1 README for kjsembed qtonly
2 --------------------------
4 This document explains how to install a current development copy of the Qt only
5 version of kjs/kjsembed from subversion sources.
7 First, make sure you have a copy of Qt 4.2.0 or greater installed on your
8 machine, configured as you need it. Make sure your QTDIR environment variable
9 points at this location. Then set the other environment variables like so:
10 $ export QJSDIR=<your_install_prefix_here>
11 $ export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$QJSDIR/bin:$PATH
14 where <your_prefix_here> is the location you want the Qt only version of the
15 kjs and kjsembed libraries installed.
17 Choose one of these lines depending on how you access SVN:
19 REPOSITORY=svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde
20 REPOSITORY=svn+ssh://username@svn.kde.org/home/kde
21 REPOSITORY=https://username@svn.kde.org/home/kde
23 where username is your KDE Subversion username.
25 $ svn co $REPOSITORY/trunk/KDE/kdelibs
26 $ cd kdelibs/kjsembed/qtonly
33 The resulting build will create the following hierarchy under your $QJSDIR:
35 libqkjs.so - The Qt Only version of the kjs library
36 libqkjsembed.so - The Qt Only version of the kjsembed library
38 js - The Qt Only version of the js command included with the kjs library.
39 qjscmd - The Qt Only version of kjscmd.
42 kxmlcore - kxmlcore headers
44 kjsembed - kjsembed headers