egra: agg mini code cleanups
[iv.d.git] / dlzma / test / dlzmatest_vanilla.d
1 /* converted by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
2 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
4 * This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
5 * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
6 * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
7 * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
8 * for more details.
9 */
10 module dlzmatest_vanilla;
12 import std.digest.ripemd;
13 import std.stdio;
15 import iv.dlzma;
18 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
19 /// convert integral number to number with commas
20 char[] intWithCommas(T) (char[] dest, T nn, char comma=',') if (__traits(isIntegral, T)) {
21 static if (__traits(isUnsigned, T)) {
22 enum neg = false;
23 //alias n = nn;
24 static if (T.sizeof < 8) {
25 uint n = nn;
26 } else {
27 ulong n = nn;
29 } else {
30 bool neg = (nn < 0);
31 static if (T.sizeof < 8) {
32 long n = nn;
33 if (neg) n = -n;
34 if (n < 0) n = T.max;
35 } else {
36 //alias n = nn;
37 long n = nn;
38 if (neg) n = -n;
39 if (n < 0) n = T.max; //FIXME
42 char[256] buf = void;
43 int bpos = cast(int)buf.length;
44 int leftToComma = 3;
45 do {
46 if (leftToComma-- == 0) { buf[--bpos] = comma; leftToComma = 2; }
47 buf[--bpos] = cast(char)('0'+n%10);
48 } while ((n /= 10) != 0);
49 if (neg) buf[--bpos] = '-';
50 auto len = buf.length-bpos;
51 if (dest is null) dest = new char[](len);
52 if (len > dest.length) len = dest.length;
53 dest[0..len] = buf[bpos..bpos+len];
54 return dest[0..len];
57 char[] intWithCommas(T) (T nn, char comma=',') if (__traits(isIntegral, T)) { return intWithCommas(null, nn, comma); }
60 void rawWriteExact (ref File fo, const(void)[] buf) {
61 if (buf.length == 0) return;
62 fo.rawWrite(buf);
65 void rawReadExact (ref File fo, void[] buf) {
66 if (buf.length == 0) return;
67 if (fo.rawRead(buf).length != buf.length) throw new Exception("read error");
70 void writeNum(T) (ref File st, T n) if (__traits(isIntegral, T)) {
71 static assert(T.sizeof <= 8); // just in case
72 st.rawWriteExact((&n)[0..1]);
75 T readNum(T) (ref File st) if (__traits(isIntegral, T)) {
76 static assert(T.sizeof <= 8); // just in case
77 T n;
78 st.rawReadExact((&n)[0..1]);
79 return n;
83 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
84 void compressFile (ref File fi, ref File fo) {
86 ulong insize = fi.size;
87 //fi.rawReadExact(inbuf[0..insize]);
88 //fi.close();
90 CLzmaEncProps props;
91 LzmaEncProps_Init(&props);
92 props.level = 9;
93 //props.dictSize = 1;
94 //while (props.dictSize < insize) props.dictSize <<= 1;
95 props.dictSize = 1<<27; //128MB
96 //props.dictSize = 1<<22; //4MB
97 props.reduceSize = insize;
99 ubyte[LZMA_PROPS_SIZE+8] header;
100 uint headerSize = cast(uint)header.sizeof;
102 CLzmaEncHandle enc = LzmaEnc_Create(&lzmaDefAllocator);
103 scope(exit) LzmaEnc_Destroy(enc, &lzmaDefAllocator, &lzmaDefAllocator);
105 if (LzmaEnc_SetProps(enc, &props) != SZ_OK) throw new Exception("cannot set encoder properties");
106 LzmaEnc_SetDataSize(enc, insize); // just in case
108 if (LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(enc, header.ptr, &headerSize) != SZ_OK) throw new Exception("cannot encode encoder properties");
109 assert(headerSize > 0 && headerSize < 256);
111 writeln("compressing...");
112 fo.writeNum!ushort(cast(ushort)1); // version and endianness check
113 fo.writeNum!ulong(insize); // unpacked file size
114 fo.writeNum!ubyte(cast(ubyte)headerSize); // properties size
115 fo.rawWriteExact(header[0..headerSize]);
117 ISeqInStream inStream;
118 ISeqOutStream outStream;
119 ICompressProgress progress;
121 immutable origInSize = insize;
122 ulong destSize = 0;
124 auto csum = makeDigest!RIPEMD160;
126 /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream.
127 (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */
128 inStream.Read = delegate SRes (ISeqInStream* p, void* buf, usize* size) nothrow {
129 if (*size > insize) *size = cast(usize)insize;
130 if (*size) {
131 try {
132 fi.rawReadExact(buf[0..*size]);
133 } catch (Exception e) {
134 return SZ_ERROR_READ;
136 csum.put((cast(const(ubyte)*)buf)[0..*size]);
137 insize -= *size;
139 return SZ_OK;
142 /* Returns: result - the number of actually written bytes.
143 (result < size) means error */
144 outStream.Write = delegate usize (ISeqOutStream* p, const(void)* buf, usize size) nothrow {
145 try {
146 fo.rawWriteExact(buf[0..size]);
147 destSize += size;
148 } catch (Exception e) {
149 return 0;
151 return size;
154 uint prevPrc = uint.max;
156 progress.Progress = delegate SRes (ICompressProgress* p, ulong inSize, ulong outSize) nothrow {
157 if (origInSize == 0) return SZ_OK; // just in case
158 immutable uint prc = cast(uint)(inSize*100U/origInSize);
159 if (prc == prevPrc && inSize != 0) return SZ_OK;
160 prevPrc = prc;
161 char[128] i0 = void;
162 char[128] i1 = void;
163 auto num0 = intWithCommas(i0[], inSize);
164 auto num1 = intWithCommas(i1[], origInSize);
165 try {
166 stdout.write(" [", num0[], "/", num1[], "] ", prc, "%\x1b[K\r");
167 stdout.flush();
168 } catch (Exception) {}
169 return SZ_OK;
172 progress.Progress(&progress, 0, 0);
174 SRes res = LzmaEnc_Encode(enc, &outStream, &inStream, &progress, &lzmaDefAllocator, &lzmaDefAllocator);
176 switch (res) {
177 case SZ_OK: break;
178 case SZ_ERROR_MEM: throw new Exception("FUCK: memory");
179 case SZ_ERROR_PARAM: throw new Exception("FUCK: param");
180 case SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF: throw new Exception("FUCK: compressed is bigger");
181 default: throw new Exception("FUCK: something else");
184 ubyte[20] hash = csum.finish()[];
185 fo.rawWriteExact(hash[]);
187 writeln("\rcompressed ", intWithCommas(origInSize), " to ", intWithCommas(destSize), "; ratio: ", destSize*100U/(origInSize ? origInSize : 1), "%\x1b[K");
191 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
192 void decompressFile (ref File fi, ref File fo) {
193 ubyte[LZMA_PROPS_SIZE+8] header;
196 ulong pksize = fi.size;
197 if (fi.readNum!ushort != 1) throw new Exception("invalid archive version");
198 ulong unsize = fi.readNum!ulong; // unpacked size
199 ubyte hdrSize = fi.readNum!ubyte;
200 if (hdrSize == 0 || hdrSize > header.sizeof) throw new Exception("invalid properties size");
201 fi.rawReadExact(header[0..hdrSize]);
202 pksize -= fi.tell;
204 if (pksize < 20) throw new Exception("invalid archive size");
205 if (pksize == 0) {
206 if (unsize != 0) throw new Exception("invalid archive size");
207 return; // nothing to do
209 pksize -= 20; // digest size
211 auto csum = makeDigest!RIPEMD160;
213 enum InBufSize = 1024*1024;
214 enum OutBufSize = 1024*1024;
216 ubyte *inbuf = cast(ubyte*)ISzAlloc_Alloc(&lzmaDefAllocator, InBufSize);
217 ubyte *outbuf = cast(ubyte*)ISzAlloc_Alloc(&lzmaDefAllocator, OutBufSize);
218 scope(exit) {
219 ISzAlloc_Free(&lzmaDefAllocator, inbuf);
220 ISzAlloc_Free(&lzmaDefAllocator, outbuf);
223 CLzmaDec dec;
224 LzmaDec_Init(&dec);
226 SRes res = LzmaDec_Allocate(&dec, header.ptr, hdrSize, &lzmaDefAllocator);
227 if (res != SZ_OK) throw new Exception("cannot initialize decoder");
228 scope(exit) LzmaDec_Free(&dec, &lzmaDefAllocator);
230 ulong unpackedTotal = 0;
231 ulong readleft = pksize;
232 usize inused = 0;
234 uint prevPrc = uint.max;
236 void showProgress () nothrow {
237 immutable rds = unpackedTotal; //pksize-readleft;
238 immutable uint prc = cast(uint)(rds*100U/unsize/*pksize*/);
239 if (prc == prevPrc && unpackedTotal != unsize) return;
240 prevPrc = prc;
241 char[128] i0 = void;
242 char[128] i1 = void;
243 auto num0 = intWithCommas(i0[], rds);
244 auto num1 = intWithCommas(i1[], unsize/*pksize*/);
245 try {
246 stdout.write(" [", num0[], "/", num1[], "] ", prc, "%\x1b[K\r");
247 stdout.flush();
248 } catch (Exception) {}
251 while (readleft || inused) {
252 // read more
253 if (readleft && inused < InBufSize) {
254 uint rd = InBufSize-cast(uint)inused;
255 if (rd > readleft) rd = cast(uint)readleft;
256 fi.rawReadExact(inbuf[inused..inused+rd]);
257 inused += rd;
258 readleft -= rd;
259 //showProgress();
261 usize outSize = OutBufSize;
262 usize inSize = inused;
263 ELzmaStatus status;
264 // as we don't have a proper EOF mark, make sure to not unpack extra data
265 if (unsize-unpackedTotal < outSize) outSize = cast(usize)(unsize-unpackedTotal);
266 //writeln("\nunsize=", unsize, "; unpackedTotal=", unpackedTotal, "; outSize=", outSize);
267 res = LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(&dec, outbuf, &outSize, inbuf, &inSize, LZMA_FINISH_ANY, &status);
268 if (res != SZ_OK) {
269 writeln;
270 writeln("ERROR: readleft=", readleft, "; inused=", inused, "; written=", unpackedTotal, " of ", unsize);
271 switch (res) {
272 case SZ_ERROR_DATA: throw new Exception("corrupted data");
273 case SZ_ERROR_MEM: throw new Exception("out of memory");
274 case SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: throw new Exception("unsupported properties");
275 case SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF: throw new Exception("need bigger input buffer, but we don't have any");
276 default: throw new Exception("some other error");
279 if (outSize) {
280 fo.rawWriteExact(outbuf[0..outSize]);
281 unpackedTotal += outSize;
282 csum.put((cast(const(ubyte)*)outbuf)[0..outSize]);
283 showProgress();
284 if (unpackedTotal == unsize) break; // we're done (we don't have EOF mark, so...)
286 if (inSize < inused) {
287 import core.stdc.string : memmove;
288 memmove(inbuf, inbuf+inSize, inused-inSize);
290 inused -= inSize;
291 switch (status) {
292 case LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK: throw new Exception("found EOF mark, but there should not be one");
293 case LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED: break; // it is ok
294 case LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT: break; // it is ok
296 default: break; // ignore others
300 if (unpackedTotal != unsize) {
301 //import std.conv : to;
302 throw new Exception("invalid unpacked file size; expected "~intWithCommas(unsize).idup~" but got "~intWithCommas(unpackedTotal).idup);
305 // check hash
306 ubyte[20] origcsum;
307 fi.rawReadExact(origcsum[]);
308 ubyte[20] hash = csum.finish()[];
309 if (origcsum[] != hash[]) throw new Exception("invalid unpacked file hash");
311 writeln("\rsuccesfully unpacked ", intWithCommas(unpackedTotal), " bytes.\x1b[K");
315 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
316 void main (string[] args) {
317 if (args.length < 2) {
318 writeln("usage: fuckme <c|x> infile outfile");
319 return;
322 if (args[1] == "c") {
323 if (args.length < 4) throw new Exception("out of args");
324 if (args[2] == args[3]) throw new Exception("cannot compress in-place");
325 auto fi = File(args[2]);
326 auto fo = File(args[3], "w");
327 compressFile(fi, fo);
328 } else if (args[1] == "x") {
329 if (args.length < 4) throw new Exception("out of args");
330 if (args[2] == args[3]) throw new Exception("cannot decompress in-place");
331 auto fi = File(args[2]);
332 auto fo = File(args[3], "w");
333 decompressFile(fi, fo);
334 } else if (args[1] == "t") {
335 if (args.length < 3) throw new Exception("out of args");
336 auto fi = File(args[2]);
337 auto fo = File("/dev/null", "w");
338 decompressFile(fi, fo);