added "iv.dynstring"
[iv.d.git] / vfs / arc / internal.d
1 /* Invisible Vector Library
2 * coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
3 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 module iv.vfs.arc.internal /*is aliced*/;
18 import iv.alice;
20 //version = iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash;
21 version = iv_vfs_arcs_nomodulo;
24 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
25 package mixin template VFSSimpleArchiveDriverMixin() {
26 protected:
27 static struct HashTableEntry {
28 uint hash; // name hash; name is lowercased
29 uint prev=uint.max; // previous name with the same reduced hash position
30 uint didx=uint.max; // dir index
33 // returns lowercased string bytes, suitable for hash calculation
34 static struct LoStringRange {
35 const(char)[] s;
36 usize pos;
37 pure nothrow @trusted @nogc:
38 this (const(char)[] as) { pragma(inline, true); s = as; pos = 0; }
39 @property bool empty () const { pragma(inline, true); return (pos >= s.length); }
40 @property ubyte front () const {
41 pragma(inline, true);
42 import iv.vfs.koi8;
43 if (pos < s.length) {
44 version(Windows) {
45 return cast(ubyte)koi8tolowerTable.ptr[cast(ubyte)koi8from1251Table[s.ptr[pos]]];
46 } else {
47 return cast(ubyte)koi8tolowerTable.ptr[cast(ubyte)s.ptr[pos]];
49 } else {
50 return 0;
52 return (pos < s.length ? cast(ubyte)s.ptr[pos] : 0);
54 void popFront () { pragma(inline, true); if (pos < s.length) ++pos; }
57 static uint hashStr (const(char)[] s) {
58 //pragma(inline, true);
59 if (auto res = mur3HashOf(LoStringRange(s))) return res; else return 1; // so we can use 0 as sentinel
60 //return mur3HashOf(LoStringRange(s));
63 protected:
64 VFile st;
65 FileInfo[] dir;
66 HashTableEntry[] htable; // for names, in reverse order; so name lookups will be faster
67 // the algo is:
68 // htable[hashStr(name)%htable.length]: check if hash is ok, and name is ok
69 // if not ok, jump to htable[curht.prev], repeat
71 protected:
72 // call this after you done building `dir`; never modify `dir` after that (or call `buildNameHashTable()` again)
73 final void buildNameHashTable () @trusted {
74 import core.memory : GC;
75 if (dir.length == 0 || dir.length >= uint.max-8) { delete htable; return; } // just in case
76 if (htable.length) htable.assumeSafeAppend;
77 htable.length = dir.length;
78 if (htable.ptr is GC.addrOf(htable.ptr)) GC.setAttr(htable.ptr, GC.BlkAttr.NO_INTERIOR);
79 htable[] = HashTableEntry.init;
80 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) {
81 uint chaincount = 0;
82 uint maxchainlen = 0;
84 foreach_reverse (immutable idx, const ref FileInfo fi; dir) {
85 uint nhash = hashStr(; // never zero
86 version(iv_vfs_arcs_nomodulo) {
87 uint hidx = cast(uint)((cast(ulong)nhash*cast(ulong)htable.length)>>32);
88 assert(hidx < htable.length);
89 } else {
90 uint hidx = nhash%cast(uint)htable.length;
92 if (htable.ptr[hidx].didx == uint.max) {
93 // first item
94 htable.ptr[hidx].hash = nhash;
95 htable.ptr[hidx].didx = cast(uint)idx;
96 assert(htable.ptr[hidx].prev == uint.max);
97 //version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("H1: [%.*s] nhash=0x%08x; hidx=%u\n", cast(uint),, nhash, hidx); }
98 } else {
99 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) {
100 uint chainlen = 0;
101 ++chaincount;
103 // chain
104 while (htable.ptr[hidx].prev != uint.max) {
105 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) ++chainlen;
106 hidx = htable.ptr[hidx].prev;
108 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) if (chainlen > maxchainlen) maxchainlen = chainlen;
109 // find free slot
110 uint freeslot = hidx;
111 foreach (immutable uint count; 0..cast(uint)dir.length) {
112 freeslot = (freeslot+1)%cast(uint)htable.length;
113 if (htable.ptr[freeslot].hash == 0) break; // i found her!
