1 <!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="help-top.inc" -->
2 <h1>Setting Patron Permissions</h1>
3 <p>Patron permissions are used to define the rights of staff members when in the intranet/staff client.</p>
5 <li>To alter patron permissions, click on Patrons on the main menu at the top of the screen.</li>
6 <li>Search or browse for the patron you'd like to edit</li>
7 <li>Click on the patron's name from the results</li>
8 <li>Click the 'More' button on the top right of the patron profile and choose 'Set Permissions'</li>
9 <li>Choose the permissions you'd like this patron to have</li>
10 <li>You can pick as many permissions as you'd like for each staff member
13 <span style="background-color: #ffe599">
14 TIP: If a staff member is set to 'superlibrarian' they have access to all functions and do not need any other permissions checked</span></li>
16 <li>To give staff members more granular permissions, you can turn on the GranularPermissions system preference
18 <li><em>Get there:</em> More > Administration > General preferences > Admin > GranularPermissions</li>
19 <li>If this setting is on the permissions menu will offer more granual permissions</li>
20 <li>This allows staff members access to specific tools
23 <span style="background-color: #ffe599">
24 TIP: If this preference is turned OFF after being ON, the system reverts to the original behavior, although the specific permissions are retained. This means if a staff member has been given granular permissions they will retain those even if this is turned OFF</span></li>
29 <h3>What will each permission level do?</h3>
31 <p>Depending on the permission certain menu items will be removed from the menus in Koha, preventing users from accessing them.</p>
33 <li><strong>superlibrarian</strong>
35 <li>Access to all librarian functions</li>
37 <li><strong>circulate</strong>
39 <li>Ability for logged in user to check books out and back in</li>
41 <li><strong>catalog</strong>
43 <li>Must be given to all staff members to allow them to log into the staff interface</li>
44 <li>This permission will allow staff members to search the catalog via the staff interface</li>
46 <li><strong>parameters</strong>
48 <li>Provides access to all admin links and preferences</li>
50 <li><strong>borrowers</strong>
52 <li>Add or modify patrons (with the exception of setting permissions)</li>
54 <li><strong>permissions</strong>
56 <li>Ability to set patron permissions </li>
58 <li><strong>reserveforothers</strong>
60 <li>Place holds on books for patrons via the staff interface</li>
62 <li><strong>borrow</strong>
64 <li>Borrow books from the library with this staff account</li>
66 <li><strong>editcatalogue</strong> Modify bibliogra
68 <li>Provides cataloging permissions such as altering and adding bibliographic and holdings data)</li>
70 <li><strong>updatecharges</strong>
72 <li>Handle fines and charges for patrons (including paying, adding credits, and adding invoices)</li>
74 <li><strong>acquisition</strong>
76 <li>Access to acquisition and patron purchase suggestions management</li>
78 <li><strong>management</strong>
80 <li>Deprecated - no longer in use</li>
82 <li><strong>tools</strong>
84 <li>Use tools (export, import, barcodes)</li>
85 <li>With GranularPermissions on this section will be expanded to allow access only to specific tools
87 <li><em>Get there:</em> More > Administration > General preferences > Admin > GranularPermissions</li>
90 <li><strong>editauthorities</strong>
92 <li>Allow staff member to edit authorities</li>
94 <li><strong>serials</strong>
96 <li>Allow staff member to manage serials subscriptions and claims</li>
98 <li><strong>reports</strong>
100 <li>Allow staff member to access to the reports module</li>
102 <li><strong>staffaccess</strong>
104 <li>Provides the ability to modify login / permissions for staff users</li>
106 </ul><!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="help-bottom.inc" -->