removed libsoup support
[k8lowj.git] / src / logo-svg.h
1 /* these numbers were found with painstaking trial and error. */
2 int logo_svg_translate1_x = -93;
3 int logo_svg_translate1_y = -104;
4 int logo_svg_translate2_x = 140;
5 int logo_svg_translate2_y = 140;
6 char logo_svg_data_1[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n\
7 <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN\"\n\
8 \"\">\n\
9 <!-- Created with Sodipodi (\"\") -->\n\
10 <svg\n\
11 width=\"220pt\"\n\
12 height=\"220pt\"\n\
13 xmlns=\"\"\n\
14 xmlns:sodipodi=\"\"\n\
15 xmlns:xlink=\"\"\n\
16 id=\"svg101\"\n\
17 sodipodi:version=\"0.31\"\n\
18 sodipodi:docname=\"/home/martine/logo/ljlogo4.svg\"\n\
19 sodipodi:docbase=\"/home/martine/logo/\">\n\
20 <sodipodi:namedview\n\
21 id=\"base\"\n\
22 showgrid=\"true\"\n\
23 snaptogrid=\"false\"\n\
24 gridspacingy=\"20pt\"\n\
25 gridspacingx=\"20pt\" />\n\
26 <defs\n\
27 id=\"defs102\">\n\
28 <marker\n\
29 id=\"ArrowEnd\"\n\
30 viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\"\n\
31 refX=\"0\"\n\
32 refY=\"5\"\n\
33 markerUnits=\"strokeWidth\"\n\
34 markerWidth=\"4\"\n\
35 markerHeight=\"3\"\n\
36 orient=\"auto\">\n\
37 <path\n\
38 d=\"M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z\" />\n\
39 </marker>\n\
40 <marker\n\
41 id=\"ArrowStart\"\n\
42 viewBox=\"0 0 10 10\"\n\
43 refX=\"10\"\n\
44 refY=\"5\"\n\
45 markerUnits=\"strokeWidth\"\n\
46 markerWidth=\"4\"\n\
47 markerHeight=\"3\"\n\
48 orient=\"auto\">\n\
49 <path\n\
50 d=\"M 10 0 L 0 5 L 10 10 z\" />\n\
51 </marker>\n\
52 </defs>\n\
53 <g ";
54 char logo_svg_data_2[] = " id=\"g105\"\n\
55 >\n\
56 <g\n\
57 id=\"g106\">\n\
58 <g\n\
59 id=\"g107\">\n\
60 <path\n\
61 style=\"stroke:none; fill:#cccccc\"\n\
62 d=\"M 31.7811 83.1852L 16.9861 63.3854L 39.1434 32.3107L 72.9007 17.9772L 89.4358 40.1071L 54.8572 52.9362L 31.7811 83.1852z\"\n\
63 id=\"path108\" />\n\
64 <path\n\
65 style=\"stroke:none; fill:#ffffff\"\n\
66 d=\"M 79.346 44.6031L 61.3841 53.8621L 43.9944 30.5187L 61.9559 21.2599L 79.346 44.6031z\"\n\
67 id=\"path109\" />\n\
68 <path\n\
69 style=\"stroke:none; fill:#6699cc\"\n\
70 d=\"M 34.1981 86.8245L 54.6072 57.0563L 108.418 129.075L 107.357 153.16L 98.0662 171.899L 34.1981 86.8245z\"\n\
71 id=\"path110\" />\n\
72 <path\n\
73 style=\"stroke:none; fill:#99ccff\"\n\
74 d=\"M 89.4798 42.1917L 150.834 124.305L 128.961 133.086L 108.418 129.075L 54.6072 57.0563L 89.4798 42.1917z\"\n\
75 id=\"path111\" />\n\
76 <path\n\
77 style=\"stroke:none; fill:#ff9999\"\n\
78 d=\"M 14.8133 59.262L 38.0784 31.2913L 70.9632 17.0045L 60.9554 3.60999L 27.1043 16.1979L 6.16 47.2747\"\n\
79 id=\"path112\" />\n\
80 <path\n\
81 style=\"stroke:none; fill:#ffcc99\"\n\
82 d=\"M 166.008 202.506L 151.805 123.579L 128.961 133.086L 108.418 129.075L 107.357 153.16L 98.0662 171.899\"\n\
83 id=\"path113\" />\n\
84 <path\n\
85 style=\"stroke:none; fill:#003366\"\n\
86 d=\"M 174.419 214.372L 162.914 124.05L 75.5613 7.36926C 66.7894 -4.37 43.5135 -1.80884 23.5726 13.0916C 3.63162 27.9908 -5.42258 49.5861 3.34842 61.3258L 90.8104 178.381L 149.852 203.797C 150.439 204.122 151.058 204.39 151.711 204.597L 174.419 214.372zM 158.232 181.023C 155.952 181.481 153.64 182.48 151.538 184.051C 149.436 185.621 147.825 187.551 146.74 189.603L 102.331 169.48C 105.65 164.302 115.125 148.941 112.118 133.419C 126.884 139.25 143.386 133.195 149.803 128.403L 150.628 129.51L 158.232 181.023zM 21.0462 63.5533C 24.0521 54.5226 31.6863 44.4386 42.6531 36.2443C 52.3519 28.9967 62.7371 24.6564 71.5897 23.5247L 82.6707 38.3831C 73.6307 39.3356 62.8729 43.7332 52.8548 51.2184C 42.2669 59.1292 34.7547 68.8092 31.5394 77.5968L 21.0462 63.5533zM 146.584 124.089C 137.473 131.992 113.541 130.795 108.607 125.38L 59.3895 59.5085C 59.5516 59.3849 59.7024 59.255 59.8675 59.132C 69.5184 51.9207 79.8494 47.59 88.6732 46.4318L 146.584 124.089zM 55.577 62.6051L 104.676 128.317C 104.676 128.317 112.169 147.503 97.7293 166.182L 38.2254 86.546C 40.8001 78.7228 46.8743 70.1121 55.577 62.6051zM 30.5311 22.4044C 39.742 15.5231 57.1893 10.151 65.0433 15.547C 56.0887 16.5885 45.5071 20.9583 35.6404 28.3307C 25.181 36.1458 17.7288 45.6857 14.449 54.3875C 9.95444 44.9362 20.7142 29.7399 30.5311 22.4044z\"\n\
87 id=\"path114\" />\n\
88 </g>\n\
89 </g>\n\
90 </g>\n\
91 </svg>";