Another round of IO.MULTIPLEX cleanup, API changes.
[iolib.git] / syscalls / os-conditions-unix.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- *NIX-specific error conditions.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.syscalls)
8 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; POSIX Syscall Errors
10 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 (define-condition posix-error (syscall-error)
14 (:documentation
15 "POSIX-ERRORs are signalled whenever ERRNO is set by a POSIX call."))
17 ;;; HASH TABLE mapping keywords (such as :EAGAIN) to symbols denoting
18 ;;; subtypes of POSIX-ERROR.
19 (defparameter *posix-error-map* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
21 (defun get-posix-error-condition (keyword)
22 (gethash keyword *posix-error-map*))
24 ;;; Define an error condition for each ERRNO value defined in the
25 ;;; ERRNO-VALUES enum type and populate *POSIX-ERROR-MAP*.
26 (macrolet
27 ((define-posix-errors (keywords)
28 `(progn
29 ,@(loop :for kw :in keywords :collect
30 (let ((cond-name (intern (symbol-name kw)))
31 (code (foreign-enum-value 'errno-values kw)))
32 `(progn
33 (define-condition ,cond-name (posix-error) ()
34 (:default-initargs :code ,code :identifier ,kw))
35 (setf (gethash ,kw *posix-error-map*) ',cond-name)))))))
36 (define-posix-errors
37 #.(foreign-enum-keyword-list 'errno-values)))
39 ;;; Instantiates a subclass of POSIX-ERROR matching ERR or a plain
40 ;;; POSIX-ERROR if no matching subclass is found. ERR can be either a
41 ;;; keyword or an integer both denoting an ERRNO value.
42 (defun make-posix-error (err)
43 (multiple-value-bind (error-keyword error-code)
44 (typecase err
45 (keyword (values err (foreign-enum-value 'errno-values err :errorp nil)))
46 (integer (values (foreign-enum-keyword 'errno-values err :errorp nil) err))
47 (t (bug "Non-valid error-designator: ~A" err)))
48 (unless (and error-keyword error-code)
49 (bug "A non-existent ~A syscall error has been signaled: ~A, ~A"
50 'errno-values (or error-keyword :unknown) error-code))
51 (make-condition (get-posix-error-condition error-keyword))))
53 (declaim (inline posix-error))
54 (defun posix-error (&optional (errno (%sys-errno)))
55 (error (make-posix-error errno)))
58 (declaim (inline signal-posix-error))
59 (defun signal-posix-error (return-value)
60 (declare (ignore return-value))
61 (posix-error))