typo found by Andrey Cherepanov
[kdepim.git] / akonadi / resources / vcarddir / settingsdialog.ui
1 <ui version="4.0" >
2  <class>SettingsDialog</class>
3  <widget class="QWidget" name="SettingsDialog" >
4   <property name="geometry" >
5    <rect>
6     <x>0</x>
7     <y>0</y>
8     <width>547</width>
9     <height>386</height>
10    </rect>
11   </property>
12   <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout" >
13    <item>
14     <widget class="KTabWidget" name="ktabwidget" >
15      <property name="currentIndex" >
16       <number>0</number>
17      </property>
18      <widget class="QWidget" name="tab" >
19       <attribute name="title" >
20        <string>Directory</string>
21       </attribute>
22       <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4" >
23        <item>
24         <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2" >
25          <property name="title" >
26           <string>Directory Name</string>
27          </property>
28          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3" >
29           <item>
30            <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout" >
31             <item>
32              <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
33               <property name="text" >
34                <string>&amp;Directory:</string>
35               </property>
36               <property name="buddy" >
37                <cstring>kcfg_Path</cstring>
38               </property>
39              </widget>
40             </item>
41             <item>
42              <widget class="KUrlRequester" name="kcfg_Path" />
43             </item>
44            </layout>
45           </item>
46           <item>
47            <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3" >
48             <property name="text" >
49              <string>Select the directory whose contents should be represented by this resource. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.</string>
50             </property>
51             <property name="wordWrap" >
52              <bool>true</bool>
53             </property>
54            </widget>
55           </item>
56          </layout>
57         </widget>
58        </item>
59        <item>
60         <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox" >
61          <property name="title" >
62           <string>Access Rights</string>
63          </property>
64          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2" >
65           <item>
66            <widget class="QCheckBox" name="kcfg_ReadOnly" >
67             <property name="text" >
68              <string>Read only</string>
69             </property>
70            </widget>
71           </item>
72           <item>
73            <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2" >
74             <property name="text" >
75              <string>If read-only mode is enabled, no changes will be written to the directory selected above. Read-only mode will be automatically enabled if you do not have write access to the directory.</string>
76             </property>
77             <property name="wordWrap" >
78              <bool>true</bool>
79             </property>
80            </widget>
81           </item>
82          </layout>
83         </widget>
84        </item>
85        <item>
86         <spacer name="verticalSpacer" >
87          <property name="orientation" >
88           <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
89          </property>
90          <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0" >
91           <size>
92            <width>20</width>
93            <height>4</height>
94           </size>
95          </property>
96         </spacer>
97        </item>
98       </layout>
99      </widget>
100      <widget class="QWidget" name="tab_2" >
101       <attribute name="title" >
102        <string>Tuning</string>
103       </attribute>
104       <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_5" >
105        <item>
106         <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4" >
107          <property name="text" >
108           <string>The options on this page allow you to change parameters that balance data safety and consistency against performance. In general you should be careful with changing anything here, the defaults are good enough in most cases.</string>
109          </property>
110          <property name="wordWrap" >
111           <bool>true</bool>
112          </property>
113         </widget>
114        </item>
115        <item>
116         <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2" >
117          <item>
118           <widget class="QLabel" name="autosaveLabel" >
119            <property name="text" >
120             <string>Autosave delay:</string>
121            </property>
122           </widget>
123          </item>
124          <item>
125           <widget class="KIntNumInput" name="kcfg_AutosaveInterval" >
126            <property name="value" >
127             <number>1</number>
128            </property>
129            <property name="minimum" >
130             <number>0</number>
131            </property>
132            <property name="suffix" >
133             <string>min</string>
134            </property>
135           </widget>
136          </item>
137          <item>
138           <spacer name="horizontalSpacer" >
139            <property name="orientation" >
140             <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
141            </property>
142            <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0" >
143             <size>
144              <width>40</width>
145              <height>20</height>
146             </size>
147            </property>
148           </spacer>
149          </item>
150         </layout>
151        </item>
152        <item>
153         <spacer name="verticalSpacer_2" >
154          <property name="orientation" >
155           <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
156          </property>
157          <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0" >
158           <size>
159            <width>20</width>
160            <height>138</height>
161           </size>
162          </property>
163         </spacer>
164        </item>
165       </layout>
166      </widget>
167     </widget>
168    </item>
169   </layout>
170  </widget>
171  <customwidgets>
172   <customwidget>
173    <class>KIntNumInput</class>
174    <extends>QWidget</extends>
175    <header>knuminput.h</header>
176   </customwidget>
177   <customwidget>
178    <class>KTabWidget</class>
179    <extends>QTabWidget</extends>
180    <header>ktabwidget.h</header>
181    <container>1</container>
182   </customwidget>
183   <customwidget>
184    <class>KUrlRequester</class>
185    <extends>QFrame</extends>
186    <header>kurlrequester.h</header>
187   </customwidget>
188  </customwidgets>
189  <resources/>
190  <connections>
191   <connection>
192    <sender>kcfg_ReadOnly</sender>
193    <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
194    <receiver>kcfg_AutosaveInterval</receiver>
195    <slot>setDisabled(bool)</slot>
196    <hints>
197     <hint type="sourcelabel" >
198      <x>273</x>
199      <y>205</y>
200     </hint>
201     <hint type="destinationlabel" >
202      <x>157</x>
203      <y>101</y>
204     </hint>
205    </hints>
206   </connection>
207   <connection>
208    <sender>kcfg_ReadOnly</sender>
209    <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
210    <receiver>autosaveLabel</receiver>
211    <slot>setDisabled(bool)</slot>
212    <hints>
213     <hint type="sourcelabel" >
214      <x>273</x>
215      <y>205</y>
216     </hint>
217     <hint type="destinationlabel" >
218      <x>56</x>
219      <y>101</y>
220     </hint>
221    </hints>
222   </connection>
223  </connections>
224 </ui>