[2.26] branch zenity
[jhbuild/xnox.git] / jhbuild / moduleset.py
1 # jhbuild - a build script for GNOME 1.x and 2.x
2 # Copyright (C) 2001-2006 James Henstridge
4 # moduleset.py: logic for running the build.
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 from __future__ import generators
22 import os
23 import sys
24 import urlparse
25 import logging
27 from jhbuild.errors import UsageError, FatalError, DependencyCycleError, CommandError
29 try:
30 import xml.dom.minidom
31 except ImportError:
32 raise FatalError(_('Python xml packages are required but could not be found'))
34 from jhbuild import modtypes
35 from jhbuild.versioncontrol import get_repo_type
36 from jhbuild.utils import httpcache
37 from jhbuild.utils.cmds import get_output
39 __all__ = ['load', 'load_tests']
41 class ModuleSet:
42 def __init__(self, config = None):
43 self.config = config
44 self.modules = {}
45 def add(self, module):
46 '''add a Module object to this set of modules'''
47 self.modules[module.name] = module
49 def get_module(self, module_name, ignore_case = False):
50 if self.modules.has_key(module_name) or not ignore_case:
51 return self.modules[module_name]
52 module_name = module_name.lower()
53 for module in self.modules.keys():
54 if module.lower() == module_name:
55 if self.config is None or not self.config.quiet_mode:
56 logging.info(_('fixed case of module \'%(orig)s\' to \'%(new)s\'') % {
57 'orig': module_name, 'new': module})
58 return self.modules[module]
59 raise KeyError(module_name)
61 def get_module_list(self, seed, skip=[], tags=[], ignore_cycles=False,
62 ignore_suggests=False, include_optional_modules=False,
63 ignore_missing=False):
64 '''gets a list of module objects (in correct dependency order)
65 needed to build the modules in the seed list'''
67 if seed == 'all': seed = self.modules.keys()
68 try:
69 all_modules = [self.get_module(mod, ignore_case = True) for mod in seed if mod not in skip]
70 except KeyError, e:
71 raise UsageError(_('module "%s" not found') % e)
73 asked_modules = all_modules[:]
75 # 1st: get all modules that will be needed
76 # note this is only needed to skip "after" modules that would not
77 # otherwise be built
78 i = 0
79 while i < len(all_modules):
80 for modname in all_modules[i].dependencies:
81 depmod = self.modules.get(modname)
82 if not depmod:
83 if not ignore_missing:
84 raise UsageError(_(
85 '%(module)s has a dependency on unknown "%(invalid)s" module') % {
86 'module': all_modules[i].name,
87 'invalid': modname})
88 del all_modules[i]
89 continue
90 if not depmod in all_modules:
91 all_modules.append(depmod)
93 if not ignore_suggests:
94 # suggests can be ignored if not in moduleset
95 for modname in all_modules[i].suggests:
96 depmod = self.modules.get(modname)
97 if not depmod:
98 continue
99 if not depmod in all_modules:
100 all_modules.append(depmod)
101 i += 1
103 # 2nd: order them, raise an exception on hard dependency cycle, ignore
104 # them for soft dependencies
105 self._ordered = []
106 self._state = {}
108 for modname in skip:
109 # mark skipped modules as already processed
110 self._state[self.modules.get(modname)] = 'processed'
112 if tags:
113 for modname in self.modules:
114 for tag in tags:
115 if tag in self.modules[modname].tags:
116 break
117 else:
118 # no tag matched, mark module as processed
119 self._state[self.modules[modname]] = 'processed'
121 def order(modules, module, mode = 'dependencies'):
122 if self._state.get(module, 'clean') == 'processed':
123 # already seen
124 return
125 if self._state.get(module, 'clean') == 'in-progress':
126 # dependency circle, abort when processing hard dependencies
127 if not ignore_cycles:
128 raise DependencyCycleError()
129 else:
130 self._state[module] = 'in-progress'
131 return
132 self._state[module] = 'in-progress'
133 for modname in module.dependencies:
134 depmod = self.modules[modname]
135 order([self.modules[x] for x in depmod.dependencies], depmod, 'dependencies')
136 if not ignore_suggests:
137 for modname in module.suggests:
138 depmod = self.modules.get(modname)
139 if not depmod:
140 continue
141 save_state, save_ordered = self._state.copy(), self._ordered[:]
142 try:
143 order([self.modules[x] for x in depmod.dependencies], depmod, 'suggests')
144 except DependencyCycleError:
145 self._state, self._ordered = save_state, save_ordered
147 extra_afters = []
148 for modname in module.after:
149 depmod = self.modules.get(modname)
150 if not depmod:
151 # this module doesn't exist, skip.
152 continue
153 if not depmod in all_modules and not include_optional_modules:
154 # skip modules that would not be built otherwise
155 # (build_optional_modules being the argument to force them
156 # to be included nevertheless)
158 if not depmod.dependencies:
159 # depmod itself has no dependencies, skip.
160 continue
162 # more expensive, if depmod has dependencies, compute its
163 # full list of hard dependencies, getting it into
164 # extra_afters, so they are also evaluated.
