Fix code that outputs the usage information following a command
[jnode-mirror.git] /
1 #!/bin/sh
2 DIR=`dirname $0`
3 DIR=`cd $DIR; pwd;`
5 # Belt and braces classpath to get the most recent version
6 # of the 'configure' classes that we can find.
7 CP=$DIR/builder/build/classes:\
8 $DIR/all/build/descriptors/jnode-configure.jar:\
9 $DIR/builder/lib/jnode-configure-dist.jar:\
10 $DIR/shell/lib/nanoxml-2.2.3.jar
12 if [ $# = 0 ] ; then
13 java -cp $CP org.jnode.configure.Configure $DIR/all/conf-source/script.xml
14 else
15 java -cp $CP org.jnode.configure.Configure "$@"