egra: moved "disabled" and "accept/cancel" properties to the base widget class
[iv.d.git] / sq3_old.d
1 /* Invisible Vector Library
2 * coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
3 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 // sqlite3 helpers
18 module iv.sq3_old /*is aliced*/;
19 //pragma(lib, "sqlite3");
21 //version = sq3_debug_stmtlist;
23 import iv.alice;
25 //public import etc.c.sqlite3;
26 public import iv.c.sqlite3;
27 import std.traits;
28 import std.range.primitives;
30 private import std.internal.cstring : tempCString;
32 version(none) {
33 public {
34 //enum SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC = 0x800;
35 enum SQLITE_DIRECTONLY = 0x000080000;
36 enum SQLITE_SUBTYPE = 0x000100000;
37 enum SQLITE_INNOCUOUS = 0x000200000;
43 extern(C) {
44 int sqlite3_prepare_v3(
45 sqlite3 *db, /** Database handle */
46 const(char)*zSql, /** SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */
47 int nByte, /** Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */
48 uint prepFlags, /* Zero or more SQLITE_PREPARE_ flags */
49 sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /** OUT: Statement handle */
50 const(char*)*pzTail /** OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */
57 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
58 mixin(NewExceptionClass!("SQLiteException", "Exception"));
60 class SQLiteErr : SQLiteException {
61 int code;
63 this (string msg, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__, Throwable next=null) @trusted nothrow {
64 code = SQLITE_ERROR;
65 super("SQLite ERROR: "~msg, file, line, next);
68 this (sqlite3* db, int rc, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__, Throwable next=null) @trusted nothrow {
69 //import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf;
70 //fprintf(stderr, "SQLITE ERROR: %s\n", sqlite3_errstr(rc));
71 code = rc;
72 if (rc == SQLITE_OK) {
73 super("SQLite ERROR: no error!", file, line, next);
74 } else {
75 import std.exception : assumeUnique;
76 import std.string : fromStringz;
77 if (db) {
78 super(sqlite3_errstr(sqlite3_extended_errcode(db)).fromStringz.assumeUnique, file, line, next);
79 } else {
80 super(sqlite3_errstr(rc).fromStringz.assumeUnique, file, line, next);
87 public void sq3check (sqlite3* db, int rc, string file=__FILE__, usize line=__LINE__) {
88 //pragma(inline, true);
89 if (rc != SQLITE_OK) throw new SQLiteErr(db, rc, file, line);
93 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95 //k8: nope, don't do this, because users may want to call `sqlite3_config()` before it
96 shared static this () {
97 if (sqlite3_initialize() != SQLITE_OK) throw new Error("can't initialize SQLite");
100 // and this is not required at all
101 shared static ~this () {
102 sqlite3_shutdown();
107 // use this in `to` to avoid copying
108 public alias SQLStringc = const(char)[];
109 // use this in `to` to avoid copying
110 public alias SQ3Blob = const(char)[];
111 // use this in `to` to avoid copying
112 public alias SQ3Text = const(char)[];
115 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
116 // WARNING! don't forget to finalize ALL prepared statements!
