8 PATCHES = $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/patches/*.patch)
9 SOURCES = $(shell find $(top_srcdir)/jhbuild/ -name '*.py' -or -name '*.glade') jhbuild/defaults.jhbuildrc
10 MODULE_SETS = $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/modulesets/*.modules) modulesets/moduleset.dtd
17 EXTRA_DIST = gnome-doc-utils.make $(PATCHES) $(SOURCES) $(MODULE_SETS) \
18 scripts/hg-update.py Makefile.plain install-check.c \
19 po/Makefile.plain $(INTLTOOL)
26 # those won't be executed by make distcheck, it is necessary as they build
27 # in source tree and do install to ~/bin/
29 if [ z"$(srcdir)" = z"." ]; then \
30 $(MAKE) -f Makefile.plain; \
34 if [ z"$(srcdir)" = z"." ]; then \
35 $(MAKE) -f Makefile.plain install \
37 datarootdir="$(datarootdir)"; \