editor: another undo fix
[iv.d.git] / vmath_tests / gjk_test_simple3d.d
1 import arsd.simpledisplay;
2 import iv.vfs.io;
3 import iv.vmath;
4 import iv.vmath_gjk3d_simple;
7 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
8 final class Body2D(VT) if (IsVectorDim!(VT, 2)) {
9 VT[] verts; // vertices
10 VT[] norms; // normals
11 VT centroid;
13 alias vec3 = VecN!(3, VT.Float);
15 // GJK interface
16 vec3 position () const { return vec3(centroid); }
18 // dumb O(n) support function, just brute force check all points
19 vec3 support (in vec3 dir) const {
20 //dir = matRS_inverse*dir;
21 vec3 furthestPoint = vec3(verts[0]);
22 auto maxDot = furthestPoint.dot(dir);
23 foreach (const ref v; verts[1..$]) {
24 auto d = vec3(v).dot(vec3(dir));
25 if (d > maxDot) {
26 maxDot = d;
27 furthestPoint = vec3(v);
30 //auto res = matRS*furthestPoint+pos; // convert support to world space
31 return furthestPoint;
34 void setVerts (const(VT)[] aaverts, VT.Float arot=0) {
35 // no hulls with less than 3 vertices (ensure actual polygon)
36 if (aaverts.length < 3) throw new Exception("degenerate body");
38 // rotate vertices
39 VT[] averts;
40 averts.reserve(aaverts.length);
41 auto rmat = Mat3!VT.Rotate(arot);
42 foreach (const ref v; aaverts) averts ~= rmat*v;
44 // find the right most point on the hull
45 int rightMost = 0;
46 VT.Float highestXCoord = averts[0].x;
47 foreach (immutable i; 1..averts.length) {
48 VT.Float x = averts[i].x;
49 if (x > highestXCoord) {
50 highestXCoord = x;
51 rightMost = cast(int)i;
52 } else if (x == highestXCoord) {
53 // if matching x then take farthest negative y
54 if (averts[i].y < averts[rightMost].y) rightMost = cast(int)i;
58 auto hull = new int[](averts.length);
59 int outCount = 0;
60 int indexHull = rightMost;
61 int vcount = 0;
63 for (;;) {
64 hull[outCount] = indexHull;
66 // search for next index that wraps around the hull by computing cross products to
67 // find the most counter-clockwise vertex in the set, given the previos hull index
68 int nextHullIndex = 0;
69 foreach (immutable i; 1..averts.length) {
70 // skip if same coordinate as we need three unique points in the set to perform a cross product
71 if (nextHullIndex == indexHull) {
72 nextHullIndex = i;
73 continue;
75 // cross every set of three unique vertices
76 // record each counter clockwise third vertex and add to the output hull
77 // See : http://www.oocities.org/pcgpe/math2d.html
78 auto e1 = averts[nextHullIndex]-averts[hull[outCount]];
79 auto e2 = averts[i]-averts[hull[outCount]];
80 auto c = e1.cross(e2);
81 if (c < 0.0f) nextHullIndex = i;
83 // cross product is zero then e vectors are on same line
84 // therefore want to record vertex farthest along that line
85 if (c == 0.0f && e2.lengthSquared > e1.lengthSquared) nextHullIndex = i;
88 ++outCount;
89 indexHull = nextHullIndex;
91 // conclude algorithm upon wrap-around
92 if (nextHullIndex == rightMost) {
93 vcount = outCount;
94 break;
97 if (vcount < 3) throw new Exception("degenerate body");
99 // copy vertices into shape's vertices
100 verts.reserve(vcount);
101 foreach (immutable i; 0..vcount) verts ~= averts[hull[i]];
102 if (!isConvex()) throw new Exception("non-convex body");
104 centroid = VT(0, 0, 0);
105 // compute face normals
106 norms.reserve(verts.length);
107 foreach (immutable i1; 0..verts.length) {
108 centroid += verts[i1];
109 immutable i2 = (i1+1)%verts.length;
110 auto face = verts[i2]-verts[i1];
111 // ensure no zero-length edges, because that's bad
112 assert(face.lengthSquared > EPSILON!(VT.Float)*EPSILON!(VT.Float));
113 // calculate normal with 2D cross product between vector and scalar
114 norms ~= VT(face.y, -face.x).normalized;
116 centroid /= cast(VT.Float)verts.length;
117 assert(isConvex);
120 bool isConvex () const {
121 static int sign() (VT.Float v) { pragma(inline, true); return (v < 0 ? -1 : v > 0 ? 1 : 0); }
122 if (verts.length < 3) return false;
123 if (verts.length == 3) return true; // nothing to check here
124 int dir;
125 foreach (immutable idx, const ref v; verts) {
126 immutable v1 = VT(verts[(idx+1)%verts.length])-v;
127 immutable v2 = VT(verts[(idx+2)%verts.length]);
128 int d = sign(v2.x*v1.y-v2.y*v1.x+v1.x*v.y-v1.y*v.x);
129 if (d == 0) return false;
130 if (idx) {
131 if (dir != d) return false;
132 } else {
133 dir = d;
136 return true;
139 void moveBy() (in auto ref VT delta) {
140 foreach (ref v; verts) v += delta;
141 centroid += delta;
