[iolib.git] / io.streams / gray-stream-methods.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Indent-tabs-mode: NIL -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; gray-stream-methods.lisp --- Implementation using gray streams.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Stelian Ionescu <>
6 ;;;
7 ;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 ;;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
9 ;;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
10 ;;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the
11 ;;; preamble found here:
12 ;;;
13 ;;;
14 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
20 ;;; Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
21 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
22 ;;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
24 (in-package :io.streams)
26 ;;;; Instance Initialization
28 ;;; TODO: use the buffer pool
29 ;;; TODO: handle instance reinitialization
30 (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((s dual-channel-gray-stream) slot-names
31 &key (input-buffer-size +bytes-per-iobuf+)
32 (output-buffer-size +bytes-per-iobuf+)
33 (external-format :default))
34 (declare (ignore slot-names))
35 (check-type input-buffer-size buffer-index)
36 (check-type output-buffer-size buffer-index)
37 (when (open-stream-p s) (close s))
38 (with-accessors ((ib input-buffer-of) (ob output-buffer-of)
39 (ef external-format-of)) s
40 (setf ib (allocate-iobuf input-buffer-size)
41 ob (allocate-iobuf output-buffer-size)
42 ef external-format)))
44 ;;;; Common Methods
46 (defmethod stream-element-type ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
47 '(unsigned-byte 8))
49 ;; TODO: use the buffer pool
50 (defmethod close :around ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream) &key abort)
51 (with-accessors ((ib input-buffer-of)
52 (ob output-buffer-of)) stream
53 (unless (or abort (null ib)) (finish-output stream))
54 (when ib (free-iobuf ib))
55 (when ob (free-iobuf ob))
56 (setf ib nil ob nil))
57 (call-next-method)
58 (values stream))
60 (defmethod close ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream) &key abort)
61 (declare (ignore stream abort)))
63 (defmethod (setf external-format-of)
64 (external-format (stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
65 (setf (slot-value stream 'external-format)
66 (babel:ensure-external-format external-format)))
68 ;;;; Input Methods
70 (defmethod stream-clear-input ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
71 (with-accessors ((ib input-buffer-of)) stream
72 (iobuf-reset ib)
73 nil))
75 (defun %fill-ibuf (buf fd &optional timeout)
76 (when timeout
77 (let ((readablep (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready fd :read timeout)))
78 (unless readablep
79 (return-from %fill-ibuf :timeout))))
80 (let ((num (nix:repeat-upon-eintr
81 (nix:read fd (iobuf-end-pointer buf)
82 (iobuf-end-space-length buf)))))
83 (if (zerop num)
84 :eof
85 (incf (iobuf-end buf) num))))
87 (defun %read-into-simple-array-ub8 (stream array start end)
88 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
89 (with-accessors ((ib input-buffer-of) (fd input-fd-of)) stream
90 (let ((octets-needed (- end start)))
91 (loop :with array-offset := start
92 :for octets-in-buffer := (iobuf-length ib)
93 :for nbytes := (min octets-needed octets-in-buffer)
94 :when (plusp nbytes) :do
95 (iobuf-copy-into-lisp-array ib (iobuf-start ib)
96 array array-offset nbytes)
97 (incf array-offset nbytes)
98 (decf octets-needed nbytes)
99 (incf (iobuf-start ib) nbytes)
100 :if (zerop octets-needed) :do (loop-finish)
101 :else :do (iobuf-reset ib)
102 :when (eql :eof (%fill-ibuf ib fd)) :do (loop-finish)
103 :finally (return array-offset)))))
105 (defun %read-into-string (stream string start end)
106 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
107 (loop :for offset :from start :below end
108 :for char := (stream-read-char stream)
109 :if (eql char :eof) :do (loop-finish)
110 :else :do (setf (char string offset) char)
111 :finally (return offset)))
113 (defun %read-into-vector (stream vector start end)
114 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
115 (loop :for offset :from start :below end
116 :for octet := (stream-read-byte stream)
117 :if (eql octet :eof) :do (loop-finish)
118 :else :do (setf (aref vector offset) octet)
119 :finally (return offset)))
121 (defmacro check-bounds (sequence start end)
122 (alexandria:once-only (start end)
123 (alexandria:with-unique-names (length)
124 `(let ((,length (length ,sequence)))
125 (unless ,end
126 (setq ,end ,length))
127 (unless (<= ,start ,end ,length)
