iv.egra: low-level gfx and high-level GUI library
[iv.d.git] / gengpro1.d
1 /* Invisible Vector Library
2 * coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <ketmar@ketmar.no-ip.org>
3 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 // Protractor gesture recognizer, v1
18 module iv.gengpro1 /*is aliced*/;
19 private:
21 import iv.alice;
22 import iv.vfs;
25 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
26 public alias GengFloat = float; ///
29 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
31 enum NormalizedPoints = 16; // the paper says that this is enough for protractor to work ok
32 static assert(NormalizedPoints > 2 && NormalizedPoints < ushort.max);
33 alias GengPatternPoints = GengFloat[NormalizedPoints*2];
34 enum MinPointDistance = 4;
37 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
38 ///
39 public class PTGlyph {
40 public enum MinMatchScore = 1.5; ///
42 public:
43 ///
44 static struct Point {
45 GengFloat x, y;
46 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); import std.math : isNaN; return (!x.isNaN && !y.isNaN); }
49 private:
50 GengPatternPoints patpoints;
51 GengFloat[] points; // [0]:x, [1]:y, [2]:x, [3]:y, etc...
52 bool mNormalized; // true: `patpoints` is ok
53 bool mOriented = true;
54 string mName;
56 private:
57 static void unsafeArrayAppend(T) (ref T[] arr, auto ref T v) {
58 auto optr = arr.ptr;
59 arr ~= v;
60 if (optr !is arr.ptr) {
61 import core.memory : GC;
62 optr = arr.ptr;
63 if (optr !is null && optr is GC.addrOf(optr)) GC.setAttr(optr, GC.BlkAttr.NO_INTERIOR);
67 static T[] unsafeArrayDup(T) (const(T)[] arr) {
68 auto res = arr.dup;
69 if (res.ptr) {
70 import core.memory : GC;
71 if (res.ptr !is null && res.ptr is GC.addrOf(res.ptr)) GC.setAttr(res.ptr, GC.BlkAttr.NO_INTERIOR);
73 return res;
76 static normBlkAttr(T) (T[] arr) {
77 pragma(inline, true);
78 import core.memory : GC;
79 if (arr.ptr !is null && arr.ptr is GC.addrOf(arr.ptr)) GC.setAttr(arr.ptr, GC.BlkAttr.NO_INTERIOR);
82 public:
83 this () nothrow @safe @nogc {}
85 this (string aname, bool aoriented=true) nothrow @safe @nogc { mName = aname; mOriented = aoriented; } ///
87 ///
88 this (string aname, in GengPatternPoints apat, bool aoriented=true) nothrow @safe @nogc {
89 mName = aname;
90 patpoints[] = apat[];
91 mNormalized = true;
92 mOriented = aoriented;
95 final:
96 @property const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
97 bool valid () { pragma(inline, true); return (mNormalized || points.length >= 4); } ///
98 bool normalized () { pragma(inline, true); return mNormalized; } ///
99 bool oriented () { pragma(inline, true); return mOriented; } ///
100 string name () { pragma(inline, true); return mName; } ///
101 bool hasOriginalPoints () { pragma(inline, true); return (points.length != 0); } ///
102 usize length () { pragma(inline, true); return points.length/2; } /// number of original points
103 alias opDollar = length;
104 /// return normalized points
105 GengPatternPoints normPoints () {
106 GengPatternPoints res = patpoints[];
107 if (!mNormalized && points.length >= 4) resample(res, points);
108 return res;
110 enum normLength = NormalizedPoints;
111 Point normPoint (usize idx) {
112 if (!valid || idx >= NormalizedPoints) return Point.init;
113 if (mNormalized) {
114 return Point(patpoints[idx*2+0], patpoints[idx*2+1]);
115 } else {
116 GengPatternPoints rpt = void;
117 resample(rpt, points);
118 return Point(patpoints[idx*2+0], patpoints[idx*2+1]);
121 /// return original point
122 Point opIndex (usize idx) { pragma(inline, true); return (idx < points.length/2 ? Point(points[idx*2], points[idx*2+1]) : Point.init); }
