Add support for internal session files
[jack2.git] / waflib /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # encoding: utf-8
3 # Thomas Nagy, 2005-2010 (ita)
5 """
6 Utilities and platform-specific fixes
8 The portability fixes try to provide a consistent behavior of the Waf API
9 through Python versions 2.3 to 3.X and across different platforms (win32, linux, etc)
10 """
12 import os, sys, errno, traceback, inspect, re, shutil, datetime, gc, platform
13 import subprocess # <- leave this!
15 from collections import deque, defaultdict
17 try:
18 import _winreg as winreg
19 except ImportError:
20 try:
21 import winreg
22 except ImportError:
23 winreg = None
25 from waflib import Errors
27 try:
28 from collections import UserDict
29 except ImportError:
30 from UserDict import UserDict
32 try:
33 from hashlib import md5
34 except ImportError:
35 try:
36 from md5 import md5
37 except ImportError:
38 # never fail to enable fixes from another module
39 pass
41 try:
42 import threading
43 except ImportError:
44 if not 'JOBS' in os.environ:
45 # no threading :-(
46 os.environ['JOBS'] = '1'
48 class threading(object):
49 """
50 A fake threading class for platforms lacking the threading module.
51 Use ``waf -j1`` on those platforms
52 """
53 pass
54 class Lock(object):
55 """Fake Lock class"""
56 def acquire(self):
57 pass
58 def release(self):
59 pass
60 threading.Lock = threading.Thread = Lock
61 else:
62 run_old =
63 def run(*args, **kwargs):
64 try:
65 run_old(*args, **kwargs)
66 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
67 raise
68 except Exception:
69 sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
70 = run
72 SIG_NIL = 'iluvcuteoverload'.encode()
73 """Arbitrary null value for a md5 hash. This value must be changed when the hash value is replaced (size)"""
75 O644 = 420
76 """Constant representing the permissions for regular files (0644 raises a syntax error on python 3)"""
78 O755 = 493
79 """Constant representing the permissions for executable files (0755 raises a syntax error on python 3)"""
81 rot_chr = ['\\', '|', '/', '-']
82 "List of characters to use when displaying the throbber (progress bar)"
84 rot_idx = 0
85 "Index of the current throbber character (progress bar)"
87 try:
88 from collections import OrderedDict as ordered_iter_dict
89 except ImportError:
90 class ordered_iter_dict(dict):
91 def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
92 self.lst = []
93 dict.__init__(self, *k, **kw)
94 def clear(self):
95 dict.clear(self)
96 self.lst = []
97 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
98 dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
99 try:
100 self.lst.remove(key)
101 except ValueError:
102 pass
103 self.lst.append(key)
104 def __delitem__(self, key):
105 dict.__delitem__(self, key)
106 try:
107 self.lst.remove(key)
108 except ValueError:
109 pass
110 def __iter__(self):
111 for x in self.lst:
112 yield x
113 def keys(self):
114 return self.lst
116 is_win32 = os.sep == '\\' or sys.platform == 'win32' # msys2
118 def readf(fname, m='r', encoding='ISO8859-1'):
120 Read an entire file into a string, use this function instead of whenever possible.
122 In practice the wrapper should be preferred to this function::
124 def build(ctx):
125 from waflib import Utils
126 txt = Utils.readf(self.path.find_node('wscript').abspath())
127 txt = ctx.path.find_node('wscript').read()
129 :type fname: string
130 :param fname: Path to file
131 :type m: string
132 :param m: Open mode
133 :type encoding: string
134 :param encoding: encoding value, only used for python 3
135 :rtype: string
136 :return: Content of the file
139 if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
140 m += 'b'
141 f = open(fname, m)
142 try:
143 txt =
144 finally:
145 f.close()
146 if encoding:
147 txt = txt.decode(encoding)
148 else:
149 txt = txt.decode()
150 else:
151 f = open(fname, m)
152 try:
153 txt =
154 finally:
155 f.close()
156 return txt
158 def writef(fname, data, m='w', encoding='ISO8859-1'):
