[iv.d.git] / gengpro0.d
1 /* Invisible Vector Library
2 * coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
3 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
18 // Protractor gesture recognizer, v0
19 module iv.gengpro0 /*is aliced*/;
20 private:
21 import iv.alice;
23 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
24 import std.range;
27 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
28 public alias GengFloat = float;
31 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
32 public enum MinGestureMatch = 1.5;
35 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
37 enum NormalizedPoints = 16; // the paper says that this is enough for protractor to work ok
38 alias GengPatternPoints = GengFloat[NormalizedPoints*2];
41 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
42 enum MinPointDistance = 4;
45 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
46 // ignore possible overflows here
47 import std.traits : isFloatingPoint;
49 GengFloat distance(FP) (in FP x0, in FP y0, in FP x1, in FP y1) if (isFloatingPoint!FP) {
50 import std.math : sqrt;
51 immutable dx = x1-x0;
52 immutable dy = y1-y0;
53 return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
57 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
58 public class PTGlyph {
59 private:
60 GengPatternPoints patpoints;
61 GengFloat[] points; // [0]:x, [1]:y, [2]:x, [3]:y, etc...
62 bool mNormalized; // true: `patpoints` is ok
63 bool mOriented = true;
64 string mName;
66 private static normBlkAttr (void* ptr) {
67 import core.memory : GC;
68 pragma(inline, true);
69 if (ptr !is null && ptr is GC.addrOf(ptr)) GC.setAttr(ptr, GC.BlkAttr.NO_INTERIOR);
72 public:
73 this () nothrow @safe @nogc {}
74 this (string aname, bool aoriented=true) nothrow @safe @nogc { mName = aname; mOriented = aoriented; }
75 this (string aname, in GengPatternPoints apat, bool aoriented) nothrow @safe @nogc {
76 mName = aname;
77 patpoints[] = apat[];
78 mNormalized = true;
79 mOriented = aoriented;
82 final:
83 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (mNormalized || points.length >= 4); }
84 @property bool normalized () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return mNormalized; }
85 @property bool oriented () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return mOriented; }
86 @property void oriented (bool v) pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); if (!mNormalized) mOriented = v; } // can't be changed for normalized glyphs
88 @property string name () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return mName; }
89 @property void name (string v) @safe nothrow @nogc { pragma(inline, true); mName = v; }
91 usize length () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc { pragma(inline, true); return (mNormalized ? NormalizedPoints : points.length/2); }
92 alias opDollar = length;
94 auto x (usize idx) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
95 pragma(inline, true);
96 if (!mNormalized) {
97 return (idx*2 < points.length ? points[idx*2] : typeof(points[0]).nan);
98 } else {
99 return (idx < NormalizedPoints ? patpoints[idx*2] : typeof(points[0]).nan);
103 auto y (usize idx) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
104 pragma(inline, true);
105 if (!mNormalized) {
106 return (idx*2 < points.length ? points[idx*2+1] : typeof(points[0]).nan);
107 } else {
108 return (idx < NormalizedPoints ? patpoints[idx*2+1] : typeof(points[0]).nan);
112 auto clear () nothrow {
113 if (points.length) { points.length = 0; points.assumeSafeAppend; }
114 mNormalized = false;
115 mName = null;
116 return this;
119 auto clone () const {
120 auto res = new PTGlyph(mName);
121 res.mNormalized = mNormalized;
122 res.mOriented = mOriented;
123 res.patpoints[] = patpoints[];
124 if (points.length > 0) {
125 res.points = points.dup;
126 normBlkAttr(res.points.ptr);
128 return res;
131 auto addPoint (int x, int y) {
132 if (mNormalized) throw new Exception("can't add point to normalized glyph");
133 if (points.length > 0) {
134 // check distance and don't add points that are too close to each other
135 immutable lx = x-points[$-2], ly = y-points[$-1];
136 if (lx*lx+ly*ly < MinPointDistance*MinPointDistance) return this;
138 auto optr = points.ptr;
139 points ~= x;
140 if (optr != points.ptr) { normBlkAttr(points.ptr); optr = points.ptr; }
141 points ~= y;
142 if (optr != points.ptr) { normBlkAttr(points.ptr); optr = points.ptr; }