125 /// can't be changed for normalized glyphs with original points dropped
126 @property void oriented (bool v) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
127 if (mNormalized && points.length < 4) return;
128 if (mOriented != v) {
129 mOriented = v;
130 mNormalized = false;
135 @property void name(T:const(char)[]) (T v) nothrow @safe {
136 static if (is(T == typeof(null))) mName = null;
137 else static if (is(T == string)) mName = v;
138 else { if (mName != v) mName = v.idup; }
141 /// will not clear orientation
142 auto clear () nothrow @trusted {
143 delete points;
144 mNormalized = false;
145 mName = null;
146 return this;
150 auto clone () const @trusted {
151 auto res = new PTGlyph();
152 res.mName = mName;
153 res.mNormalized = mNormalized;
154 res.mOriented = mOriented;
155 res.patpoints[] = patpoints[];
156 res.points = unsafeArrayDup(points);
157 return res;
161 auto appendPoint (int x, int y) nothrow @trusted {
162 immutable GengFloat fx = cast(GengFloat)x;
163 immutable GengFloat fy = cast(GengFloat)y;
164 if (points.length > 0) {
165 // check distance and don't add points that are too close to each other
166 immutable lx = fx-points[$-2], ly = fy-points[$-1];
167 if (lx*lx+ly*ly < MinPointDistance*MinPointDistance) return this;
169 unsafeArrayAppend(points, cast(GengFloat)fx);
170 unsafeArrayAppend(points, cast(GengFloat)fy);
171 mNormalized = false;
172 return this;
176 auto normalize (bool dropOriginalPoints=true) {
177 if (!mNormalized) {
178 if (points.length < 4) throw new Exception("glyph must have at least two points");
179 buildNormPoints(patpoints, points, mOriented);
180 mNormalized = true;
182 if (dropOriginalPoints) { assert(mNormalized); delete points; }
183 return this;
187 static bool isGoodScore (GengFloat score) {
188 pragma(inline, true);
189 import std.math : isNaN;
190 return (!score.isNaN ? score >= MinMatchScore : false);
193 /// this: template; you can use `isGoodScore()` to see if it is a good score to detect a match
194 GengFloat match (const(PTGlyph) sample) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
195 if (sample is null || !sample.valid || !valid) return -GengFloat.infinity;
196 GengPatternPoints me = patpoints[];
197 GengPatternPoints it = sample.patpoints[];
198 if (!mNormalized) buildNormPoints(me, points, mOriented);
199 if (!sample.mNormalized) buildNormPoints(it, sample.points, sample.mOriented);
200 return match(me, it);
203 private:
204 // ignore possible overflows here
205 static GengFloat distance (in GengFloat x0, in GengFloat y0, in GengFloat x1, in GengFloat y1) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
206 pragma(inline, true);
207 import std.math : sqrt;
208 immutable dx = x1-x0, dy = y1-y0;
209 return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
212 static GengFloat match (in ref GengPatternPoints tpl, in ref GengPatternPoints v1) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
213 pragma(inline, true);
214 return cast(GengFloat)1.0/optimalCosineDistance(tpl, v1);
217 static GengFloat optimalCosineDistance (in ref GengPatternPoints v0, in ref GengPatternPoints v1) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
218 import std.math : atan, acos, cos, sin;
219 GengFloat a = 0, b = 0;
220 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
221 a += v0.ptr[idx*2+0]*v1.ptr[idx*2+0]+v0.ptr[idx*2+1]*v1.ptr[idx*2+1];
222 b += v0.ptr[idx*2+0]*v1.ptr[idx*2+1]-v0.ptr[idx*2+1]*v1.ptr[idx*2+0];
224 immutable GengFloat angle = atan(b/a);
225 return acos(a*cos(angle)+b*sin(angle));
228 // glyph length (not point counter!)