160 Write an entire file from a string, use this function instead of whenever possible.
162 In practice the wrapper node.write(..) should be preferred to this function::
164 def build(ctx):
165 from waflib import Utils
166 txt = Utils.writef(self.path.make_node('i_like_kittens').abspath(), 'some data')
167 self.path.make_node('i_like_kittens').write('some data')
169 :type fname: string
170 :param fname: Path to file
171 :type data: string
172 :param data: The contents to write to the file
173 :type m: string
174 :param m: Open mode
175 :type encoding: string
176 :param encoding: encoding value, only used for python 3
178 if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
179 data = data.encode(encoding)
180 m += 'b'
181 f = open(fname, m)
182 try:
183 f.write(data)
184 finally:
185 f.close()
187 def h_file(fname):
189 Compute a hash value for a file by using md5. This method may be replaced by
190 a faster version if necessary. The following uses the file size and the timestamp value::
192 import stat
193 from waflib import Utils
194 def h_file(fname):
195 st = os.stat(fname)
196 if stat.S_ISDIR(st[stat.ST_MODE]): raise IOError('not a file')
197 m = Utils.md5()
198 m.update(str(st.st_mtime))
199 m.update(str(st.st_size))
200 m.update(fname)
201 return m.digest()
202 Utils.h_file = h_file
204 :type fname: string
205 :param fname: path to the file to hash
206 :return: hash of the file contents
208 f = open(fname, 'rb')
209 m = md5()
210 try:
211 while fname:
212 fname =
213 m.update(fname)
214 finally:
215 f.close()
216 return m.digest()
218 def readf_win32(f, m='r', encoding='ISO8859-1'):
219 flags = os.O_NOINHERIT | os.O_RDONLY
220 if 'b' in m:
221 flags |= os.O_BINARY
222 if '+' in m:
223 flags |= os.O_RDWR
224 try:
225 fd =, flags)
226 except OSError:
227 raise IOError('Cannot read from %r' % f)
229 if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
230 m += 'b'
231 f = os.fdopen(fd, m)
232 try:
233 txt =
234 finally:
235 f.close()
236 if encoding:
237 txt = txt.decode(encoding)
238 else:
239 txt = txt.decode()
240 else:
241 f = os.fdopen(fd, m)
242 try:
243 txt =
244 finally:
245 f.close()
246 return txt
248 def writef_win32(f, data, m='w', encoding='ISO8859-1'):
249 if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
250 data = data.encode(encoding)
251 m += 'b'
252 flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_NOINHERIT
253 if 'b' in m:
254 flags |= os.O_BINARY
255 if '+' in m:
256 flags |= os.O_RDWR
257 try:
258 fd =, flags)
259 except OSError:
260 raise IOError('Cannot write to %r' % f)
261 f = os.fdopen(fd, m)
262 try:
263 f.write(data)
264 finally:
265 f.close()
267 def h_file_win32(fname):
268 try:
269 fd =, os.O_BINARY | os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NOINHERIT)
270 except OSError:
271 raise IOError('Cannot read from %r' % fname)
272 f = os.fdopen(fd, 'rb')
273 m = md5()
274 try:
275 while fname:
276 fname =
277 m.update(fname)
278 finally:
279 f.close()
280 return m.digest()
282 # always save these
283 readf_unix = readf
284 writef_unix = writef
285 h_file_unix = h_file
286 if hasattr(os, 'O_NOINHERIT') and sys.hexversion < 0x3040000:
287 # replace the default functions
288 readf = readf_win32
289 writef = writef_win32
290 h_file = h_file_win32
292 try:
293 x = ''.encode('hex')
294 except LookupError:
295 import binascii
296 def to_hex(s):
297 ret = binascii.hexlify(s)
298 if not isinstance(ret, str):
299 ret = ret.decode('utf-8')
300 return ret
301 else:
302 def to_hex(s):
303 return s.encode('hex')
305 to_hex.__doc__ = """
306 Return the hexadecimal representation of a string
308 :param s: string to convert
309 :type s: string
312 def listdir_win32(s):
