[iolib.git] / net.sockets / dns / message.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Indent-tabs-mode: NIL -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; message.lisp --- DNS message creation.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Stelian Ionescu <>
6 ;;;
7 ;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 ;;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
9 ;;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
10 ;;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the
11 ;;; preamble found here:
12 ;;;
13 ;;;
14 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
20 ;;; Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
21 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
22 ;;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
24 (in-package :net.sockets)
26 (defclass dns-message ()
27 ((id :initform 0 :initarg :id :accessor dns-message-id)
28 (flags :initform 0 :initarg :flags :accessor dns-message-flags)
29 (decoded-flags :initform nil :accessor dns-message-decoded-flags)
30 (qdcount :initarg :qdcount :accessor dns-message-question-count)
31 (ancount :initarg :ancount :accessor dns-message-answer-count)
32 (nscount :initarg :nscount :accessor dns-message-authority-count)
33 (arcount :initarg :arcount :accessor dns-message-additional-count)
34 (question :accessor dns-message-question)
35 (answer :accessor dns-message-answer)
36 (authority :accessor dns-message-authority)
37 (additional :accessor dns-message-additional))
38 (:default-initargs :qdcount 1 :ancount 0 :nscount 0 :arcount 0))
40 (defmacro define-flags-bitfield (name offset length &optional (type :integer))
41 (let ((method-name (format-symbol t "~A-FIELD" name)))
42 `(progn
43 (defgeneric ,method-name (message)
44 (:method ((message dns-message))
45 ,(ecase type
46 (:integer `(ldb (byte ,length ,offset)
47 (dns-message-flags message)))
48 (:boolean `(logbitp ,offset (dns-message-flags message)))
49 (:rcode `(rcode-id
50 (ldb (byte ,length ,offset)
51 (dns-message-flags message)))))))
52 (defgeneric (setf ,method-name) (value message)
53 (:method (value (message dns-message))
54 ,(ecase type
55 (:integer `(setf (ldb (byte ,length ,offset)
56 (dns-message-flags message))
57 value))
58 (:boolean `(setf (ldb (byte ,length ,offset)
59 (dns-message-flags message))
60 (lisp->c-bool value)))
61 (:rcode `(setf (ldb (byte ,length ,offset)
62 (dns-message-flags message))
63 (rcode-number value)))))))))
65 (define-flags-bitfield response 15 1 :boolean)
66 (define-flags-bitfield opcode 11 4 :integer)
67 (define-flags-bitfield authoritative 10 1 :boolean)
68 (define-flags-bitfield truncated 9 1 :boolean)
69 (define-flags-bitfield recursion-desired 8 1 :boolean)
70 (define-flags-bitfield recursion-available 7 1 :boolean)
71 (define-flags-bitfield rcode 0 4 :rcode)
73 (defgeneric decode-flags (message)
74 (:method ((msg dns-message))
75 (let (flags)
76 (push (if (= (opcode-field msg) +opcode-standard+)
77 :op/s :op/u)
78 flags)
79 (when (authoritative-field msg) (push :auth flags))
80 (when (truncated-field msg) (push :trunc flags))
81 (when (recursion-desired-field msg) (push :rd flags))
82 (when (recursion-available-field msg) (push :ra flags))
83 (push (or (rcode-field msg) :rc/u) flags)
84 (nreverse flags))))
86 (defgeneric dns-flag-p (message flag)
87 (:method ((msg dns-message) flag)
88 (memq flag (dns-message-decoded-flags msg))))
90 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((msg dns-message) &key
91 (qdcount 0) (ancount 0)
92 (nscount 0) (arcount 0))
93 (with-accessors ((id dns-message-id) (flags dns-message-flags)
94 (decoded-flags dns-message-decoded-flags)
95 (question dns-message-question) (answer dns-message-answer)
96 (authority dns-message-authority) (additional dns-message-additional))
97 msg
98 (setf decoded-flags (decode-flags msg)
99 question (make-array qdcount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)
100 answer (make-array ancount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)
101 authority (make-array nscount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)
102 additional (make-array arcount :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))))
104 (defmethod print-object ((msg dns-message) stream)
105 (print-unreadable-object (msg stream :type nil :identity nil)
106 (with-accessors ((id dns-message-id) (decoded-flags dns-message-decoded-flags)