117 struct Database {
118 private:
119 static struct DBInfo {
120 sqlite3* db = null;
121 uint rc = 0;
122 usize onCloseSize = 0;
123 char *onClose = null; // 0-terminated
124 DBStatement.Data *stmthead = null;
125 DBStatement.Data *stmttail = null;
128 DBInfo* dbi = null;
130 private:
131 // caller should perform all necessary checks
132 void clearStatements () nothrow @trusted {
133 while (dbi.stmthead !is null) {
134 version(sq3_debug_stmtlist) { import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf; fprintf(stderr, "clearStatements(%p): p=%p\n", dbi, dbi.stmthead); }
135 DBStatement.Data *dd = dbi.stmthead;
136 dbi.stmthead =;
137 dd.owner = null;
138 dd.prev = null;
139 = null;
140 dd.stepIndex = 0;
141 if ( !is null) {
142 sqlite3_reset(;
143 sqlite3_clear_bindings(;
144 sqlite3_finalize(;
145 = null;
148 dbi.stmttail = null;
151 public:
152 enum Mode {
153 ReadOnly,
154 ReadWrite,
155 ReadWriteCreate,
158 public:
159 // `null` schema means "open as R/O"
160 // non-null, but empty schema means "open as r/w"
161 // non-empty scheme means "create if absent"
162 this (const(char)[] name, Mode mode, const(char)[] pragmas=null, const(char)[] schema=null) { openEx(name, mode, pragmas, schema); }
163 this (const(char)[] name, const(char)[] schema) { openEx(name, (schema !is null ? Mode.ReadWriteCreate : Mode.ReadOnly), null, schema); }
164 ~this () nothrow @trusted { close(); }
166 this (this) nothrow @trusted @nogc { if (dbi !is null) ++dbi.rc; }
168 @property bool isOpen () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { return (dbi !is null && dbi.db !is null); }
170 void close () nothrow @trusted {
171 if (dbi !is null) {
172 if (--dbi.rc == 0) {
173 import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
174 if (dbi.db !is null) {
175 clearStatements();
176 if (dbi.onClose !is null) {
177 auto rc = sqlite3_exec(dbi.db, dbi.onClose, null, null, null);
178 if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
179 import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf;
180 fprintf(stderr, "SQLITE ERROR ON CLOSE: %s\n", sqlite3_errstr(sqlite3_extended_errcode(dbi.db)));
182 version(none) {
183 import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf;
184 fprintf(stderr, "exec:===\n%s\n===\n", dbi.onClose);
186 free(dbi.onClose);
188 sqlite3_close_v2(dbi.db);
190 free(dbi);
192 dbi = null;
196 void appendOnClose (const(char)[] stmts) {
197 if (!isOpen) throw new SQLiteException("database is not opened");
198 while (stmts.length && stmts[0] <= 32) stmts = stmts[1..$];
199 while (stmts.length && stmts[$-1] <= 32) stmts = stmts[0..$-1];
200 if (stmts.length == 0) return;
201 import core.stdc.stdlib : realloc;
202 //FIXME: overflow. don't do it.
203 usize nsz = dbi.onCloseSize+stmts.length;
204 if (nsz+1 <= dbi.onCloseSize) throw new SQLiteException("out of memory for OnClose");
205 char *np = cast(char *)realloc(dbi.onClose, nsz+1);
206 if (np is null) throw new SQLiteException("out of memory for OnClose");
207 dbi.onClose = np;
208 np[dbi.onCloseSize..dbi.onCloseSize+stmts.length] = stmts[];
209 dbi.onCloseSize += stmts.length;
210 np[dbi.onCloseSize] = 0;
213 void setOnClose (const(char)[] stmts) {
214 if (!isOpen) throw new SQLiteException("database is not opened");
215 if (dbi.onClose !is null) {
216 import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
217 free(dbi.onClose);
218 dbi.onClose = null;
219 dbi.onCloseSize = 0;
221 appendOnClose(stmts);
224 // `null` schema means "open as R/O"
225 // non-null, but empty schema means "open as r/w"
226 // non-empty scheme means "create is absend"
227 void openEx (const(char)[] name, Mode mode, const(char)[] pragmas=null, const(char)[] schema=null) {
228 close();
229 import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
230 import std.internal.cstring;
231 immutable bool allowWrite = (mode == Mode.ReadWrite || mode == Mode.ReadWriteCreate);
232 bool allowCreate = (mode == Mode.ReadWriteCreate);
233 if (allowCreate) {
234 while (schema.length && schema[$-1] <= ' ') schema = schema[0..$-1];
235 if (schema.length == 0) allowCreate = false;
237 dbi = cast(DBInfo *)malloc(DBInfo.sizeof);
238 if (!dbi) throw new Error("out of memory");
239 *dbi = DBInfo.init;
240 dbi.rc = 1;