314 List the contents of a folder in a portable manner.
315 On Win32, return the list of drive letters: ['C:', 'X:', 'Z:']
317 :type s: string
318 :param s: a string, which can be empty on Windows
320 if not s:
321 try:
322 import ctypes
323 except ImportError:
324 # there is nothing much we can do
325 return [x + ':\\' for x in list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')]
326 else:
327 dlen = 4 # length of "?:\\x00"
328 maxdrives = 26
329 buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(maxdrives * dlen)
330 ndrives = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLogicalDriveStringsA(maxdrives*dlen, ctypes.byref(buf))
331 return [ str(buf.raw[4*i:4*i+2].decode('ascii')) for i in range(int(ndrives/dlen)) ]
333 if len(s) == 2 and s[1] == ":":
334 s += os.sep
336 if not os.path.isdir(s):
337 e = OSError('%s is not a directory' % s)
338 e.errno = errno.ENOENT
339 raise e
340 return os.listdir(s)
342 listdir = os.listdir
343 if is_win32:
344 listdir = listdir_win32
346 def num2ver(ver):
348 Convert a string, tuple or version number into an integer. The number is supposed to have at most 4 digits::
350 from waflib.Utils import num2ver
351 num2ver('1.3.2') == num2ver((1,3,2)) == num2ver((1,3,2,0))
353 :type ver: string or tuple of numbers
354 :param ver: a version number
356 if isinstance(ver, str):
357 ver = tuple(ver.split('.'))
358 if isinstance(ver, tuple):
359 ret = 0
360 for i in range(4):
361 if i < len(ver):
362 ret += 256**(3 - i) * int(ver[i])
363 return ret
364 return ver
366 def ex_stack():
368 Extract the stack to display exceptions
370 :return: a string represening the last exception
372 exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
373 exc_lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
374 return ''.join(exc_lines)
376 def to_list(sth):
378 Convert a string argument to a list by splitting on spaces, and pass
379 through a list argument unchanged::
381 from waflib.Utils import to_list
382 lst = to_list("a b c d")
384 :param sth: List or a string of items separated by spaces
385 :rtype: list
386 :return: Argument converted to list
389 if isinstance(sth, str):
390 return sth.split()
391 else:
392 return sth
394 def split_path_unix(path):
395 return path.split('/')
397 def split_path_cygwin(path):
398 if path.startswith('//'):
399 ret = path.split('/')[2:]
400 ret[0] = '/' + ret[0]
401 return ret
402 return path.split('/')
404 re_sp = re.compile('[/\\\\]')
405 def split_path_win32(path):
406 if path.startswith('\\\\'):
407 ret = re.split(re_sp, path)[2:]
408 ret[0] = '\\' + ret[0]
409 return ret
410 return re.split(re_sp, path)
412 msysroot = None
413 def split_path_msys(path):
414 if (path.startswith('/') or path.startswith('\\')) and not path.startswith('//') and not path.startswith('\\\\'):
415 # msys paths can be in the form /usr/bin
416 global msysroot
417 if not msysroot:
418 # msys has python 2.7 or 3, so we can use this
419 msysroot = subprocess.check_output(['cygpath', '-w', '/']).decode(sys.stdout.encoding or 'iso8859-1')
420 msysroot = msysroot.strip()
421 path = os.path.normpath(msysroot + os.sep + path)
422 return split_path_win32(path)
424 if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
425 split_path = split_path_cygwin
426 elif is_win32:
427 if os.environ.get('MSYSTEM', None):
428 split_path = split_path_msys
429 else:
430 split_path = split_path_win32
431 else:
432 split_path = split_path_unix
434 split_path.__doc__ = """
435 Split a path by / or \\. This function is not like os.path.split
437 :type path: string
438 :param path: path to split
439 :return: list of strings
442 def check_dir(path):
444 Ensure that a directory exists (similar to ``mkdir -p``).
446 :type path: string
447 :param path: Path to directory
449 if not os.path.isdir(path):
450 try:
451 os.makedirs(path)
452 except OSError as e:
453 if not os.path.isdir(path):
454 raise Errors.WafError('Cannot create the folder %r' % path, ex=e)
456 def check_exe(name, env=None):
458 Ensure that a program exists
460 :type name: string
461 :param name: name or path to program
462 :return: path of the program or None
464 if not name:
465 raise ValueError('Cannot execute an empty string!')
