Bug 16851: Move HasOverdues to Koha::Patron->has_overdues
[koha.git] / t / db_dependent / Koha / Patrons.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Copyright 2015 Koha Development team
5 # This file is part of Koha
7 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
12 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
20 use Modern::Perl;
22 use Test::More tests => 7;
23 use Test::Warn;
25 use C4::Circulation;
26 use Koha::Patron;
27 use Koha::Patrons;
28 use Koha::Database;
29 use Koha::DateUtils;
30 use Koha::Virtualshelves;
32 use t::lib::TestBuilder;
33 use t::lib::Mocks;
35 my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
36 $schema->storage->txn_begin;
38 my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
39 my $library = $builder->build({source => 'Branch' });
40 my $category = $builder->build({source => 'Category' });
41 my $nb_of_patrons = Koha::Patrons->search->count;
42 my $new_patron_1 = Koha::Patron->new(
43 { cardnumber => 'test_cn_1',
44 branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
45 categorycode => $category->{categorycode},
46 surname => 'surname for patron1',
47 firstname => 'firstname for patron1',
48 userid => 'a_nonexistent_userid_1',
50 )->store;
51 my $new_patron_2 = Koha::Patron->new(
52 { cardnumber => 'test_cn_2',
53 branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
54 categorycode => $category->{categorycode},
55 surname => 'surname for patron2',
56 firstname => 'firstname for patron2',
57 userid => 'a_nonexistent_userid_2',
59 )->store;
61 C4::Context->_new_userenv('xxx');
62 C4::Context->set_userenv(0,0,0,'firstname','surname', $library->{branchcode}, 'Midway Public Library', '', '', '');
64 is( Koha::Patrons->search->count, $nb_of_patrons + 2, 'The 2 patrons should have been added' );
66 my $retrieved_patron_1 = Koha::Patrons->find( $new_patron_1->borrowernumber );
67 is( $retrieved_patron_1->cardnumber, $new_patron_1->cardnumber, 'Find a patron by borrowernumber should return the correct patron' );
69 subtest 'guarantees' => sub {
70 plan tests => 8;
71 my $guarantees = $new_patron_1->guarantees;
72 is( ref($guarantees), 'Koha::Patrons', 'Koha::Patron->guarantees should return a Koha::Patrons result set in a scalar context' );
73 is( $guarantees->count, 0, 'new_patron_1 should have 0 guarantee' );
74 my @guarantees = $new_patron_1->guarantees;
75 is( ref(\@guarantees), 'ARRAY', 'Koha::Patron->guarantees should return an array in a list context' );
76 is( scalar(@guarantees), 0, 'new_patron_1 should have 0 guarantee' );
78 my $guarantee_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { guarantorid => $new_patron_1->borrowernumber }});
79 my $guarantee_2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { guarantorid => $new_patron_1->borrowernumber }});
81 $guarantees = $new_patron_1->guarantees;
82 is( ref($guarantees), 'Koha::Patrons', 'Koha::Patron->guarantees should return a Koha::Patrons result set in a scalar context' );
83 is( $guarantees->count, 2, 'new_patron_1 should have 2 guarantees' );
84 @guarantees = $new_patron_1->guarantees;
85 is( ref(\@guarantees), 'ARRAY', 'Koha::Patron->guarantees should return an array in a list context' );
86 is( scalar(@guarantees), 2, 'new_patron_1 should have 2 guarantees' );
87 $_->delete for @guarantees;
90 subtest 'siblings' => sub {
91 plan tests => 7;
92 my $siblings = $new_patron_1->siblings;
93 is( $siblings, undef, 'Koha::Patron->siblings should not crashed if the patron has no guarantor' );
94 my $guarantee_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { guarantorid => $new_patron_1->borrowernumber } } );
95 my $retrieved_guarantee_1 = Koha::Patrons->find($guarantee_1);
96 $siblings = $retrieved_guarantee_1->siblings;
97 is( ref($siblings), 'Koha::Patrons', 'Koha::Patron->siblings should return a Koha::Patrons result set in a scalar context' );
98 my @siblings = $retrieved_guarantee_1->siblings;
99 is( ref( \@siblings ), 'ARRAY', 'Koha::Patron->siblings should return an array in a list context' );
100 is( $siblings->count, 0, 'guarantee_1 should not have siblings yet' );
101 my $guarantee_2 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { guarantorid => $new_patron_1->borrowernumber } } );
102 my $guarantee_3 = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { guarantorid => $new_patron_1->borrowernumber } } );
103 $siblings = $retrieved_guarantee_1->siblings;
104 is( $siblings->count, 2, 'guarantee_1 should have 2 siblings' );
105 is( $guarantee_2->{borrowernumber}, $siblings->next->borrowernumber, 'guarantee_2 should exist in the guarantees' );
106 is( $guarantee_3->{borrowernumber}, $siblings->next->borrowernumber, 'guarantee_3 should exist in the guarantees' );
107 $_->delete for $retrieved_guarantee_1->siblings;
108 $retrieved_guarantee_1->delete;
111 subtest 'has_overdues' => sub {
112 plan tests => 3;
114 my $biblioitem_1 = $builder->build( { source => 'Biblioitem' } );
115 my $item_1 = $builder->build(
116 { source => 'Item',
117 value => {
118 homebranch => $library->{branchcode},
119 holdingbranch => $library->{branchcode},
120 notforloan => 0,
121 itemlost => 0,