229 static GengFloat glyphLength (in GengFloat[] points) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
230 GengFloat res = 0.0;
231 if (points.length >= 4) {
232 // don't want to bring std.algo here
233 GengFloat px = points.ptr[0], py = points.ptr[1];
234 foreach (immutable idx; 2..points.length/2) {
235 immutable cx = points.ptr[idx*2+0], cy = points.ptr[idx*2+1];
236 res += distance(px, py, cx, cy);
237 px = cx;
238 py = cy;
241 return res;
244 static void resample (ref GengPatternPoints ptres, in GengFloat[] points) pure @trusted nothrow @nogc {
245 assert(points.length >= 4);
246 immutable GengFloat I = glyphLength(points)/(NormalizedPoints-1); // interval length
247 GengFloat D = 0.0;
248 GengFloat prx = points.ptr[0];
249 GengFloat pry = points.ptr[1];
250 // add first point as-is
251 ptres.ptr[0] = prx;
252 ptres.ptr[1] = pry;
253 usize ptpos = 2, oppos = 2;
254 while (oppos < points.length && points.length-oppos >= 2) {
255 immutable GengFloat cx = points.ptr[oppos], cy = points.ptr[oppos+1];
256 immutable d = distance(prx, pry, cx, cy);
257 if (D+d >= I) {
258 immutable dd = (I-D)/d;
259 immutable qx = prx+dd*(cx-prx);
260 immutable qy = pry+dd*(cy-pry);
261 assert(ptpos < NormalizedPoints*2);
262 ptres.ptr[ptpos++] = qx;
263 ptres.ptr[ptpos++] = qy;
264 // use 'q' as previous point
265 prx = qx;
266 pry = qy;
267 D = 0.0;
268 } else {
269 D += d;
270 prx = cx;
271 pry = cy;
272 oppos += 2;
275 // somtimes we fall a rounding-error short of adding the last point, so add it if so
276 if (ptpos/2 == NormalizedPoints-1) {
277 ptres.ptr[ptpos++] = points[$-2];
278 ptres.ptr[ptpos++] = points[$-1];
280 assert(ptpos == NormalizedPoints*2);
283 // stroke is not required to be centered, but it must be resampled
284 static void vectorize (ref GengPatternPoints vres, in ref GengPatternPoints ptx, bool orientationSensitive) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
285 import std.math : atan2, cos, sin, floor, sqrt, PI;
286 GengPatternPoints pts = void;
287 GengFloat cx = 0, cy = 0;
288 // center it
289 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
290 cx += ptx.ptr[idx*2+0];
291 cy += ptx.ptr[idx*2+1];
293 cx /= NormalizedPoints;
294 cy /= NormalizedPoints;
295 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
296 pts.ptr[idx*2+0] = ptx.ptr[idx*2+0]-cx;
297 pts.ptr[idx*2+1] = ptx.ptr[idx*2+1]-cy;
299 immutable GengFloat indAngle = atan2(pts.ptr[1], pts.ptr[0]); // always must be done for centered stroke
300 GengFloat delta = indAngle;
301 if (orientationSensitive) {
302 immutable baseOrientation = (PI/4.0)*floor((indAngle+PI/8.0)/(PI/4.0));
303 delta = baseOrientation-indAngle;
305 immutable GengFloat cosd = cos(delta);
306 immutable GengFloat sind = sin(delta);
307 GengFloat sum = 0;
308 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
309 immutable nx = pts.ptr[idx*2+0]*cosd-pts.ptr[idx*2+1]*sind;
310 immutable ny = pts.ptr[idx*2+1]*cosd+pts.ptr[idx*2+0]*sind;
311 vres.ptr[idx*2+0] = nx;
312 vres.ptr[idx*2+1] = ny;
313 sum += nx*nx+ny*ny;
315 immutable GengFloat magnitude = sqrt(sum);
316 foreach (ref GengFloat v; vres[]) v /= magnitude;
