egra: prepare agg mini before calling `onPaint()` (and cleanup afterwards)
[iv.d.git] / dlzma / package.d
1 /* converted by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
2 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
4 * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
5 * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
6 * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
7 * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
8 * for more details.
9 */
10 // conversion of LZMA SDK 2103 (lzma2103.7z)
11 module iv.dlzma;
12 public:
15 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
16 static if (!is(typeof(usize))) public alias usize = size_t;
19 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
20 /* LZMA_PROB32 can increase the speed on some CPUs,
21 but memory usage for CLzmaDec::probs will be doubled in that case */
22 //version = LZMA_PROB32;
24 version(LZMA_PROB32) {
25 alias CLzmaProb = uint;
26 } else {
27 alias CLzmaProb = ushort;
31 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
32 enum {
33 SZ_OK = 0,
36 SZ_ERROR_MEM = 2,
37 // SZ_ERROR_CRC = 3,
45 SZ_ERROR_FAIL = 11,
49 alias SRes = int;
50 alias WRes = int;
53 /* The following interfaces use first parameter as pointer to structure */
55 struct ISeqInStream {
56 SRes delegate (/*const*/ISeqInStream* p, void* buf, usize* size) nothrow Read;
57 /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream.
58 (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */
62 struct ISeqOutStream {
63 usize delegate (/*const*/ISeqOutStream* p, const(void)* buf, usize size) nothrow Write;
64 /* Returns: result - the number of actually written bytes.
65 (result < size) means error */
69 struct ICompressProgress {
70 SRes delegate (/*const*/ICompressProgress* p, ulong inSize, ulong outSize) nothrow Progress;
71 /* Returns: result. (result != SZ_OK) means break.
72 Value (ulong)(long)-1 for size means unknown value. */
76 alias ISzAllocPtr = ISzAlloc*;
77 struct ISzAlloc {
78 void *delegate (ISzAllocPtr p, usize size) nothrow Alloc;
79 void delegate (ISzAllocPtr p, void *address) nothrow Free; /* address can be 0 */
82 public void *ISzAlloc_Alloc (ISzAllocPtr p, usize size) nothrow {
83 pragma(inline, true);
84 return p.Alloc(p, size);
87 public void ISzAlloc_Free (ISzAllocPtr p, void *address) nothrow {
88 pragma(inline, true);
89 p.Free(p, address);
93 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
94 __gshared ISzAlloc lzmaDefAllocator = ISzAlloc(
95 delegate void* (ISzAllocPtr p, usize size) nothrow {
96 import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
97 size += !size;
98 return malloc(size);
100 delegate void (ISzAllocPtr p, void* address) nothrow {
101 import core.stdc.stdlib : free;
102 if (address !is null) free(address);
107 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
108 enum LZMA_PROPS_SIZE = 5;
111 //**************************************************************************
113 // encoder API
115 //**************************************************************************
117 struct CLzmaEncProps {
118 int level; /* 0 <= level <= 9 */
119 uint dictSize; /* (1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (1 << 27) for 32-bit version
120 (1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (3 << 29) for 64-bit version
121 default = (1 << 24) */
122 int lc; /* 0 <= lc <= 8, default = 3 */
123 int lp; /* 0 <= lp <= 4, default = 0 */
124 int pb; /* 0 <= pb <= 4, default = 2 */
125 int algo; /* 0 - fast, 1 - normal, default = 1 */
126 int fb; /* 5 <= fb <= 273, default = 32 */
127 int btMode; /* 0 - hashChain Mode, 1 - binTree mode - normal, default = 1 */
128 int numHashBytes; /* 2, 3 or 4, default = 4 */
129 uint mc; /* 1 <= mc <= (1 << 30), default = 32 */
130 uint writeEndMark;/* 0 - do not write EOPM, 1 - write EOPM, default = 0 */
132 ulong reduceSize; /* estimated size of data that will be compressed. default = (ulong)(long)-1.
