Translation by Artem Sereda with my minor changes
[kde-ru.git] / docs / kdewebdev / klinkstatus / index.docbook
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
3 <!ENTITY klinkstatus "<application
4 >KLinkStatus</application
5 >">
6 <!ENTITY kappname "&klinkstatus;"
7 ><!-- Do *not* replace kappname-->
8 <!ENTITY package "kde-module"
9 ><!-- kdebase, kdeadmin, etc -->
10 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
11 <!ENTITY % Russian "INCLUDE"
12 ><!-- change language only here -->
15 <!-- Do not define any other entities; instead, use the entities
16 from kde-genent.entities and $LANG/user.entities. -->
18 <!-- kdoctemplate v0.8 October 1 1999
19 Minor update to "Credits and Licenses" section on August 24, 2000
20 Removed "Revision history" section on 22 January 2001
21 Changed to Installation/Help menu entities 18 October 2001
22 Other minor cleanup and changes 18 October 2001 -->
25 <!--
26 This template was designed by: David Rugge
27 with lots of help from: Eric Bischoff
28 and Frederik Fouvry
29 of the KDE DocBook team.
31 You may freely use this template for writing any sort of KDE documentation.
32 If you have any changes or improvements, please let us know.
34 Remember:
35 - in XML, the case of the <tags
36 > and attributes is relevant ;
37 - also, quote all attributes.
39 Please don't forget to remove all these comments in your final documentation,
40 thanks ;-).
41 -->
43 <!-- ................................................................ -->
45 <!-- The language must NOT be changed here. -->
47 <book lang="&language;">
49 <!-- This header contains all of the meta-information for the document such
50 as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords -->
52 <bookinfo>
53 <title
54 >Руководство &klinkstatus;</title>
56 <authorgroup>
57 <author
58 ><firstname
59 ></firstname
60 > <othername
61 ></othername
62 > <surname
63 >Paulo Moura Guedes</surname
64 > <affiliation
65 > <address
66 ><email
67 >moura&#64;kdewebdev&#46;org </email
68 ></address>
69 </affiliation>
70 </author>
71 </authorgroup>
73 <othercredit role="translator"
74 ><firstname
75 >Илья</firstname
76 ><surname
77 >Бухман</surname
78 ><affiliation
79 ><address
80 ><email
81 ></email
82 ></address
83 ></affiliation
84 ><contrib
85 >Перевод на русский язык</contrib
86 ></othercredit
89 <copyright>
90 <year
91 >2004</year>
92 <!--<year
93 >2004</year
94 >-->
95 <holder
96 >Paulo Moura Guedes </holder>
97 </copyright>
98 <!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->
99 <!-- Put here the FDL notice. Read the explanation in fdl-notice.docbook
100 and in the FDL itself on how to use it. -->
101 <legalnotice
102 >&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
104 <!-- Date and version information of the documentation
105 Don't forget to include this last date and this last revision number, we
106 need them for translation coordination !
107 Please respect the format of the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and of the version
108 (V.MM.LL), it could be used by automation scripts.
109 Do NOT change these in the translation. -->
111 <date
112 >2004-04-29</date>
113 <releaseinfo
114 >0&#46;1&#46;3</releaseinfo>
116 <!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
118 <abstract>
119 <para
120 >&klinkstatus; -- это инспектор ссылок для KDE. </para>
121 </abstract>
123 <!-- This is a set of Keywords for indexing by search engines.