128 (error "Wrong sequence bounds. start: ~S end: ~S" ,start ,end))))))
130 (defmethod stream-read-sequence
131 ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream) seq start end &key)
132 (check-bounds seq start end)
133 (when (< start end)
134 (etypecase seq
135 (ub8-sarray (%read-into-simple-array-ub8 stream seq start end))
136 (string (%read-into-string stream seq start end))
137 (ub8-vector (%read-into-vector stream seq start end)))))
139 ;;;; Output Methods
141 (defun %write-n-bytes (buf fd nbytes &optional timeout)
142 (declare (type stream-buffer buf))
143 (let ((bytes-written 0))
144 (labels ((write-once ()
145 (let ((num (handler-case
146 (nix:repeat-upon-condition-decreasing-timeout
147 ((nix:eintr) timeout-var timeout)
148 (prog1
149 (nix:write
150 fd (inc-pointer buf bytes-written) nbytes)
151 (when (and timeout-var (zerop timeout-var))
152 (return-from %write-n-bytes
153 (values nil :timeout)))))
154 (nix:epipe ()
155 (return-from %write-n-bytes (values nil :eof))))))
156 (unless (zerop num) (incf bytes-written num))))
157 (write-or-return ()
158 (unless (write-once)
159 (when (errorp)
160 ;; FIXME signal something better -- maybe analyze the status
161 (return-from %write-n-bytes (values nil :fail)))))
162 (buffer-emptyp () (= bytes-written nbytes))
163 (errorp () (handler-case (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready fd :write)
164 (iomux:poll-error ()))))
165 (loop :until (buffer-emptyp) :do (write-or-return)
166 :finally (return (values t bytes-written))))))
168 (defun %flush-obuf (buf fd &optional timeout)
169 (declare (type iobuf buf))
170 (let ((bytes-written 0))
171 (labels ((write-once ()
172 (let ((num (handler-case
173 (nix:repeat-upon-condition-decreasing-timeout
174 ((nix:eintr) timeout-var timeout)
175 (prog1
176 (nix:write fd (iobuf-start-pointer buf)
177 (iobuf-length buf))
178 (when (and timeout-var (zerop timeout-var))
179 (return-from %flush-obuf
180 (values nil :timeout)))))
181 (nix:epipe ()
182 (return-from %flush-obuf (values nil :eof))))))
183 (unless (zerop num)
184 (incf (iobuf-start buf) num)
185 (incf bytes-written num))))
186 (write-or-return ()
187 (unless (write-once)
188 (when (errorp)
189 ;; FIXME signal something better -- maybe analyze the status
190 (return-from %flush-obuf (values nil :fail)))))
191 (buffer-emptyp ()
192 (when (iobuf-empty-p buf)
193 (iobuf-reset buf) t))
194 (errorp () (handler-case (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready fd :write)
195 (iomux:poll-error ()))))
196 (loop :until (buffer-emptyp) :do (write-or-return)
197 :finally (return (values t bytes-written))))))
199 ;;; TODO: add timeout support
200 (defun %flush-obuf-if-needed (stream)
201 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
202 (with-accessors ((fd output-fd-of) (ob output-buffer-of)
203 (must-flush-output-p must-flush-output-p)) stream
204 (when (or must-flush-output-p (iobuf-full-p ob))
205 (%flush-obuf ob fd)
206 (setf must-flush-output-p nil))))
208 (defmethod stream-clear-output ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
209 (with-accessors ((ob output-buffer-of)
210 (must-flush-output-p must-flush-output-p)
211 (fd output-fd-of)) stream
212 (iobuf-reset ob)
213 (setf must-flush-output-p nil)
214 nil))
216 (defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
217 (with-accessors ((ob output-buffer-of)
218 (must-flush-output-p must-flush-output-p)
219 (fd output-fd-of)) stream
220 (%flush-obuf ob fd)
221 (setf must-flush-output-p nil)
222 nil))
224 (defmethod stream-force-output ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
225 (setf (must-flush-output-p stream) t))
227 (defun %write-simple-array-ub8 (stream array start end)
228 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
229 (with-accessors ((ob output-buffer-of)
230 (fd output-fd-of)) stream
231 (let ((octets-needed (- end start)))
232 (if (<= octets-needed (iobuf-end-space-length ob))
233 (progn
234 (iobuf-copy-from-lisp-array array start ob
235 (iobuf-end ob) octets-needed)
236 (incf (iobuf-end ob) octets-needed)
237 (%flush-obuf-if-needed stream))
238 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (ptr array)
239 (%flush-obuf ob fd)
240 (let ((ret (%write-n-bytes (inc-pointer ptr start)
241 fd octets-needed)))
242 (when (numberp ret)
243 (incf (iobuf-end ob) octets-needed)))))
244 (values array))))
246 (defun %write-vector-ub8 (stream vector start end)
247 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
248 (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream (coerce vector 'ub8-sarray) start end))
250 (defun %write-vector (stream vector start end)
