iv.nanovega: some code cleanup; one new context property
[iv.d.git] / sq3.d
1 /* Invisible Vector Library
2 * coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <ketmar@ketmar.no-ip.org>
3 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 // sqlite3 helpers
19 module iv.sq3 /*is aliced*/;
20 pragma(lib, "sqlite3");
22 import iv.alice;
24 import etc.c.sqlite3;
25 import std.traits;
26 import std.range.primitives;
29 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 mixin(NewExceptionClass!("SQLiteException", "Exception"));
32 class SQLiteErr : SQLiteException {
33 int code;
35 this (int rc, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__, Throwable next=null) @trusted nothrow {
36 //import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf;
37 //fprintf(stderr, "SQLITE ERROR: %s\n", sqlite3_errstr(rc));
38 import std.exception : assumeUnique;
39 import std.string : fromStringz;
40 code = rc;
41 super(sqlite3_errstr(rc).fromStringz.assumeUnique, file, line, next);
46 private void sqcheck (int rc, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__) {
47 //pragma(inline, true);
48 if (rc != SQLITE_OK) throw new SQLiteErr(rc, file, line);
52 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
53 shared static this () {
54 if (sqlite3_initialize() != SQLITE_OK) throw new Error("can't initialize SQLite");
57 shared static ~this () {
58 sqlite3_shutdown();
62 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 struct Database {
64 private:
65 sqlite3* db;
67 public:
68 @disable this (this); // no copy!
70 this (const(char)[] name, const(char)[] schema=null) { open(name, schema); }
71 ~this () { close(); }
73 void open (const(char)[] name, const(char)[] schema=null) {
74 close();
75 import std.internal.cstring;
76 sqcheck(sqlite3_open_v2(name.tempCString, &db, (schema !is null ? SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE|SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE : SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY), null));
77 scope(failure) { sqlite3_close_v2(db); db = null; }
78 if (schema.length) execute(schema);
81 @property bool isOpen () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return (db !is null); }
83 void close () {
84 if (db !is null) sqlite3_close_v2(db);
85 db = null;
88 ulong lastRowId () { return (db ? sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db) : 0); }
90 void execute (const(char)[] ops) {
91 if (!isOpen) throw new Exception("database is not opened");
92 foreach (/*auto*/ opstr; sqlSplit(ops)) {
93 import std.internal.cstring;
94 char* errmsg;
95 auto rc = sqlite3_exec(db, opstr.tempCString, null, null, &errmsg);
96 if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
97 import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf;
98 fprintf(stderr, "SQLITE ERROR: %s\n", errmsg);
99 sqlite3_free(errmsg);
100 sqcheck(rc);
105 DBStatement statement (const(char)[] stmtstr) {
106 if (!isOpen) throw new Exception("database is not opened");
107 return DBStatement(db, stmtstr);
110 static auto sqlSplit(T) (T text) if (isNarrowString!T) {
111 static struct StatRange {
112 T text;
113 T front;
115 this (T atext) {
116 text = atext;
117 popFront();
120 @property bool empty () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return (front is null); }
122 void popFront () {
123 front = null;
124 while (text.length) {
125 // spaces
126 if (text[0] <= ' ') { text = text[1..$]; continue; }
127 if (text[0] == ';') { text = text[1..$]; continue; }
128 // leading comments
129 if (text[0] == '/' && text.length > 1 && text[1] == '*') {
130 text = text[2..$];
131 while (text.length >= 2) {
132 if (text[0] == '*' && text[1] == '/') break;
133 text = text[1..$];
135 text = (text.length >= 2 ? text[2..$] : null);
136 continue;
138 usize pos = 0;
139 while (pos < text.length) {
140 // eos?
