Small fix.
[iolib.git] / protocols / dns-client / etc-files.lisp
1 ;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4 ; Copyright (C) 2006 by Stelian Ionescu ;
5 ; ;
6 ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;
7 ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;
8 ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;
9 ; (at your option) any later version. ;
10 ; ;
11 ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;
12 ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;
14 ; GNU General Public License for more details. ;
15 ; ;
16 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;
17 ; along with this program; if not, write to the ;
18 ; Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;
19 ; 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;
20 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
22 ;; (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (space 1) (debug 2)))
23 (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 2) (space 0) (debug 2)))
25 (in-package :net.sockets)
27 (defun load-file (path)
28 (with-open-file (fin path)
29 (let ((big-string (make-string (file-length fin))))
30 (read-sequence big-string fin)
31 big-string)))
33 (defun space-char-p (char)
34 (declare (type character char))
35 (or (char-equal char #\Space)
36 (char-equal char #\Tab)))
38 (defun split-string-by-spaces (string &key (start 0) end empty-seqs)
39 (declare (type string string)
40 (type unsigned-byte start)
41 (type (or unsigned-byte null) end))
42 (let ((substring-length (or end (length string))))
43 (assert (>= substring-length start))
44 (loop
45 :with substr-start := (1- start) :and substr-end := (1- start)
46 :with dummy-char := #\Space
47 :for index :upto substring-length
48 :for char := (if (eql index substring-length) dummy-char (char string index))
49 :when (and (space-char-p char)
50 (setf substr-start (1+ substr-end)
51 substr-end index)
52 (or (> substr-end substr-start) empty-seqs))
53 :collect (subseq string substr-start substr-end))))
55 (defun search-in-etc-file (path predicate &optional (match-all t))
56 (let ((file (load-file path))
57 results)
58 (with-input-from-string (string-stream file)
59 (loop
60 :for line := (read-line string-stream nil nil)
61 :for comment-start := (or (position #\# line)
62 (length line))
63 :while line :do
64 (destructuring-bind (&optional col1 col2 &rest other-cols)
65 (split-string-by-spaces line :empty-seqs nil :end comment-start)
66 (when col2 ; skip invalid lines
67 (let ((result (funcall predicate col1 col2 other-cols)))
68 (when result
69 (push result results)
70 (unless match-all
71 (loop-finish))))))
72 :finally (setf results (nreverse results))))
73 results))
75 (defun vector-ipv6-good-p (vector ipv6)
76 (when vector
77 (let ((len (length vector)))
78 (case ipv6
79 (:ipv6 (eql len 8))
80 ((nil) (eql len 4))
81 (otherwise t)))))
83 (defun search-etc-hosts-ip (file ip ipv6)
84 (let ((line (search-in-etc-file file
85 #'(lambda (col1 col2 other-cols)
86 (let ((vector (string-address->vector col1)))
87 (when (and (vector-ipv6-good-p vector ipv6)
88 (vector-equal vector ip))
89 (let ((host
90 (make-host col2 (make-address vector) other-cols)))
91 (if (eql ipv6 t)
92 (map-host-ipv4-addresses-to-ipv6 host)
93 host)))))
94 nil)))
95 (car line)))
97 (defun merge-lines-into-one-host (lines ipv6)
98 (flet ((pushnew-alias (alias place cname)
99 (when (string-not-equal alias cname)
100 (pushnew alias place :test #'string-equal)
101 place)))
103 (let (ips aliases host)
104 (destructuring-bind (first-ip cname first-aliases) (car lines)
105 (setf ips (list first-ip))
106 (mapc #'(lambda (alias) (setf aliases (pushnew-alias alias aliases cname)))
107 first-aliases)
108 (mapc #'(lambda (line)
109 (destructuring-bind (ip alias more-aliases) line
110 (pushnew ip ips)
111 (mapc #'(lambda (alias) (setf aliases (pushnew-alias alias aliases cname)))
112 (cons alias more-aliases))))
113 (cdr lines))
114 (setf host (make-host cname
115 (mapcar #'make-address (nreverse ips))
116 (nreverse aliases)))
117 (if (eql ipv6 t)
118 (map-host-ipv4-addresses-to-ipv6 host)
119 host)))))
121 (defun search-etc-hosts-name (file name ipv6)
122 (let ((lines (search-in-etc-file file
123 #'(lambda (col1 col2 other-cols)
124 (let ((vector (string-address->vector col1)))
125 (when (and (vector-ipv6-good-p vector ipv6)
126 (or (string-equal name col2)
127 (member name other-cols
128 :test #'string-equal)))
129 (list vector col2 other-cols))))
130 t)))
131 (when lines
132 (merge-lines-into-one-host lines ipv6))))