Bug 23354: (follow-up) Update for bugs 23049 and 23805
[koha.git] / t / db_dependent / Koha / Charges / Sales.pm
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Copyright 2018 ByWater Solutions
5 # This file is part of Koha.
7 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8 # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
9 # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
10 # version.
12 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
13 # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
14 # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 # with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 use Modern::Perl;
22 use Test::More tests => 5;
23 use Test::Exception;
25 use Koha::Database;
27 use t::lib::Mocks;
28 use t::lib::TestBuilder;
30 BEGIN {
31 use_ok('Koha::Charges::Sales');
34 my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
35 my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new();
37 subtest 'new' => sub {
39 plan tests => 4;
41 $schema->storage->txn_begin;
43 throws_ok { Koha::Charges::Sales->new( { staff_id => 1 } ) }
44 'Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter',
45 'Exception thrown if cash_register parameter missing';
47 throws_ok { Koha::Charges::Sales->new( { cash_register => 1 } ) }
48 'Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter',
49 'Exception thrown if staff_id parameter missing';
51 throws_ok {
52 Koha::Charges::Sales->new( { staff_id => 1, cash_register => 1 } )
54 qr/Koha::Cash::Register/,
55 'Exception thrown if cash_register is not a Koha::Cash::Register';
57 my $cash_register =
58 $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Cash::Registers' } );
60 my $sale = Koha::Charges::Sales->new(
61 { staff_id => 1, cash_register => $cash_register } );
62 ok(
63 $sale->isa('Koha::Charges::Sales'),
64 'New returns a Koha::Charges::Sales object'
67 $schema->storage->txn_rollback;
70 subtest 'payment_type (_get_valid_payments) tests' => sub {
71 plan tests => 5;
73 $schema->storage->txn_begin;
75 my $library1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
76 my $library2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
77 my $cash_register = $builder->build_object(
79 class => 'Koha::Cash::Registers',
80 value => { branchcode => $library1->branchcode }
84 my $sale = Koha::Charges::Sales->new(
85 { staff_id => 1, cash_register => $cash_register } );
87 is( $sale->payment_type, undef, "payment_type does not have a default" );
89 throws_ok { $sale->payment_type('BOBBYRANDOM') }
90 'Koha::Exceptions::Account::UnrecognisedType',
91 "Exception thrown if passed a payment type that doesn't exist";
93 my $av = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new(
95 category => 'PAYMENT_TYPE',
96 authorised_value => 'BOBBYRANDOM',
97 lib => 'Test bobbyrandom',
98 lib_opac => 'Test bobbyrandom',
100 )->store;
101 $av->replace_library_limits( [ $library2->branchcode ] );
103 throws_ok { $sale->payment_type('BOBBYRANDOM') }
104 'Koha::Exceptions::Account::UnrecognisedType',
105 'Exception thrown if passed payment type that is not valid for the cash registers branch';
107 $av->replace_library_limits();
108 $sale->{valid_payments} = undef; # Flush object cache for 'valid_payments'
110 my $pt = $sale->payment_type('BOBBYRANDOM');
111 is( $pt, 'BOBBYRANDOM', 'Payment type set successfully' );
112 is( $sale->payment_type, 'BOBBYRANDOM',
113 'Getter returns the current payment_type' );
115 $schema->storage->txn_rollback;
118 subtest 'add_item (_get_valid_items) tests' => sub {
119 plan tests => 6;
121 $schema->storage->txn_begin;
123 my $staff = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } );
124 my $library1 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
125 my $cash_register = $builder->build_object(
127 class => 'Koha::Cash::Registers',
128 value => { branchcode => $library1->branchcode }
132 my $sale = Koha::Charges::Sales->new(
133 { staff_id => $staff->borrowernumber, cash_register => $cash_register }
136 throws_ok { $sale->add_item( { price => 1.00, quantity => 1 } ) }
