15 use IO::Handle;
17 use Sip::Constants qw(SIP_DATETIME);
18 use Sip::Checksum qw(checksum);
22 BEGIN {
23 $VERSION =;
24 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
26 @EXPORT_OK = qw(y_or_n timestamp add_field maybe_add add_count
27 denied sipbool boolspace write_msg read_SIP_packet
28 $error_detection $protocol_version $field_delimiter
29 $last_response);
32 all => [qw(y_or_n timestamp add_field maybe_add
33 add_count denied sipbool boolspace write_msg
34 read_SIP_packet
35 $error_detection $protocol_version
36 $field_delimiter $last_response)]);
39 our $error_detection = 0;
40 our $protocol_version = 1;
41 our $field_delimiter = '|'; # Protocol Default
42 # The message terminator for a SIP message is '\r' in the standard doc
43 # However most sip devices in the wild send a CR LF pair
44 # This is required by Telnet if that is your carrier mechanism
45 # On raw connections it may also be required because the buffer is
46 # only flushed on linefeed and its absence causes enough delay for
47 # client machines to go into an error state
48 # The below works for almost all machines if however you have one
49 # which does not like the additional linefeed change value to $CR
50 Readonly my $msg_terminator => $CRLF;
52 # We need to keep a copy of the last message we sent to the SC,
53 # in case there's a transmission error and the SC sends us a
54 # REQUEST_ACS_RESEND. If we receive a REQUEST_ACS_RESEND before
55 # we've ever sent anything, then we are to respond with a
58 our $last_response = '';
60 sub timestamp {
61 my $time = $_[0] || time();
62 if ( ref $time eq 'DateTime') {
63 return $time->strftime(SIP_DATETIME);
64 } elsif ($time=~m/^(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})/) {
65 # passing a db returned date as is + bogus time
66 return sprintf( '%04d%02d%02d 235900', $1, $2, $3);
68 return strftime(SIP_DATETIME, localtime($time));
72 # add_field(field_id, value)
73 # return constructed field value
75 sub add_field {
76 my ($field_id, $value) = @_;
77 my ($i, $ent);
79 if (!defined($value)) {
80 syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "add_field: Undefined value being added to '%s'",
81 $field_id);
82 $value = '';
84 $value=~s/\r/ /g; # CR terminates a sip message
85 # Protect against them in sip text fields
87 # Replace any occurences of the field delimiter in the
88 # field value with the HTML character entity
89 $ent = sprintf("&#%d;", ord($field_delimiter));
91 while (($i = index($value, $field_delimiter)) != ($[-1)) {
92 substr($value, $i, 1) = $ent;
95 return $field_id . $value . $field_delimiter;
98 # maybe_add(field_id, value):
99 # If value is defined and non-empty, then return the
100 # constructed field value, otherwise return the empty string.
101 # NOTE: if zero is a valid value for your field, don't use maybe_add!
103 sub maybe_add {
104 my ($fid, $value) = @_;
105 return (defined($value) && $value) ? add_field($fid, $value) : '';
109 # add_count() produce fixed four-character count field,
110 # or a string of four spaces if the count is invalid for some
111 # reason
113 sub add_count {
114 my ($label, $count) = @_;
116 # If the field is unsupported, it will be undef, return blanks
117 # as per the spec.
118 if (!defined($count)) {
119 return ' ' x 4;
122 $count = sprintf("%04d", $count);
123 if (length($count) != 4) {
124 syslog("LOG_WARNING", "handle_patron_info: %s wrong size: '%s'",
125 $label, $count);
126 $count = ' ' x 4;
128 return $count;
132 # denied($bool)
133 # if $bool is false, return true. This is because SIP statuses
134 # are inverted: we report that something has been denied, not that
135 # it's permitted. For example, 'renewal priv. denied' of 'Y' means
136 # that the user's not permitted to renew. I assume that the ILS has
137 # real positive tests.
