[iolib.git] / protocols / smtp / smtp.lisp
1 ;;; -*- mode: Lisp -*-
3 ;;; This file is part of CL-SMTP, the Lisp SMTP Client
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2004/2005 Jan Idzikowski
7 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 ;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser General Public License
9 ;;; (, known as the LLGPL.
11 ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;; Lisp Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
16 ;;; File: cl-smtp.lisp
17 ;;; Description: main smtp client logic
19 (in-package :net.smtp-client)
21 (defparameter *debug* nil)
22 (defparameter *x-mailer*
23 (format nil "(~A ~A)"
24 (lisp-implementation-type)
25 (lisp-implementation-version)))
27 (defun check-arg (arg name)
28 (cond
29 ((or (stringp arg)
30 (pathnamep arg))
31 (list arg))
32 ((listp arg)
33 arg)
35 (error "the \"~A\" argument is not a string or cons" name))))
37 (defun mask-dot (str)
38 "replace \r\n.\r\n with \r\n..\r\n"
39 (let ((dotstr (format nil "~C.~C" #\NewLine #\NewLine))
40 (maskdotsr (format nil "~C..~C" #\NewLine #\NewLine))
41 (resultstr ""))
42 (labels ((mask (tempstr)
43 (let ((n (search dotstr tempstr)))
44 (cond
46 (setf resultstr (concatenate 'string resultstr
47 (subseq tempstr 0 n)
48 maskdotsr))
49 (mask (subseq tempstr (+ n 3))))
51 (setf resultstr (concatenate 'string resultstr
52 tempstr)))))))
53 (mask str))
54 resultstr))
56 (defun string-to-base64-string (str)
57 (cl-base64:string-to-base64-string str))
59 (defun send-email (host from to subject message
60 &key (port 25) cc bcc reply-to extra-headers
61 display-name authentication
62 attachments (buffer-size 256))
63 (send-smtp host from (check-arg to "to") subject (mask-dot message)
64 :port port :cc (check-arg cc "cc") :bcc (check-arg bcc "bcc")
65 :reply-to reply-to
66 :extra-headers extra-headers
67 :display-name display-name
68 :authentication authentication
69 :attachments (check-arg attachments "attachments")
70 :buffer-size (if (numberp buffer-size)
71 buffer-size
72 256)))
74 (defun make-smtp-socket (host port)
75 (make-socket :address-family :internet :type :stream :connect :active
76 :remote-host host :remote-port port
77 :external-format '(:iso-8859-1 :line-terminator :dos)))
79 (defun compute-rcpt-command (sock adresses)
80 (dolist (to adresses)
81 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "RCPT TO: <~A>" to))
82 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
83 (read-from-smtp sock)
84 (when (/= code 250)
85 (error "in RCPT TO command: ~A" msgstr)))))
87 (defun write-to-smtp (sock command)
88 (write-string command sock)
89 (terpri sock)
90 (finish-output sock))
92 (defun read-from-smtp (sock)
93 (let* ((line (read-line sock))
94 (response-code (parse-integer line :start 0 :junk-allowed t)))
95 (if (= (char-code (elt line 3)) (char-code #\-))
96 (read-from-smtp sock)
97 (values response-code line))))
99 (defun send-smtp (host from to subject message
100 &key (port 25) cc bcc reply-to extra-headers
101 display-name authentication attachments buffer-size)
102 (let ((boundary (make-random-boundary)))
103 (with-open-stream (sock (make-smtp-socket host port))
104 (open-smtp-connection sock :authentication authentication)
105 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "MAIL FROM: ~@[~A ~]<~A>" display-name from))
106 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
107 (read-from-smtp sock)
108 (when (/= code 250)
109 (error "in MAIL FROM command: ~A" msgstr)))
110 (compute-rcpt-command sock to)
111 (compute-rcpt-command sock cc)
112 (compute-rcpt-command sock bcc)
113 (write-to-smtp sock "DATA")
114 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
115 (read-from-smtp sock)
116 (when (/= code 354)
117 (error "in DATA command: ~A" msgstr)))
118 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "Date: ~A" (get-email-date-string)))
119 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "From: ~@[~A <~]~A~@[>~]"
120 display-name from display-name))
121 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "To: ~{ ~a~^,~}" to))
122 (when cc
123 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "Cc: ~{ ~a~^,~}" cc)))
124 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "Subject: ~A" subject))