144 void moveBy() (VT.Float dx, VT.Float dy, VT.Float dz=0) { moveBy(VT(dx, dy, dz)); }
146 bool inside() (in auto ref VT p) const {
147 static int sign() (VT.Float v) { pragma(inline, true); return (v < 0 ? -1 : v > 0 ? 1 : 0); }
148 if (verts.length < 3) return false;
149 int side = 0;
150 foreach (immutable idx, const ref v; verts) {
151 immutable as = verts[(idx+1)%verts.length]-v;
152 immutable ap = p-v;
153 int d = sign(as.cross(ap));
154 if (d != 0) {
155 if (side == 0) side = d; else if (side != d) return false;
158 return true;
161 bool inside() (VT.Float x, VT.Float y) const { return inside(VT(x, y)); }
165 static assert(IsGoodGJKObject!(Body2D!vec2, vec3));
168 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
169 auto generateBody () {
170 import std.random;
171 vec2[] vtx;
172 foreach (immutable _; 0..uniform!"[]"(10, 50)) vtx ~= vec2(uniform!"[]"(-50, 50), uniform!"[]"(-50, 50));
173 auto flesh = new Body2D!vec2();
174 flesh.setVerts(vtx);
175 return flesh;
179 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
180 void main () {
181 auto flesh0 = generateBody();
182 auto flesh1 = generateBody();
184 flesh0.moveBy(350, 450);
185 flesh1.moveBy(250, 350);
187 auto sdwin = new SimpleWindow(1024, 768, "GJK Test");
189 int fhigh = -1;
190 bool checkCollision = true;
192 void repaint () {
193 auto pt = sdwin.draw();
194 pt.fillColor = Color.black;
195 pt.outlineColor = Color.black;
196 pt.drawRectangle(Point(0, 0), sdwin.width, sdwin.height);
197 pt.outlineColor = Color.white;
199 void drawVL(VT) (in auto ref VT v0, in auto ref VT v1) if (IsVectorDim!(VT, 2)) {
200 pt.drawLine(Point(cast(int)v0.x, cast(int)v0.y), Point(cast(int)v1.x, cast(int)v1.y));
203 void drawPoint(VT) (in auto ref VT v) if (IsVector!VT) {
204 immutable v0 = v-2;
205 immutable v1 = v+2;
206 pt.drawEllipse(Point(cast(int)v0.x, cast(int)v0.y), Point(cast(int)v1.x, cast(int)v1.y));
209 void drawBody(BT) (BT flesh) if (is(BT == Body2D!VT, VT)) {
210 foreach (immutable int idx; 0..cast(int)flesh.verts.length) {
211 immutable v0 = flesh.verts[idx];
212 immutable v1 = flesh.verts[(idx+1)%cast(int)flesh.verts.length];
213 drawVL(v0, v1);
215 drawPoint(flesh.centroid);
218 bool collided = false;
219 vec3 mtv;
221 if (checkCollision) {
222 import std.math : sqrt;
223 collided = gjk(flesh0, flesh1, &mtv);
224 if (collided) writeln("COLLISION! mtv=", mtv);
227 pt.outlineColor = (fhigh == 0 ? Color.green : collided ? Color.red : Color.white);
228 drawBody(flesh0);
229 pt.outlineColor = (fhigh == 1 ? Color.green : collided ? Color.red : Color.white);
230 drawBody(flesh1);
232 if (collided) {
234 pt.outlineColor = Color.yellow;
235 flesh0.moveBy(mtv);
236 drawBody(flesh0);
237 flesh0.moveBy(-mtv);
239 pt.outlineColor = Color(255, 127, 0);
240 flesh1.moveBy(mtv);
241 drawBody(flesh1);
242 flesh1.moveBy(-mtv);
246 pt.outlineColor = Color(255, 127, 0);
247 drawPoint(epaP+flesh0.centroid);
249 drawVL(vec2(epaFace[0]+flesh0.centroid), vec2(epaFace[1]+flesh0.centroid));
250 pt.outlineColor = Color.yellow;
251 drawVL(vec2(epaFace[1]+flesh0.centroid), vec2(epaFace[2]+flesh0.centroid));
252 pt.outlineColor = Color.blue;
253 drawVL(vec2(epaFace[2]+flesh0.centroid), vec2(epaFace[0]+flesh0.centroid));
258 repaint();
259 sdwin.eventLoop(0,
260 delegate (KeyEvent event) {
261 if (!event.pressed) return;
262 if (event == "C-Q") { sdwin.close(); return; }
264 delegate (MouseEvent event) {
265 int oldhi = fhigh;
266 if (event.type == MouseEventType.buttonPressed && event.button == MouseButton.left) {
267 ubyte hp = 0;
268 if (flesh0.inside(event.x, event.y)) hp |= 1;
269 if (flesh1.inside(event.x, event.y)) hp |= 2;
270 if (hp) {
271 if (hp == 1) fhigh = 0;
272 else if (hp == 2) fhigh = 1;
273 else {
274 assert(hp == 3);
275 // choose one with the closest centroid
276 fhigh = (flesh0.centroid.distanceSquared(vec2(event.x, event.y)) < flesh1.centroid.distanceSquared(vec2(event.x, event.y)) ? 0 : 1);
278 } else {
279 fhigh = -1;
281 if (oldhi != fhigh) {
282 checkCollision = (fhigh == -1);
283 repaint();
285 return;
287 if (fhigh != -1 && event.type == MouseEventType.motion && (event.modifierState&ModifierState.leftButtonDown) != 0) {
288 if (fhigh == 0) flesh0.moveBy(event.dx, event.dy);
289 else if (fhigh == 1) flesh1.moveBy(event.dx, event.dy);
290 checkCollision = (fhigh == -1);
291 repaint();
292 return;
294 if (event.type == MouseEventType.buttonReleased && event.button == MouseButton.left) {
295 if (fhigh != -1) {
296 fhigh = -1;
297 checkCollision = true;
298 repaint();