Move CMSG readers to syscalls package.
[iolib.git] / pathnames / file-path-unix.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- New pathnames.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.pathnames)
8 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; Classes and Types
10 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 (defclass unix-path (file-path)
13 ((directory-delimiter
14 :initform #\/)
15 (alternative-delimiter
16 :initform nil)
17 (execution-path-delimiter
18 :initform #\:))
19 (:default-initargs :host :unspecific
20 :device :unspecific))
23 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 ;;; Predicates
25 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 (defun unix-path-p (thing)
28 (typep thing 'unix-path))
30 (defun absolute-namestring-p (namestring)
31 (not (null (ppcre:scan +absolute-directory-regex+ namestring))))
34 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 ;;; Operations
36 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 (defmethod enough-file-path ((path unix-path) &optional
39 (defaults *default-file-path-defaults*))
40 (cond
41 ((or (file-path-relative-p path)
42 (file-path-relative-p defaults))
43 path)
45 (multiple-value-bind (dirtype enough-directory)
46 (if (equal (cadr (file-path-directory path))
47 (cadr (file-path-directory defaults)))
48 (values :relative
49 (loop :for rest1 :on (cddr (file-path-directory path))
50 :for rest2 :on (cddr (file-path-directory defaults))
51 :if (not (equal (car rest1) (car rest2))) :do (loop-finish)
52 :finally (return rest1)))
53 (values :absolute (cdr (file-path-directory path))))
54 (make-instance 'unix-path :directory (list* dirtype enough-directory)
55 :name (file-path-name path))))))
57 (defmethod file-path-namestring ((path unix-path))
58 (with-slots (directory name)
59 path
60 (with-output-to-string (stream)
61 (princ (%file-path-directory-namestring path :trailing-delimiter t)
62 stream)
63 (when (stringp name)
64 (princ name stream)))))
66 (defmethod %file-path-directory-namestring ((path unix-path) &key trailing-delimiter)
67 (with-slots (directory)
68 path
69 (with-output-to-string (stream)
70 (when (consp directory)
71 (destructuring-bind (directory-type &rest dirs)
72 directory
73 (ecase directory-type
74 (nil t) ; no directory
75 (:absolute
76 (princ (file-path-directory-delimiter path) stream))
77 (:relative t))
78 (princ (apply #'join (file-path-directory-delimiter path)
79 (if trailing-delimiter (append dirs (list "")) dirs))
80 stream))))))
82 (defun split-directory-namestring (namestring &optional limit)
83 (remove "" (ppcre:split +split-directories-regex+ namestring
84 :limit limit)
85 :test #'string=))
87 (defmethod parse-file-path-type ((namestring string)
88 (type (eql 'unix-path))
89 &key (start 0) end
90 as-directory expand-user)
91 (let* ((actual-namestring (subseq namestring start end))
92 (expansion (or (when expand-user
93 (ignore-some-conditions (isys:posix-error)
94 (%expand-user-directory actual-namestring)))
95 actual-namestring))
96 (components (remove "." (split-directory-namestring expansion)
97 :test #'string=))
98 (dirname (if as-directory components (butlast components)))
99 (basename (if as-directory nil (lastcar components)))
100 (directory-type (if (absolute-namestring-p expansion)
101 :absolute
102 :relative)))
103 (make-instance type :directory (cons directory-type dirname)
104 :name (if (string= "" basename) nil basename))))
106 (defmethod %expand-user-directory ((pathspec string))
107 (flet ((user-homedir (user)
108 (nth-value 5 (isys:%sys-getpwnam user)))
109 (uid-homedir (uid)
110 (nth-value 5 (isys:%sys-getpwuid uid)))
111 (concat-homedir (dir rest)
112 (join +directory-delimiter+ dir rest)))
113 (destructuring-bind (first &optional rest)
114 (split-directory-namestring pathspec 2)
115 (cond
116 ((string= "~" first)
117 (let ((homedir
118 (or (isys:%sys-getenv "HOME")
119 (let ((username
120 (or (isys:%sys-getenv "USER")
121 (isys:%sys-getenv "LOGIN"))))
122 (and username
123 (user-homedir username)
124 (uid-homedir (isys:%sys-getuid)))))))
125 (return* (concat-homedir homedir rest))))
126 ((char= #\~ (char first 0))
127 (let ((homedir
128 (and (user-homedir (subseq first 1))
129 first)))
130 (return* (concat-homedir homedir rest))))
132 pathspec)))))
134 (defmethod expand-user-directory ((path unix-path))
135 (with-slots (directory)
136 path
137 (assert (and (consp directory)
138 (eql :relative (first directory))
139 (stringp (second directory))))
140 (let ((dirs (split-directory-namestring
141 (handler-case
142 (%expand-user-directory (second directory))
143 (isys:posix-error () (return* path))))))
144 (setf directory
145 (append (list :absolute) dirs (cddr directory)))))
146 (values path))
149 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 ;;; Specials
151 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 (defparameter *default-file-path-defaults*
154 (or (ignore-some-conditions (isys:posix-error)
155 (parse-file-path (isys:%sys-getcwd) :as-directory t))
156 (ignore-some-conditions (isys:posix-error)
157 (parse-file-path (%expand-user-directory "~") :as-directory t))
158 (parse-file-path "/")))
160 (defparameter *default-execution-path*
161 (mapcar (lambda (p)
162 (parse-file-path p :as-directory t))
163 (split-sequence +execution-path-delimiter+ (isys:%sys-getenv "PATH")
164 :remove-empty-subseqs t)))