122 withdrawn => 0,
123 biblionumber => $biblioitem_1->{biblionumber}
127 my $retrieved_patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $new_patron_1->borrowernumber );
128 is( $retrieved_patron->has_overdues, 0, );
130 my $tomorrow = DateTime->today( time_zone => C4::Context->tz() )->add( days => 1 );
131 my $issue = AddIssue( $new_patron_1->unblessed, $item_1->{barcode} );
132 is( $retrieved_patron->has_overdues, 0, );
133 AddReturn( $item_1->{barcode} );
134 my $yesterday = DateTime->today(time_zone => C4::Context->tz())->add( days => -1 );
135 $issue = AddIssue( $new_patron_1->unblessed, $item_1->{barcode}, $yesterday );
136 $retrieved_patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $new_patron_1->borrowernumber );
137 is( $retrieved_patron->has_overdues, 1, );
138 AddReturn( $item_1->{barcode} );
141 subtest 'update_password' => sub {
142 plan tests => 7;
144 t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BorrowersLog', 1 );
145 my $original_userid = $new_patron_1->userid;
146 my $original_password = $new_patron_1->password;
147 warning_like { $retrieved_patron_1->update_password( $new_patron_2->userid, 'another_password' ) }
148 qr{Duplicate entry},
149 'Koha::Patron->update_password should warn if the userid is already used by another patron';
150 is( Koha::Patrons->find( $new_patron_1->borrowernumber )->userid, $original_userid, 'Koha::Patron->update_password should not have updated the userid' );
151 is( Koha::Patrons->find( $new_patron_1->borrowernumber )->password, $original_password, 'Koha::Patron->update_password should not have updated the userid' );
153 $retrieved_patron_1->update_password( 'another_nonexistent_userid_1', 'another_password' );
154 is( Koha::Patrons->find( $new_patron_1->borrowernumber )->userid, 'another_nonexistent_userid_1', 'Koha::Patron->update_password should have updated the userid' );
155 is( Koha::Patrons->find( $new_patron_1->borrowernumber )->password, 'another_password', 'Koha::Patron->update_password should have updated the password' );
157 my $number_of_logs = $schema->resultset('ActionLog')->search( { module => 'MEMBERS', action => 'CHANGE PASS', object => $new_patron_1->borrowernumber } )->count;
158 is( $number_of_logs, 1, 'With BorrowerLogs, Koha::Patron->update_password should have logged' );
160 t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BorrowersLog', 0 );
161 $retrieved_patron_1->update_password( 'yet_another_nonexistent_userid_1', 'another_password' );
162 $number_of_logs = $schema->resultset('ActionLog')->search( { module => 'MEMBERS', action => 'CHANGE PASS', object => $new_patron_1->borrowernumber } )->count;
163 is( $number_of_logs, 1, 'With BorrowerLogs, Koha::Patron->update_password should not have logged' );
166 subtest 'renew_account' => sub {
167 plan tests => 6;
168 my $a_month_ago = dt_from_string->add( months => -1 )->truncate( to => 'day' );
169 my $a_year_later = dt_from_string->add( months => 12 )->truncate( to => 'day' );
170 my $a_year_later_minus_a_month = dt_from_string->add( months => 11 )->truncate( to => 'day' );
171 my $patron_category = $builder->build(
172 { source => 'Category',
173 value => {
174 enrolmentperiod => 12,
175 enrolmentperioddate => undef,
179 my $patron = $builder->build(
180 { source => 'Borrower',
181 value => {
182 dateexpiry => $a_month_ago,
183 categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
187 my $retrieved_patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $patron->{borrowernumber} );
189 t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BorrowerRenewalPeriodBase', 'dateexpiry' );
190 t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BorrowersLog', 1 );
191 my $expiry_date = $retrieved_patron->renew_account;
192 is( $expiry_date, $a_year_later_minus_a_month, );
193 my $retrieved_expiry_date = Koha::Patrons->find( $patron->{borrowernumber} )->dateexpiry;
194 is( dt_from_string($retrieved_expiry_date), $a_year_later_minus_a_month );
195 my $number_of_logs = $schema->resultset('ActionLog')->search( { module => 'MEMBERS', action => 'RENEW', object => $retrieved_patron->borrowernumber } )->count;
196 is( $number_of_logs, 1, 'With BorrowerLogs, Koha::Patron->renew_account should have logged' );
198 t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BorrowerRenewalPeriodBase', 'now' );
199 t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BorrowersLog', 0 );
200 $expiry_date = $retrieved_patron->renew_account;
201 is( $expiry_date, $a_year_later, );
202 $retrieved_expiry_date = Koha::Patrons->find( $patron->{borrowernumber} )->dateexpiry;
203 is( dt_from_string($retrieved_expiry_date), $a_year_later );
204 $number_of_logs = $schema->resultset('ActionLog')->search( { module => 'MEMBERS', action => 'RENEW', object => $retrieved_patron->borrowernumber } )->count;
205 is( $number_of_logs, 1, 'Without BorrowerLogs, Koha::Patron->renew_account should not have logged' );
207 $retrieved_patron->delete;
210 $retrieved_patron_1->delete;
211 is( Koha::Patrons->search->count, $nb_of_patrons + 1, 'Delete should have deleted the patron' );
213 $schema->storage->txn_rollback;