251 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
252 (loop :for offset :from start :below end
253 :for octet := (aref vector offset)
254 :do (stream-write-byte stream octet)
255 :finally (return vector)))
257 (defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream)
258 seq start end &key)
259 (check-bounds seq start end)
260 (when (< start end)
261 (etypecase seq
262 (ub8-sarray (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream seq start end))
263 (string (stream-write-string stream seq start end))
264 (ub8-vector (%write-vector-ub8 stream seq start end))
265 (vector (%write-vector stream seq start end)))))
267 ;;;; Character Input
269 (defun maybe-find-line-ending (fd ib ef)
270 (let* ((start-off (iobuf-start ib))
271 (char-code (bref ib start-off)))
272 (block nil
273 (ecase (babel:external-format-eol-style ef)
274 (:lf (when (= char-code (char-code #\Linefeed))
275 (incf (iobuf-start ib))
276 (return #\Newline)))
277 (:cr (when (= char-code (char-code #\Return))
278 (incf (iobuf-start ib))
279 (return #\Newline)))
280 (:crlf (when (= char-code (char-code #\Return))
281 (when (and (= (iobuf-length ib) 1)
282 (eql (%fill-ibuf ib fd) :eof))
283 (incf (iobuf-start ib))
284 (return #\Return))
285 (when (= (bref ib (1+ start-off))
286 (char-code #\Linefeed))
287 (incf (iobuf-start ib) 2)
288 (return #\Newline))))))))
290 (defconstant +max-octets-per-char+ 6)
292 ;; FIXME: currently we return :EOF when read(2) returns 0
293 ;; we should distinguish hard end-of-files (EOF and buffer empty)
294 ;; from soft end-of-files (EOF and *some* bytes still in the buffer
295 ;; but not enough to make a full character)
296 (defmethod stream-read-char ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
297 (with-accessors ((fd input-fd-of) (ib input-buffer-of)
298 (unread-index ibuf-unread-index-of)
299 (ef external-format-of)) stream
300 (setf unread-index (iobuf-start ib))
301 (let ((str nil)
302 (ret nil))
303 (flet ((fill-buf-or-eof ()
304 (setf ret (%fill-ibuf ib fd))
305 (when (eql ret :eof)
306 (return-from stream-read-char :eof))))
307 (cond ((zerop (iobuf-length ib))
308 (iobuf-reset ib)
309 (fill-buf-or-eof))
310 ;; Some encodings such as CESU or Java's modified UTF-8 take
311 ;; as much as 6 bytes per character. Make sure we have enough
312 ;; space to collect read-ahead bytes if required.
313 ((< 0 (iobuf-end-space-length ib) +max-octets-per-char+)
314 (iobuf-copy-data-to-start ib)
315 (setf unread-index 0)))
316 ;; line-end handling
317 (alexandria:when-let ((it (maybe-find-line-ending fd ib ef)))
318 (return-from stream-read-char it))
319 (tagbody :start
320 (handler-case
321 (setf (values str ret)
322 (foreign-string-to-lisp
323 (iobuf-data ib)
324 :offset (iobuf-start ib)
325 :encoding (babel:external-format-encoding ef)
326 :max-chars 1))
327 (babel:end-of-input-in-character ()
328 (fill-buf-or-eof)
329 (go :start)))
330 (incf (iobuf-start ib) ret))
331 (char str 0)))))
333 (defun maybe-find-line-ending-no-hang (fd ib ef)
334 (declare (ignore fd))
335 (let* ((start-off (iobuf-start ib))
336 (char-code (bref ib start-off)))
337 (block nil
338 (ecase (babel:external-format-eol-style ef)
339 (:lf (when (= char-code (char-code #\Linefeed))
340 (incf (iobuf-start ib))
341 (return #\Newline)))
342 (:cr (when (= char-code (char-code #\Return))
343 (incf (iobuf-start ib))
344 (return #\Newline)))
345 (:crlf (when (= char-code (char-code #\Return))
346 (when (= (iobuf-length ib) 1)
347 (incf (iobuf-start ib))
348 (return :starvation))
349 (when (= (bref ib (1+ start-off))
350 (char-code #\Linefeed))
351 (incf (iobuf-start ib) 2)
352 (return #\Newline))))))))
354 (defmethod stream-read-char-no-hang ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
355 (with-accessors ((fd input-fd-of) (ib input-buffer-of)
356 (ef external-format-of)) stream
357 (let ((str nil)
358 (ret nil)
359 (eof nil))
360 (block nil
361 (when (< 0 (iobuf-end-space-length ib) 4)
362 (iobuf-copy-data-to-start ib))
363 (when (and (iomux:fd-ready-p fd :read)
364 (eql :eof (%fill-ibuf ib fd)))
365 (setf eof t))
366 (when (zerop (iobuf-length ib))
367 (return (if eof :eof nil)))
368 ;; line-end handling
369 (let ((line-end (maybe-find-line-ending-no-hang fd ib ef)))
370 (cond ((eql line-end :starvation)
371 (return (if eof #\Return nil)))
372 ((characterp line-end)
373 (return line-end))))
374 ;; octet decoding
375 (handler-case
376 (setf (values str ret)
377 (foreign-string-to-lisp
378 (iobuf-data ib)
379 :offset (iobuf-start ib)
380 :encoding (babel:external-format-encoding ef)
381 :max-chars 1))
382 (babel:end-of-input-in-character ()
383 (return nil)))
384 (incf (iobuf-start ib) ret)
385 (char str 0)))))