241 immutable int rc = sqlite3_open_v2(name.tempCString, &dbi.db, (allowWrite ? SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE : SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY)|(allowCreate ? SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE : 0), null);
242 if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
243 free(dbi);
244 dbi = null;
245 sq3check(null, rc);
247 scope(failure) { close(); }
248 execute(pragmas);
249 if (allowCreate && schema.length) execute(schema);
252 // `null` schema means "open as R/O"
253 void open (const(char)[] name, const(char)[] schema=null) {
254 Mode mode = Mode.ReadOnly;
255 if (schema != null) {
256 while (schema.length && schema[$-1] <= ' ') schema = schema[0..$-1];
257 mode = (schema.length ? Mode.ReadWriteCreate : Mode.ReadWrite);
259 return openEx(name, mode, null, schema);
262 ulong lastRowId () nothrow @trusted { return (isOpen ? sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(dbi.db) : 0); }
264 void setBusyTimeout (int msecs) nothrow @trusted { if (isOpen) sqlite3_busy_timeout(dbi.db, msecs); }
266 // execute one or more SQL statements
267 // SQLite will take care of splitting
268 void execute (const(char)[] ops) {
269 if (!isOpen) throw new SQLiteException("database is not opened");
270 import std.internal.cstring;
271 //char* errmsg;
272 immutable int rc = sqlite3_exec(dbi.db, ops.tempCString, null, null, null/*&errmsg*/);
273 if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
274 //import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf;
275 //fprintf(stderr, "SQLITE ERROR: %s\n", errmsg);
276 //sqlite3_free(errmsg);
277 sq3check(dbi.db, rc);
281 // create prepared SQL statement
282 DBStatement statement (const(char)[] stmtstr, bool persistent=false) {
283 if (!isOpen) throw new SQLiteException("database is not opened");
284 return DBStatement(dbi, stmtstr, persistent);
287 DBStatement persistentStatement (const(char)[] stmtstr) {
288 return statement(stmtstr, persistent:true);
291 sqlite3* getHandle () nothrow @nogc @trusted { return (isOpen ? dbi.db : null); }
293 extern(C) {
294 alias UserFn = void function (sqlite3_context *ctx, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv);
297 void createFunction (const(char)[] name, int argc, UserFn xFunc, bool deterministic=true, int moreflags=0) {
298 import std.internal.cstring : tempCString;
299 if (!isOpen) throw new SQLiteException("database is not opened");
300 immutable int rc = sqlite3_create_function(dbi.db, name.tempCString, argc, SQLITE_UTF8|(deterministic ? SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC : 0)|moreflags, null, xFunc, null, null);
301 sq3check(dbi.db, rc);
306 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
307 public static bool isUTF8ValidSQ3 (const(char)[] str) pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
308 usize len = str.length;
309 immutable(ubyte)* p = cast(immutable(ubyte)*)str.ptr;
310 while (len--) {
311 immutable ubyte b = *p++;
312 if (b == 0) return false;
313 if (b < 128) continue;
314 ubyte blen =
315 (b&0xe0) == 0xc0 ? 1 :
316 (b&0xf0) == 0xe0 ? 2 :
317 (b&0xf8) == 0xe8 ? 3 :
318 0; // no overlongs
319 if (!blen) return false;
320 if (len < blen) return false;
321 len -= blen;
322 while (blen--) {
323 immutable ubyte b1 = *p++;
324 if ((b1&0xc0) != 0x80) return false;
327 return true;
331 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
332 struct DBFieldIndex {
333 uint idx;
336 struct DBFieldType {
337 enum {
338 Unknown,
339 Integer,
340 Float,
341 Text,
342 Blob,
343 Null,
345 uint idx;
347 string toString () const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
348 switch (idx) {
349 case Unknown: return "Unknown";
350 case Integer: return "Integer";
351 case Float: return "Float";
352 case Text: return "Text";
353 case Blob: return "Blob";
354 case Null: return "Null";
355 default: break;
357 return "Invalid";
361 struct DBStatement {
362 private:
363 enum FieldIndexMixin = `
364 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot bind in invalid statement");
365 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
366 char[257] fldname = 0;
367 if (name.length > 255) throw new SQLiteException("field name too long");
368 if (name[0] == ':' || name[0] == '?' || name[0] == '@') {
369 fldname[] = name[];
370 } else {
371 fldname[0] = ':';
372 fldname[] = name[];
