SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file)
[kdeartwork.git] / kscreensaver / kdesavers / banner.cpp
1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // kbanner - Basic screen saver for KDE
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) Martin R. Jones 1996
6 //
7 // layout management added 1998/04/19 by Mario Weilguni <>
8 // clock function and color cycling added 2000/01/09 by Alexander Neundorf <>
9 // 2001/03/04 Converted to use libkscreensaver by Martin R. Jones
10 // 2002/04/07 Added random vertical position of text,
11 // changed horizontal step size to reduce jerkyness,
12 // text will return to right margin immediately (and not be drawn half a screen width off-screen)
13 // Harald H.-J. Bongartz <>
14 // 2003/09/06 Converted to use KDialog - Nadeem Hasan <>
15 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include <qlabel.h>
18 #include <qlineedit.h>
19 #include <qcombobox.h>
20 #include <qcheckbox.h>
21 #include <qgroupbox.h>
22 #include <qslider.h>
23 #include <qlayout.h>
24 #include <qdatetime.h>
25 #include <qfontdatabase.h>
26 #include <qpainter.h>
28 #include <kapplication.h>
29 #include <krandomsequence.h>
30 #include <kglobal.h>
31 #include <klocale.h>
32 #include <kconfig.h>
33 #include <kmessagebox.h>
34 #include <kcolorbutton.h>
35 #include <kfontcombobox.h>
37 #include "banner.h"
38 #include "banner.moc"
39 #include <QDesktopWidget>
40 // libkscreensaver interface
41 class KBannerSaverInterface : public KScreenSaverInterface
45 public:
46 virtual KAboutData* aboutData() {
47 return new KAboutData( "kbanner.kss", 0, ki18n( "KBanner" ), "2.2.0", ki18n( "KBanner" ) );
51 virtual KScreenSaver* create( WId id )
53 return new KBannerSaver( id );
56 virtual QDialog* setup()
58 return new KBannerSetup();
62 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
64 KBannerSaverInterface kss;
65 return kScreenSaverMain( argc, argv, kss );
68 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 KBannerSetup::KBannerSetup( QWidget *parent )
71 : KDialog( parent)
72 , saver( 0 ), ed(0), speed( 50 )
74 setButtons(Ok|Cancel|Help);
75 setDefaultButton(Ok);
76 setCaption(i18n( "Setup Banner Screen Saver" ));
77 setModal(true);
78 setButtonText( Help, i18n( "A&bout" ) );
79 readSettings();
81 QWidget *main = new QWidget(this);
82 setMainWidget(main);
84 QLabel *label;
86 QVBoxLayout *tl = new QVBoxLayout( main );
87 QHBoxLayout *tl1 = new QHBoxLayout();
88 tl->addLayout(tl1);
89 QVBoxLayout *tl11 = new QVBoxLayout();
90 tl1->addLayout(tl11);
92 QGroupBox *group = new QGroupBox( i18n("Font"), main );
93 QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout;
94 group->setLayout(vbox);
95 QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout();
96 vbox->addLayout(gl);
97 gl->setSpacing(spacingHint());
99 label = new QLabel( i18n("Family:"), group );
100 gl->addWidget(label, 1, 0);
102 KFontComboBox* comboFonts = new KFontComboBox( group );
103 comboFonts->setCurrentFont( fontFamily );
104 gl->addWidget(comboFonts, 1, 1);
105 connect( comboFonts, SIGNAL(currentFontChanged( const QFont& ) ),
106 SLOT( slotFamily( const QFont& ) ) );
108 label = new QLabel( i18n("Size:"), group );
109 gl->addWidget(label, 2, 0);
111 comboSizes = new QComboBox( group );
112 comboSizes->setEditable( true );
113 fillFontSizes();
114 gl->addWidget(comboSizes, 2, 1);
115 connect( comboSizes, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT( slotSize( int ) ) );
116 connect( comboSizes, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
117 SLOT( slotSizeEdit( const QString & ) ) );
119 QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox( i18n("Bold"),
120 group );
121 cb->setChecked( bold );