107 (question dns-message-question)
108 (qdcount dns-message-question-count) (ancount dns-message-answer-count)
109 (nscount dns-message-authority-count) (arcount dns-message-additional-count))
111 (format stream "DNS ~A Id: ~A, Question: ~A Flags: ~S, Sections: QD(~A) AN(~A) NS(~A) AD(~A)"
112 (if (response-field msg) :response :query)
113 id question decoded-flags
114 qdcount ancount nscount arcount))))
116 (defclass dns-record ()
117 ((name :initarg :name :accessor dns-record-name)
118 (type :initarg :type :accessor dns-record-type)
119 (class :initarg :class :accessor dns-record-class)))
121 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((record dns-record) &key)
122 (with-accessors ((name dns-record-name)
123 (type dns-record-type)
124 (class dns-record-class))
125 record
126 (check-type name string "a string")
127 (check-type type (satisfies dns-record-type-p) "a valid record type")
128 (check-type class (member :in) ":IN")))
130 (defclass dns-question (dns-record) ())
132 (defmethod print-object ((question dns-question) stream)
133 (print-unreadable-object (question stream :type nil :identity nil)
134 (with-accessors ((name dns-record-name)
135 (type dns-record-type)
136 (class dns-record-class))
137 question
138 (format stream "~S ~A ~A" name type class))))
140 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((record dns-question) &key)
141 (with-accessors ((name dns-record-name)) record
142 (let ((name-length (length name)))
143 (when (char/= #\. (aref name (1- name-length)))
144 (setf name (concatenate 'string name "."))))))
146 ;;;; Constructors
148 (defun make-question (qname qtype qclass)
149 (make-instance 'dns-question
150 :name qname
151 :type qtype
152 :class qclass))
154 (defun make-query (id question &optional recursion-desired)
155 (let ((msg (make-instance 'dns-message :id id)))
156 (setf (opcode-field msg) +opcode-standard+)
157 (setf (recursion-desired-field msg) recursion-desired)
158 (vector-push-extend question (dns-message-question msg))
159 (values msg)))
161 ;;;; DNS types
163 (defgeneric write-dns-string (buffer string)
164 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer) (string string))
165 (write-ub8 buffer (length string))
166 ;; Probably want to use punnycode here.
167 (write-vector buffer (babel:string-to-octets string :encoding :ascii))))
169 (defun domain-name-to-dns-format (domain-name)
170 (let* ((octets (babel:string-to-octets domain-name :encoding :ascii))
171 (tmp-vec (make-array (1+ (length octets)) :element-type 'ub8)))
172 (replace tmp-vec octets :start1 1)
173 (let ((vector-length (length tmp-vec)))
174 (loop :for start-off := 1 :then (1+ end-off)
175 :for end-off := (or (position (char-code #\.) tmp-vec
176 :start start-off)
177 vector-length)
178 :do (setf (aref tmp-vec (1- start-off)) (- end-off start-off))
179 :when (>= end-off vector-length) do (loop-finish)))
180 (values tmp-vec)))
182 (defgeneric write-domain-name (buffer name)
183 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
184 (domain-name string))
185 (write-vector buffer (domain-name-to-dns-format domain-name))))
187 (defgeneric write-record (buffer record)
188 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
189 (record dns-question))
190 (with-accessors ((name dns-record-name)
191 (type dns-record-type)
192 (class dns-record-class))
193 record
194 (write-domain-name buffer name)
195 (write-ub16 buffer (query-type-number type))
196 (write-ub16 buffer (query-class-number class)))))
198 (defgeneric write-message-header (buffer message)
199 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
200 (message dns-message))
201 (with-accessors ((id dns-message-id) (flags dns-message-flags)
202 (question dns-message-question) (answer dns-message-answer)
203 (authority dns-message-authority) (additional dns-message-additional))
204 message
205 (write-ub16 buffer id)
206 (write-ub16 buffer flags)
207 (write-ub16 buffer (length question))
208 (write-ub16 buffer (length answer))
209 (write-ub16 buffer (length authority))
210 (write-ub16 buffer (length additional)))))
212 (defgeneric write-dns-message (message)
213 (:method ((message dns-message))
214 (with-accessors ((question dns-message-question)) message
215 (with-dynamic-buffer (buffer)
216 (write-message-header buffer message)
217 (write-record buffer (aref question 0))))))