133 Encoder uses this value to reduce dictionary size */
136 alias CLzmaEncHandle = void*;
138 version(none) {
139 public void LzmaEncProps_Init (CLzmaEncProps* p) @nogc;
140 public void LzmaEncProps_Normalize (CLzmaEncProps* p) @nogc;
141 public uint LzmaEncProps_GetDictSize (const(CLzmaEncProps)* props2) @nogc;
143 /* LzmaEnc* functions can return the following exit codes:
144 SRes:
145 SZ_OK - OK
146 SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation error
147 SZ_ERROR_PARAM - Incorrect paramater in props
148 SZ_ERROR_WRITE - ISeqOutStream write callback error
149 SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF - output buffer overflow - version with (ubyte *) output
150 SZ_ERROR_PROGRESS - some break from progress callback
153 public CLzmaEncHandle LzmaEnc_Create (ISzAllocPtr alloc);
154 public void LzmaEnc_Destroy (CLzmaEncHandle p, ISzAllocPtr alloc, ISzAllocPtr allocBig);
156 public SRes LzmaEnc_SetProps (CLzmaEncHandle pp, const(CLzmaEncProps)* props2) @nogc;
157 public void LzmaEnc_SetDataSize (CLzmaEncHandle pp, ulong expectedDataSiize) @nogc;
158 public SRes LzmaEnc_WriteProperties (CLzmaEncHandle pp, ubyte* props, uint* size) @nogc;
159 public uint LzmaEnc_IsWriteEndMark (CLzmaEncHandle pp) @nogc;
161 public SRes LzmaEnc_MemEncode (CLzmaEncHandle pp, ubyte* dest, usize* destLen, const(ubyte)* src, usize srcLen,
162 int writeEndMark, ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAllocPtr alloc, ISzAllocPtr allocBig);
164 public SRes LzmaEnc_Encode (CLzmaEncHandle pp, ISeqOutStream *outStream, ISeqInStream *inStream,
165 ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAllocPtr alloc, ISzAllocPtr allocBig);
167 /* ---------- One Call Interface ---------- */
168 public SRes LzmaEncode (ubyte* dest, usize* destLen, const(ubyte)* src, usize srcLen,
169 const(CLzmaEncProps)* props, ubyte* propsEncoded, uint* propsSize,
170 int writeEndMark, ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAllocPtr alloc, ISzAllocPtr allocBig);
175 //**************************************************************************
177 // decoder API
179 //**************************************************************************
180 struct CLzmaProps {
181 ubyte lc;
182 ubyte lp;
183 ubyte pb;
184 ubyte _pad_;
185 uint dicSize;
188 /* LzmaProps_Decode - decodes properties
189 Returns:
190 SZ_OK
191 SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED - Unsupported properties
194 //SRes LzmaProps_Decode(CLzmaProps *p, const uint8_t *data, unsigned size);
197 /* ---------- LZMA Decoder state ---------- */
199 /* LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX = number of required input bytes for worst case.
200 Num bits = log2((2^11 / 31) ^ 22) + 26 < 134 + 26 = 160; */
204 struct CLzmaDec {
205 CLzmaProps prop;
206 CLzmaProb *probs;
207 CLzmaProb *probs_1664;
208 ubyte *dic;
209 usize dicBufSize;
210 usize dicPos;
211 const(ubyte)* buf;
212 uint range;
213 uint code;
214 uint processedPos;
215 uint checkDicSize;
216 uint[4] reps;
217 uint state;
218 uint remainLen;
220 uint numProbs;
221 uint tempBufSize;
222 ubyte[LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX] tempBuf = void;
225 //#define LzmaDec_Construct(p) { (p)->dic = NULL; (p)->probs = NULL; }
227 //public void LzmaDec_Construct (CLzmaDec *p) nothrow @nogc { p.dic = null; p.probs = null; }
229 /* There are two types of LZMA streams:
230 - Stream with end mark. That end mark adds about 6 bytes to compressed size.
231 - Stream without end mark. You must know exact uncompressed size to decompress such stream. */
233 alias ELzmaFinishMode = int;
234 enum {
235 LZMA_FINISH_ANY, /* finish at any point */
236 LZMA_FINISH_END /* block must be finished at the end */
239 /* ELzmaFinishMode has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit !!!
241 You must use LZMA_FINISH_END, when you know that current output buffer
242 covers last bytes of block. In other cases you must use LZMA_FINISH_ANY.
244 If LZMA decoder sees end marker before reaching output limit, it returns SZ_OK,
245 and output value of destLen will be less than output buffer size limit.
246 You can check status result also.
248 You can use multiple checks to test data integrity after full decompression:
249 1) Check Result and "status" variable.
250 2) Check that output(destLen) = uncompressedSize, if you know real uncompressedSize.
251 3) Check that output(srcLen) = compressedSize, if you know real compressedSize.
