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4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
5 <meta name="Author" content="Johannes Sixt">
6 <title>KDbg - User's Manual - Program Settings</title>
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8 <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
9 <p><a href="index.html">Contents</a></p>
10 <h1>
11 The Program Settings Dialog</h1>
12 <p>In this dialog, program specific settings can be selected. It is invoked
13 by <i>Settings|This Program</i>. The settings apply only to the currently loaded
14 executable and will be saved across sessions.</p>
15 <blockquote><b><i>Important note:</i></b> The chosen settings will only
16 apply the next time the executable is loaded into KDbg. This means that
17 after pressing
18 <i>OK</i> in this dialog, you must reload the executable
19 using <i>File|Recent Executables</i>!!</blockquote>
21 <ul>
22 <li>
23 <a href="#driver">Debugger</a></li>
25 <li>
26 <a href="#output">Output</a></li>
27 </ul>
29 <h2>
30 <a name="driver"></a>Debugger</h2>
31 <p>In this section, the debugger to be used for the program can be chosen.</p>
32 <h4>
33 How to invoke GDB</h4>
35 <blockquote>Enter the command to invoke gdb. Leave this field empty to
36 use the default gdb command as specified in the <a href="globaloptions.html">global
37 options</a>. When you are cross-compiling and remote-debugging, you will
38 probably want to use a different gdb suitable for the target platform.
39 The default command is <tt>gdb --fullname --nx</tt>. Be sure to specify
40 at least <tt>--fullname</tt> if you change the gdb command. If you leave it away, KDbg
41 will not work.</blockquote>
43 <h2>
44 <a name="output"></a>Output</h2>
45 <p>In this section, the terminal emulation under which the program will run
46 can be selected.</p>
47 <h4>
48 No input and output</h4>
50 <blockquote>Check this option if your program does not receive input from
51 the terminal and you do not want to see the output that the program writes
52 to <tt>stdout</tt> and <tt>stderr</tt> (if any). All three standard channels
53 (<tt>stdin</tt>, <tt>stdout</tt>, and <tt>stderr</tt>) are effectively
54 redirected to <tt>/dev/null</tt>.</blockquote>
56 <h4>
57 Only output, simple terminal emulation</h4>
59 <blockquote>Check this option if your program does not receive input from
60 the terminal (<tt>stdin</tt> will be redirected to <tt>/dev/null</tt>),
61 and the output that it writes to <tt>stdout</tt> and <tt>stderr</tt> does
62 not require sophisticated terminal emulation. The output will be shown
63 in the <a href="pgmoutput.html">Output window</a>.
64 <br><i>Important:</i> The integrated terminal emulator will only interpret
65 the line-feed character <tt>\n</tt> (ASCII 10) to break lines. It will
66 <em>not</em>
67 handle the carriage-return character <tt>\r</tt> (ASCII 13). This is sufficient
68 for displaying plain debugging output that is often used by developers
69 of GUI programs.</blockquote>
71 <h4>
72 Full terminal emulation</h4>
74 <blockquote>Check this option if your program reads input from <tt>stdin</tt>
75 or if the output to <tt>stdout</tt> or <tt>stderr</tt> requires terminal
76 emulation. A terminal emulator will be invoked as specified in the <a href="globaloptions.html">global
77 options</a>.</blockquote>
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