Bug 26023: Properly secure the cashup action for libraries
[koha.git] / misc / cronjobs / cloud-kw.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
4 # Copyright 2008 Tamil s.a.r.l.
6 # This file is part of Koha.
8 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
21 use strict;
22 use warnings;
23 use diagnostics;
24 use Carp;
25 use YAML::Syck;
26 use Pod::Usage;
27 use Getopt::Long;
29 use Koha::Script -cron;
30 use C4::Context;
31 use C4::Log;
33 my $verbose = 0;
34 my $help = 0;
35 my $conf = '';
36 GetOptions(
37 'verbose' => \$verbose,
38 'help' => \$help,
39 'conf=s' => \$conf,
42 sub usage {
43 pod2usage( -verbose => 2 );
44 exit;
47 usage() if $help || !$conf;
49 cronlogaction();
51 my @clouds;
52 print "Reading configuration file: $conf\n" if $verbose;
53 eval {
54 @clouds = LoadFile( $conf );
56 croak "Unable to read configuration file: $conf\n" if $@;
58 for my $cloud ( @clouds ) {
59 print "Create a cloud\n",
60 " Koha conf file: ", $cloud->{KohaConf} ? $cloud->{KohaConf} : "default", "\n",
61 " Zebra Index: ", $cloud->{ZebraIndex}, "\n",
62 " Koha Keyword: ", $cloud->{KohaIndex}, "\n",
63 " Count: ", $cloud->{Count}, "\n",
64 " Withcss: ", $cloud->{Withcss}, "\n",
65 " Output: ", $cloud->{Output}, "\n",
66 if $verbose;
68 # Set Koha context if KohaConf is present
69 my $set_new_context = 0;
70 if ( $cloud->{KohaConf} ) {
71 if ( -e $cloud->{KohaConf} ) {
72 my $context = C4::Context->new( $cloud->{KohaConf} );
73 $context->set_context();
74 $set_new_context = 1;
76 else {
77 carp "Koha conf file doesn't exist: ", $cloud->{KohaConf}, " ; use KOHA_CONF\n";
81 my $index = new ZebraIndex( $cloud->{ZebraIndex} );
82 $index->scan( $cloud->{Count} );
84 open my $fh, ">", $cloud->{Output}
85 or croak "Unable to create file ", $cloud->{Output};
87 my $withcss = $cloud->{Withcss} =~ /^yes/i;
88 print $fh $index->html_cloud( $cloud->{KohaIndex}, $withcss );
89 close $fh;
90 $set_new_context && restore_context C4::Context;
95 package ZebraIndex;
97 use strict;
98 use warnings;
99 use diagnostics;
100 use Carp;
102 sub new {
103 my $self = {};
104 my $class = shift;
105 $self->{ zebra_index } = shift;
106 $self->{ top_terms } = undef;
107 $self->{ levels_cloud } = 24;
108 bless $self, $class;
110 # Test Zebra index
111 my $zbiblio = C4::Context->Zconn( "biblioserver" );
112 eval {
113 my $ss = $zbiblio->scan_pqf(
114 '@attr 1=' . $self->{ zebra_index } . ' @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 "a"'
117 croak "Invalid Zebra index: ", $self->{ zebra_index } if $@;
119 return $self;
124 # scan
125 # Scan zebra index and populate an array of top terms
128 # $max_terms Max number of top terms
130 # RETURN:
131 # A 4-dimensionnal array in $self->{top_terms}
132 # [0] term
133 # [1] term number of occurrences
134 # [2] term proportional relative weight in terms set E[0-1]