374 immutable idx = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(, fldname.ptr);
375 if (idx < 1) throw new SQLiteException("invalid field name: '"~name.idup~"'");
378 public:
379 this (this) nothrow @trusted @nogc { this.incref(data); }
380 ~this () nothrow @trusted { this.decref(data); data = null; }
382 private this (Database.DBInfo *dbi, const(char)[] stmtstr, bool persistent=false) {
383 if (dbi is null || dbi.db is null) throw new SQLiteException("database is not opened");
384 if (stmtstr.length > int.max/4) throw new SQLiteException("statement too big");
385 import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
386 data = cast(Data*)malloc(Data.sizeof);
387 if (data is null) {
388 import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC;
389 onOutOfMemoryErrorNoGC();
391 *data = Data.init;
392 data.refcount = 1;
393 // register in the owner list
394 version(sq3_debug_stmtlist) { import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf; fprintf(stderr, "new stmt(%p): p=%p\n", dbi, data); }
395 data.owner = dbi;
396 data.prev = dbi.stmttail;
397 if (dbi.stmttail !is null) = data; else dbi.stmthead = data;
398 dbi.stmttail = data;
399 // done registering
400 scope(failure) { = null; DBStatement.decref(data); }
401 const(char)* e;
402 if (persistent) {
403 sq3check(dbi.db, sqlite3_prepare_v3(dbi.db, stmtstr.ptr, cast(int)stmtstr.length, SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT, &, &e));
404 } else {
405 sq3check(dbi.db, sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbi.db, stmtstr.ptr, cast(int)stmtstr.length, &, &e));
407 // check for extra code
408 if (e !is null) {
409 usize left = stmtstr.length-cast(usize)(e-stmtstr.ptr);
410 //{ import core.stdc.stdio : printf; printf("%u: <%.*s>\n", cast(uint)left, cast(uint)left, e); }
411 while (left--) {
412 char ch = *e++;
413 //{ import core.stdc.stdio : printf; printf("left=%u: ch=%u\n", cast(uint)left, cast(uint)ch); }
414 if (ch <= 32 || ch == ';') continue;
415 if (ch == '-') {
416 if (left < 1 || *e != '-') throw new SQLiteErr("extra code in SQL statement (--)");
417 while (left && *e != '\n') { --left; ++e; }
418 continue;
420 if (ch == '/') {
421 if (left < 1 || *e != '*') throw new SQLiteErr("extra code in SQL statement (mlc)");
422 --left;
423 ++e;
424 while (left > 1) {
425 if (*e == '*' && e[1] == '/') {
426 left -= 2;
427 e += 2;
428 break;
430 --left;
431 ++e;
434 throw new SQLiteErr("extra code in SQL statement (text): "~e[0..left].idup);
439 @property bool valid () nothrow @trusted @nogc { return (data !is null && !is null); }
441 void close () nothrow @trusted { if (data !is null) this.decref(data); data = null; }
443 @property auto range () {
444 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot get range from invalid statement");
445 //if (st is null) throw new SQLiteException("statement is not prepared");
446 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't get range from busy statement");
447 return DBRowRange(this);
450 void reset () nothrow @trusted {
451 //if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't reset busy statement");
452 if (valid) {
453 data.stepIndex = 0;
454 sqlite3_reset(;
455 sqlite3_clear_bindings(;
459 void doAll () {
460 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot execute invalid statement");
461 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't doAll on busy statement");
462 scope(exit) reset();
463 for (;;) {
464 auto rc = sqlite3_step(;
465 if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) break;
466 if (rc != SQLITE_ROW) sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
470 ref DBStatement bind(T) (uint idx, T value) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) {
471 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot bind in invalid statement");
472 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
473 if (idx < 1 || idx > sqlite3_bind_parameter_count( {
474 import std.conv : to;
475 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field index: "~to!string(idx));
477 int rc;
478 static if (is(T == typeof(null))) {
479 rc = sqlite3_bind_null(, idx);
480 } else static if (isNarrowString!T) {
481 if (value.length > cast(usize)int.max) throw new SQLiteException("value too big");
482 static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T == immutable(char))) {