466 def is_exe(fpath):
467 return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
469 fpath, fname = os.path.split(name)
470 if fpath and is_exe(name):
471 return os.path.abspath(name)
472 else:
473 env = env or os.environ
474 for path in env["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
475 path = path.strip('"')
476 exe_file = os.path.join(path, name)
477 if is_exe(exe_file):
478 return os.path.abspath(exe_file)
479 return None
481 def def_attrs(cls, **kw):
483 Set default attributes on a class instance
485 :type cls: class
486 :param cls: the class to update the given attributes in.
487 :type kw: dict
488 :param kw: dictionary of attributes names and values.
490 for k, v in kw.items():
491 if not hasattr(cls, k):
492 setattr(cls, k, v)
494 def quote_define_name(s):
496 Convert a string to an identifier suitable for C defines.
498 :type s: string
499 :param s: String to convert
500 :rtype: string
501 :return: Identifier suitable for C defines
503 fu = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', s)
504 fu = re.sub('_+', '_', fu)
505 fu = fu.upper()
506 return fu
508 def h_list(lst):
510 Hash lists. For tuples, using hash(tup) is much more efficient,
511 except on python >= 3.3 where hash randomization assumes everybody is running a web application.
513 :param lst: list to hash
514 :type lst: list of strings
515 :return: hash of the list
517 m = md5()
518 m.update(str(lst).encode())
519 return m.digest()
521 def h_fun(fun):
523 Hash functions
525 :param fun: function to hash
526 :type fun: function
527 :return: hash of the function
529 try:
530 return fun.code
531 except AttributeError:
532 try:
533 h = inspect.getsource(fun)
534 except IOError:
535 h = "nocode"
536 try:
537 fun.code = h
538 except AttributeError:
539 pass
540 return h
542 def h_cmd(ins):
544 Task command hashes are calculated by calling this function. The inputs can be
545 strings, functions, tuples/lists containing strings/functions
547 # this function is not meant to be particularly fast
548 if isinstance(ins, str):
549 # a command is either a string
550 ret = ins
551 elif isinstance(ins, list) or isinstance(ins, tuple):
552 # or a list of functions/strings
553 ret = str([h_cmd(x) for x in ins])
554 else:
555 # or just a python function
556 ret = str(h_fun(ins))
557 if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000:
558 ret = ret.encode('iso8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
559 return ret
561 reg_subst = re.compile(r"(\\\\)|(\$\$)|\$\{([^}]+)\}")
562 def subst_vars(expr, params):
564 Replace ${VAR} with the value of VAR taken from a dict or a config set::
566 from waflib import Utils
567 s = Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/bin', env)
569 :type expr: string
570 :param expr: String to perform substitution on
571 :param params: Dictionary or config set to look up variable values.
573 def repl_var(m):
574 if
575 return '\\'
576 if
577 return '$'
578 try:
579 # ConfigSet instances may contain lists
580 return params.get_flat(
581 except AttributeError:
582 return params[]
583 # if you get a TypeError, it means that 'expr' is not a string...
584 # Utils.subst_vars(None, env) will not work
585 return reg_subst.sub(repl_var, expr)
587 def destos_to_binfmt(key):
589 Return the binary format based on the unversioned platform name.
591 :param key: platform name
592 :type key: string
593 :return: string representing the binary format
595 if key == 'darwin':
596 return 'mac-o'
597 elif key in ('win32', 'cygwin', 'uwin', 'msys'):
598 return 'pe'
599 return 'elf'
601 def unversioned_sys_platform():
603 Return the unversioned platform name.
604 Some Python platform names contain versions, that depend on
605 the build environment, e.g. linux2, freebsd6, etc.
606 This returns the name without the version number. Exceptions are
607 os2 and win32, which are returned verbatim.
609 :rtype: string
610 :return: Unversioned platform name
612 s = sys.platform
613 if s.startswith('java'):
614 # The real OS is hidden under the JVM.