387 (defun %stream-unread-char (stream)
388 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
389 (with-accessors ((ib input-buffer-of)
390 (unread-index ibuf-unread-index-of)) stream
391 (symbol-macrolet ((start (iobuf-start ib)))
392 (cond
393 ((> start unread-index) (setf start unread-index))
394 (t (error "No uncommitted character to unread")))))
395 nil)
397 (defmethod stream-unread-char ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream) character)
398 ;; unreading anything but the latest character is wrong,
399 ;; but checking is not mandated by the standard
400 #+iolib-debug
401 (progn
402 (%stream-unread-char stream)
403 (unless (ignore-errors (eql (stream-read-char stream) character))
404 (error "Trying to unread wrong character ~S" character)))
405 #-iolib-debug
406 (declare (ignore character))
407 #-iolib-debug
408 (%stream-unread-char stream))
410 (defmethod stream-peek-char ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
411 (let ((char (stream-read-char stream)))
412 (cond ((eql char :eof) :eof)
413 (t (%stream-unread-char stream)
414 (values char)))))
416 ;; (defmethod stream-read-line ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
417 ;; )
419 (defmethod stream-listen ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
420 (let ((char (stream-read-char-no-hang stream)))
421 (cond ((characterp char) (stream-unread-char stream char) t)
422 ((eql char :eof) nil)
423 (t t))))
425 ;;;; Character Output
427 (defmethod stream-write-char ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream)
428 (character character))
429 (%flush-obuf-if-needed stream)
430 (if (char= character #\Newline)
431 (%write-line-terminator
432 stream (babel:external-format-eol-style (external-format-of stream)))
433 ;; FIXME: avoid consing a string here. At worst, declare it dynamic-extent
434 (stream-write-string stream (make-string 1 :initial-element character))))
436 (defmethod stream-line-column ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
439 (defmethod stream-start-line-p ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
440 (values nil))
442 (defmethod stream-terpri ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
443 (write-char #\Newline stream) nil)
445 (defmethod stream-fresh-line ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
446 (write-char #\Newline stream) t)
448 (define-constant +unix-line-terminator+
449 (make-array 1 :element-type 'ub8 :initial-contents '(10))
450 :test 'equalp)
452 (define-constant +dos-line-terminator+
453 (make-array 2 :element-type 'ub8 :initial-contents '(13 10))
454 :test 'equalp)
456 (define-constant +mac-line-terminator+
457 (make-array 1 :element-type 'ub8 :initial-contents '(13))
458 :test 'equalp)
460 (defun %write-line-terminator (stream line-terminator)
461 (case line-terminator
462 (:lf (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream +unix-line-terminator+ 0 1))
463 (:cr (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream +dos-line-terminator+ 0 2))
464 (:crlf (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream +mac-line-terminator+ 0 1))))
466 (defmethod stream-write-string ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream)
467 (string string)
468 &optional (start 0) end)
469 (check-bounds string start end)
470 (when (< start end)
471 (let* ((octets nil)
472 (ef (external-format-of stream))
473 (line-terminator (babel:external-format-eol-style ef)))
474 (loop for off1 = start then (1+ off2)
475 for nl-off = (position #\Newline string :start off1)
476 for off2 = (or nl-off end)
477 when nl-off do (%write-line-terminator stream line-terminator)
478 when (> off2 off1) do
479 ;; FIXME: should probably convert directly to a foreign buffer?
480 (setf octets (babel:string-to-octets
481 string :start off1 :end off2
482 :encoding (babel:external-format-encoding ef)))
483 (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream octets 0 (length octets))
484 while (< off2 end))))
485 (values string))
487 ;;;; Binary Input
489 (defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream))
490 (with-accessors ((fd input-fd-of)
491 (ib input-buffer-of)) stream
492 (flet ((fill-buf-or-eof ()
493 (iobuf-reset ib)
494 (when (eql :eof (%fill-ibuf ib fd))
495 (return-from stream-read-byte :eof))))
496 (when (zerop (iobuf-length ib))
497 (fill-buf-or-eof))
498 (iobuf-pop-octet ib))))
500 ;;;; Binary Output
502 (defmethod stream-write-byte ((stream dual-channel-gray-stream) integer)
503 (check-type integer ub8 "an unsigned 8-bit value")
504 (with-accessors ((ob output-buffer-of)) stream
505 (%flush-obuf-if-needed stream)
506 (iobuf-push-octet ob integer)))