124 Please at least include KDE, the KDE package it is in, the name
125 of your application, and a few relevant keywords. -->
127 <keywordset>
128 <keyword
129 >KDE</keyword>
130 <keyword
131 >KLinkStatus</keyword>
132 <keyword
133 >проверка ссылок</keyword>
134 <keyword
135 >проверка</keyword>
136 </keywordset>
138 </bookinfo>
140 <!-- The contents of the documentation begin here. Label
141 each chapter so with the id attribute. This is necessary for two reasons: it
142 allows you to easily reference the chapter from other chapters of your
143 document, and if there is no ID, the name of the generated HTML files will vary
144 from time to time making it hard to manage for maintainers and for the CVS
145 system. Any chapter labelled (OPTIONAL) may be left out at the author's
146 discretion. Other chapters should not be left out in order to maintain a
147 consistent documentation style across all KDE apps. -->
149 <chapter id="introduction">
150 <title
151 >Введение</title>
153 <!-- The introduction chapter contains a brief introduction for the
154 application that explains what it does and where to report
155 problems. Basically a long version of the abstract. Don't include a
156 revision history. (see installation appendix comment) -->
158 <para
159 >&klinkstatus; -- это инспектор ссылок для KDE. Эта программа позволяет производить поиск внутренних и внешних ссылок по всему вашему web-сайту либо отдельной странице, предоставляя также возможность указать глубину поиска. Вы также можете проверять локальные файлы, ftp, fish и т.п., т.к. KLinkStatus использует KIO. Для большего быстродействия ссылки могут проверяться одновременно. Обо всех проблемах и пожеланиях сообщайте на </para>
160 </chapter>
162 <chapter id="using-klinkstatus">
163 <title
164 >Использование &klinkstatus;</title>
166 <!-- This chapter should tell the user how to use your app. You should use as
167 many sections (Chapter, Sect1, Sect3, etc...) as is necessary to fully document
168 your application. -->
170 <para>
172 <!-- Note that all graphics should be in .png format. Use no gifs because of
173 patent issues. -->
175 <screenshot>
176 <screeninfo
177 >Пример снимка экрана &klinkstatus;</screeninfo>
178 <mediaobject>
179 <imageobject>
180 <imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/>
181 </imageobject>
182 <imageobject>
183 <imagedata fileref="screenshot.eps" format="EPS"/>
184 </imageobject>
185 <textobject>
186 <phrase
187 >Снимок экрана</phrase>
188 </textobject>
189 </mediaobject>
190 </screenshot>
191 </para>
194 <sect1 id="klinkstatus-features">
195 <title
196 >Дополнительные возможности &klinkstatus;</title>
198 <para
199 ></para>
200 <para
201 ></para>
203 </sect1>
204 </chapter>
206 <chapter id="commands">
207 <title
208 >Описание команд</title>
210 <!-- (OPTIONAL, BUT RECOMMENDED) This chapter should list all of the
211 application windows and their menubar and toolbar commands for easy reference.
212 Also include any keys that have a special function but have no equivalent in the
213 menus or toolbars. This may not be necessary for small apps or apps with no tool
214 or menu bars. -->
216 <sect1 id="klinkstatus-mainwindow">
217 <title
218 >Главное окно &klinkstatus;</title>
220 <sect2>
221 <title
222 >Меню Файл</title>
223 <para>
224 <variablelist>
225 <varlistentry>
226 <term
227 ><menuchoice
228 ><shortcut
229 > <keycombo action="simul"
230 >&Ctrl;<keycap
231 >N</keycap
232 ></keycombo
233 > </shortcut
234 > <guimenu
235 >Файл</guimenu
236 > <guimenuitem
237 >Проверить новые ссылки</guimenuitem
238 > </menuchoice
239 ></term>
240 <listitem
241 ><para
242 ><action
243 >Создаёт новую сессию, если введена вся необходимая информация</action
244 ></para
245 ></listitem>
246 </varlistentry>
247 <varlistentry>
248 <term
249 ><menuchoice
250 ><shortcut
251 > <keycombo action="simul"
252 >&Ctrl;<keycap
253 >O</keycap
254 ></keycombo
255 > </shortcut
256 > <guimenu
257 >Файл</guimenu
258 > <guimenuitem
259 >Открыть URL</guimenuitem
260 > </menuchoice
261 ></term>
262 <listitem
263 ><para
264 ><action
265 >Открывает URL</action
266 ></para
267 ></listitem>
268 </varlistentry>
269 <varlistentry>
270 <term
271 ><menuchoice
272 ><shortcut
273 > <keycombo action="simul"
274 >&Ctrl;<keycap
275 >W</keycap
276 ></keycombo
277 > </shortcut
278 > <guimenu
279 >Файл</guimenu
280 > <guimenuitem
281 >Закрыть закладку</guimenuitem
282 > </menuchoice
283 ></term>
284 <listitem
285 ><para
286 ><action
287 >Закрыть текущую вкладку.</action
288 ></para
289 ></listitem>
290 </varlistentry>
291 </variablelist>
292 </para>
294 </sect2>
296 <sect2>
297 <title
298 >Меню <guimenu
299 >Справка</guimenu
300 ></title>
301 &; </sect2>
303 </sect1>
304 </chapter>
306 <!--
307 <chapter id="developers">
308 <title
309 >Developer's Guide to &klinkstatus;</title>
311 <!-- (OPTIONAL) A Programming/Scripting reference chapter should be
312 used for apps that use plugins or that provide their own scripting hooks
313 and/or development libraries. -->
314 <!--
317 <!-- Use refentries to describe APIs. Refentries are fairly complicated and you
318 should consult the docbook reference for further details. The example below was
319 taken from that reference and shortened a bit for readability.
321 <refentry id="re-1007-unmanagechildren-1">
322 <refmeta>
323 <refentrytitle
324 >XtUnmanageChildren</refentrytitle>
325 <refmiscinfo
326 >Xt - Geometry Management</refmiscinfo>
327 </refmeta>
328 <refnamediv>
329 <refname
330 >XtUnmanageChildren
331 </refname>
332 <refpurpose
333 >remove a list of children from a parent widget's managed
334 list.