319 static void buildNormPoints (out GengPatternPoints vres, in GengFloat[] points, bool orientationSensitive) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
320 assert(points.length >= 4);
321 GengPatternPoints tmp = void;
322 resample(tmp, points);
323 vectorize(vres, tmp, orientationSensitive);
326 public:
327 // find matching gesture for this one
328 // outscore is NaN if match wasn't found
329 const(PTGlyph) findMatch (const(PTGlyph)[] list, GengFloat* outscore=null) const nothrow @trusted @nogc {
330 GengFloat bestScore = -GengFloat.infinity;
331 PTGlyph res = null;
332 if (outscore !is null) *outscore = GengFloat.nan;
333 if (valid) {
334 // build normalized `this` glyph in pts
335 GengPatternPoints pts = patpoints[];
336 if (!mNormalized) buildNormPoints(pts, points, mOriented);
337 GengPatternPoints gspts = void;
338 foreach (const PTGlyph gs; list) {
339 if (gs is null || !gs.valid) continue;
340 gspts = gs.patpoints[];
341 if (!gs.mNormalized) buildNormPoints(gspts, gs.points, gs.mOriented);
342 GengFloat score = match(gspts, pts);
343 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("tested: '%.*s'; score=%f\n", cast(int)gs.mName.length, gs.mName.ptr, cast(double)score); }
344 if (score >= MinMatchScore && score > bestScore) {
345 bestScore = score;
346 res = cast(PTGlyph)gs; // sorry
350 if (res !is null && outscore !is null) *outscore = bestScore;
351 return res;
354 private:
355 static void wrXNum (VFile fl, usize n) {
356 if (n < 254) {
357 fl.writeNum!ubyte(cast(ubyte)n);
358 } else {
359 static if (n.sizeof == 8) {
360 fl.writeNum!ubyte(254);
361 fl.writeNum!ulong(n);
362 } else {
363 fl.writeNum!ubyte(255);
364 fl.writeNum!uint(cast(uint)n);
369 static usize rdXNum (VFile fl) {
370 ubyte v = fl.readNum!ubyte;
371 if (v < 254) return cast(usize)v;
372 if (v == 254) {
373 ulong nv = fl.readNum!ulong;
374 if (nv > usize.max) throw new Exception("number too big");
375 return cast(usize)nv;
376 } else {
377 assert(v == 255);
378 return cast(usize)fl.readNum!uint;
382 public:
383 void save (VFile fl) const {
384 // name
385 wrXNum(fl, mName.length);
386 fl.rawWriteExact(mName);
387 // "oriented" flag
388 fl.writeNum!ubyte(mOriented ? 1 : 0);
389 // normalized points
390 if (mNormalized) {
391 static assert(NormalizedPoints > 1 && NormalizedPoints < 254);
392 fl.writeNum!ubyte(NormalizedPoints);
393 foreach (immutable pt; patpoints[]) fl.writeNum!float(cast(float)pt);
395 // points
396 wrXNum(fl, points.length);
397 foreach (immutable v; points) fl.writeNum!float(cast(float)v);
400 static PTGlyph loadNew (VFile fl, ubyte ver=2) {
401 GengFloat rdFloat () {
402 float fv = fl.readNum!float;
403 if (fv != fv) throw new Exception("invalid floating number"); // nan check
404 return cast(GengFloat)fv;
407 if (ver == 0 || ver == 1) {
408 // name
409 auto len = fl.readNum!uint();
410 if (len > 1024) throw new Exception("glyph name too long");
411 auto res = new PTGlyph();
412 if (len > 0) {
413 auto buf = new char[](len);
414 fl.rawReadExact(buf);
415 res.mName = cast(string)buf; // it is safe to cast here
417 // template
418 static if (NormalizedPoints == 16) {
419 foreach (ref pt; res.patpoints[]) pt = rdFloat();
420 } else {
421 // load and resample