125 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "X-Mailer: cl-smtp ~A"
126 *x-mailer*))
127 (when reply-to
128 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "Reply-To: ~A" reply-to)))
129 (when (and extra-headers
130 (listp extra-headers))
131 (dolist (l extra-headers)
132 (write-to-smtp sock
133 (format nil "~A: ~{~a~^,~}" (car l) (rest l)))))
134 (write-to-smtp sock "Mime-Version: 1.0")
135 (when attachments
136 (generate-multipart-header sock boundary))
137 (terpri sock)
138 (when attachments
139 (setq message (wrap-message-with-multipart-dividers
140 message boundary)))
141 (write-to-smtp sock message)
142 (when attachments
143 (dolist (attachment attachments)
144 (send-attachment sock attachment boundary buffer-size))
145 (send-attachments-end-marker sock boundary))
146 (write-char #\. sock)
147 (terpri sock)
148 (finish-output sock)
149 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
150 (read-from-smtp sock)
151 (when (/= code 250)
152 (error "Message send failed: ~A" msgstr)))
153 (write-to-smtp sock "QUIT")
154 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
155 (read-from-smtp sock)
156 (when (/= code 221)
157 (error "in QUIT command:: ~A" msgstr))))))
159 (defun open-smtp-connection (sock &key authentication)
160 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
161 (read-from-smtp sock)
162 (when (/= code 220)
163 (error "wrong response from smtp server: ~A" msgstr)))
164 (cond
165 (authentication
166 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "EHLO ~A" (et:get-host-name)))
167 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
168 (read-from-smtp sock)
169 (when (/= code 250)
170 (error "wrong response from smtp server: ~A" msgstr)))
171 (cond
172 ((eq (car authentication) :plain)
173 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "AUTH PLAIN ~A"
174 (string-to-base64-string
175 (format nil "~A~C~A~C~A" (cadr authentication)
176 #\null (cadr authentication) #\null
177 (caddr authentication)))))
178 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
179 (read-from-smtp sock)
180 (when (/= code 235)
181 (error "plain authentication failed: ~A" msgstr))))
182 ((eq (car authentication) :login)
183 (write-to-smtp sock "AUTH LOGIN")
184 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
185 (read-from-smtp sock)
186 (when (/= code 334)
187 (error "login authentication failed: ~A" msgstr)))
188 (write-to-smtp sock (string-to-base64-string (cadr authentication)))
189 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
190 (read-from-smtp sock)
191 (when (/= code 334)
192 (error "login authentication send username failed: ~A" msgstr)))
193 (write-to-smtp sock (string-to-base64-string (caddr authentication)))
194 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
195 (read-from-smtp sock)
196 (when (/= code 235)
197 (error "login authentication send password failed: ~A" msgstr))))
199 (error "authentication ~A is not supported in cl-smtp"
200 (car authentication)))))
202 (write-to-smtp sock (format nil "HELO ~A" (et:get-host-name)))
203 (multiple-value-bind (code msgstr)
204 (read-from-smtp sock)
205 (when (/= code 250)
206 (error "wrong response from smtp server: ~A" msgstr))))))
208 (defun get-email-date-string ()
209 (multiple-value-bind (sec min h d m y wd) (get-decoded-time)
210 (let* ((month (elt '("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec") (- m 1)))
211 (weekday (elt '("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun") wd))
212 (timezone (get-timezone-from-integer
213 (- (encode-universal-time sec min h d m y 0)
214 (get-universal-time)))))
215 (format nil "~A, ~2,'0d ~A ~d ~2,'0d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d ~D"
216 weekday d month y h min sec timezone))))
218 (defun get-timezone-from-integer (x)
219 (let ((min (/ x 60))
220 (hour (/ x 3600)))
221 (if (integerp hour)
222 (cond
223 ((>= hour 0)
224 (format nil "+~2,'0d00" hour))
225 ((< hour 0)
226 (format nil "-~2,'0d00" (* -1 hour))))
227 (multiple-value-bind (h m) (truncate min 60)
228 (cond
229 ((>= hour 0)
230 (format nil "+~2,'0d~2,'0d" h (truncate m)))
231 ((< hour 0)
232 (format nil "-~2,'0d~2,'0d" (* -1 h) (* -1 (truncate m)))))))))