1 /** \class KDevProjectManagerView
2 Put a brief description here, the brief description ends at the first dot.
3 Put a more detailed description of your part in these lines. It can span
4 over several lines. You can even use some html commands in these lines like:
5 <code>This is code</code>, html links <a href="http://somelocation">link text</a>,
8 \authors <a href="mailto:roberto@kdevelop.org">Roberto Raggi</a>
9 \authors <a href="mailto:2nd author AT provider.com">2nd author full name</a>
11 \authors <a href="mailto:nth author AT provider.com">nth author full name</a>
13 \maintainer <a href="mailto:roberto@kdevelop.org">Roberto Raggi</a>
14 \maintainer <a href="mailto:2nd maintainer AT provider.com">2nd maintainer full name</a>
16 \maintainer <a href="mailto:nth maintainer AT provider.com">nth maintainer full name</a>
18 \feature Describe the first feature
19 \feature Describe the second feature
21 \feature Describe the last feature
23 \bug bugs in <a href="http://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?product=kdevelop&component=YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME&
24 bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&order=Bug+Number">
25 YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME at Bugzilla database</a>
26 \bug Describe a the 1st bug that you know of, but probably hasn't been reported yet.
28 \bug Describe a the nth bug that you know of, but probably hasn't been reported yet.
30 \requirement Describe a the 1st requirement of your part.
31 \requirement Describe a the 2nd requirement of your part.
33 \requirement Describe a the nth requirement of your part.
35 \todo Describe a the 1st TODO of your part.
36 \todo Describe a the 2nd TODO of your part.
38 \todo Describe a the nth TODO of your part.
40 \faq <b>First frequenly asked question about your part ?</b> Answer.
41 \faq <b>Second frequenly asked question about your part ?</b> Answer.
43 \faq <b>Last frequenly asked question about your part ?</b> Answer.
45 \note First note text.
46 \note Second note text.
50 \warning First warning text.
51 \warning Second warning text.
53 \warning Last warning text.