219 ;;;; Resource Record Encoding
221 (defclass dns-rr (dns-record)
222 ((ttl :initarg :ttl :accessor dns-rr-ttl)
223 (data :initarg :data :accessor dns-rr-data)))
225 (defmethod print-object ((rr dns-rr) stream)
226 (print-unreadable-object (rr stream :type nil :identity nil)
227 (with-accessors ((name dns-record-name) (type dns-record-type)
228 (class dns-record-class) (ttl dns-rr-ttl)
229 (data dns-rr-data))
231 (format stream "~S ~A ~A: ~A" name type class
232 (decode-rr rr)))))
234 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((rr dns-rr) &key)
235 (with-accessors ((ttl dns-rr-ttl)) rr
236 (check-type ttl (unsigned-byte 32) "a valid TTL")))
238 (defgeneric add-question (message question)
239 (:method ((message dns-message)
240 (question dns-question))
241 (vector-push-extend question (dns-message-question message))))
243 (defgeneric add-answer-rr (message record)
244 (:method ((message dns-message)
245 (record dns-rr))
246 (vector-push-extend record (dns-message-answer message))))
248 (defgeneric add-authority-rr (message record)
249 (:method ((message dns-message)
250 (record dns-rr))
251 (vector-push-extend record (dns-message-authority message))))
253 (defgeneric add-additional-rr (message record)
254 (:method ((message dns-message)
255 (record dns-rr))
256 (vector-push-extend record (dns-message-additional message))))
259 (define-condition dns-message-error (error) ()
260 (:documentation
261 "Signaled when a format error is encountered while parsing a DNS message"))
263 (defgeneric read-dns-string (buffer)
264 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer))
265 (let ((length (read-ub8 buffer)))
266 (babel:octets-to-string (read-vector buffer length) :encoding :ascii))))
268 (defun read-dns-pointer-recursively (sequence position
269 &optional (depth 5))
270 (when (or (<= depth 0) ; too deep recursion
271 (>= position (length sequence))) ; invalid offset
272 (error 'dns-message-error))
273 (let* ((value (aref sequence position))
274 (ms2bits (logand value #xC0)))
275 (cond
276 ;; it's not a pointer
277 ((zerop ms2bits) (cons position (< depth 5)))
278 ;; it's a pointer
279 ((= ms2bits #xC0)
280 ;; there must be at least two bytes to read
281 (when (>= position (1+ (length sequence)))
282 (error 'dns-message-error))
283 (read-dns-pointer-recursively
284 sequence
285 (logand (read-ub16-from-vector sequence position)
286 (lognot #xC000))
287 (1- depth)))
288 ;; the most significant 2 bits are either 01 or 10
289 (t (error 'dns-message-error)))))
291 (defun join (delimiter strings)
292 (collect-append 'string (spread (catenate #Z(0) (series 1))
293 (scan strings)
294 (string delimiter))))
296 (defgeneric dns-domain-name-to-string (buffer)
297 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer))
298 (let (string offset pointer-seen)
299 (labels ((%deref-dns-string (pointer rec)
300 (when (not pointer-seen)
301 (cond (rec
302 (setf pointer-seen t)
303 (setf offset (+ (read-cursor-of buffer) 2)))
305 (setf offset (+ (read-cursor-of buffer) 1)))))
306 (dynamic-buffer-seek-read-cursor buffer :offset pointer)
307 (setf string (read-dns-string buffer)))
308 (%read-tags ()
309 (loop :for (pointer . rec) := (read-dns-pointer-recursively
310 (sequence-of buffer)
311 (read-cursor-of buffer))
312 :do (%deref-dns-string pointer rec)
313 :collect string
314 :until (string= string ""))))
315 (values (join "." (%read-tags)) offset)))))
317 (defgeneric read-domain-name (buffer)
318 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer))
319 (multiple-value-bind (string offset)
320 (dns-domain-name-to-string buffer)
321 (dynamic-buffer-seek-read-cursor buffer :offset offset)
322 (values string))))
324 (defgeneric read-question (buffer)
325 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer))
326 (let ((name (read-domain-name buffer))
327 (type (query-type-id (read-ub16 buffer)))
328 (class (query-class-id (read-ub16 buffer))))
329 (make-question name type class))))
331 (defgeneric read-rr-data (buffer type class &optional length))
333 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
334 (type (eql :a)) (class (eql :in))
335 &optional resource-length)
336 (unless (= resource-length 4)
337 (error 'dns-message-error))
338 (let ((address (make-array 4 :element-type 'ub8)))
339 (dotimes (i 4)
340 (setf (aref address i) (read-ub8 buffer)))