335 <indexterm id="ix-1007-unmanagechildren-1"
336 ><primary
337 >widgets</primary
338 ><secondary
339 >removing</secondary
340 ></indexterm>
341 <indexterm id="ix-1007-unmanagechildren-2"
342 ><primary
343 >XtUnmanageChildren</primary
344 ></indexterm
346 </refpurpose>
348 </refnamediv>
349 <refsynopsisdiv>
350 <refsynopsisdivinfo>
351 <date
352 >4 March 1996</date>
353 </refsynopsisdivinfo>
354 <synopsis
356 void XtUnmanageChildren(<replaceable class="parameter">children</replaceable>, <replaceable class="parameter">num_children</replaceable>)
357 WidgetList <replaceable class="parameter">children</replaceable>;
358 Cardinal <replaceable class="parameter">num_children</replaceable>;
359 </synopsis>
361 <refsect2 id="r2-1007-unmanagechildren-1">
362 <title
363 >Inputs</title>
364 <variablelist>
365 <varlistentry>
366 <term
367 ><replaceable class="parameter"
368 >children</replaceable>
369 </term>
370 <listitem>
371 <para
372 >Specifies an array of child widgets. Each child must be of
373 class RectObj or any subclass thereof.
374 </para>
375 </listitem>
376 </varlistentry>
377 <varlistentry>
378 <term
379 ><replaceable class="parameter"
380 >num_children</replaceable>
381 </term>
382 <listitem>
383 <para
384 >Specifies the number of elements in <replaceable class="parameter"
385 >children</replaceable
387 </para>
388 </listitem>
389 </varlistentry>
390 </variablelist>
391 </refsect2
392 ></refsynopsisdiv>
394 <refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-1">
395 <title
396 >Description
397 </title>
398 <para
399 ><function
400 >XtUnmanageChildren()</function
401 > unmaps the specified widgets
402 and removes them from their parent's geometry management.
403 The widgets will disappear from the screen, and (depending
404 on its parent) may no longer have screen space allocated for
405 them.
406 </para>
407 <para
408 >Each of the widgets in the <replaceable class="parameter"
409 >children</replaceable
410 > array must have
411 the same parent.
412 </para>
413 <para
414 >See the &ldquo;Algorithm&rdquo; section below for full details of the
415 widget unmanagement procedure.
416 </para>
417 </refsect1>
419 <refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-2">
420 <title
421 >Usage</title>
422 <para
423 >Unmanaging widgets is the usual method for temporarily
424 making them invisible. They can be re-managed with
425 <function
426 >XtManageChildren()</function
428 </para>
429 <para
430 >You can unmap a widget, but leave it under geometry
431 management by calling <function
432 >XtUnmapWidget()</function
433 >. You can
434 destroy a widget's window without destroying the widget by
435 calling <function
436 >XtUnrealizeWidget()</function
437 >. You can destroy a
438 widget completely with <function
439 >XtDestroyWidget()</function
441 </para>
442 <para
443 >If you are only going to unmanage a single widget, it is
444 more convenient to call <function
445 >XtUnmanageChild()</function
446 >. It is
447 often more convenient to call <function
448 >XtUnmanageChild()</function>
449 several times than it is to declare and initialize an array
450 of widgets to pass to <function
451 >XtUnmanageChildren()</function
452 >. Calling
453 <function
454 >XtUnmanageChildren()</function
455 > is more efficient, however,
456 because it only calls the parent's <function
457 >change_managed()</function>
458 method once.
459 </para>
460 </refsect1>
462 <refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-3">
463 <title
464 >Algorithm
465 </title>
466 <para
467 ><function
468 >XtUnmanageChildren()</function
469 > performs the following:
470 </para>
471 <variablelist>
472 <varlistentry>
473 <term
475 </term>
476 <listitem>
477 <para
478 >Ignores the child if it already is unmanaged or is being
479 destroyed.
480 </para>
481 </listitem>
482 </varlistentry>
483 <varlistentry>
484 <term
486 </term>
487 <listitem>
488 <para
489 >Otherwise, if the child is realized, it makes it nonvisible
490 by unmapping it.
491 </para>
492 </listitem>
493 </varlistentry>
494 </variablelist>
496 </refsect1>
498 <refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-4">
499 <title
500 >Structures</title>
501 <para
502 >The <type
503 >WidgetList</type
504 > type is simply an array of widgets:
505 </para>
506 <screen id="sc-1007-unmanagechildren-1"
507 >typedef Widget *WidgetList;
508 </screen>
509 </refsect1>
510 </refentry>
512 </chapter>
515 <!--
516 <chapter id="faq">
517 <title
518 >Questions and Answers</title>
520 <!-- (OPTIONAL but recommended) This chapter should include all of the silly
521 (and not-so-silly) newbie questions that fill up your mailbox. This chapter
522 should be reserved for BRIEF questions and answers! If one question uses more
523 than a page or so then it should probably be part of the
524 "Using this Application" chapter instead. You should use links to
525 cross-reference questions to the parts of your documentation that answer them.
