[iolib.git] / src / streams / gray / io-helpers.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; --- Low-level I/O functions.
4 ;;;
6 (in-package :iolib.streams)
8 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; Input
10 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 (declaim (inline %read-once))
13 (defun %read-once (fd read-fn iobuf)
14 (declare (type function read-fn)
15 (type iobuf iobuf))
16 (loop
17 (handler-case
18 (return-from %read-once
19 (funcall read-fn fd (iobuf-end-pointer iobuf)
20 (iobuf-end-space-length iobuf)))
21 (isys:ewouldblock ()
22 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready fd :input nil t)))))
24 (declaim (inline %fill-ibuf))
25 (defun %fill-ibuf (iobuf fd read-fn)
26 (declare (type iobuf iobuf))
27 (let ((nbytes (%read-once fd read-fn iobuf)))
28 (if (zerop nbytes)
29 :eof
30 (progn (incf (iobuf-end iobuf) nbytes) nbytes))))
32 (declaim (inline %read-once/no-hang))
33 (defun %read-once/no-hang (fd read-fn iobuf)
34 (declare (type function read-fn)
35 (type iobuf iobuf))
36 (handler-case
37 (funcall read-fn fd (iobuf-end-pointer iobuf)
38 (iobuf-end-space-length iobuf))
39 (isys:ewouldblock () nil)))
41 (declaim (inline %fill-ibuf/no-hang))
42 (defun %fill-ibuf/no-hang (iobuf fd read-fn)
43 (declare (type iobuf iobuf))
44 (let ((nbytes (%read-once/no-hang fd read-fn iobuf)))
45 (cond
46 ((null nbytes)
48 ((plusp nbytes)
49 (incf (iobuf-end iobuf) nbytes)
50 nbytes)
51 ((zerop nbytes)
52 :eof))))
54 (defun %read-into-simple-array-ub8 (stream array start end)
55 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
56 (with-accessors ((fd fd-of)
57 (read-fn read-fn-of)
58 (iobuf input-buffer-of))
59 stream
60 (let ((octets-needed (- end start)))
61 (loop :with array-offset := start
62 :for octets-in-buffer := (iobuf-length iobuf)
63 :for nbytes := (min octets-needed octets-in-buffer)
64 :when (plusp nbytes) :do
65 (iobuf-copy-into-lisp-array iobuf (iobuf-start iobuf)
66 array array-offset nbytes)
67 (incf array-offset nbytes)
68 (decf octets-needed nbytes)
69 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf) nbytes)
70 :if (zerop octets-needed) :do (loop-finish)
71 :else :do (iobuf-reset iobuf)
72 :when (eql :eof (%fill-ibuf iobuf fd read-fn))
73 :do (loop-finish)
74 :finally (return array-offset)))))
76 (defun %read-into-string (stream string start end)
77 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
78 (loop :for offset :from start :below end
79 :for char := (stream-read-char stream)
80 :if (eql :eof char) :do (loop-finish)
81 :else :do (setf (char string offset) char)
82 :finally (return offset)))
84 (defun %read-into-vector (stream vector start end)
85 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
86 (loop :for offset :from start :below end
87 :for octet := (stream-read-byte stream)
88 :if (eql :eof octet) :do (loop-finish)
89 :else :do (setf (aref vector offset) octet)
90 :finally (return offset)))
93 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 ;;; Output
95 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 (defmacro with-hangup-guard (stream &body body)
98 (with-gensyms (bytes-written hangup-p)
99 `(multiple-value-bind (,bytes-written ,hangup-p)
100 (progn ,@body)
101 (declare (ignore ,bytes-written))
102 (when (eql :hangup ,hangup-p)
103 (error 'hangup :stream ,stream)))))
105 (defun %write-octets-from-foreign-memory (fd write-fn buf start end
106 &optional non-blocking)
107 (declare (type stream-buffer buf))
108 (let ((old-start start))
109 (do () ((= start end) (- start old-start))
110 (handler-case
111 (incf start (funcall write-fn fd (inc-pointer buf start) (- end start)))
112 (isys:epipe ()
113 (return (values (- start old-start) :hangup)))
114 (isys:ewouldblock ()
115 (if non-blocking
116 (return (- start old-start))
117 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready fd :output nil t)))))))
119 (defun %write-octets-from-iobuf (write-fn fd iobuf &optional non-blocking)
120 (declare (type iobuf iobuf))
121 (multiple-value-bind (bytes-written hangup-p)
122 (%write-octets-from-foreign-memory
123 fd write-fn (iobuf-data iobuf) (iobuf-start iobuf) (iobuf-end iobuf)
124 non-blocking)
125 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf) bytes-written)
126 (when (iobuf-empty-p iobuf) (iobuf-reset iobuf))
127 (values bytes-written hangup-p)))
129 (defun %flush-obuf-if-needed (stream)
130 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
131 (with-accessors ((fd fd-of)
132 (write-fn write-fn-of)
133 (iobuf output-buffer-of)
134 (dirtyp dirtyp))
135 stream
136 (when (or dirtyp (iobuf-full-p iobuf))
137 (multiple-value-bind (bytes-written hangup-p)
138 (%write-octets-from-iobuf write-fn fd iobuf)
139 (setf dirtyp nil)
140 (return* (values bytes-written hangup-p))))
143 (defun %write-simple-array-ub8 (stream array start end)
144 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
145 (with-accessors ((fd fd-of)
146 (write-fn write-fn-of)
147 (iobuf output-buffer-of))
148 stream
149 (cond ((iobuf-can-fit-slice-p iobuf start end)
150 (iobuf-append-slice iobuf array start end))
152 (with-hangup-guard stream
153 (%write-octets-from-iobuf write-fn fd iobuf))
154 (with-pointer-to-vector-data (ptr array)
155 (with-hangup-guard stream
156 (%write-octets-from-foreign-memory fd write-fn ptr start end)))))
157 array))
159 (defun %write-vector-ub8 (stream vector start end)
160 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
161 (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream (coerce vector 'ub8-sarray) start end))
163 (defun %write-vector (stream vector start end)
164 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
165 (loop :for offset :from start :below end
166 :for octet := (aref vector offset)
167 :do (stream-write-byte stream octet)
168 :finally (return vector)))
171 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 ;;; Character Input
173 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 (defun stream-find-lf (iobuf fd read-fn)
176 (declare (ignore fd read-fn)
177 (type iobuf iobuf))
178 (debug-only (assert (plusp (iobuf-length iobuf))))
179 (cond
180 ((= (iobuf-peek iobuf) #.(char-code #\Linefeed))
181 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf))
182 #\Newline)
183 (t nil)))
185 (setf (fdefinition 'stream-find-lf/no-hang) #'stream-find-lf)
187 (defun stream-find-cr (iobuf fd read-fn)
188 (declare (ignore fd read-fn)
189 (type iobuf iobuf))
190 (debug-only (assert (plusp (iobuf-length iobuf))))
191 (cond
192 ((= (iobuf-peek iobuf) #.(char-code #\Return))
193 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf))
194 #\Newline)
195 (t nil)))
197 (setf (fdefinition 'stream-find-cr/no-hang) #'stream-find-cr)
199 (defun stream-find-crlf (iobuf fd read-fn)
200 (declare (type iobuf iobuf))
201 (debug-only (assert (plusp (iobuf-length iobuf))))
202 (cond
203 ((/= (iobuf-peek iobuf) #.(char-code #\Return))
204 nil)
205 ((and (= 1 (iobuf-length iobuf))
206 (eql :eof (%fill-ibuf iobuf fd read-fn)))
207 nil)
208 ((= (iobuf-peek iobuf 1) #.(char-code #\Linefeed))
209 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf) 2)
210 #\Newline)
211 (t nil)))
213 (defun stream-find-crlf/no-hang (iobuf fd read-fn)
214 (declare (type iobuf iobuf))
215 (debug-only (assert (plusp (iobuf-length iobuf))))
216 (cond
217 ((/= (iobuf-peek iobuf) #.(char-code #\Return))
218 nil)
219 ((= 1 (iobuf-length iobuf))
220 (if (eql :eof (%fill-ibuf/no-hang iobuf fd read-fn))
222 :incomplete))
223 ((= (iobuf-peek iobuf 1) #.(char-code #\Linefeed))
224 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf) 2)
225 #\Newline)
226 (t nil)))
228 (defun maybe-rewind-iobuf (iobuf encoding)
229 (let ((max-octets-per-char
230 (babel-encodings:enc-max-units-per-char encoding)))
231 ;; Some encodings such as CESU or Java's modified UTF-8 take
232 ;; as much as 6 bytes per character. Make sure we have enough
233 ;; space to collect read-ahead bytes if required.
234 (when (< (- (iobuf-size iobuf)
235 (iobuf-start iobuf))
236 max-octets-per-char)
237 (iobuf-copy-data-to-start iobuf))))
239 (defun decode-one-char (fd read-fn iobuf encoding)
240 (debug-only (assert (plusp (iobuf-length iobuf))))
241 (loop
242 (handler-case
243 (multiple-value-bind (str ret)
244 (foreign-string-to-lisp (iobuf-data iobuf)
245 :offset (iobuf-start iobuf)
246 :count (iobuf-length iobuf)
247 :encoding encoding
248 :max-chars 1)
249 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf) ret)
250 (return* (char str 0)))
251 (babel:end-of-input-in-character ()
252 (let ((nbytes (%fill-ibuf iobuf fd read-fn)))
253 ;; Even if the buffer contains octets representing an
254 ;; incomplete character, we return EOF because the Gray
255 ;; streams API doesn't distinguish between "no data" and
256 ;; "partial data"
257 (when (eql :eof nbytes)
258 (return* :eof)))))))
260 (defun decode-one-char/no-hang (iobuf encoding)
261 (debug-only (assert (plusp (iobuf-length iobuf))))
262 (handler-case
263 (multiple-value-bind (string ret)
264 (foreign-string-to-lisp (iobuf-data iobuf)
265 :offset (iobuf-start iobuf)
266 :count (iobuf-length iobuf)
267 :encoding encoding
268 :max-chars 1)
269 (incf (iobuf-start iobuf) ret)
270 (char string 0))
271 (babel:end-of-input-in-character () nil)))
274 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 ;;; Character Output
276 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 (defun stream-write-lf (stream)
279 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
280 (let ((octets #.(map 'ub8-sarray #'char-code '(#\Linefeed))))
281 (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream octets 0 1)))
283 (defun stream-write-crlf (stream)
284 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
285 (let ((octets #.(map 'ub8-sarray #'char-code '(#\Return #\Linefeed))))
286 (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream octets 0 2)))
288 (defun stream-write-cr (stream)
289 (declare (type dual-channel-gray-stream stream))
290 (let ((octets #.(map 'ub8-sarray #'char-code '(#\Return))))
291 (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream octets 0 1)))
293 (declaim (inline %write-string-chunk))
294 (defun %write-string-chunk (stream string start end encoding)
295 (let* ((chunk-end
296 (or (position #\Newline string :start start :end end) end))
297 (octets
298 (babel:string-to-octets string
299 :start start :end chunk-end
300 :encoding encoding)))
301 (%write-simple-array-ub8 stream octets 0 (length octets))
302 chunk-end))