135 # [3] term logarithmic relative weight E [0-levels_cloud]
137 # This array is sorted alphabetically by terms ([0])
138 # It can be easily sorted by occurrences:
139 # @t = sort { $a[1] <=> $a[1] } @{$self->{top_terms}};
141 sub scan {
142 my $self = shift;
143 my $index_name = $self->{ zebra_index };
144 my $max_terms = shift;
146 my $MAX_OCCURENCE = 1000000000;
148 my $zbiblio = C4::Context->Zconn( "biblioserver" );
149 my $number_of_terms = 0;
150 my @terms; # 2 dimensions array
151 my $min_occurence_index = -1;
152 my $min_occurence;
153 my $from = '0';
155 while (1) {
156 my $ss;
157 eval {
158 print "$from\n" if $verbose;
159 $from =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
160 my $query = '@attr 1=' . $index_name . ' @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 "'
161 . $from . 'a"';
162 $ss = $zbiblio->scan_pqf( $query );
164 if ($@) {
165 chop $from;
166 next;
168 $ss->option( rpnCharset => 'UTF-8' );
169 last if $ss->size() == 0;
170 my $term = '';
171 my $occ = 0;
172 for my $index ( 0..$ss->size()-1 ) {
173 ($term, $occ) = $ss->display_term($index);
174 #print "$term:$occ\n";
175 if ( $number_of_terms < $max_terms ) {
176 push( @terms, [ $term, $occ ] );
177 ++$number_of_terms;
178 if ( $number_of_terms == $max_terms ) {
179 $min_occurence = $MAX_OCCURENCE;
180 for (0..$number_of_terms-1) {
181 my @term = @{ $terms[$_] };
182 if ( $term[1] <= $min_occurence ) {
183 $min_occurence = $term[1];
184 $min_occurence_index = $_;
189 else {
190 if ( $occ > $min_occurence) {
191 @{ $terms[$min_occurence_index] }[0] = $term;
192 @{ $terms[$min_occurence_index] }[1] = $occ;
193 $min_occurence = $MAX_OCCURENCE;
194 for (0..$max_terms-1) {
195 my @term = @{ $terms[$_] };
196 if ( $term[1] <= $min_occurence ) {
197 $min_occurence = $term[1];
198 $min_occurence_index = $_;
204 $from = $term;
207 # Sort array of array by terms weight
208 @terms = sort { @{$a}[1] <=> @{$b}[1] } @terms;
210 # A relatif weight to other set terms is added to each term
211 my $min = $terms[0][1];
212 my $log_min = log( $min );
213 my $max = $terms[$#terms][1];
214 my $log_max = log( $max );
215 my $delta = $max - $min;
216 $delta = 1 if $delta == 0; # Very unlikely
217 my $factor;
218 if ($log_max - $log_min == 0) {
219 $log_min = $log_min - $self->{levels_cloud};
220 $factor = 1;
222 else {
223 $factor = $self->{levels_cloud} / ($log_max - $log_min);
226 foreach (0..$#terms) {
227 my $count = @{ $terms[$_] }[1];
228 my $weight = ( $count - $min ) / $delta;
229 my $log_weight = int( (log($count) - $log_min) * $factor);
230 push( @{ $terms[$_] }, $weight );
231 push( @{ $terms[$_] }, $log_weight );
233 $self->{ top_terms } = \@terms;
235 # Sort array of array by terms alphabetical order
236 @terms = sort { @{$a}[0] cmp @{$b}[0] } @terms;
241 # Returns a HTML version of index top terms formatted
242 # as a 'tag cloud'.