122 connect( cb, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotBold( bool ) ) );
123 gl->addWidget(cb, 3, 0);
125 cb = new QCheckBox( i18n("Italic"), group );
126 cb->setChecked( italic );
127 gl->addWidget(cb, 3, 1);
128 connect( cb, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotItalic( bool ) ) );
130 label = new QLabel( i18n("Color:"), group );
131 gl->addWidget(label, 4, 0);
133 colorPush = new KColorButton( fontColor, group );
134 gl->addWidget(colorPush, 4, 1);
135 connect( colorPush, SIGNAL( changed(const QColor &) ),
136 SLOT( slotColor(const QColor &) ) );
138 QCheckBox *cyclingColorCb=new QCheckBox(i18n("Cycling color"),group);
139 cyclingColorCb->setMinimumSize(cyclingColorCb->sizeHint());
140 gl->addWidget(cyclingColorCb, 5, 5, 0, 1);
141 connect(cyclingColorCb,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(slotCyclingColor(bool)));
142 cyclingColorCb->setChecked(cyclingColor);
144 preview = new QWidget( main );
145 preview->setFixedSize( 220, 170 );
147 QPalette palette;
148 palette.setColor( preview->backgroundRole(), Qt::black );
149 preview->setPalette( palette );
151 preview->show(); // otherwise saver does not get correct size
152 saver = new KBannerSaver( preview->winId() );
153 tl1->addWidget(preview);
155 tl11->addWidget(group);
157 label = new QLabel( i18n("Speed:"), main );
158 tl11->addStretch(1);
159 tl11->addWidget(label);
161 QSlider *sb = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, main );
162 sb->setMinimum(0);
163 sb->setMaximum(100);
164 sb->setPageStep(10);
165 sb->setValue(speed);
166 sb->setMinimumWidth( 180);
167 sb->setFixedHeight(20);
168 sb->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow);
169 sb->setTickInterval(10);
170 tl11->addWidget(sb);
171 connect( sb, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), SLOT( slotSpeed( int ) ) );
173 QHBoxLayout *tl2 = new QHBoxLayout;
174 tl->addLayout(tl2);
176 label = new QLabel( i18n("Message:"), main );
177 tl2->addWidget(label);
179 ed = new QLineEdit( main );
180 tl2->addWidget(ed);
181 ed->setText( message );
182 connect( ed, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
183 SLOT( slotMessage( const QString & ) ) );
185 QCheckBox *timeCb=new QCheckBox( i18n("Show current time"), main);
186 timeCb->setFixedSize(timeCb->sizeHint());
187 tl->addWidget(timeCb,0,Qt::AlignLeft);
188 connect(timeCb,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(slotTimeToggled(bool)));
189 timeCb->setChecked(showTime);
190 connect(this,SIGNAL(okClicked()),this,SLOT(slotOk()));
191 connect(this,SIGNAL(helpClicked()),this,SLOT(slotHelp()));
192 tl->addStretch();
195 // read settings from config file
196 void KBannerSetup::readSettings()
198 KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "Settings");
200 speed=config.readEntry("Speed",50);
201 /* if ( speed > 100 )
202 speed = 100;
203 else if ( speed < 50 )
204 speed = 50;*/
206 message=config.readEntry("Message","KDE");
207 showTime=config.readEntry("ShowTime",false);
208 fontFamily=config.readEntry("FontFamily",(QApplication::font()).family());
209 fontSize=config.readEntry("FontSize",48);
210 fontColor.setNamedColor(config.readEntry("FontColor","red"));
211 cyclingColor=config.readEntry("CyclingColor",false);
212 bold=config.readEntry("FontBold",false);
213 italic=config.readEntry("FontItalic",false);
216 void KBannerSetup::fillFontSizes()
218 bool block = comboSizes->signalsBlocked();
219 comboSizes->blockSignals( true );
220 comboSizes->clear();
221 int i = 0;
222 sizes = QFontDatabase().pointSizes( fontFamily );
223 sizes << 96 << 128 << 156 << 0;
224 int current = 0;
225 while ( sizes[i] )
227 QString num;