137 'Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter',
138 'Exception thrown if `code` parameter is missing';
140 my $library2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
141 my $dt = Koha::Account::DebitType->new(
143 code => 'BOBBYRANDOM',
144 description => 'Test bobbyrandom',
146 )->store;
147 $dt->replace_library_limits( [ $library2->branchcode ] );
149 throws_ok { $sale->add_item( { code => 'BOBBYRANDOM' } ) }
150 'Koha::Exceptions::Account::UnrecognisedType',
151 'Exception thrown if passed an item code that is not valid for the cash registers branch';
153 $dt->replace_library_limits();
154 $sale->{valid_items} = undef; # Flush object cache for 'valid_items'
156 throws_ok {
157 $sale->add_item( { code => 'BOBBYRANDOM', quantity => 1 } )
159 'Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter',
160 'Exception thrown if `price` parameter is missing';
162 throws_ok {
163 $sale->add_item( { code => 'BOBBYRANDOM', price => 1.00 } )
165 'Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter',
166 'Exception thrown if `quantity` parameter is missing';
169 ref(
170 $sale->add_item(
171 { code => 'BOBBYRANDOM', price => 1.00, quantity => 1 }
174 'Koha::Charges::Sales',
175 'Original object returned succesfully'
178 is( scalar @{ $sale->{items} }, 1, 'Item added successfully' );
180 $schema->storage->txn_rollback;
183 subtest 'purchase tests' => sub {
184 plan tests => 12;
186 $schema->storage->txn_begin;
188 my $staff = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } );
189 my $library = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries' } );
190 my $cash_register = $builder->build_object(
192 class => 'Koha::Cash::Registers',
193 value => { branchcode => $library->branchcode }
197 my $payment_type = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new(
199 category => 'PAYMENT_TYPE',
200 authorised_value => 'CASH',
201 lib => 'Cash transaction',
202 lib_opac => 'Cash transaction',
204 )->store;
206 my $item1 = Koha::Account::DebitType->new(
208 code => 'COPYRANDOM',
209 description => 'Copier fee',
211 )->store;
212 my $item2 = Koha::Account::DebitType->new(
214 code => 'CARDRANDOM',
215 description => 'New card fee',
217 )->store;
219 my $sale = Koha::Charges::Sales->new(
220 { staff_id => $staff->borrowernumber, cash_register => $cash_register }
223 throws_ok {
224 $sale->purchase()
226 'Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter',
227 'Exception thrown if `payment_type` is neither set nor passed';
229 $sale->payment_type('CASH'); # Set payment_type
230 throws_ok {
231 $sale->purchase()
233 'Koha::Exceptions::NoChanges',
234 'Exception thrown if `add_item` is not called before `purchase`';
236 $sale->add_item( { code => 'COPYRANDOM', price => 1.00, quantity => 1 } );
237 $sale->add_item( { code => 'CARDRANDOM', price => 2.00, quantity => 2 } );
239 $sale->{payment_type} = undef; # Flush payment_type cache in object
241 my $credit;
242 ok( $credit = $sale->purchase( { payment_type => 'CASH' } ),
243 "No exception when payment_type passed" );
245 is(ref($credit), 'Koha::Account::Line', "Koha::Account::Line returned");
246 ok($credit->is_credit, "return is a credit for payment");
247 is($credit->credit_type_code, 'PURCHASE', "credit_type_code set correctly to 'PURCHASE' for payment");
248 is($credit->amount, -5.00, "amount is calculated correctly for payment");
249 is($credit->amountoutstanding, 0.00, "amountoutstanding is set to zero for payment");
250 is($credit->manager_id, $staff->borrowernumber, "manager_id set correctionly for payment");
251 is($credit->register_id, $cash_register->id, "register_id set correctly for payment");
252 is($credit->payment_type, 'CASH', "payment_type set correctly for payment");
254 my $offsets = Koha::Account::Offsets->search({credit_id => $credit->accountlines_id});
255 is($offsets->count, 3, "One offset was added for each item added"); # 2 items + 1 purchase
257 #ensure relevant fields are set
258 #ensure register_id is only ever set with a corresponding payment_type having been set
260 $schema->storage->txn_rollback;