483 version(none) {
484 if (isUTF8ValidSQ3(value[])) {
485 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, /*SQLITE_STATIC*/SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
486 } else {
487 rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, /*SQLITE_STATIC*/SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
489 } else {
490 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, /*SQLITE_STATIC*/SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
492 } else {
493 version(none) {
494 if (isUTF8ValidSQ3(value[])) {
495 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
496 } else {
497 rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
499 } else {
500 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(, idx, value.ptr, cast(int)value.length, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
503 } else static if (isIntegral!T) {
504 static if (isSigned!T) {
505 // signed ints
506 static if (T.sizeof <= 4) {
507 rc = sqlite3_bind_int(, idx, cast(int)value);
508 } else {
509 rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(, idx, cast(long)value);
511 } else {
512 // unsigned ints
513 static if (T.sizeof < 4) {
514 rc = sqlite3_bind_int(, idx, cast(int)cast(uint)value);
515 } else {
516 rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(, idx, cast(ulong)value);
519 } else {
520 static assert(0, "WTF?!");
522 sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
523 return this;
526 ref DBStatement bind(T) (const(char)[] name, T value) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T) {
527 mixin(FieldIndexMixin);
528 return bind!T(idx, value);
532 ref DBStatement bindText (uint idx, const(void)[] text, bool transient=true, bool allowNull=false) {
533 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot bind in invalid statement");
534 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
535 if (idx < 1) {
536 import std.conv : to;
537 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field index: "~to!string(idx));
539 int rc;
540 if (text is null) {
541 if (allowNull) {
542 rc = sqlite3_bind_null(, idx);
543 } else {
544 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(, idx, "".ptr, 0, SQLITE_STATIC);
546 } else {
547 rc = sqlite3_bind_text(, idx, cast(const(char)*)text.ptr, cast(int)text.length, (transient ? SQLITE_TRANSIENT : SQLITE_STATIC));
549 sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
550 return this;
553 ref DBStatement bindText (const(char)[] name, const(void)[] text, bool transient=true, bool allowNull=false) {
554 mixin(FieldIndexMixin);
555 return bindText(cast(uint)idx, text, transient, allowNull);
559 ref DBStatement bindBlob (uint idx, const(void)[] blob, bool transient=true, bool allowNull=false) {
560 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot bind in invalid statement");
561 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
562 if (idx < 1) {
563 import std.conv : to;
564 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field index: "~to!string(idx));
566 int rc;
567 if (blob is null) {
568 if (allowNull) {
569 rc = sqlite3_bind_null(, idx);
570 } else {
571 rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(, idx, "".ptr, 0, SQLITE_STATIC);
573 } else {
574 rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(, idx, blob.ptr, cast(int)blob.length, (transient ? SQLITE_TRANSIENT : SQLITE_STATIC));
576 sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
577 return this;
580 ref DBStatement bindBlob (const(char)[] name, const(void)[] blob, bool transient=true, bool allowNull=false) {
581 mixin(FieldIndexMixin);
582 return bindBlob(cast(uint)idx, blob, transient, allowNull);
586 ref DBStatement bindNull (uint idx) {
587 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot bind in invalid statement");
588 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
589 if (idx < 1) {
590 import std.conv : to;
591 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field index: "~to!string(idx));
593 immutable int rc = sqlite3_bind_null(, idx);
594 sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
595 return this;
598 ref DBStatement bindNull (const(char)[] name) {
599 mixin(FieldIndexMixin);
600 return bindNull(cast(uint)idx);
604 ref DBStatement bindInt(T) (uint idx, T v) if (isIntegral!T) {