228 num.setNum( sizes[i] );
229 comboSizes->insertItem( i, num );
230 if ( fontSize == sizes[i] ) // fontsize equals one of the defined ones
232 current = i;
233 comboSizes->setCurrentIndex( current );
234 slotSize( current );
236 i++;
238 if ( current == 0 ) // fontsize seems to be entered by hand
240 QString fsize;
241 fsize.setNum( fontSize );
242 comboSizes->setEditText(fsize);
243 slotSizeEdit( fsize );
245 comboSizes->blockSignals( block );
248 void KBannerSetup::slotFamily( const QFont& f )
250 fontFamily =;
251 fillFontSizes(); // different font, different sizes
252 if ( saver )
253 saver->setFont( fontFamily, fontSize, fontColor, bold, italic );
256 void KBannerSetup::slotSize( int indx )
258 fontSize = sizes[indx];
259 if ( saver )
260 saver->setFont( fontFamily, fontSize, fontColor, bold, italic );
263 void KBannerSetup::slotSizeEdit( const QString& fs )
265 bool ok;
266 fontSize = fs.toInt( &ok, 10 );
267 if ( ok )
268 if ( saver )
269 saver->setFont( fontFamily, fontSize, fontColor, bold, italic );
272 void KBannerSetup::slotColor( const QColor &col )
274 fontColor = col;
275 if ( saver )
276 saver->setColor(fontColor);
279 void KBannerSetup::slotCyclingColor(bool on)
281 colorPush->setEnabled(!on);
282 cyclingColor=on;
284 if ( saver )
286 saver->setCyclingColor( on );
287 if ( !on )
288 saver->setColor( fontColor );
292 void KBannerSetup::slotBold( bool state )
294 bold = state;
295 if ( saver )
296 saver->setFont( fontFamily, fontSize, fontColor, bold, italic );
299 void KBannerSetup::slotItalic( bool state )
301 italic = state;
302 if ( saver )
303 saver->setFont( fontFamily, fontSize, fontColor, bold, italic );
306 void KBannerSetup::slotSpeed( int num )
308 speed = num;
309 if ( saver )
310 saver->setSpeed( speed );
313 void KBannerSetup::slotMessage( const QString &msg )
315 message = msg;
316 if ( saver )
317 saver->setMessage( message );
320 void KBannerSetup::slotTimeToggled( bool on )
322 ed->setEnabled(!on);
323 showTime=on;
324 if (saver)
326 if (showTime)
327 saver->setTimeDisplay();
328 else
330 message=ed->text();
331 saver->setMessage(message);
336 // Ok pressed - save settings and exit
337 void KBannerSetup::slotOk()
339 KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "Settings");
341 config.writeEntry( "Speed", speed );
342 config.writeEntry( "Message", message );
343 config.writeEntry( "ShowTime", showTime );
344 config.writeEntry( "FontFamily", fontFamily );
346 QString fsize;
347 if (fontSize == 0) // an non-number was entered in the font size combo
349 fontSize = 48;
351 fsize.setNum( fontSize );
352 config.writeEntry( "FontSize", fsize );
354 QString colName;
355 colName.sprintf( "#%02x%02x%02x",,,
356 );
357 config.writeEntry( "FontColor", colName );
358 config.writeEntry( "CyclingColor", cyclingColor );
359 config.writeEntry( "FontBold", bold );
360 config.writeEntry( "FontItalic", italic );
362 config.sync();
364 accept();
367 void KBannerSetup::slotHelp()
369 KMessageBox::about(this,
370 i18n("Banner Version 2.2.1\n\nWritten by Martin R. Jones 1996\\nExtended by Alexander Neundorf 2000\\n"));
373 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 KBannerSaver::KBannerSaver( WId id ) : KScreenSaver( id )
377 QPalette palette;
378 palette.setColor( backgroundRole(), Qt::black );
379 setPalette( palette );
380 krnd = new KRandomSequence();
381 readSettings();
382 initialize();
383 timer.start( speed );
384 connect( &timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( slotTimeout() ) );
385 update();
388 KBannerSaver::~KBannerSaver()
390 timer.stop();
391 delete krnd;
394 void KBannerSaver::setSpeed( int spd )
396 timer.stop();
397 int inv = 100 - spd;
398 speed = 1 + ((inv * inv) / 100);