165 # <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546640>
166 t_ms = ModuleSet(self.config)
167 t_ms.modules = self.modules.copy()
168 dep_modules = t_ms.get_module_list(seed=[depmod.name])
169 for m in dep_modules[:-1]:
170 if m in all_modules:
171 extra_afters.append(m)
172 continue
173 save_state, save_ordered = self._state.copy(), self._ordered[:]
174 try:
175 order([self.modules[x] for x in depmod.dependencies], depmod, 'after')
176 except DependencyCycleError:
177 self._state, self._ordered = save_state, save_ordered
178 for depmod in extra_afters:
179 save_state, save_ordered = self._state.copy(), self._ordered[:]
180 try:
181 order([self.modules[x] for x in depmod.dependencies], depmod, 'after')
182 except DependencyCycleError:
183 self._state, self._ordered = save_state, save_ordered
184 self._state[module] = 'processed'
185 self._ordered.append(module)
187 for i, module in enumerate(all_modules):
188 order([], module)
189 if i+1 == len(asked_modules):
190 break
192 ordered = self._ordered[:]
193 del self._ordered
194 del self._state
195 return ordered
197 def get_full_module_list(self, skip=[], ignore_cycles=False):
198 return self.get_module_list(self.modules.keys(), skip=skip,
199 ignore_cycles=ignore_cycles, ignore_missing=True)
201 def get_test_module_list (self, seed, skip=[]):
202 test_modules = []
203 if seed == []:
204 return
205 for mod in self.modules.values():
206 for test_app in seed:
207 if test_app in mod.tested_pkgs:
208 test_modules.append(mod)
209 return test_modules
211 def write_dot(self, modules=None, fp=sys.stdout, suggests=False, clusters=False):
212 from jhbuild.modtypes import MetaModule
213 from jhbuild.modtypes.autotools import AutogenModule
214 from jhbuild.versioncontrol.tarball import TarballBranch
216 if modules is None:
217 modules = self.modules.keys()
218 inlist = {}
219 for module in modules:
220 inlist[module] = None
222 fp.write('digraph "G" {\n'
223 ' fontsize = 8;\n'
224 ' ratio = auto;\n')
225 while modules:
226 modname = modules[0]
227 try:
228 mod = self.modules[modname]
229 except KeyError:
230 logging.warning(_('Unknown module:') + ' '+ modname)
231 del modules[0]
232 continue
233 if isinstance(mod, MetaModule):
234 attrs = '[color="lightcoral",style="filled",' \
235 'label="%s"]' % mod.name
236 else:
237 label = mod.name
238 color = 'lightskyblue'
239 if mod.branch.branchname:
240 label += '\\n(%s)' % mod.branch.branchname
241 if isinstance(mod.branch, TarballBranch):
242 color = 'lightgoldenrod'
243 attrs = '[color="%s",style="filled",label="%s"]' % (color, label)
244 fp.write(' "%s" %s;\n' % (modname, attrs))
245 del modules[0]
247 for dep in self.modules[modname].dependencies:
248 fp.write(' "%s" -> "%s";\n' % (modname, dep))
249 if not inlist.has_key(dep):
250 modules.append(dep)
251 inlist[dep] = None
253 if suggests:
254 for dep in self.modules[modname].after + self.modules[modname].suggests:
255 if self.modules.has_key(dep):
256 fp.write(' "%s" -> "%s" [style=dotted];\n' % (modname, dep))
257 if not inlist.has_key(dep):
258 modules.append(dep)
259 inlist[dep] = None
261 if clusters:
262 # create clusters for MetaModules
263 for modname in inlist.keys():
264 mod = self.modules.get(modname)
265 if isinstance(mod, MetaModule):
266 fp.write(' subgraph "cluster_%s" {\n' % mod.name)
267 fp.write(' label="%s";\n' % mod.name)
268 fp.write(' style="filled";bgcolor="honeydew2";\n')
270 for dep in mod.dependencies:
271 fp.write(' "%s";\n' % dep)
272 fp.write(' }\n')
274 fp.write('}\n')
276 def load(config, uri=None):
277 if uri is not None:
278 modulesets = [ uri ]
279 elif type(config.moduleset) in (list, tuple):
280 modulesets = config.moduleset
281 else:
282 modulesets = [ config.moduleset ]
283 ms = ModuleSet(config = config)
284 for uri in modulesets:
285 if '/' not in uri:
286 if config.modulesets_dir and config.nonetwork or config.use_local_modulesets:
287 uri = os.path.join(config.modulesets_dir, uri + '.modules')
288 else:
289 uri = 'http://git.gnome.org/cgit/jhbuild/plain/modulesets/%s.modules' % uri
290 try:
291 ms.modules.update(_parse_module_set(config, uri).modules)
292 except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, e:
293 raise FatalError(_('failed to parse %s: %s') % (uri, e))
294 return ms
296 def load_tests (config, uri=None):
297 ms = load (config, uri)
298 ms_tests = ModuleSet(config = config)
299 for app, module in ms.modules.iteritems():
300 if module.__class__ == testmodule.TestModule:
301 ms_tests.modules[app] = module
302 return ms_tests
304 def _child_elements(parent):
305 for node in parent.childNodes:
306 if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
307 yield node
309 def _child_elements_matching(parent, names):