244 sub html_cloud {
245 my $self = shift;
246 my $koha_index = shift;
247 my $withcss = shift;
248 my @terms = @{ $self->{top_terms} };
249 my $html = '';
250 if ( $withcss ) {
251 $html = <<EOS;
252 <style>
253 .subjectcloud {
254 text-align: center;
255 line-height: 16px;
256 margin: 20px;
257 background: #f0f0f0;
258 padding: 3%;
260 .subjectcloud a {
261 font-weight: lighter;
262 text-decoration: none;
264 span.tagcloud0 { font-size: 12px;}
265 span.tagcloud1 { font-size: 13px;}
266 span.tagcloud2 { font-size: 14px;}
267 span.tagcloud3 { font-size: 15px;}
268 span.tagcloud4 { font-size: 16px;}
269 span.tagcloud5 { font-size: 17px;}
270 span.tagcloud6 { font-size: 18px;}
271 span.tagcloud7 { font-size: 19px;}
272 span.tagcloud8 { font-size: 20px;}
273 span.tagcloud9 { font-size: 21px;}
274 span.tagcloud10 { font-size: 22px;}
275 span.tagcloud11 { font-size: 23px;}
276 span.tagcloud12 { font-size: 24px;}
277 span.tagcloud13 { font-size: 25px;}
278 span.tagcloud14 { font-size: 26px;}
279 span.tagcloud15 { font-size: 27px;}
280 span.tagcloud16 { font-size: 28px;}
281 span.tagcloud17 { font-size: 29px;}
282 span.tagcloud18 { font-size: 30px;}
283 span.tagcloud19 { font-size: 31px;}
284 span.tagcloud20 { font-size: 32px;}
285 span.tagcloud21 { font-size: 33px;}
286 span.tagcloud22 { font-size: 34px;}
287 span.tagcloud23 { font-size: 35px;}
288 span.tagcloud24 { font-size: 36px;}
289 </style>
290 <div class="subjectcloud">
293 for (0..$#terms) {
294 my @term = @{ $terms[$_] };
295 my $uri = $term[0];
296 $uri =~ s/\(//g;
297 #print " 0=", $term[0]," - 1=", $term[1], " - 2=", $term[2], " - 3=", $term[3],"\n";
298 $html = $html
299 . '<span class="tagcloud'
300 . $term[3]
301 . '">'
302 . '<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q='
303 . $koha_index
304 . '%3A'
305 . $uri
306 . '">'
307 . $term[0]
308 . "</a></span>\n";
310 $html .= "</div>\n";
311 return $html;
315 =head1 NAME
317 cloud-kw.pl - Creates HTML keywords clouds from Koha Zebra Indexes
319 =head1 USAGE
321 =over
323 =item cloud-kw.pl [--verbose|--help] --conf=F<cloud.conf>
325 Creates multiple HTML files containing kewords cloud with top terms sorted
326 by their logarithmic weight.
327 F<cloud.conf> is a YAML configuration file driving cloud generation
328 process.
330 =back
332 =head1 PARAMETERS
334 =over
336 =item B<--conf=configuration file>
338 Specify configuration file name
340 =item B<--verbose|-v>
342 Enable script verbose mode.
344 =item B<--help|-h>
346 Print this help page.
348 =back
352 Configuration file looks like that:
354 ---
355 # Koha configuration file for a specific installation
356 # If not present, defaults to KOHA_CONF
357 KohaConf: /home/koha/mylibray/etc/koha-conf.xml
358 # Zebra index to scan
359 ZebraIndex: Author
360 # Koha index used to link found kewords with an opac search URL
361 KohaIndex: au
362 # Number of top keyword to use for the cloud
363 Count: 50
364 # Include CSS style directives with the cloud
365 # This could be used as a model and then CSS directives are
366 # put in the appropriate CSS file directly.
367 Withcss: Yes
368 # HTML file where to output the cloud
369 Output: /home/koha/mylibrary/koharoot/koha-tmpl/cloud-author.html
370 ---
371 KohaConf: /home/koha/yourlibray/etc/koha-conf.xml
372 ZebraIndex: Subject
373 KohaIndex: su
374 Count: 200
375 Withcss: no
376 Output: /home/koha/yourlibrary/koharoot/koha-tmpl/cloud-subject.html
380 Generated top terms have more informations than those outputted from
381 the time being. Some parameters could be easily added to improve
382 this script:
384 =over
386 =item B<WithCount>
388 In order to output terms with the number of occurrences they
389 have been found in Koha Catalogue by Zebra.
391 =item B<CloudLevels>
393 Number of levels in the cloud. Now 24 levels are hardcoded.
395 =item B<Weithing>
397 Weighting method used to distribute terms in the cloud. We could have two
398 values: Logarithmic and Linear. Now it's Logarithmic by default.
400 =item B<Order>
402 Now terms are outputted in the lexical order. They could be sorted
403 by their weight.
405 =back
407 =cut