422 GengFloat[] opts;
423 scope(exit) delete opts;
424 opts.reserve(16*2);
425 normBlkAttr(opts);
426 foreach (immutable pidx; 0..nplen*2) opts ~= rdFloat();
427 resample(res.patpoints, opts);
429 res.mNormalized = true;
430 res.mOriented = true;
431 if (ver == 1) res.mOriented = (fl.readNum!ubyte != 0);
432 return res;
433 } else if (ver == 2) {
434 // name
435 auto nlen = rdXNum(fl);
436 if (nlen > int.max/4) throw new Exception("glyph name too long");
437 auto res = new PTGlyph();
438 if (nlen) {
439 auto nbuf = new char[](nlen);
440 fl.rawReadExact(nbuf);
441 res.mName = cast(string)nbuf; // it is safe to cast here
443 // "oriented" flag
444 res.mOriented = (fl.readNum!ubyte != 0);
445 // normalized points
446 auto nplen = rdXNum(fl);
447 if (nplen != 0) {
448 if (nplen < 3 || nplen > ushort.max) throw new Exception("invalid number of resampled points");
449 if (nplen != NormalizedPoints) {
450 // load and resample -- this is all we can do
451 GengFloat[] opts;
452 scope(exit) delete opts;
453 opts.reserve(nplen*2);
454 normBlkAttr(opts);
455 foreach (immutable pidx; 0..nplen*2) opts ~= rdFloat();
456 resample(res.patpoints, opts);
457 } else {
458 // direct loading
459 foreach (ref GengFloat fv; res.patpoints[]) fv = rdFloat();
461 res.mNormalized = true;
463 // original points
464 auto plen = rdXNum(fl);
465 if (plen) {
466 if (plen%2 != 0) throw new Exception("invalid number of points");
467 res.points.reserve(plen);
468 normBlkAttr(res.points);
469 foreach (immutable c; 0..plen) res.points ~= rdFloat();
471 return res;
472 } else {
473 assert(0, "wtf?!");
479 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
480 public void gstLibLoadEx (VFile fl, scope void delegate (PTGlyph) appendGlyph) {
481 PTGlyph[] res;
482 char[8] sign;
483 fl.rawReadExact(sign[]);
484 if (sign[0..$-1] != "K8PTRDB") throw new Exception("invalid gesture library signature");
485 ubyte ver = cast(ubyte)sign[$-1];
486 if (ver < '0' || ver > '9') throw new Exception("invalid gesture library signature");
487 ver -= '0';
488 if (ver > 2) throw new Exception("invalid gesture library version");
489 if (ver == 0 || ver == 1) {
490 // versions 0 and 1
491 uint count = fl.readNum!uint;
492 if (count > uint.max/8) throw new Exception("too many glyphs");
493 foreach (immutable c; 0..count) {
494 auto g = PTGlyph.loadNew(fl, ver);
495 if (appendGlyph !is null) appendGlyph(g);
497 } else {
498 // version 2
499 while (fl.tell < fl.size) {
500 auto g = PTGlyph.loadNew(fl, ver);
501 if (appendGlyph !is null) appendGlyph(g);
507 public PTGlyph[] gstLibLoad (VFile fl) {
508 PTGlyph[] res;
509 fl.gstLibLoadEx(delegate (PTGlyph g) { res ~= g; });
510 return res;
514 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
515 // return `null` from `nextGlyph` to indicate EOF
516 public void gstLibSaveEx (VFile fl, scope const(PTGlyph) delegate () nextGlyph) {
517 fl.rawWriteExact("K8PTRDB2");
518 if (nextGlyph !is null) {
519 for (;;) {
520 auto g = nextGlyph();
521 if (g is null) break;
522 g.save(fl);
528 public void gstLibSave (VFile fl, const(PTGlyph)[] list) {
529 usize pos = 0;
530 fl.gstLibSaveEx(delegate () => (pos < list.length ? list[pos++] : null));