526 This is also a great place to provide pointers to other FAQ's if your users
527 must do some complicated configuration on other programs in order for your
528 application work. -->
529 <!--
530 &reporting.bugs;
531 &updating.documentation;
534 <qandaset id="faqlist">
535 <qandaentry>
537 <question>
538 <para
539 >My Mouse doesn't work. How do I quit &klinkstatus;?</para>
540 </question>
541 <answer>
542 <para
543 >You silly goose! Check out the <link linkend="commands"
544 >Commands
545 Section</link
546 > for the answer.</para>
547 </answer>
548 </qandaentry>
549 <qandaentry>
550 <question>
551 <para
552 >Why can't I twiddle my documents?</para>
553 </question>
554 <answer>
555 <para
556 >You can only twiddle your documents if you have the foobar.lib
557 installed.</para>
558 </answer>
560 </qandaentry>
561 </qandaset>
563 </chapter>
566 <chapter id="credits">
568 <!-- Include credits for the programmers, documentation writers, and
569 contributors here. The license for your software should then be included below
570 the credits with a reference to the appropriate license file included in the KDE
571 distribution. -->
573 <title
574 >Авторы и лицензия</title>
576 <para
577 >&klinkstatus; </para>
578 <para
579 >Program copyright 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email
580 >pmg&#64;netcabo&#46;pt</email
581 > </para>
582 <!--
583 <para>
584 Contributors:
585 <itemizedlist>
586 <listitem
587 ><para
588 >Konqui the KDE Dragon <email
589 ></email
590 ></para>
591 </listitem>
592 <listitem
593 ><para
594 >Tux the Linux Penguin <email
595 ></email
596 ></para>
597 </listitem>
598 </itemizedlist>
599 </para>
601 <para
602 >Documentation copyright 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email
603 >pmg&#64;netcabo&#46;pt</email
604 > </para>
606 <para
607 >Перевод на русский язык: Илья Бухман <email
608 ></email
609 ></para
611 &underFDL; &underGPL; </chapter>
613 <appendix id="installation">
614 <title
615 >Установка</title>
617 <sect1 id="getting-klinkstatus">
618 <title
619 >Где взять &klinkstatus;</title>
621 <!-- This first entity contains boiler plate for applications that are
622 part of KDE CVS. You should remove it if you are releasing your
623 application -->
625 <!--&install.intro.documentation;-->
626 <para
627 > </para>
629 </sect1>
632 <!--
633 <sect1 id="requirements">
634 <title
635 >Requirements</title>
637 List any special requirements for your application here. This should include:
638 .Libraries or other software that is not included in kdesupport,
639 kdelibs, or kdebase.
640 .Hardware requirements like amount of RAM, disk space, graphics card
641 capabilities, screen resolution, special expansion cards, etc.
642 .Operating systems the app will run on. If your app is designed only for a
643 specific OS, (you wrote a graphical LILO configurator for example) put this
644 information here.
646 <!--
647 <para>
648 In order to successfully use &klinkstatus;, you need &kde; 1.1. Foobar.lib is
649 required in order to support the advanced &klinkstatus; features. &klinkstatus; uses
650 about 5 megs of memory to run, but this may vary depending on your
651 platform and configuration.
652 </para>
654 <para>
655 All required libraries as well as &klinkstatus; itself can be found
656 on <ulink url=""
657 >The &klinkstatus; home page</ulink
659 </para>
661 <!-- For a list of updates, you may refer to the application web site
662 or the ChangeLog file, or ... -->
663 <!--
664 <para>
665 You can find a list of changes at <ulink
666 url=""
667 ></ulink
669 </para>
670 </sect1>
672 <sect1 id="compilation">
673 <title
674 >Сборка и установка</title>
675 &install.compile.documentation; </sect1>
676 <!--
677 <sect1 id="configuration">
678 <title
679 >Configuration</title>
681 <para
682 >Don't forget to tell your system to start the <filename
683 >dtd</filename>
684 dicer-toaster daemon first, or &klinkstatus; won't work !</para>
686 </sect1>
688 </appendix>
690 &documentation.index;
691 </book>
693 <!--
694 Local Variables:
695 mode: sgml
696 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
697 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
698 sgml-indent-step:0
699 sgml-indent-data:nil
700 End:
702 vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab