Small fix.
[iolib.git] / protocols / dns-client / dns-response.lisp
1 ;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4 ; Copyright (C) 2006 by Stelian Ionescu ;
5 ; ;
6 ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;
7 ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;
8 ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;
9 ; (at your option) any later version. ;
10 ; ;
11 ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;
12 ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;
14 ; GNU General Public License for more details. ;
15 ; ;
16 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;
17 ; along with this program; if not, write to the ;
18 ; Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;
19 ; 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;
20 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
22 ;; (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (space 1) (debug 2)))
23 (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 2) (space 0) (debug 2)))
25 (in-package :net.sockets)
27 (defclass dns-rr (dns-record)
28 ((ttl :initarg :ttl :accessor dns-rr-ttl)
29 (data :initarg :data :accessor dns-rr-data)))
31 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((rr dns-rr) &key)
32 (with-slots (ttl) rr
33 (check-type ttl (unsigned-byte 32) "a valid TTL")))
35 (defgeneric add-question (message question))
36 (defmethod add-question ((message dns-message)
37 (question dns-question))
38 (vector-push-extend question (dns-message-question message)))
40 (defgeneric add-answer-rr (message record))
41 (defmethod add-answer-rr ((message dns-message)
42 (record dns-rr))
43 (vector-push-extend record (dns-message-answer message)))
45 (defgeneric add-authority-rr (message record))
46 (defmethod add-authority-rr ((message dns-message)
47 (record dns-rr))
48 (vector-push-extend record (dns-message-authority message)))
50 (defgeneric add-additional-rr (message record))
51 (defmethod add-additional-rr ((message dns-message)
52 (record dns-rr))
53 (vector-push-extend record (dns-message-additional message)))
56 (define-condition dns-message-error (error) ()
57 (:documentation "Signaled when a format error is encountered while parsing a DNS message"))
59 (defgeneric read-dns-string (buffer))
60 (defmethod read-dns-string ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer))
61 (let ((length (read-unsigned-8 buffer)))
62 (flexi-streams:octets-to-string (read-vector buffer length))))
64 (defun read-dns-pointer-recursively (sequence position
65 &optional (depth 5))
66 (when (or (<= depth 0) ; too deep recursion
67 (>= position (length sequence))) ; invalid offset
68 (error 'dns-message-error))
69 (let* ((value (aref sequence position))
70 (ms2bits (logand value #xC0)))
71 (cond
72 ;; it's not a pointer
73 ((zerop ms2bits) (cons position (< depth 5)))
75 ;; it's a pointer
76 ((eql ms2bits #xC0)
77 ;; there must be at least two bytes to read
78 (when (>= position (1+ (length sequence)))
79 (error 'dns-message-error))
80 (read-dns-pointer-recursively
81 sequence
82 (logand (read-ub16-from-vector sequence position)
83 (lognot #xC000))
84 (1- depth)))
86 ;; the most significant 2 bits are either 01 or 10
87 (t (error 'dns-message-error)))))
89 (defun join (connector strings)
90 (concatenate 'string (car strings)
91 (reduce #'(lambda (str1 str2)
92 (concatenate 'string str1 connector str2))
93 (cdr strings)
94 :initial-value "")))
96 (defgeneric dns-domain-name-to-string (buffer))
97 (defmethod dns-domain-name-to-string ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer))
98 (let (string offset pointer-seen)
99 (values
100 (join "." (loop
101 :for (pointer . rec) := (read-dns-pointer-recursively
102 (buffer-sequence buffer)
103 (buffer-position buffer))
104 :do (progn
105 (when (not pointer-seen)
106 (if rec
107 (progn
108 (setf pointer-seen t)
109 (setf offset (+ (buffer-position buffer) 2)))
110 (setf offset (+ (buffer-position buffer) 1))))
111 (buffer-seek buffer pointer)
112 (setf string (read-dns-string buffer)))
113 :collect string
114 :until (string= string "")))
115 offset)))
117 (defgeneric read-domain-name (buffer))
118 (defmethod read-domain-name ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer))
119 (with-slots (sequence position) buffer
120 (multiple-value-bind (string offset)
121 (dns-domain-name-to-string buffer)
122 (setf position offset)
123 string)))
125 (defgeneric read-question (buffer))
126 (defmethod read-question ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer))
127 (let ((name (read-domain-name buffer))
128 (type (query-type-id (read-unsigned-16 buffer)))
129 (class (query-class-id (read-unsigned-16 buffer))))
130 (make-question name type class)))
132 (defgeneric read-rr-data (buffer type class length))
134 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
135 (type (eql :a)) (class (eql :in))
136 resource-length)
137 (unless (= resource-length 4)
138 (error 'dns-message-error))
139 (let ((address (make-array 4 :element-type 'octet)))
140 (loop
141 :for i :below 4
142 :do (setf (aref address i) (read-unsigned-8 buffer)))
143 address))
145 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
146 (type (eql :aaaa)) (class (eql :in))
147 resource-length)
148 (unless (= resource-length 16)
149 (error 'dns-message-error))
150 (let ((address (make-array 8 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16))))
151 (loop
152 :for i :below 8
153 :do (setf (aref address i) (read-unsigned-16 buffer)))
154 address))
156 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
157 (type (eql :cname)) (class (eql :in))
158 resource-length)
159 (read-domain-name buffer)) ; CNAME
161 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
162 (type (eql :hinfo)) (class (eql :in))
163 resource-length)
164 (list (read-dns-string buffer) ; CPU
165 (read-dns-string buffer))) ; OS
167 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
168 (type (eql :mx)) (class (eql :in))
169 resource-length)
170 (list (read-unsigned-16 buffer) ; PREFERENCE
171 (read-domain-name buffer))) ; EXCHANGE
173 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
174 (type (eql :ns)) (class (eql :in))
175 resource-length)
176 (read-domain-name buffer)) ; NSDNAME
178 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
179 (type (eql :ptr)) (class (eql :in))
180 resource-length)
181 (read-domain-name buffer)) ; PTRDNAME
183 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
184 (type (eql :soa)) (class (eql :in))
185 resource-length)
186 (list (read-domain-name buffer) ; MNAME
187 (read-domain-name buffer) ; RNAME
188 (read-unsigned-32 buffer) ; SERIAL
189 (read-unsigned-32 buffer) ; REFRESH
190 (read-unsigned-32 buffer) ; RETRY
191 (read-unsigned-32 buffer) ; EXPIRE
192 (read-unsigned-32 buffer))) ; MINIMUM
194 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
195 (type (eql :txt)) (class (eql :in))
196 resource-length)
197 (loop
198 :for string := (read-dns-string buffer) ; TXT-DATA
199 :for total-length := (1+ (length string)) :then (+ total-length 1
200 (length string))
201 :collect string
202 :until (>= total-length resource-length)
203 :finally (when (> total-length resource-length)
204 (error 'dns-message-error))))
206 (defmethod read-rr-data ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer)
207 type class resource-length)
208 (error 'dns-message-error))
210 (defgeneric read-dns-rr (buffer))
211 (defmethod read-dns-rr ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer))
212 (let* ((name (read-domain-name buffer))
213 (type (query-type-id (read-unsigned-16 buffer)))
214 (class (query-class-id (read-unsigned-16 buffer)))
215 (ttl (read-unsigned-32 buffer))
216 (rdlen (read-unsigned-16 buffer))
217 (rdata (read-rr-data buffer type class rdlen)))
218 (make-instance 'dns-rr
219 :name name
220 :type type
221 :class class
222 :ttl ttl
223 :data rdata)))
225 (defgeneric read-message-header (buffer))
226 (defmethod read-message-header ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer))
227 (let ((id (read-unsigned-16 buffer))
228 (flags (read-unsigned-16 buffer))
229 (qdcount (read-unsigned-16 buffer))
230 (ancount (read-unsigned-16 buffer))
231 (nscount (read-unsigned-16 buffer))
232 (arcount (read-unsigned-16 buffer)))
233 (make-instance 'dns-message
234 :id id :flags flags
235 :qdcount qdcount :ancount ancount
236 :nscount nscount :arcount arcount)))
238 (defgeneric read-dns-message (buffer))
239 (defmethod read-dns-message ((buffer dynamic-input-buffer))
240 (let ((msg (read-message-header buffer)))
241 (with-slots (qdcount ancount nscount arcount) msg
242 (loop
243 :for i :below (dns-message-question-count msg)
244 :for q := (read-question buffer)
245 :do (add-question msg q))
246 (loop
247 :for i :below (dns-message-answer-count msg)
248 :for rr := (read-dns-rr buffer)
249 :do (add-answer-rr msg rr))
250 (loop
251 :for i :below (dns-message-authority-count msg)
252 :for rr := (read-dns-rr buffer)
253 :do (add-authority-rr msg rr))
254 (loop
255 :for i :below (dns-message-additional-count msg)
256 :for rr := (read-dns-rr buffer)
257 :do (add-additional-rr msg rr)))
258 msg))