310 for node in parent.childNodes:
311 if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.nodeName in names:
312 yield node
314 def _parse_module_set(config, uri):
315 try:
316 filename = httpcache.load(uri, nonetwork=config.nonetwork, age=0)
317 except Exception, e:
318 raise FatalError(_('could not download %s: %s') % (uri, e))
319 filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
320 try:
321 document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)
322 except IOError, e:
323 raise FatalError(_('failed to parse %s: %s') % (filename, e))
325 assert document.documentElement.nodeName == 'moduleset'
326 moduleset = ModuleSet(config = config)
327 moduleset_name = document.documentElement.getAttribute('name')
328 if not moduleset_name and uri.endswith('.modules'):
329 moduleset_name = os.path.basename(uri)[:-len('.modules')]
331 # load up list of repositories
332 repositories = {}
333 default_repo = None
334 for node in _child_elements_matching(
335 document.documentElement, ['repository', 'cvsroot', 'svnroot',
336 'arch-archive']):
337 name = node.getAttribute('name')
338 if node.getAttribute('default') == 'yes':
339 default_repo = name
340 if node.nodeName == 'repository':
341 repo_type = node.getAttribute('type')
342 repo_class = get_repo_type(repo_type)
343 kws = {}
344 for attr in repo_class.init_xml_attrs:
345 if node.hasAttribute(attr):
346 kws[attr.replace('-', '_')] = node.getAttribute(attr)
347 repositories[name] = repo_class(config, name, **kws)
348 repositories[name].moduleset_uri = uri
349 mirrors = {}
350 for mirror in _child_elements_matching(node, ['mirror']):
351 mirror_type = mirror.getAttribute('type')
352 mirror_class = get_repo_type(mirror_type)
353 kws = {}
354 for attr in mirror_class.init_xml_attrs:
355 if mirror.hasAttribute(attr):
356 kws[attr.replace('-','_')] = mirror.getAttribute(attr)
357 mirrors[mirror_type] = mirror_class(config, name, **kws)
358 #mirrors[mirror_type].moduleset_uri = uri
359 setattr(repositories[name], "mirrors", mirrors)
360 if node.nodeName == 'cvsroot':
361 cvsroot = node.getAttribute('root')
362 if node.hasAttribute('password'):
363 password = node.getAttribute('password')
364 else:
365 password = None
366 repo_type = get_repo_type('cvs')
367 repositories[name] = repo_type(config, name,
368 cvsroot=cvsroot, password=password)
369 elif node.nodeName == 'svnroot':
370 svnroot = node.getAttribute('href')
371 repo_type = get_repo_type('svn')
372 repositories[name] = repo_type(config, name, href=svnroot)
373 elif node.nodeName == 'arch-archive':
374 archive_uri = node.getAttribute('href')
375 repo_type = get_repo_type('arch')
376 repositories[name] = repo_type(config, name,
377 archive=name, href=archive_uri)
379 # and now module definitions
380 for node in _child_elements(document.documentElement):
381 if node.nodeName == 'include':
382 href = node.getAttribute('href')
383 inc_uri = urlparse.urljoin(uri, href)
384 try:
385 inc_moduleset = _parse_module_set(config, inc_uri)
386 except FatalError, e:
387 if inc_uri[0] == '/':
388 raise e
389 # look up in local modulesets
390 inc_uri = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'modulesets',
391 href)
392 inc_moduleset = _parse_module_set(config, inc_uri)
394 moduleset.modules.update(inc_moduleset.modules)
395 elif node.nodeName in ['repository', 'cvsroot', 'svnroot',
396 'arch-archive']:
397 pass
398 else:
399 module = modtypes.parse_xml_node(node, config, uri,
400 repositories, default_repo)
401 if moduleset_name:
402 module.tags.append(moduleset_name)
403 module.moduleset_name = moduleset_name
404 module.config = config
405 moduleset.add(module)
407 return moduleset
409 def warn_local_modulesets(config):
410 if config.use_local_modulesets:
411 return
413 moduleset_local_path = os.path.join(SRCDIR, 'modulesets')
414 if not os.path.exists(moduleset_local_path):
415 # moduleset-less checkout
416 return
418 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(moduleset_local_path, '..', '.git')):
419 # checkout was not done via git
420 return
422 if type(config.moduleset) == type([]):
423 modulesets = config.moduleset
424 else:
425 modulesets = [ config.moduleset ]
427 if not [x for x in modulesets if x.find('/') == -1]:
428 # all modulesets have a slash; they are URI
429 return
431 try:
432 git_diff = get_output(['git', 'diff', 'origin/master', '--', '.'],
433 cwd=moduleset_local_path).strip()
434 except CommandError:
435 # git error, ignore
436 return
438 if not git_diff:
439 # no locally modified moduleset
440 return
442 logging.info(
443 _('Modulesets were edited locally but JHBuild is configured '\
444 'to get them from the network, perhaps you need to add '\
445 'use_local_modulesets = True to your .jhbuildrc.'))