341 address))
343 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
344 (type (eql :aaaa)) (class (eql :in))
345 &optional resource-length)
346 (unless (= resource-length 16)
347 (error 'dns-message-error))
348 (let ((address (make-array 8 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16))))
349 (dotimes (i 8)
350 (setf (aref address i) (read-ub16 buffer)))
351 address))
353 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
354 (type (eql :cname)) (class (eql :in))
355 &optional resource-length)
356 (declare (ignore resource-length))
357 (read-domain-name buffer)) ; CNAME
359 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
360 (type (eql :hinfo)) (class (eql :in))
361 &optional resource-length)
362 (declare (ignore resource-length))
363 (list (read-dns-string buffer) ; CPU
364 (read-dns-string buffer))) ; OS
366 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
367 (type (eql :mx)) (class (eql :in))
368 &optional resource-length)
369 (declare (ignore resource-length))
370 (list (read-ub16 buffer) ; PREFERENCE
371 (read-domain-name buffer))) ; EXCHANGE
373 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
374 (type (eql :ns)) (class (eql :in))
375 &optional resource-length)
376 (declare (ignore resource-length))
377 (read-domain-name buffer)) ; NSDNAME
379 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
380 (type (eql :ptr)) (class (eql :in))
381 &optional resource-length)
382 (declare (ignore resource-length))
383 (read-domain-name buffer)) ; PTRDNAME
385 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
386 (type (eql :soa)) (class (eql :in))
387 &optional resource-length)
388 (declare (ignore type class resource-length))
389 (list (read-domain-name buffer) ; MNAME
390 (read-domain-name buffer) ; RNAME
391 (read-ub32 buffer) ; SERIAL
392 (read-ub32 buffer) ; REFRESH
393 (read-ub32 buffer) ; RETRY
394 (read-ub32 buffer) ; EXPIRE
395 (read-ub32 buffer))) ; MINIMUM
397 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
398 (type (eql :txt)) (class (eql :in))
399 &optional resource-length)
400 (declare (ignore type class))
401 (loop :for string := (read-dns-string buffer) ; TXT-DATA
402 :for total-length := (1+ (length string))
403 :then (+ total-length 1 (length string))
404 :collect string
405 :until (>= total-length resource-length)
406 :finally (when (> total-length resource-length)
407 (error 'dns-message-error))))
409 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-buffer)
410 type class &optional resource-length)
411 (declare (ignore buffer type class resource-length))
412 (error 'dns-message-error))
414 (defgeneric read-dns-rr (buffer)
415 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer))
416 (let* ((name (read-domain-name buffer))
417 (type (query-type-id (read-ub16 buffer)))
418 (class (query-class-id (read-ub16 buffer)))
419 (ttl (read-ub32 buffer))
420 (rdlen (read-ub16 buffer))
421 (rdata (read-rr-data buffer type class rdlen)))
422 (make-instance 'dns-rr
423 :name name
424 :type type
425 :class class
426 :ttl ttl
427 :data rdata))))
429 (defgeneric read-message-header (buffer)
430 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer))
431 (let ((id (read-ub16 buffer))
432 (flags (read-ub16 buffer))
433 (qdcount (read-ub16 buffer))
434 (ancount (read-ub16 buffer))
435 (nscount (read-ub16 buffer))
436 (arcount (read-ub16 buffer)))
437 (make-instance 'dns-message
438 :id id :flags flags
439 :qdcount qdcount :ancount ancount
440 :nscount nscount :arcount arcount))))
442 (defgeneric read-dns-message (buffer)
443 (:method ((buffer dynamic-buffer))
444 (defparameter *msg* buffer)
445 (let ((msg (read-message-header buffer)))
446 (with-accessors ((qdcount dns-message-question-count)
447 (ancount dns-message-answer-count)
448 (nscount dns-message-authority-count)
449 (arcount dns-message-additional-count))
451 (loop :for i :below (dns-message-question-count msg)
452 :for q := (read-question buffer)
453 :do (add-question msg q))
454 (loop :for i :below (dns-message-answer-count msg)
455 :for rr := (read-dns-rr buffer)
456 :do (add-answer-rr msg rr))
457 (loop :for i :below (dns-message-authority-count msg)
458 :for rr := (read-dns-rr buffer)
459 :do (add-authority-rr msg rr))
460 (loop :for i :below (dns-message-additional-count msg)
461 :for rr := (read-dns-rr buffer)
462 :do (add-additional-rr msg rr)))
463 (values msg))))