252 You must use correct finish mode in that case. */
254 alias ELzmaStatus = int;
255 enum {
256 LZMA_STATUS_NOT_SPECIFIED, /* use main error code instead */
257 LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK, /* stream was finished with end mark. */
258 LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED, /* stream was not finished */
259 LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT, /* you must provide more input bytes */
260 LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK /* there is probability that stream was finished without end mark */
263 /* ELzmaStatus is used only as output value for function call */
266 /* ---------- Interfaces ---------- */
268 /* There are 3 levels of interfaces:
269 1) Dictionary Interface
270 2) Buffer Interface
271 3) One Call Interface
272 You can select any of these interfaces, but don't mix functions from different
273 groups for same object. */
276 /* There are two variants to allocate state for Dictionary Interface:
277 1) LzmaDec_Allocate / LzmaDec_Free
278 2) LzmaDec_AllocateProbs / LzmaDec_FreeProbs
279 You can use variant 2, if you set dictionary buffer manually.
280 For Buffer Interface you must always use variant 1.
282 LzmaDec_Allocate* can return:
283 SZ_OK
284 SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation error
285 SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED - Unsupported properties
288 version(none) {
289 // you can use this to check and decode properties
290 public SRes LzmaProps_Decode (CLzmaProps* p, const(ubyte)* data, uint size) @nogc;
292 public void LzmaDec_Init (CLzmaDec* p) @nogc;
294 public SRes LzmaDec_Allocate (CLzmaDec* p, const(ubyte)* props, uint propsSize, ISzAllocPtr alloc);
295 public void LzmaDec_Free (CLzmaDec* p, ISzAllocPtr alloc);
297 //k8: the following two functions are used for... something, i don't know.
298 //k8: you don't need to call them, `LzmaDec_Allocate()` and `LzmaDec_Free()` will do it for you.
299 public SRes LzmaDec_AllocateProbs (CLzmaDec* p, const(ubyte)* props, uint propsSize, ISzAllocPtr alloc);
300 public void LzmaDec_FreeProbs (CLzmaDec *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc);
302 /* ---------- Dictionary Interface ---------- */
304 /* You can use it, if you want to eliminate the overhead for data copying from
305 dictionary to some other external buffer.
306 You must work with CLzmaDec variables directly in this interface.
308 STEPS:
309 LzmaDec_Construct()
310 LzmaDec_Allocate()
311 for (each new stream)
313 LzmaDec_Init()
314 while (it needs more decompression)
316 LzmaDec_DecodeToDic()
317 use data from CLzmaDec::dic and update CLzmaDec::dicPos
320 LzmaDec_Free()
323 /* LzmaDec_DecodeToDic
325 The decoding to internal dictionary buffer (CLzmaDec::dic).
326 You must manually update CLzmaDec::dicPos, if it reaches CLzmaDec::dicBufSize !!!
328 finishMode:
329 It has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit (dicLimit).
330 LZMA_FINISH_ANY - Decode just dicLimit bytes.
331 LZMA_FINISH_END - Stream must be finished after dicLimit.
333 Returns:
334 SZ_OK
335 status:
340 SZ_ERROR_DATA - Data error
341 SZ_ERROR_FAIL - Some unexpected error: internal error of code, memory corruption or hardware failure
344 public SRes LzmaDec_DecodeToDic (CLzmaDec* p, usize dicLimit, const(ubyte)* src, usize *srcLen,
345 ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status) @nogc;
348 /* ---------- Buffer Interface ---------- */
350 /* It's zlib-like interface.
351 See LzmaDec_DecodeToDic description for information about STEPS and return results,
352 but you must use LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf instead of LzmaDec_DecodeToDic and you don't need
353 to work with CLzmaDec variables manually.
355 finishMode:
356 It has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit (*destLen).
357 LZMA_FINISH_ANY - Decode just destLen bytes.
358 LZMA_FINISH_END - Stream must be finished after (*destLen).
361 public SRes LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf (CLzmaDec* p, ubyte* dest, usize* destLen, const(ubyte)* src, usize *srcLen,
362 ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status) @nogc;
365 /* ---------- One Call Interface ---------- */
367 /* LzmaDecode
369 finishMode:
370 It has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit (*destLen).
371 LZMA_FINISH_ANY - Decode just destLen bytes.
372 LZMA_FINISH_END - Stream must be finished after (*destLen).
374 Returns:
375 SZ_OK
376 status:
380 SZ_ERROR_DATA - Data error
381 SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation error
382 SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED - Unsupported properties
383 SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF - It needs more bytes in input buffer (src).
384 SZ_ERROR_FAIL - Some unexpected error: internal error of code, memory corruption or hardware failure
387 public SRes LzmaDecode (ubyte* dest, usize* destLen, const(ubyte)* src, usize *srcLen,
388 const(ubyte)* propData, uint propSize, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode,
389 ELzmaStatus *status, ISzAllocPtr alloc);
393 public import iv.dlzma.dec;
394 public import iv.dlzma.enc;