Even though the last alpha was .91 this one is going to be 82 as I'd like to have...
[kdevelopdvcssupport.git] / plugins / duchainviewer / kdevduchainview.desktop
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Type=Service
3 Exec=blubb
4 Comment=This plugin displays a graphical view of the definition-use chain produced by the c++ language part.
5 Comment[x-test]=xxThis plugin displays a graphical view of the definition-use chain produced by the c++ language part.xx
6 Name=KDevDUChainView
7 Name[x-test]=xxKDevDUChainViewxx
8 GenericName=DUChain View
9 GenericName[es]=Visor DUChain
10 GenericName[x-test]=xxDUChain Viewxx
11 ServiceTypes=KDevelop/Plugin
12 X-KDE-Library=kdevduchainview
13 X-KDevelop-Version=6
14 X-KDevelop-Category=Project
15 X-KDevelop-Properties=DUChainNavigation
16 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=kdevduchainview
17 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Hamish Rodda
18 X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL