1 .Dd $Mdocdate: October 30 2016$
7 .Nd ii wrapper script using iomenu
16 is an interactive interface for the ii irc client. It handles multiple
17 channel, keybindings, and prevent input from being mixed with the output.
19 Simply launch it, follow what is prompted, and it should work.
21 This is an interactive interface for the
25 to switch channel and connect to server.
29 binary - the back-end - that you can replace with any FIFO-based chat client,
30 that has the following file structure:
33 ~/.cache/irc default root directory
35 ├ irc.freenode.net managed by "ii -s irc.freenode.net"
37 │ ├ #emacs channel directory
39 │ │ └ out where you get log from #emacs
42 │ ├ in where to write messages to #vim
45 └ irc.oftc.net managed by "ii -s irc.oftc.net"
48 ├ in FIFO file descriptor aka a named pipe
52 One ii command has to be started per server, and every instance will keep
53 running in the background, so you can quit the interface and keep ii running,
54 and come back later, without interrupting the connection.
56 The supported irc commands are those supported by
58 so you can refer to its manual.
64 Prompt for another channel to switch to.
68 Quit the interface, but not the ii instances.
71 Send a message to current channel
74 Open the current channel in a pager.
80 Clear last word from current input.
92 .An Josuah Demangeon Aq mail@josuah.net