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[kdbg.git] / kdbg / doc / en / memory.html
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6 <meta name="Author" content="Johannes Sixt">
7 <title>KDbg - User's Manual - Memory Dump</title>
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9 <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EF" vlink="#51188E" alink="#FF0000">
10 <a href="index.html">Contents</a>
11 <h1>
12 The Memory Dump Window</h1>
13 The memory dump window is displayed using <i>View|Memory</i>. It displays
14 the contents of the program's memory at arbitrary adresses.
15 <p>To display memory contents, enter an address in the edit field. The
16 address need not be given in hexadecimal form - it can be an expression.
17 <p>You can specifiy a format how the memory contents shall be displayed
18 by chooseing the appropriate options from the popup menu that you invoke
19 by clicking the right mouse button.
20 <p>A number of address expressions are remembered. You can recall such
21 an expression from the drop-down list. Please note that the address expression
22 is remembered together with the format.
23 <p>If you don't need to investigate memory contents, it is recommended
24 that you clear the expression so that no memory dump is displayed - this
25 speeds up the debugging process.
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