Fixed typo.
[kic.git] / member_status.tex
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39 \newcommand{\ecs}{ECS}
40 \newcommand{\ilias}{ILIAS}
41 \newcommand{\cces}{\texttt{cc/enrolment\_status\ }}
42 \newcommand{\ccms}{\texttt{cc/member\_status\ }}
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60 \begin{document}
61 \title{Mahara/Moodle member status}
62 \author{David Boehringer\\Universit\"at Stuttgart \and Heiko Bernl\"ohr\\}
63 \maketitle
64 \thispagestyle{empty}
65 \begin{center}
66 % Version: 2.0
67 Version: \gitVtag\\
68 % Commit-id: \gitAbbrevHash
69 \end{center}
70 \begin{abstract}
71 New ECS resource providing enrolment status for users enroled to
72 external courses (via courselinks). The course providing participant (e.g.
73 Moodle) informs the courselink providing participant of the subscribed user
74 (e.g. Mahara) about every change of its enrolment status in the course.
75 This paper only concerns about informing a courselink providing system about
76 status changes of their users consuming a course on a course providing system.
77 As Stefan Meyer (ILIAS, Leifos) has noticed, this resource could also be used
78 to inform about status of some more resources, e.g. ILIAS groups. In order to
79 respect this we have generalized our naming of the resource name from \cces to
80 \ccms and also the used attribute names. But all other details, especially the
81 sequence diagrams and state chart only focus on courselinks and courses.
82 Further we use Mahara as a courselink and Moodle as a course providing system.
83 Of course these systems could be substituded by other system types.
84 \end{abstract}
86 %\vspace{\fill}
87 %\begin{center}
88 %\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{vip_lms}
89 %\end{center}
90 %\vspace{\fill}
92 \newpage
94 \section{Member status}
96 The \ccms resource describes an enrolment status of a
97 remotly subscribed user (via courselinks) to a course. This document supersedes
98 the part
99 \begin{quote}
100 {\bf Moodle}\\
101 1. New enrolmentStatus resource
102 \end{quote}
103 in \cite{specBoehMaharaMoodle}.
105 \subsection{Events\label{events}}
106 \newcommand{\rstat}[1]{return status: #1}
107 For the following event considerations please have always the state chart on
108 page \pageref{state:enrolmentStatus} in mind.\medskip
110 Moodle has to send the user enrolment status to Mahara on these events:
111 \begin{description}
112 \item[first time clicking courselink] A user clicks on a courselink on Mahara
113 for the first time and tries to consume the linked course on Moodle (sequence
114 diagram on page \pageref{seq:initialEnrolmentStatus}).\\
115 \rstat{active | pending }
116 \item[reject] User will be rejected by course or system admin. This could only happen
117 in \textit{pending} state, e.g. user was on a waiting list, but had not been
118 accepted for the course.\\
119 \rstat{rejected}
120 \item[subscribe] User will be subcribed to course (leaving waiting list). Now
121 he is able to access and consume the course.\\
122 \rstat{active}
123 \item[waiting list] User will be transfered to waiting list
124 i.e. he can't access and consume the course yet. He has to wait until
125 he will be subscribed to the course.\\
126 \rstat{pending}
127 \item[unsubscribe] User ended course membership himself or his course
128 membership has been terminated by course administrator or system
129 administrator. To access and consume the course again he has to enrole
130 again.\\
131 \rstat{unsubscribed}
132 \item[disable subscription] User is disabled by course or system
133 administrator, i.e. he is (temporarly) not allowed to access course for
134 whatever reason.\\
135 \rstat{denied}
136 \item[enable subscription] User is enabled by course or system administrator,
137 i.e. he is to be allowed to access course again.\\
138 \rstat{active}
139 \item[delete user account] User account on remote system is deleted. \ccms
140 has to be sent for all of the user's course memberships.\\
141 \rstat{unsubscribed}
142 \item[deactivate user account] User account on remote system is deactivated.\\
143 \rstat{inactive\_account}
144 \item[activate user account] User account on remote system is activated.\\
145 \rstat{active | pending | denied}
146 \item[subsequently clicking courselink] A user subsequently clicks a
147 courselink on Mahara and consumes an already enroled course on Moodle (see
148 page \pageref{seq:subsequentEnrolmentStatus}). After this event Moodle has
149 to send the current enrolment status. This also guarantees to have a
150 status even if Mahara just forget/loose\footnote{We don't make the resource
151 persistent, so loosing the status somehow on Mahara it will be refreshed
152 after next click on a courselink.} it somehow.\\
153 \rstat{pending | active | denied }
154 \end{description}
156 \subsection{Status values\label{statusValues}}
157 \newcommand{\statusnotstored}{This status is usually not persistently stored in the LMS.}
158 For the following status considerations please have always the state chart on
159 page \pageref{state:enrolmentStatus} in mind.\medskip
161 The status attribute could have following values:
162 \begin{description}
163 \item[active] User is enroled and allowed to consume the course.
164 \item[pending] User enroled for the course, but is on a waiting list.
165 \item[rejected] User is not on waiting list anymore\footnote{Clicking the courselink
166 again the user will get through initial enrolment as described in sequence
167 diagram on page \pageref{seq:initialEnrolmentStatus}.}. \statusnotstored
168 \item[unsubscribed] User is not enroled
169 anymore\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark. \statusnotstored
170 \item[denied] Still enroled but not allowed to access the course.
171 \item[inactive\_account] Still enroled but temporarly not allowed to access
172 the system.
173 \end{description}
174 Whereas only \texttt{active, pending, rejected} and \texttt{inactive\_account}
175 status values have to be stored/saved on the LMS. All others are only generated
176 while the transitions.
178 \subsection{Redirect querystring parameters\label{subsec:redirect_querystring_parameters}}
180 Our present specification of redirecting a user is defined in
181 \cite{specRedirectProcedure} and the procedure how to compute the redirect hash
182 (for securing the redirect parameters) in \cite{specHashCumputing}. As
183 described in the document \cite{specBoehMaharaMoodle} Moodle has to provide an
184 interface to define for each participant and its community participation what
185 personal data should be appended as query strings. Of course to allow this we
186 have to enhance our specs in \cite{specRedirectProcedure} and
187 \cite{specHashCumputing}. This still needs to be done.
189 \begin{figure}[p]
190 \vspace*{-1cm}\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{enrolment_status_seq}
191 \caption{\label{seq:initialEnrolmentStatus}Sending enrolment status after
192 consuming a courselink for the first time. For \textit{params} in
193 the \textit{redirect} of the \textit{consume courselink} block see
194 \ref{subsec:redirect_querystring_parameters} at page
195 \pageref{subsec:redirect_querystring_parameters}.}
196 \end{figure}
198 \begin{figure}[p]
199 \includegraphics[scale=0.8]{subsequent_enrolment_status_seq}
200 \caption{\label{seq:subsequentEnrolmentStatus}Sending enrolment status
201 after subsequently consuming a courselink.}
202 \end{figure}
204 \begin{figure}[p]
205 \centering
206 \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{enrolment_status_state}
207 \caption{\label{state:enrolmentStatus}UML state diagram. Enrolment status of
208 a user in respect to a course on a LMS. For event description see
209 \ref{events} on page \pageref{events}. For status values description see
210 \ref{statusValues} on page \pageref{statusValues}.}
211 \end{figure}
214 \subsection{Resource attributes}
216 For the json schema of \ccms see page \pageref{schema:member_status}.
217 Following description write on \ccms resource attributes for which a user
218 status has changed or asked for:
219 \begin{description}
220 \item[url] It's a url transfering a courselink consuming user
221 directly to the course on the course providing system. It could be used as a
222 unique id.
223 \item[id] It's a unique course id on the course providing system. It
224 references the same course as \texttt{url}. It could be used as a unique id.
225 \item[personID] Unique id of the course consuming user.
226 \item[personIDtype] Class/type of \texttt{personID}. It's a controlled
227 vocabulary (see page \pageref{schema:member_status} for possible
228 values).
229 \item[status] Status of the user's course enrolment. It's a controlled
230 vocabulary (for possible values see schema on page
231 \pageref{schema:member_status} and values descriptions at
232 \ref{statusValues}).
233 \end{description}
235 \subsection{PersonID types}
237 \begin{description}
238 \item[ecs\_ePPN] EduPersonPrincipalName as defined in \cite{eppn}
239 \item[ecs\_loginUID] Organization wide user id (uid in university context).
240 Usually this would be the string in front of the `@' of the ePPN.
241 \item[ecs\_login] Login name on course providing system (e.g. LMS). Only unique
242 in connection with the LMS.
243 \item[ecs\_uid] Internal user id on course providing system (e.g. LMS). Only unique
244 in connection with the LMS.
245 \item[ecs\_email] Email address.
246 \item[ecs\_PersonalUniqueCode] SchacPersonalUniqueCode (matriculation number)
247 as defined in \cite{SchacPersonalUniqueCode}. Should be used as values in
248 order to be internationally compatible.
249 \item[ecs\_custom] For local customized person id type.
250 \end{description}
252 Across institutions a person identifying attribute should be used that is also
253 used in context of eduGAIN interfederations such as `eduPersonPrincipalName'
254 (ePPN); see eduGAIN Policy Framework Attribute Profile, p. 4.\medskip
256 Often these attributes are not used yet, but in context of eduGAIN federations
257 (e.g. using Shibboleth) they are meant to be used to identify a remote user.
258 Directory services or IdPs should be able to provide such a unique person
259 identifying attribute. If they can, it must be stored as person data in the
260 LMS. If necessary, the LMS has to be adapted to store such an attribute that is
261 different from the UID of the user in his institution. Since the attributes are
262 needed for eduGAIN compatibility of an LMS it is recommended that this is
263 included in the core of the system and not as part of a plugin.
265 \begin{sidewaysfigure}[p]
266 \includecode{cc_member_status.schema.json}
267 \caption{JSON-Schema definition of enrolment\_status resource}
268 \label{schema:member_status}
269 \end{sidewaysfigure}
271 \begin{thebibliography}{99}
272 \bibitem{specRedirectProcedure} \url{}
273 \bibitem{specHashCumputing} \url{}
274 \bibitem{specBoehMaharaMoodle} David Boehringer. \textit{Mahara and Moodle Specification Version 03}
275 \bibitem{eppn} \url{}
276 \bibitem{SchacPersonalUniqueCode} \url{}
277 \end{thebibliography}
279 \end{document}