615 from java.lang import System
616 s = System.getProperty('')
617 # see for a list of possible values
618 if s == 'Mac OS X':
619 return 'darwin'
620 elif s.startswith('Windows '):
621 return 'win32'
622 elif s == 'OS/2':
623 return 'os2'
624 elif s == 'HP-UX':
625 return 'hp-ux'
626 elif s in ('SunOS', 'Solaris'):
627 return 'sunos'
628 else: s = s.lower()
630 # powerpc == darwin for our purposes
631 if s == 'powerpc':
632 return 'darwin'
633 if s == 'win32' or s == 'os2':
634 return s
635 if s == 'cli' and == 'nt':
636 # ironpython is only on windows as far as we know
637 return 'win32'
638 return re.split('\d+$', s)[0]
640 def nada(*k, **kw):
642 A function that does nothing
644 :return: None
646 pass
648 class Timer(object):
650 Simple object for timing the execution of commands.
651 Its string representation is the current time::
653 from waflib.Utils import Timer
654 timer = Timer()
655 a_few_operations()
656 s = str(timer)
658 def __init__(self):
659 self.start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
661 def __str__(self):
662 delta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - self.start_time
663 days = delta.days
664 hours, rem = divmod(delta.seconds, 3600)
665 minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60)
666 seconds += delta.microseconds * 1e-6
667 result = ''
668 if days:
669 result += '%dd' % days
670 if days or hours:
671 result += '%dh' % hours
672 if days or hours or minutes:
673 result += '%dm' % minutes
674 return '%s%.3fs' % (result, seconds)
676 if is_win32:
677 old = shutil.copy2
678 def copy2(src, dst):
680 shutil.copy2 does not copy the file attributes on windows, so we
681 hack into the shutil module to fix the problem
683 old(src, dst)
684 shutil.copystat(src, dst)
685 setattr(shutil, 'copy2', copy2)
687 if == 'java':
688 # Jython cannot disable the gc but they can enable it ... wtf?
689 try:
690 gc.disable()
691 gc.enable()
692 except NotImplementedError:
693 gc.disable = gc.enable
695 def read_la_file(path):
697 Read property files, used by
699 :param path: file to read
700 :type path: string
702 sp = re.compile(r'^([^=]+)=\'(.*)\'$')
703 dc = {}
704 for line in readf(path).splitlines():
705 try:
706 _, left, right, _ = sp.split(line.strip())
707 dc[left] = right
708 except ValueError:
709 pass
710 return dc
712 def nogc(fun):
714 Decorator: let a function disable the garbage collector during its execution.
715 It is used in the build context when storing/loading the build cache file (pickle)
717 :param fun: function to execute
718 :type fun: function
719 :return: the return value of the function executed
721 def f(*k, **kw):
722 try:
723 gc.disable()
724 ret = fun(*k, **kw)
725 finally:
726 gc.enable()
727 return ret
728 f.__doc__ = fun.__doc__
729 return f
731 def run_once(fun):
733 Decorator: let a function cache its results, use like this::
735 @run_once
736 def foo(k):
737 return 345*2343
739 :param fun: function to execute
740 :type fun: function
741 :return: the return value of the function executed
743 cache = {}
744 def wrap(k):
745 try:
746 return cache[k]
747 except KeyError:
748 ret = fun(k)
749 cache[k] = ret
750 return ret
751 wrap.__cache__ = cache
752 wrap.__name__ = fun.__name__
753 return wrap
755 def get_registry_app_path(key, filename):
756 if not winreg:
757 return None
758 try:
759 result = winreg.QueryValue(key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\%s.exe" % filename[0])
760 except WindowsError:
761 pass
762 else:
763 if os.path.isfile(result):
764 return result
766 def lib64():
767 # default settings for /usr/lib
768 if os.sep == '/':
769 if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
770 if os.path.exists('/usr/lib64') and not os.path.exists('/usr/lib32'):
771 return '64'
772 return ''
774 def sane_path(p):
775 # private function for the time being!
776 return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))