115 if (htable.ptr[freeslot].hash != 0) assert(0, "wtf?!");
116 htable.ptr[hidx].prev = freeslot;
117 htable.ptr[freeslot].hash = nhash;
118 htable.ptr[freeslot].didx = cast(uint)idx;
119 assert(htable.ptr[freeslot].prev == uint.max);
122 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("chaincount=%u; maxchainlen=%u; count=%u\n", chaincount, maxchainlen, cast(uint)htable.length); }
125 public:
126 this (VFile fl, const(char)[] prefixpath) {
127 open(fl, prefixpath);
128 st = fl;
131 override VFile tryOpen (const(char)[] fname, bool ignoreCase) {
132 static bool xequ (const(char)[] s0, const(char)[] s1, bool icase) {
133 version(Windows) {
134 import iv.vfs.koi8;
135 if (s0.length != s1.length) return false;
136 foreach (immutable idx, char c0; s0) {
137 char c1 = koi8from1251Table[s1.ptr[idx]];
138 if (icase) {
139 c0 = koi8tolowerTable.ptr[cast(ubyte)c0];
140 c1 = koi8tolowerTable.ptr[cast(ubyte)c1];
142 if (c0 != c1) return false;
144 return true;
145 } else {
146 import iv.vfs.koi8 : koi8StrCaseEqu;
147 return (icase ? koi8StrCaseEqu(s0, s1) : (s0 == s1));
151 if (fname.length == 0 || dir.length == 0) return VFile.init;
152 // try hashtable first
153 if (htable.length == dir.length) {
154 uint nhash = hashStr(fname);
155 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("HL: [%.*s] nhash=0x%08x\n", cast(uint)fname.length, fname.ptr, nhash); }
156 version(iv_vfs_arcs_nomodulo) {
157 uint hidx = cast(uint)((cast(ulong)nhash*cast(ulong)htable.length)>>32);
158 } else {
159 uint hidx = nhash%cast(uint)htable.length;
161 while (hidx != uint.max && htable.ptr[hidx].hash != 0) {
162 if (htable.ptr[hidx].hash == nhash) {
163 uint didx = htable.ptr[hidx].didx;
164 FileInfo* fi = dir.ptr+didx;
165 if (xequ(, fname, ignoreCase)) {
166 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("HH: [%.*s] nhash=0x%08x; hthash=0x%08x; hidx=%u\n", cast(uint),, nhash, htable.ptr[hidx].hash, hidx); }
167 return wrap(didx);
170 version(iv_vfs_arcs_debug_hash) { import core.stdc.stdio; printf("HS: [%.*s] nhash=0x%08x; hthash=0x%08x; hidx=%u\n", cast(uint)dir.ptr[htable.ptr[hidx].didx].name.length, dir.ptr[htable.ptr[hidx].didx].name.ptr, nhash, htable.ptr[hidx].hash, hidx); }
171 hidx = htable.ptr[hidx].prev;
173 // alas, and it is guaranteed that we have no such file here
174 return VFile.init;
176 // fallback to linear search
177 foreach_reverse (immutable idx, ref fi; dir) {
178 if (xequ(, fname, ignoreCase)) return wrap(idx);
180 return VFile.init;
183 override @property usize dirLength () { return dir.length; }
184 override DirEntry dirEntry (usize idx) { return (idx < dir.length ? DirEntry(cast(uint)idx, dir.ptr[idx].name, dir.ptr[idx].size) : DirEntry.init); }
188 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
189 package enum VFSSimpleArchiveDetectorMixin(string drvname, string mode="normal") =
190 "shared static this () { vfsRegisterDetector!"~mode.stringof~"(new "~drvname~"Detector()); }\n"~
191 "private final class "~drvname~"Detector : VFSDriverDetector {\n"~
192 " override VFSDriver tryOpen (VFile fl, const(char)[] prefixpath) {\n"~
193 " try {\n"~
194 " return new VFSDriver"~drvname~"(fl, prefixpath);\n"~
195 " } catch (Exception) {}\n"~
196 " return null;\n"~
197 " }\n"~
198 "}\n";