399 timer.start( speed );
402 void KBannerSaver::setFont( const QString& family, int size, const QColor &color,
403 bool b, bool i )
405 fontFamily = family;
406 fontSize = size;
407 fontColor = color;
408 bold = b;
409 italic = i;
411 initialize();
414 void KBannerSaver::setColor(QColor &color)
416 fontColor = color;
417 cyclingColor = false;
418 needUpdate = true;
421 void KBannerSaver::setCyclingColor( bool on )
423 cyclingColor = on;
424 needUpdate = true;
427 void KBannerSaver::setMessage( const QString &msg )
429 showTime = false;
430 message = msg;
431 pixmapSize = QSize();
432 setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false );
435 void KBannerSaver::setTimeDisplay()
437 showTime = true;
438 pixmapSize = QSize();
439 setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false );
442 // read settings from config file
443 void KBannerSaver::readSettings()
445 KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "Settings");
447 setSpeed( config.readEntry("Speed",50) );
449 message=config.readEntry("Message","KDE");
451 showTime=config.readEntry("ShowTime",false);
453 fontFamily=config.readEntry("FontFamily",(QApplication::font()).family());
455 fontSize=config.readEntry("FontSize",48);
457 fontColor.setNamedColor(config.readEntry("FontColor","red"));
459 cyclingColor=config.readEntry("CyclingColor",false);
461 bold=config.readEntry("FontBold",false);
462 italic=config.readEntry("FontItalic",false);
464 if ( cyclingColor )
466 currentHue=0;
467 fontColor.setHsv(0,SATURATION,VALUE);
471 // initialize font
472 void KBannerSaver::initialize()
474 fsize = fontSize * height() / QApplication::desktop()->height();
476 font = QFont( fontFamily, fsize, bold ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal, italic );
478 pixmapSize = QSize();
479 setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, false );
481 xpos = width();
482 ypos = fsize + (int) ((double)(height() - 3 * fsize) * krnd->getDouble());
483 step = 2 * width() / QApplication::desktop()->width(); // 6 -> 2 -hhjb-
484 if ( step == 0 )
485 step = 1;
488 void KBannerSaver::slotTimeout()
490 update();
492 // erase old text and draw in new position
493 void KBannerSaver::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
495 Q_UNUSED( event )
497 setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ); // Only after requested clear is done
499 if (cyclingColor)
501 int hueStep = speed/10;
502 currentHue=(currentHue+hueStep)%360;
503 fontColor.setHsv(currentHue,SATURATION,VALUE);
505 if (showTime)
507 QString new_message = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(QTime::currentTime(), true);
508 if( new_message != message )
509 needUpdate = true;
510 message = new_message;
512 if ( !pixmapSize.isValid() || cyclingColor || needUpdate || !testAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground ) )
514 QRect rect = QFontMetrics( font ).boundingRect( message );
515 rect.setWidth( rect.width() + step );
516 if ( rect.width() > pixmapSize.width() )
517 pixmapSize.setWidth( rect.width() );
518 if ( rect.height() > pixmapSize.height() )
519 pixmapSize.setHeight( rect.height() );
520 pixmap = QPixmap( pixmapSize );
521 pixmap.fill( Qt::black );
522 QPainter p( &pixmap );
523 p.setFont( font );
524 p.setPen( fontColor );
525 p.drawText( -rect.x(), -rect.y(), message );
526 needUpdate = false;
528 xpos -= step;
530 QPainter p( this );
532 if ( xpos < -pixmapSize.width() ) {
533 p.fillRect( xpos + step, ypos, pixmapSize.width(), pixmapSize.height(), Qt::black );
534 xpos = width();
535 ypos = fsize + (int) ((double)(height() - 3 * fsize) * krnd->getDouble());
538 p.drawPixmap( xpos, ypos, pixmap );