605 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot bind in invalid statement");
606 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
607 if (idx < 1) {
608 import std.conv : to;
609 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field index: "~to!string(idx));
611 static if (isSigned!T) {
612 immutable int rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(, idx, cast(long)v);
613 } else {
614 immutable int rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(, idx, cast(ulong)v);
616 sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
617 return this;
620 ref DBStatement bindInt(T) (const(char)[] name, T v) if (isIntegral!T) {
621 mixin(FieldIndexMixin);
622 return bindInt(cast(uint)idx, v);
626 ref DBStatement bindFloat(T) (uint idx, T v) if (is(T == float) || is(T == double)) {
627 if (!valid) throw new SQLiteException("cannot bind in invalid statement");
628 if (data.stepIndex != 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't bind on busy statement");
629 if (idx < 1) {
630 import std.conv : to;
631 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field index: "~to!string(idx));
633 rc = sqlite3_bind_double(, idx, cast(double)v);
634 sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
635 return this;
638 ref DBStatement bindFloat(T) (const(char)[] name, T v) if (is(T == float) || is(T == double)) {
639 mixin(FieldIndexMixin);
640 return bindFloat(cast(uint)idx, v);
643 int colcount () nothrow @trusted {
644 if (!valid) return 0;
645 return sqlite3_column_count(;
648 const(char)[] colname (int idx) nothrow @trusted {
649 if (!valid || idx < 0) return null;
650 if (idx >= sqlite3_column_count( return null;
651 const(char)* cname = sqlite3_column_name(, idx);
652 if (cname is null) return null;
653 usize ep = 0;
654 while (cname[ep]) ++ep;
655 return cname[0..ep];
658 private:
659 struct DBRow {
660 private this (DBStatement.Data* adata) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
661 data____ = adata;
662 DBStatement.incref(data____);
663 ++data____.rowcount;
666 this (this) nothrow @trusted @nogc { DBStatement.incref(data____); ++data____.rowcount; }
668 ~this () nothrow @trusted {
669 DBStatement.decrowref(data____);
670 DBStatement.decref(data____);
673 bool valid_ () pure nothrow @trusted @nogc {
674 pragma(inline, true);
675 return (data____.stepIndex > 0 && !is null);
678 int colcount_ () nothrow @trusted {
679 if ( is null) return 0;
680 return sqlite3_column_count(;
683 const(char)[] colname_ (int idx) nothrow @trusted {
684 if (idx < 0 || is null) return null;
685 if (idx >= sqlite3_column_count( return null;
686 const(char)* cname = sqlite3_column_name(, idx);
687 if (cname is null) return null;
688 usize ep = 0;
689 while (cname[ep]) ++ep;
690 return cname[0..ep];
693 int fieldIndex____ (const(char)[] name) {
694 if (name.length > 0) {
695 foreach (immutable int idx; 0..sqlite3_data_count( {
696 import core.stdc.string : memcmp, strlen;
697 auto n = sqlite3_column_name(, idx);
698 if (n !is null) {
699 auto len = strlen(n);
700 if (len == name.length && memcmp(n, name.ptr, len) == 0) return idx;
704 throw new SQLiteException("invalid field name: '"~name.idup~"'");
707 T to(T) (uint idx)
708 if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T || is(T : DBFieldIndex) || is(T : DBFieldType) ||
709 is(T == float) || is(T == double))
711 if (!valid_) throw new SQLiteException("can't get row field of completed statement");
712 if (idx >= sqlite3_data_count( throw new SQLiteException("invalid result index");
713 static if (is(T : DBFieldIndex)) {
714 return DBFieldIndex(idx);
715 } else static if (is(T : DBFieldType)) {
716 switch (sqlite3_column_type(, idx)) {
717 case SQLITE_INTEGER: return DBFieldType(DBFieldType.Integer);
718 case SQLITE_FLOAT: return DBFieldType(DBFieldType.Float);
719 case SQLITE3_TEXT: return DBFieldType(DBFieldType.Text);
720 case SQLITE_BLOB: return DBFieldType(DBFieldType.Blob);
721 case SQLITE_NULL: return DBFieldType(DBFieldType.Null);
722 default: break;
724 return DBFieldType(DBFieldType.Unknown);
725 } else static if (isIntegral!T) {
726 auto res = sqlite3_column_int64(, idx);
727 if (res < T.min || res > T.max) throw new SQLiteException("integral overflow");
728 return cast(T)res;
729 } else static if (is(T == double)) {
730 auto res = sqlite3_column_double(, idx);