141 if (text[pos] == ';') {
142 front = text[0..pos];
143 text = text[pos+1..$];
144 return;
146 // string
147 if (text[pos] == '\'' || text[pos] == '"') {
148 char q = text[pos++];
149 bool wasQ = false;
150 while (pos < text.length) {
151 char ch = text[pos++];
152 if (ch == q) {
153 // check for double quote
154 if (text.length-pos == 0 || text[pos] != q) {
155 wasQ = true;
156 break;
158 ++pos;
159 continue;
162 if (!wasQ) throw new Exception("interminated string");
164 // comment
165 if (text[pos] == '/' && text.length-pos > 1 && text[pos+1] == '*') {
166 pos += 2;
167 while (text.length-pos >= 2) {
168 if (text[pos] == '*' && text[pos+1] == '/') break;
169 ++pos;
171 if (text.length-pos < 2) throw new Exception("unterminated comment");
172 continue;
174 // other
175 ++pos;
177 front = (text.length ? text : null);
178 text = null;
179 return;
183 return StatRange(text);
188 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
189 struct DBStatement {
190 public:
191 this (this) { this.incref(data); }
192 ~this () { this.decref(data); }
194 private this (sqlite3* db, const(char)[] stmtstr) {
195 if (db is null) throw new SQLiteException("database is not opened");
196 if (stmtstr.length > int.max) throw new SQLiteException("statement too big");
197 import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
198 data = cast(Data*)malloc(Data.sizeof);
199 if (data is null) {
200 import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC;
201 onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC();
203 data.refcount = 1;
204 data.rowcount = 0;
205 data.stepIndex = 0;
206 data.st = null;
207 scope(failure) DBStatement.decref(data);
208 const(char)* e;
209 sqcheck(sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmtstr.ptr, cast(int)stmtstr.length, &data.st, &e));
212 @property auto range () {
213 //if (st is null) throw new SQLiteException("statement is not prepared");
214 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't get range from busy statement");
215 return DBRowRange(this);
218 void reset () {
219 //if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't reset busy statement");
220 data.stepIndex = 0;
221 sqlite3_reset(data.st);
222 sqlite3_clear_bindings(data.st);
225 void doAll () {
226 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't doAll on busy statement");
227 scope(exit) reset();
228 for (;;) {
229 auto rc = sqlite3_step(data.st);
230 if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) break;
231 if (rc != SQLITE_ROW) sqcheck(rc);
235 ref DBStatement bind(T) (usize idx, T value) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) {
236 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
237 if (idx < 1 || idx > sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(data.st)) {
238 import std.conv : to;
239 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field index: "~to!string(idx));
241 int rc;
242 static if (isNarrowString!T) {
243 if (value.length > int.max) throw new SQLiteException("value too big");
244 static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T == immutable(char))) {
245 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(data.st, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, /*SQLITE_STATIC*/SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
246 } else {
247 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(data.st, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
249 } else static if (isIntegral!T) {
250 static if (isSigned!T) {
251 rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(data.st, idx, cast(long)value);
252 } else {
253 rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(data.st, idx, cast(ulong)value);
255 } else {
256 static assert(0, "WTF?!");
258 sqcheck(rc);
259 return this;
262 ref DBStatement bind(T) (const(char)[] name, T value) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) {
263 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
264 char[257] fldname = 0;
265 if (name.length > 255) throw new SQLiteException("field name too long");
266 if (name[0] == ':') {
267 fldname[0..name.length] = name[];
268 } else {
269 fldname[0] = ':';
270 fldname[1..name.length+1] = name[];
272 auto idx = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(data.st, fldname.ptr);
273 if (idx < 1) throw new SQLiteException("invalid field name: '"~name.idup~"'");
274 return bind!T(idx, value);