143 mNormalized = false;
144 return this;
147 auto normalize (bool dropPoints=true) {
148 if (!mNormalized) {
149 if (points.length < 4) throw new Exception("glyph must have at least two points");
150 buildNormPoints(patpoints, points, mOriented);
151 mNormalized = true;
152 if (dropPoints) {
153 points.length = 0;
154 points.assumeSafeAppend;
157 return this;
160 // this: template
161 GengFloat match (const(PTGlyph) sample) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
162 if (sample is null || !sample.valid || !valid) return -GengFloat.infinity;
163 if (mNormalized) {
164 // this is normalized
165 return match(patpoints, sample);
166 } else {
167 // this is not normalized
168 GengPatternPoints v1 = void;
169 buildNormPoints(v1, points, mOriented);
170 return match(v1, sample);
174 string patpointsToString () {
175 import std.string : format;
176 return format("%s", patpoints);
179 private:
180 // this: template
181 static GengFloat match (in GengPatternPoints tpl, const(PTGlyph) sample) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
182 if (sample is null || !sample.valid) return -GengFloat.infinity;
183 if (sample.mNormalized) {
184 return match(tpl, sample.patpoints);
185 } else {
186 GengPatternPoints spts = void;
187 buildNormPoints(spts, sample.points, sample.mOriented);
188 return match(tpl, spts);
192 static GengFloat match (in GengPatternPoints v0, in GengPatternPoints v1) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
193 return 1.0/optimalCosineDistance(v0, v1);
196 static GengFloat optimalCosineDistance (in GengPatternPoints v0, in GengPatternPoints v1) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
197 import std.math : atan, acos, cos, sin;
198 GengFloat a = 0.0, b = 0.0;
199 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
200 a += v0[idx*2+0]*v1[idx*2+0]+v0[idx*2+1]*v1[idx*2+1];
201 b += v0[idx*2+0]*v1[idx*2+1]-v0[idx*2+1]*v1[idx*2+0];
203 immutable GengFloat angle = atan(b/a);
204 return acos(a*cos(angle)+b*sin(angle));
207 // glyph length (not point counter!)
208 static GengFloat glyphLength (in GengFloat[] points) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
209 GengFloat res = 0.0;
210 if (points.length >= 4) {
211 // don't want to bring std.algo here
212 GengFloat px = points[0], py = points[1];
213 foreach (immutable idx; 2..points.length/2) {
214 immutable cx = points[idx*2+0], cy = points[idx*2+1];
215 res += distance(px, py, cx, cy);
216 px = cx;
217 py = cy;
220 return res;
223 static void resample (out GengPatternPoints ptres, in GengFloat[] points) pure @safe nothrow @nogc {
224 assert(points.length >= 4);
225 immutable GengFloat I = glyphLength(points)/(NormalizedPoints-1); // interval length
226 GengFloat D = 0.0;
227 GengFloat prx = points[0];
228 GengFloat pry = points[1];
229 // add first point as-is
230 ptres[0] = prx;
231 ptres[1] = pry;
232 usize ptpos = 2, oppos = 2;
233 while (oppos < points.length) {
234 immutable GengFloat cx = points[oppos], cy = points[oppos+1];
235 immutable d = distance(prx, pry, cx, cy);
236 if (D+d >= I) {
237 immutable dd = (I-D)/d;
238 immutable qx = prx+dd*(cx-prx);
239 immutable qy = pry+dd*(cy-pry);
240 assert(ptpos < NormalizedPoints*2);
241 ptres[ptpos++] = qx;
242 ptres[ptpos++] = qy;
243 // use 'q' as previous point
244 prx = qx;
245 pry = qy;
246 D = 0.0;
247 } else {
248 D += d;
249 prx = cx;
250 pry = cy;
251 oppos += 2;
254 // somtimes we fall a rounding-error short of adding the last point, so add it if so
255 if (ptpos/2 == NormalizedPoints-1) {
256 ptres[ptpos++] = points[$-2];
257 ptres[ptpos++] = points[$-1];
259 assert(ptpos == NormalizedPoints*2);
262 // stroke is not required to be centered, but it must be resampled
263 static void vectorize (out GengPatternPoints vres, in GengPatternPoints ptx, bool orientationSensitive)
264 pure nothrow @safe @nogc
266 import std.math : atan2, cos, sin, floor, sqrt, PI;
267 GengPatternPoints pts;
268 GengFloat indAngle, delta;
269 GengFloat cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0;
270 // center it
271 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
272 cx += ptx[idx*2+0];
273 cy += ptx[idx*2+1];
275 cx /= NormalizedPoints;
276 cy /= NormalizedPoints;
277 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
278 pts[idx*2+0] = ptx[idx*2+0]-cx;
279 pts[idx*2+1] = ptx[idx*2+1]-cy;
281 indAngle = atan2(pts[1], pts[0]); // always must be done for centered stroke