731 return cast(double)res;
732 } else static if (is(T == float)) {
733 auto res = sqlite3_column_double(, idx);
734 return cast(float)res;
735 } else {
736 auto len = sqlite3_column_bytes(, idx);
737 if (len < 0) throw new SQLiteException("invalid result");
738 const(char)* res = cast(const(char)*)sqlite3_column_blob(, idx);
739 if (len == 0) res = ""; else if (res is null) throw new SQLiteException("invalid result");
740 static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T == const(char))) {
741 return res[0..len];
742 } else static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T == immutable(char))) {
743 return res[0..len].idup;
744 } else {
745 return res[0..len].dup;
749 T to(T) (const(char)[] name) { return!T(fieldIndex____(name)); }
751 const(ubyte)[] blob_ (const(char)[] name) {
752 immutable int idx = fieldIndex____(name);
753 auto len = sqlite3_column_bytes(, idx);
754 if (len < 0) throw new SQLiteException("invalid result");
755 const(ubyte)* res = cast(const(ubyte)*)sqlite3_column_blob(, idx);
756 return res[0..len];
759 template opIndex() {
760 T opIndexImpl(T) (uint idx) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T || is(T : DBFieldIndex) || is(T : DBFieldType)) { return!T(idx); }
761 T opIndexImpl(T) (const(char)[] name) if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T || is(T : DBFieldIndex) || is(T : DBFieldType)) { return!T(name); }
762 alias opIndex = opIndexImpl;
765 template opDispatch(string name) {
766 T opDispatchImpl(T=const(char)[]) () if ((isNarrowString!T && is(ElementEncodingType!T : char)) || isIntegral!T || is(T : DBFieldIndex) || is(T : DBFieldType)) { return!T(name); }
767 alias opDispatch = opDispatchImpl;
770 auto index_ () pure const nothrow @nogc { return (data____.stepIndex > 0 ? data____.stepIndex-1 : 0); }
772 private DBStatement.Data* data____;
773 } // end of DBRow
775 private:
776 struct DBRowRange {
777 private this (ref DBStatement astat) {
778 data =;
779 DBStatement.incref(data);
780 ++data.rowcount;
781 assert(data.stepIndex == 0);
782 data.stepIndex = 1;
783 popFront();
786 this (this) nothrow @trusted @nogc { DBStatement.incref(data); ++data.rowcount; }
788 ~this () nothrow @trusted {
789 DBStatement.decrowref(data);
790 DBStatement.decref(data);
793 @property bool empty () const pure nothrow @nogc { return (data.stepIndex == 0); }
795 @property auto front () {
796 if (data.stepIndex == 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't get front element of completed statement");
797 return DBRow(data);
800 void popFront () {
801 if (data.stepIndex == 0) throw new SQLiteException("can't pop element of completed statement");
802 auto rc = sqlite3_step(;
803 if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) {
804 data.stepIndex = 0;
805 return;
807 if (rc != SQLITE_ROW) {
808 data.stepIndex = 0;
809 sq3check(data.owner.db, rc);
811 ++data.stepIndex;
814 auto index_ () pure const nothrow @nogc { return (data.stepIndex > 0 ? data.stepIndex-1 : 0); }
816 private DBStatement.Data* data;
817 } // end of DBRowRange
819 private:
820 static void incref (Data* data) nothrow @nogc @trusted {
821 if (data !is null) ++data.refcount;
824 static void decref (Data* data) nothrow @trusted {
825 if (data !is null) {
826 if (--data.refcount == 0) {
827 import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
828 if ( !is null) {
829 sqlite3_reset(;
830 sqlite3_clear_bindings(;
831 sqlite3_finalize(;
833 // unregister from the owner list
834 if (data.owner) {
835 version(sq3_debug_stmtlist) { import core.stdc.stdio : stderr, fprintf; fprintf(stderr, "removing stmt(%p): p=%p\n", data.owner, data); }
836 if (data.prev) =; else data.owner.stmthead =;
837 if ( = data.prev; else data.owner.stmttail = data.prev;
838 data.owner = null;
840 free(data);
841 data = null;
846 static void decrowref (Data* data) nothrow @trusted {
847 if (data !is null) {
848 if (--data.rowcount == 0) {
849 data.stepIndex = 0;
850 if ( !is null) {
851 sqlite3_reset(;
852 sqlite3_clear_bindings(;
858 private:
859 static struct Data {
860 uint refcount = 0;
861 uint rowcount = 0; // number of row structs using this statement
862 uint stepIndex = 0;
863 sqlite3_stmt* st = null;
864 Data* prev = null;
865 Data* next = null;
866 Database.DBInfo* owner = null;
868 Data* data;