277 private:
278 struct DBRow {
279 private this (DBStatement.Data* adata) {
280 data____ = adata;
281 DBStatement.incref(data____);
282 ++data____.rowcount;
285 this (this) { DBStatement.incref(data____); ++data____.rowcount; }
287 ~this () {
288 DBStatement.decrowref(data____);
289 DBStatement.decref(data____);
292 int fieldIndex____ (const(char)[] name) {
293 if (name.length > 0) {
294 foreach (immutable int idx; 0..sqlite3_data_count(data____.st)) {
295 import core.stdc.string : memcmp, strlen;
296 auto n = sqlite3_column_name(data____.st, idx);
297 if (n !is null) {
298 auto len = strlen(n);
299 if (len == name.length && memcmp(n, name.ptr, len) == 0) return idx;
303 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field name: '"~name.idup~"'");
306 T to(T) (usize idx) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) {
307 if (data____.stepIndex == 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't get row field of completed statement");
308 if (idx >= sqlite3_data_count(data____.st)) throw new SQLiteException("invalid result index");
309 static if (isIntegral!T) {
310 auto res = sqlite3_column_int64(data____.st, idx);
311 if (res < T.min || res > T.max) throw new SQLiteException("integral overflow");
312 return cast(T)res;
313 } else {
314 auto res = sqlite3_column_text(data____.st, idx);
315 auto len = sqlite3_column_bytes(data____.st, idx);
316 if (len < 0) throw new SQLiteException("invalid result");
317 static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T == const(char))) {
318 return res[0..len];
319 } else static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T == immutable(char))) {
320 return res[0..len].idup;
321 } else {
322 return res[0..len].dup;
326 T to(T) (const(char)[] name) { return this.to!T(fieldIndex____(name)); }
328 template opIndex() {
329 T opIndexImpl(T) (usize idx) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) { return this.to!T(idx); }
330 T opIndexImpl(T) (const(char)[] name) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) { return this.to!T(name); }
331 alias opIndex = opIndexImpl;
334 template opDispatch(string name) {
335 T opDispatchImpl(T=const(char)[]) () if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) { return this.to!T(name); }
336 alias opDispatch = opDispatchImpl;
339 auto index_ () pure const nothrow @nogc { return (data____.stepIndex > 0 ? data____.stepIndex-1 : 0); }
341 private DBStatement.Data* data____;
344 struct DBRowRange {
345 private this (ref DBStatement astat) {
346 data = astat.data;
347 DBStatement.incref(data);
348 ++data.rowcount;
349 assert(data.stepIndex == 0);
350 data.stepIndex = 1;
351 popFront();
354 this (this) { DBStatement.incref(data); ++data.rowcount; }
356 ~this () {
357 DBStatement.decrowref(data);
358 DBStatement.decref(data);
361 @property bool empty () const pure nothrow @nogc { return (data.stepIndex == 0); }
363 @property auto front () {
364 if (data.stepIndex == 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't get front element of completed statement");
365 return DBRow(data);
368 void popFront () {
369 if (data.stepIndex == 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't pop element of completed statement");
370 auto rc = sqlite3_step(data.st);
371 if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) {
372 data.stepIndex = 0;
373 return;
375 if (rc != SQLITE_ROW) {
376 data.stepIndex = 0;
377 sqcheck(rc);
379 ++data.stepIndex;
382 auto index_ () pure const nothrow @nogc { return (data.stepIndex > 0 ? data.stepIndex-1 : 0); }
384 private DBStatement.Data* data;
387 static void incref (Data* data) {
388 assert(data !is null);
389 ++data.refcount;
392 static void decref (Data* data) {
393 assert(data !is null);
394 --data.refcount;
395 if (data.refcount == 0) {
396 import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
397 if (data.st !is null) {
398 sqlite3_reset(data.st);
399 sqlite3_clear_bindings(data.st);
400 sqlite3_finalize(data.st);
402 free(data);
406 static void decrowref (Data* data) {
407 assert(data !is null);
408 --data.rowcount;
409 if (data.rowcount == 0) {
410 data.stepIndex = 0;
411 sqlite3_reset(data.st);
412 sqlite3_clear_bindings(data.st);
416 private:
417 static struct Data {
418 uint refcount;
419 uint rowcount; // number of row structs using this statement
420 uint stepIndex;
421 sqlite3_stmt* st;
423 Data* data;