282 if (orientationSensitive) {
283 immutable base_orientation = (PI/4.0)*floor((indAngle+PI/8.0)/(PI/4.0));
284 delta = base_orientation-indAngle;
285 } else {
286 delta = indAngle;
288 immutable GengFloat cosd = cos(delta);
289 immutable GengFloat sind = sin(delta);
290 GengFloat sum = 0.0;
291 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints) {
292 immutable nx = pts[idx*2+0]*cosd-pts[idx*2+1]*sind;
293 immutable ny = pts[idx*2+1]*cosd+pts[idx*2+0]*sind;
294 vres[idx*2+0] = nx;
295 vres[idx*2+1] = ny;
296 sum += nx*nx+ny*ny;
298 immutable GengFloat magnitude = sqrt(sum);
299 foreach (immutable idx; 0..NormalizedPoints*2) vres[idx] /= magnitude;
302 static void buildNormPoints (out GengPatternPoints vres, in GengFloat[] points, bool orientationSensitive)
303 pure nothrow @safe @nogc
305 assert(points.length >= 4);
306 GengPatternPoints tmp = void;
307 resample(tmp, points);
308 vectorize(vres, tmp, orientationSensitive);
311 public:
312 PTGlyph findMatch(R) (auto ref R grng, GengFloat* outscore=null) const
313 if (isInputRange!R && !isInfinite!R && is(ElementType!R : PTGlyph))
315 GengFloat bestScore = -GengFloat.infinity;
316 PTGlyph res = null;
317 if (outscore !is null) *outscore = GengFloat.nan;
318 if (valid) {
319 // build normalized `this` glyph in pts
320 GengPatternPoints pts = void;
321 if (this.mNormalized) {
322 pts[] = this.patpoints[];
323 } else {
324 buildNormPoints(pts, points, mOriented);
326 while (!grng.empty) {
327 auto gs = grng.front;
328 grng.popFront;
329 if (gs is null || !gs.valid) continue;
330 GengFloat score = match(pts, gs);
331 if (score >= MinGestureMatch && score > bestScore) {
332 bestScore = score;
333 res = gs;
337 if (res !is null && outscore !is null) *outscore = bestScore;
338 return res;
343 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
344 import iv.vfs;
347 public void gstLibLoad(R) (auto ref R orng, VFile st) if (isOutputRange!(R, PTGlyph)) {
348 auto sign = st.readNum!ulong();
349 if (sign != 0x304244525450384BUL && sign != 0x314244525450384BUL) throw new Exception("invalid library signature"); // "K8PTRDB0"/1
350 ubyte ver = ((sign>>56)-0x30)&0xff;
351 auto cnt = st.readNum!uint();
352 if (cnt > 0x7fff_ffff) throw new Exception("too many glyphs");
353 if (cnt == 0) return;
354 foreach (immutable idx; 0..cnt) {
355 // name
356 auto len = st.readNum!uint();
357 if (len > 1024) throw new Exception("glyph name too long");
358 string name;
359 if (len > 0) {
360 auto buf = new char[](len);
361 st.rawReadExact(buf);
362 name = cast(string)buf; // it is safe to cast here
364 // template
365 GengPatternPoints pts = void;
366 foreach (ref pt; pts) {
367 pt = st.readNum!float();
368 if (pt != pt) throw new Exception("invalid number"); // nan check
370 bool oriented = true;
371 if (ver == 1) oriented = (st.readNum!ubyte != 0);
372 auto g = new PTGlyph(name, pts, oriented);
373 put(orng, g);
378 public PTGlyph[] gstLibLoad (VFile fl) {
379 static struct ORng {
380 PTGlyph[] gls;
381 void put (PTGlyph g) nothrow { if (g !is null && g.valid) gls ~= g; }
383 auto r = ORng();
384 gstLibLoad(r, fl);
385 return (r.gls.length ? r.gls : null);
389 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
390 public void gstLibSave(R) (VFile st, auto ref R grng) if (isInputRange!R && !isInfinite!R && is(ElementType!R : PTGlyph)) {
391 st.writeNum!ulong(0x314244525450384BuL); // "K8PTRDB1"
392 static if (hasLength!R) {
393 auto cnt = grng.length;
394 if (cnt > 0x7fff_ffff) throw new Exception("too many glyphs");
395 st.writeNum!uint(cast(uint)cnt);
396 } else {
397 usize cnt = 0;
398 auto cntpos = st.tell;
399 st.writeNum!uint(0);
401 while (!grng.empty) {
402 auto g = grng.front;
403 grng.popFront;
404 if (g is null || !g.valid) throw new Exception("can't save invalid glyph");
405 // name
406 if ( > 1024) throw new Exception("glyph name too long");
407 st.writeNum!uint(cast(uint);
408 st.rawWriteExact(;
409 // points
410 GengPatternPoints pts = void;
411 if (g.mNormalized) {
412 pts[] = g.patpoints[];
413 } else {
414 g.buildNormPoints(pts, g.points, g.mOriented);
416 foreach (immutable pt; pts) st.writeNum!float(cast(float)pt);
417 st.writeNum!ubyte(g.mOriented ? 1 : 0);
418 static if (!hasLength!R) {
419 if (cnt == 0x7fff_ffff) throw new Exception("too many glyphs");
420 ++cnt;
423 static if (!hasLength!R) {
424 auto cpos = st.tell;
426 st.writeNum!uint(cast(uint)cnt);