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[kdeedu.git] / ktouch / src / ktouchslideline.h
1 /***************************************************************************
2 * ktouchslideline.h *
3 * ----------------- *
4 * Copyright (C) 2000 by H�ard Friland, 2003 by Andreas Nicolai *
5 * *
6 * *
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
10 * (at your option) any later version. *
11 ***************************************************************************/
16 #include <qwidget.h>
17 #include <qtimer.h>
18 class QPixmap;
19 class QPainter;
21 /// This widget just displays the sliding text.
22 ///
23 /// KTouchSlideLine is a fire-and-forget widget, so you don't have to care about any
24 /// drawing details. After the initial setup (setting the font, colours etc.) you simple
25 /// need to call setTeacherText() or setStudentText() and everything else (including the
26 /// choice of the background colour) is done by the widget.<p>
27 /// So, how does the sliding work. The basic idea is that when the teachers and the
28 /// students text won't fit in the widgets width only part of the text is shown. Depending
29 /// on the amount of text that has been already typed, both lines
30 /// (the teachers and the students line) will move. However, if the student
31 /// had entered a wrong text than the lines shouldn't move before he did not
32 /// correct his mistake. This ensures that you will always start at the left side
33 /// of the screen and end up at the right side.<p>
34 /// The calculation is very simple. Both the teachers and the students line are drawn
35 /// in pixmaps. Then you only need to calculate the parts of that pixmaps that have to be
36 /// copied on the screen and you're done! ??? Well, not quite so simple....<P>
37 /// The calculation is actually the tricky bit but here's the principle (
38 /// If you really want to understand the code, better draw a sketch - I needed several
39 /// sketches :-).<br>
40 /// After drawing the text into the pixmaps (easy) we calculate the ratio between
41 /// "typed text" and "total text per line" and multiply it with the horizontal space available.
42 /// This has to be done three times: For the global widget coordinates, for the teacher line
43 /// and for the student line. Then we simply convert from local to global coordinates and
44 /// store the new coordinates.
45 /// The timed function slide() will then slide the widgets into position.<p>
46 /// The calculation and the drawing are made in the updateLines() member function. Since
47 /// the teachers pixmap won't change when the students string changes it will only be renewed
48 /// when it's size changes (or the teacher text changes). This is done in the resizeEvent().<br>
49 /// The properties for the slide line: correctColor, errorColor, font can be manipulated
50 /// using the usual access functions.
51 class KTouchSlideLine : public QWidget {
53 private:
54 bool m_rightJustify; // do we right align the widget-for langauges like hebrew which is written from right to left.
55 public:
56 /// Constructor
57 KTouchSlideLine(QWidget *parent);
58 /// Destructor, free memory allocated for the line pixmap.
59 ~KTouchSlideLine();
60 /// Applies the preferences (font and colours).
61 void applyPreferences();
62 /// Sets the teacher and student text (usually called when a new line is started).
63 void setNewText(const QString& teacherText, const QString& studentText);
64 /// Sets the student text (called whenever the student string changes).
65 void setStudentText(const QString& text);
66 /// Change the font of the slide line widget.
67 void setFont(const QFont& font);
69 public slots:
70 /// Starts or stops the cursor blinking timer.
71 void setCursorTimerEnabled(bool on);
73 private slots:
74 /// Turns the cursor on or off and triggers an update (this function triggered by the cursor timer).
75 void toggleCursor();
76 /// Slides the lines into position (this function is triggered by the sliding timer).
77 void slide();
79 protected:
80 /// Simply updates the widget: calls updateLines() and slide()
81 void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * );
82 /// Will be called when the widget is resized.
83 /// This event will first recalculate the font size. Then the teachers and the students widget
84 /// will be created and the teachers text will be drawn on the teachers pixmap. Finally update()
85 /// is called.
86 void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * );
88 private:
89 /// Will recalculate the font size depending on the height of the widget.
90 void resizeFont();
91 /// Just draws the cursor (if visible)
92 void drawCursor();
93 /// Draws the "enter" character at the given position (y is the y-position of the arrow).
94 void drawEnterChar(QPainter *painter, int cursorPos, int y, int enterWidth);
95 /// Calculates the correct text length taking trailing spaces into account
96 int textWidth(const QFontMetrics& fontMetrics, const QString& text);
97 /// Redraws the student pixmaps and updates the frame x positions
98 void updateLines();
100 QFont m_font; ///< The font for the sliding lines.
101 QString m_teacherText; ///< The teachers text.
102 QString m_studentText; ///< The students text.
103 QPixmap *m_teacherPixmap; ///< Pixmap used to draw the teacher sliding line.
104 QPixmap *m_studentPixmap; ///< Pixmap used to draw the student sliding line.
106 QTimer m_slideTimer; ///< This is the timer for the sliding of the lines.
107 int m_shift; ///< The horizontal shift of the slide lines (used for centering)
108 int m_enterCharWidth; ///< The width of the enter character (including the small gap).
109 int m_spaceCharWidth; ///< The width of a space char - this is different to QFontMetrics::width(' ').
110 int m_frameWidth; ///< The width of the frame that is copied from the pixmaps onto the widget.
111 int m_teacherTextWidth; ///< The length of the teacher line (in pixel) WITHOUT enter character.
112 double m_teacherFrameX; ///< The current X-position in the teachers pixmap (local coordinates).
113 int m_teacherFrameXEnd; ///< The final X-position in the teachers pixmap (local coordinates).
114 double m_studentFrameX; ///< The current X-position in the students pixmap (local coordinates).
115 int m_studentFrameXEnd; ///< The final X-position in the student pixmap (local coordinates).
117 bool m_cursorVisible; ///< Flag which indicates the current state of the cursor.
118 QTimer m_cursorTimer; ///< This is the cursor on/off timer.
119 int m_cursorXPos; ///< The global X-coordinate of the cursor.
120 int m_cursorYPos; ///< The global Y-coordinate of the cursor (student line).
121 int m_cursorHeight; ///< The height of the cursor.
122 QColor m_cursorColor; ///< Defines the colour of the cursor (when turned on).
123 QColor m_cursorBackground; ///< Defines the background colour of the cursor (when turned off).