139 sub denied {
140 my $bool = shift;
141 return boolspace(!$bool);
144 sub sipbool {
145 my $bool = shift;
146 return $bool ? 'Y' : 'N';
150 # boolspace: ' ' is false, 'Y' is true. (don't ask)
152 sub boolspace {
153 my $bool = shift;
154 return $bool ? 'Y' : ' ';
158 # read_SIP_packet($file)
160 # Read a packet from $file, using the correct record separator
162 sub read_SIP_packet {
163 my $record;
164 my $fh = shift or syslog("LOG_ERR", "read_SIP_packet: no filehandle argument!");
165 my $len1 = 999;
167 # local $/ = "\r"; # don't need any of these here. use whatever the prevailing $/ is.
168 local $/ = "\015"; # proper SPEC: (octal) \015 = (hex) x0D = (dec) 13 = (ascii) carriage return
169 { # adapted from http://perldoc.perl.org/5.8.8/functions/readline.html
170 undef $!;
171 $record = readline($fh);
172 if ( defined($record) ) {
173 while ( chomp($record) ) { 1; }
174 $len1 = length($record);
175 syslog( "LOG_DEBUG", "read_SIP_packet, INPUT MSG: '$record'" );
176 $record =~ s/^\s*[^A-z0-9]+//s; # Every line must start with a "real" character. Not whitespace, control chars, etc.
177 $record =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//s; # Same for the end. Note this catches the problem some clients have sending empty fields at the end, like |||
178 $record =~ s/\015?\012//g; # Extra line breaks must die
179 $record =~ s/\015?\012//s; # Extra line breaks must die
180 $record =~ s/\015*\012*$//s; # treat as one line to include the extra linebreaks we are trying to remove!
181 while ( chomp($record) ) { 1; }
183 $record and last; # success
186 if ($record) {
187 my $len2 = length($record);
188 syslog("LOG_INFO", "read_SIP_packet, INPUT MSG: '$record'") if $record;
189 ($len1 != $len2) and syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "read_SIP_packet, trimmed %s character(s) (after chomps).", $len1-$len2);
190 } else {
191 syslog("LOG_WARNING", "read_SIP_packet input %s, end of input.", (defined($record) ? "empty ($record)" : 'undefined'));
194 # Cen-Tec self-check terminals transmit '\r\n' line terminators.
195 # This is actually very hard to deal with in perl in a reasonable
196 # since every OTHER piece of hardware out there gets the protocol
197 # right.
199 # The incorrect line terminator presents as a \r at the end of the
200 # first record, and then a \n at the BEGINNING of the next record.
201 # So, the simplest thing to do is just throw away a leading newline
202 # on the input.
204 # This is now handled by the vigorous cleansing above.
205 # syslog("LOG_INFO", encode_utf8("INPUT MSG: '$record'")) if $record;
206 syslog("LOG_INFO", "INPUT MSG: '$record'") if $record;
207 return $record;
211 # write_msg($msg, $file)
213 # Send $msg to the SC. If error detection is active, then
214 # add the sequence number (if $seqno is non-zero) and checksum
215 # to the message, and save the whole thing as $last_response
217 # If $file is set, then it's a file handle: write to it, otherwise
218 # just write to the default destination.
221 sub write_msg {
222 my ($self, $msg, $file) = @_;
223 my $cksum;
225 # $msg = encode_utf8($msg);
226 if ($error_detection) {
227 if (defined($self->{seqno})) {
228 $msg .= 'AY' . $self->{seqno};
230 $msg .= 'AZ';
231 $cksum = checksum($msg);
232 $msg .= sprintf('%04.4X', $cksum);
236 if ($file) {
237 $file->autoflush(1);
238 print $file $msg, $msg_terminator;
239 } else {
240 STDOUT->autoflush(1);
241 print $msg, $msg_terminator;
242 syslog("LOG_INFO", "OUTPUT MSG: '$msg'");
245 $last_response = $msg;